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HELLBENT | DOVAH NEEDED/JOINING? - Sorrel - 10-25-2020

Lost in the sound
He was stressed. When wasn't he stressed? Trying to take care of a brother that managed to get himself into trouble constantly would do that to anyone. He had made a vow a long time ago that he would protect his brother with his life. With their parents gone and them on their own, they only had each other to rely on. Hircine knew his brother like the back of his claw, and he wondered what made him think that it would be okay for him to just let the other by himself while he went off to go do something. Hircine must have been far too distracted, and it was because of that negligence that his brother could be injured. Or worse, dead. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if that was the case. Both of the brothers had been through a lot together. They mostly stuck to themselves, not really much toward the groups that existed in the area. Hircine had always been the older brother that tried to show Dovah the ropes. However, it was always hard for Dovah to grasp the basics no matter how much Hircine had taught him. This didn't mean that he was going to give up on his brother. He had confidence that Dovah would be able to take care of himself at some point. That thought though terrified him. It made him feel as if he would no longer be needed by his brother and that he would be left alone. Hircine didn't have any other companions other than his brother. After all, his cold demeanor usually drove off anyone that encountered him. Not that he was complaining, as that demeanor had saved their asses more than once when approached by creatures that wanted to mess with them.

Despite the two brothers looking completely different, they were indeed related by blood. Hircine also used to be a domestic cat, one that was very similar to the coloration of his brother. As time went on while they were younger, Hircine had been granted the ability to use certain powers. It had been frightening at first, to wake up as a completely different creature with, his own family treating him like a threat before he explained himself. He wasn't even sure if his parents or even Dovah for that matter had any powers. He mostly used his powers to protect himself and others in self-defense. Hircine didn't overuse his powers as they did cause him a little bit of exhaustion, and even to this day, he was concentrating on keeping them in control. With no one to teach him how to harness his powers, he was forced to teach himself. The massive griffin learned a few tricks and his limits, but he wouldn't necessarily call his use of powers fancy and imaginative. That was mostly Dovah's field as he wasn't all that creative himself. After all, he had to focus on practical issues and the means of survival every day. Usually, it was easy to keep Dovah safe. The domestic cat simply rode on his back, meaning that creatures would have to go through him to get to his younger brother. He would find him. No matter what. It was his duty.

The owl wings that spread from the snow leopard griffin were shaped like that of an owl. This meant that it was almost impossible to hear him in the skies unless someone was using a type of power to find him. He hovered well above a forest, having followed Dovah's tracks in this direction. Scents didn't travel this far up into the air, so he was mostly using his enhanced vision to look for movement or any sign of his brother. He had to have gone this way, as it was a straight shot toward the ocean, leaving him nowhere else to go. His clawed forelimbs flexed as he looked down on the ground. Hircine was certainly a sight to behold. His body consisted of whites and blacks, a mixture of a snowy owl and snow leopard, with the regular head of a griffin and not one of an owl. He sported a long fluffy tail that helped him balance but didn't really help him all that much when to comes to fighting in the air. Ever since he was transformed into this mythical creature he had never managed to turn back. It had been a couple of years getting used to the new body, and he hoped one day that he might even return back to himself. Finally, seeing a clearing in the forest, well beyond the Palmclan border, Hircine folded his wings as he dived toward the ground. The griffin didn't take long as his 600lb body hit the ground somewhat hard. His bones took the impact, and it wasn't hard enough to sound like he was crashing. Dovah had to be nearby, and if he wasn't Hircine wasn't sure where to look next. He folded his wings around his body, and as soon as his paws touched the ground ice began to form around them. His breathing was fast as his vibrant yellow eyes looked around the forest, his long snow leopard tail lashing. Inhaling deeply, his wings slightly moved away from his body as his anger continued to rise in intensity. "DOVAH!" Hircine yelled, his voice booming through the forest. He was going to kill his brother. He was also going to hug his brother after giving him a stern talking to in making him go on a wild goose chase.

//Please wait for Dovah to reply first!


