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now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - Printable Version

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now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - Orion - 10-23-2020

Goodness. It had been awhile. Had the alliance between The Typhoon and Tanglewood been that lackluster lately? Raymond, if he wasn't so dormant these days, would have guessed otherwise. Nevertheless, it was still his duty to check up on the pirates and give them gifts every now and then. With that in mind, the panther had prepped a small basket with a few items. It's contents were: three rat carcasses (freshly cleaned, of course), a few raw pieces of steel from the junkyard, various herbs for their medic, native berries, and two skull masks. Whether they used the items or not, he didn't necessarily care. The majority of it was essentials, but the skulls were more so for decoration or perhaps Halloween.

After a long walk on the railroad tracks, he arrived at the shore with a huff. A thump sounded as the basket fell from his jaws and onto the soft sand. "Afternoon, darlings," came his deep voice. "I'm here as an ambassador of Tanglewood, checking in on how The Typhoon is doing." Without further ado, his large paw guided his gift forward so they could observe it's contents.


Re: now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - trojan g. - 10-24-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]It seemed as though as of late, there were many members of other groups on their borders. Torsten had met a dragon from one such group, scary and interesting all at once, so when the call from another member at the border came, Torsten quickly found his paws moving him forward towards the border, curiosity once again piqued. Let down a little bit by the appearance of the other - he was no dragon and thus not as interesting as others had been - he still found himself drawn forward by the words that Raymond spoke. "Tanglewood?" He had heard of the other group somewhere, but simply as something that they were not enemies with, "What's it like there?" He knew not of the swamp or the crater that was left there from a meteor long ago, just simply that it was a place that existed.

He dared not to answer the question that hung in the air of how they were doing, for the child wasn't too sure. Everything was amazing and there were no issues on his own end, but for all he knew there were attacks from places every day and they were horrible. At least he was well fed and had a nice dry bed to call his own at the end of the night, and his world didn't extend far from there.

Re: now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - Keona. - 10-24-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The petite wildcat felt her eyes narrow on impulse.  Her ears twitched back irritably.  She brushes it off with some air, tiny paws coming to a halt besides Torsten.  She didn't do pet names.

Still.  Keona inclined her head, expression neutral.  It was nice to receive a visit from an ally.  And not a prank... Though she had hardly heard anything to suggest that little 'war' was over yet... Her nose twitched.  No.  It smelled more like herbs and fresh meat.  Ambassador gifts.  Maybe Raymond wasn't the prankster type.

"Mahalo.  We're well." she offered up politely, the tip of her tail twitching.  Her relatively quiet, but steady voice faded, preferring to allow the Tangler to answer Torsten's inquiry rather than continue speaking.  She had nothing else to say and the boy was probably curious.

Re: now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - michael t. - 10-28-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Tanglewood. Michael wasn't a massively huge fan of their allied group, nor did he imagine they were a huge fan of him. Or, at least, they wouldn't be, if they knew who he really was. His accidental kidnapping of Moth was now far in the past, and he doubted that it would get dredged up anytime soon, but he still found himself anxious whenever a tangler came by. Despite this, he always made a habit of approaching when they did. After all, he didn't want to appear suspicious, and interacting with allies was part of his job as a dealer. So, even with the voice in his head telling him to stay far away from Raymond and the gifts that he offered, the bobcat made his way over, bright gold jewelry glinting in the light. He doubted that too much exciting would go on here – after all, it was just a simple ambassador visit.

The thief's eyes lingered for a moment on the basket of gifts that Raymond had pushed forward, intrigued by the skull masks that were present. In addition to that, the strong smell of herbs caused him to smile, knowing that Roan would no doubt be pleased. Rolling his shoulders, Michael found himself speaking up, "Hey there... like Keona said, we've been doing pretty good lately. No real issues popping up, far as I know. Thanks for the herbs, though. Our medics will be happy about that." It almost felt foreign to him to say medics, considering how long Roan had been without any true assistance. However, it was hardly a bad thing, and Michael was glad to see his nephew finally able to take some strain off of his own shoulders.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - ROXANNE R. - 10-28-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
It seemed to be that one guy she had met before and frankly, she took no favor to him. The Quartermaster making her way over noticing that her brother and child were already present, she had to be nice though... