Beasts of Beyond
( I'll paint you a picture / 'prank' ) - Printable Version

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( I'll paint you a picture / 'prank' ) - SLOAN. - 10-26-2020

Prank was simply too strong for that which had been unknowingly set in motion. Possibly a misguided gift may be more fitting.

Early had arisen the vulpide, unexpected such occurrence for once such as hir with a deeply rooted nocturnal routine, bolstered by excitement. First experience with any such celebration that quickly closing in with each day that came to pass hir by and thus eager had ze grown to experience as much as possible, though miscommunication led to some odd outcomes. At the least harmless that which led ze to hir current objective.

Filled a basket with torn tissue paper, nestled within a selection of apples, some coated in chocolate, picked up from a certain smilodon, and others in more traditional toffee. About was also small jars filled with candies, though they were not to be the sweet treat one may expect. Without the sweet tooth many carried Sloan had grown a fondness for the sour side of things, projected upon others this love, at the least some were of a citrus flavour than being overly sour and may offer some respite.

Accompanied by another the journey was a rather easy affair, as far as the trip towards the shore situated group the return would be a matter all its own. Brief their halt as vegetation gave way, loam parting before sand through which rotted boards peeked, soon taken over entirely. Protesting groan announced each step ze made, hir skin left to prickle with discomfort at the sensation of the rotting material and the grating chorus. It seemed an eternity transpired before hir companion drew ze to an unsure halt, once more the sand arising forth at the base of stairs that seemed in better repair than that around them.

"Do you want to wait to give it to them."

Unspoken the quiet confirmation willing hir companion in simply leaving the gift here where it may be claimed rather easily without the need of their presence, slight the shake of hir head Sloan offered in response. And it was as such the basket, covered in a blanket to limit chance of scavengers picking at it, was left on the top step leading up to the boardwalk, atop a note perched and the pair already having begun their return journey. The note was simple, a few messy words scrawled across it in shakey lettering.

Happy Halloween, from Sloan Alithís Evgenis.
[Image: w-RKy25-Gfr-S5y.gif]
Roundest moon flutters on the river, night bird song coasting through heat hangs for a moment there cascades slowly down the thick air, landing somewhere by my feet waking up bugs try to repeat, a fine night to feel light
code by Wisker

Re: ( I'll paint you a picture / 'prank' ) - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

Rhinestone had a tendency to very rarely be on the boardwalk, although this usually wasn't intentional. Unlike the Twisted Forest's strange and unnerving aura that often kept him away, Rhine often found himself away from the boardwalk just because of the duties he had to attend to. Patrols, hunting, calling meetings, holding events... most of them could simply be done from their camp, so that was usually where he tended to stay most of the time. However, this didn't mean that he was always away from the towering wooden structure. No, he always made sure to make the occasional visit, the broad boards that made up the walk very rarely creaking beneath his small stature, despite the rot that infected most of them. He was on one of these occasional constitutionals out to the boardwalk, when the scent of Alithís Evgenis reached his nose. He picked up the pace a bit after that, figuring that perhaps it was Bai Shi, coming to tell them that it was time for battle, or for the other group's children to come stay with them.

However, when the tom arrived only to find the steps decidedly absent of anyone, from Alithís or otherwise, he felt a wave of confusion settle over him. He glanced around a bit, before his pale blue eyes eventually fell upon the basket of goodies that had been placed on the steps, and he immediately found himself smiling. The note was easy to read, and he found himself muttering softly, a chuckle leaving his throat, "How sweet of them, to leave us Halloween gifts..." He then pulled the basket closer to himself, paws carefully pulling away the tissue paper that decorated the inside. He ended up picking out one of the chocolate covered apples, a slow grin coming to his face as he took a lick of it. The immediate explosion of sweetness within his mouth was a pleasant one, and he felt a rumbling purr leave his throat, filling him with delight. Since he hadn't picked out one of the jarred candies, he was spared from any sour surprises, but that didn't mean others were spared as well. There were many different Palmclan members, and it was almost guaranteed that eventually one of them would come along and try one of the jarred candies. Of course, a sudden explosion of sourness from a candy wasn't totally unheard of, but the number of people who enjoyed sweet candies vastly outweighed the number of those who enjoyed sour ones.

Re: ( I'll paint you a picture / 'prank' ) - number nine. - 11-01-2020

Nine rather enjoyed this whole "prank war" thing that Palmclan had going on with Alithís Evgenis. Not only was it fun to think up potential pranks and figure out what others had done, but it was certainly a hell of a lot more relaxing than the wars that Number Nine was used to. Of course, it was sometimes difficult to tell when something was actually a prank, or a genuine gesture of goodwill – those were usually the best times, since that made it more fun. This was one of those times, where Nine just happened to be in the right place, at the right time. He had been flying high above the boardwalk, checking out everything that there was to see, if he was honest. He didn't often have assigned routes for his air patrols, instead choosing to go wherever the wind took him. This time, it had taken him towards the boardwalk, allowing him to swoop and soar low above the various buildings and see what was going on. It was pretty nice, especially since some of those living within the boardwalk had chosen to decorate their homes with various spooky things, and little battery powered lights. It made a pleasant sight, especially when one was flying over it all.

However, Number Nine's interest was truly piqued when he noticed Rhinestone down below, along with a basket of goodies. Allowing himself to swoop down, Nine spread out his large feathered wings, hovering down until his large paws met the crumbling wood of the boardwalk. He sniffed curiously at the gifts that had been left for them, chuckling before he muttered in agreement, "Yeah, real nice. Especially for those of us that might be a little too old for th'whole trick or treating shtick." Not that Number Nine didn't intend to dress up – he loved doing that, especially when Lewis was around to do it with him. Deciding that he had enough of just looking, Nine reached out to grab one of the various jars, fulling it over and popping open the top. He reached a large paw inside, managing to hook one of the brightly colored candies before popping it into his mouth. It took a moment for the treat's taste to hit him, but once it did, he found himself recoiling a bit. His nose wrinkled, and he grit out unpleasantly, "Ah... sour candies... I take back my nice comment." He wasn't really angry, just frustrated he had both fallen for a prank and lost out on his chance for something sweet.