Re: HELLBENT | DOVAH NEEDED/JOINING? - rhosmari - 10-25-2020

There was still that nervous edge to him as time moved forward. What if he had gotten Hircine killed just because he went looking for him? What if he was eaten? That was so wrong because his older brother deserved a proper burial. But then again nothing has the guts or the will power to take his brother down. That much was a certainty, at least in his mind it was. His brother was a fierce fighter and has been really encouraging and always there for him. Especially after their parents left this world. He still remembered it and it caused an ache in his chest. But there was nothing they could do about it, not when he was the weakest link and frankly he blamed himself for their deaths. Shaking his head he looked out to the ocean, watching the waves move back and forth. He had never seen the ocean before and the sight of it was truly breathtaking. His tail flicked back and forth with the pace of the waves, sand pushing and pulling. Making small pools in little divets. It was simply amazing to see so much water. Humming softly he was trying to remain at ease, giving his mind a break but he found himself looking over his shoulder again. As if some monster was lurking just at the fringes of his sight. He didn't know anyone here and he was uncertain if he should be straight forward or mind his own business. He loved social interactions and wanted to but he also found himself moderately awkward. Blinking his sunrise eyes he watched a pair of felines walk by chatting together and he pulled his ears forward, leaning a bit as if he might go after them. But a sound, a vicious snap in the wind made him jerk up. His name belted forth through the heavy sounds of waves. "Hircine?!"

Oh, he knew that voice anywhere. Yet he didn't take in the emotional connotations of how he said his name. Instead he bolted. Throwing sand behind him as he left the beach in quite a hurry. His small bag bounced against his chest and he huffed as nostrils flared to take in scents. It had to be him. Paws pelted against wooden ground and he weaved his way though other animals, trying his hardest not to knock into them. Panting heavily he came to a sliding stop just outside of the forest and he shivered. But he would traverse hell and back for his brother. He owed him that much. "Hircine! I'm here! I can't believe you found me!" The young yet rather large black marked feline grinned brightly as he pushed down his fears and rushed forth into the woods and his brother was there. Standing proudly and looking healthy. The domestic cat gave a bright mrrow as he ran up to him, puffing out his chest a little and grinning brightly. "I thought I wouldn't see you again and look you're here! This place is pretty cool and the leader is so nice! You should come in and see them, the ocean is amazing. I didn't even know there was so much water in the world!" He began to excitedly babble on and on about what he had seen, oblivious to his own brother's apparent anger at his folly.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: HELLBENT | DOVAH NEEDED/JOINING? - Sorrel - 10-25-2020

Lost in the sound
/Everyone can now post! Also given permission to powerplay

Their parent's death had been a stark reminder of the world that they lived in. Hircine was very strong-willed, but even then it was difficult for him to remain his composure when he had to tell Dovah knowing exactly how distraught he would be. It was a hard loss to lose parents, but it was something everyone had to go through eventually. Even if a parent was to die of old age, it was still hurt just the same as if they were killed by someone else. No one could outrun death when it wanted you in its grasps, and Hircine knew that well and true. Hircine simply cried in private where Dovah wouldn't be able to see or hear him. Hircine had tried his best to comfort his brother, doing everything that he could to distract him. Dovah seemed to be okay after a while, but Hircine still didn't feel like he had done enough to help his younger sibling. Especially if Dovah was hiding anything from him, which probably wasn't common but could still happen. His brother was scatterbrained, but he was hardly a liar in that regard. Both of them had lived together alone for most of their lives once their parents died. There were a couple of instances where they came across groups, but for the most part, they steered clear of them. Dovah would always convince him to go near them so that he could sell them some of their things. Hircine didn't get the point of it all, but if it made his brother happy that was all he cared about. Hircine heard plenty of horror stories about groups that had multiple different creatures in them. And how there always just seemed to be trouble following them. Hircine just wanted his brother safe and happy. It was the reason he followed him everywhere. If anything, Dovah had Hircine wrapped around his paw if he just gave him a sad look if he refused something at first. The griffin knew he had to be stronger, but maybe his heart was too soft with family.

Hircine's long tufted ears were perked while he was on the ground. He listening for either enemies or the sound of his brother's voice. He could already hear movement around him, his head turning in the direction of the sounds. He could see eyes peeking at him through the forest, but they kept their distance. He wasn't here for them, he was here for his brother, and then they could leave. Hircine wasn't really here to cause trouble, but if someone had taken his brother he was going to put an icicle through their chest and freeze them solid. The thought of his brother being hurt caused ice spikes to form around the ice that he was already standing on. The air around him grew colder as his beak clicked in a threat display. Nothing approached him. It only took a couple of seconds for him to hear his brother's words. Hircine nearly collapsed in relief in hearing his brother's voice. Hircine had almost started to walk in that direction before the tom burst out of the trees in front of him. His yellow eyes looked over the domestic cat, not spotting any sort of injuries. There was no scent of blood or infection coming from him either. He was okay. That's all that mattered. But he wasn't done yet. Yes, he was happy to see his brother, but he also had to lecture him as any older brother would. Hircine didn't absorb any of the words Dovah said, and instead as soon as he started speaking ice quickly traveled from his white and black spotted paws to cover Dovah's. The ice would hold his brother in place where he was standing, as his wings unfurled slightly showing his full size, as he lowered his head to be leveled with his brother. His yellow eyes showed that he was not happy. "DOVAH! What have I said constantly about you walking off?! This is the third time just this month that you've done this. You know what can happen when you walk off without me, you could end up seriously HURT. We have signals to find each other for a reason and you use them. UNDERSTOOD?" Hircine shouted at his younger brother, cold breath escaping his beak right into Dovah's face. His eyes searched the other's face while he lectured him. Yes, he was being a hardass. But he needed to be in this world of killed or be killed. Once his brother understood what he was saying, was the only time that Hircine would relax and become calmer.


Re: HELLBENT | DOVAH NEEDED/JOINING? - rhosmari - 10-29-2020

He wasn't prepared for it even if all the signs of his brother's anger was still very much apparent in front of him. All he knew was that he eas so happy that his brother was here with him. Yet the ice that covered his paws soon gained his attention and he looked down at it with a perplexed expression on but face. Huh? It wouldn't let him move either and he pulled gently, hoping it would give way but when it didn't he finally looked up. Only to be met by the viciously angry expression of his brother. Oh no. He knew Hircine's anger knew no bounds that much was certain and he quivered, cowering down as his brother laid into him. After all he damn did deserve it but he hadn't wanted his brother to he angry with him. Third time this month. Had it been so many. The last time he remembered it pretty well and it had in fact gotten him hurt but he was alive. His ears pinned against his skull, eyes growing watery as he listened to his brother. He got it. He definitely got it and he was so sorry for the burden he put in his brother. It wasn't his fault he was sure of that and only he had himself to blame for disappearing the way that he did and not even trying to use the signals. The only reason why was because he had forgotten them but he didn't want to tell Hircine that. "I-I'm s-s-sorry..." He stammered out as he looked away from his brother and at a tree that was close by. Nothing in this forest could scare him like having his family upset and especially because of himself.

Carefully he looked up at Hircine then as he tried not to let the cold from the ice effect him. It wad freezing his limbs after all. "I won't do it again... I promise. I just...I got caught up in everything. But at least we are here together, right?" And there was this new place and all of these strange animals and the big wide water that they told him was an ocean. And so much sand and well there was just so much that was new and exciting here.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]


Along the edges of the boardwalk and the forest, a lone tiger prowled at the edges of camp. Vaas' patrol was early, but considering the wintering moons ahead, such an uptake of certain tasks wouldn't be an issue, it gave him more time to go out hunting and preserving those kills during the day. In a way of preparations for what was to come, what will come, if Rhine's words the last meeting meant anything. Vaas was now a waverunner, and even though his task load was minimal, it didn't mean that he wouldn't take them seriously. As od yet he hadn't much been caught returning from the boarder, but the scents of the typhoon and Palmclan were so similar enough, that the sharp sting of the sea was enough to wash away any edges of the other clan, out of his pelt.

Maybe it was guilt; at first it might've been. Yet such a voracious grin that slipped his maw as he heard the snapping of a name, one of theirs, the sight of such a beast landing within their borders... Such distraction were seen more as a gift in comparison; such a promise to fight could never be ignored from the Pirate. It was simply, uncharacteristic of him, to not show himself, to not play

the ease he pushed most thoughts away as he walked closer, the striped siberian beast's claws digging deep into the ground with each pawstroke, Vaas' natural prowl took a step back as he slowed his pace, ears twitching along his scarred head to catch hearing of what was being shouted. Dovah had appeared first. Which gained insight, if lowered his own chances of a worthy fight. Instead he came almost to a stop, listening intently...


"Such a, ah- interesting sight." The tiger practically melted out from behind the undergrowth of the forest, it was not as the Jungle he were born into, but the hill in the air made a sense of home that Vaas couldn't shake, the chilly grin along his maw was menacing, if only he could look the griffin in the eye. Instead he kept an eye on those withdrawn wings, studying the griffin with an intensity. "At least you know Elsa cares, Anna"

If Vaas was searching for something, he found it. Careful glance towards Dovah and the tiger stepped closer still. sitting farther back from the two but very clearly on the side of the smaller sibling, his smile turning into something more... rueful. "I would say welcome to Palmclan, but you've crossed the border a couple paces back, actually." Palmcln was bordered by the forest, but since word of Medusa's own dislike of the water and her favorite spots being within the forest, most of them had taken to include a few yards of the forests as well.

Vaas sat down along the forested floor, enjoying the colder chill that seemed to take in the cluster of tree's the fell under, the tiger relishing the brief chill more than he would say, but if the careful choice of his words, were the only indication of a hidden thanks. "Name's Vaas, I'm a waverunner, and you're Hicine, right?"
[Image: a.gif]
[color=#d43d1a]"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "


The wrath and worry filled call of Dovah's name was enough to spur Rhinestone into action, albeit slowly. Even if Dovah wasn't officially a member of Palmclan, the tom had to admit he had developed a fondness for the other. How could he not, when the other feline was still so wide eyed and innocent, even as he was seemingly an adult? It was rare to see anyone still have the same sense of childlike wonder that Dovah seemed to have, and that immediately made Rhine want to protect him. Although, it seemed as though Hircine clearly knew what kind of effect his brother could have on people, considering he seemingly ventured everywhere with him. Despite Dovah's earlier mention of having a brother, Rhinestonestar's blood was full of ice cold anxiety as he stumbled up to his paws, sand scattering beneath his feet as he got up from his laying position. So much for a nice nap near the middle of camp, it seemed. It wasn't too long before he was sprinting off in the direction of the voice, following the scent of Dovah that led there as well. Thankfully, Vaas's scent intermingled with it before long, providing the leader with at least a little bit of a sense of comfort. He trusted Vaas, both as a waverunner and as a friend, so he knew that the tiger wouldn't allow any harm to come to Dovah - not if he had the chance to, anyways.

It took a few moments for Rhine to finally arrive beside Vaas, gasping a little for breath as he came to stand beside the waverunner. His flank connected with the ground before long, falling into a sitting position because of the strain from going from a dead sleep to a frantic sprint. Thankfully, it seemed as though Vaas had the situation handled. Or, at the very least, he had seen more of what had happened already. His mention of Anna and Elsa made it fairly clear that this was indeed the brother that Dovah had been speaking about, which also explained the angered expression that twisted Hircine's face in an ugly expression. Or, at least, what Rhine assumed was an ugly expression, considering he had never really seen a creature like Hircine before. He had seen owls, yes, but nothing like the strange amalgamation of different animals that was standing before him. Shrugging those thoughts off for now, Rhine found himself muttering, jaw clenched from the strange chill that occupied the air around Hircine, "Hello there... I suppose this isn't exactly the best introduction you could've gotten to Palmclan. I apologize, although we have been taking very good care of your brother, I assure you..." Dovah might have been a bit confused by what exactly he was supposed to do while within the group, but he wasn't hurt. Besides, that could be corrected later, if the pair decided to stay within Palmclan for a longer amount of time.

The absolutely brutal cold that seemed to occupy Hircine's space definitely made Rhine want to pull away, considering he was far more acclimated to warm or hot temperatures, but he stood his ground. He didn't want the griffin to think that Rhinestone was uncomfortable around him - although he was fairly sure that the ice cold air around Hircine was meant to be intentionally uncomfortable for Dovah. Forcing his body to relax for the moment, the tom continued, his long tail twitching behind him as he explained to the larger male, "I can promise you that your brother has been safe here... and even if he wandered off, I'm sure he didn't mean to worry you intentionally. Mistakes happen." A brief flash of bashful heat passed over the rust red tom before he quickly continued, "I should... probably introduce myself. I'm Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of the group that has been taking care of your brother. It's nice to finally meet you, after having heard about you when he first arrived..." Of course, when Dovah had first arrived and explained his situation, Rhine hadn't been expecting someone quite so harsh. The other feline had spoken so highly of his protective brother... although he supposed that was natural, with all the other seemingly did for him.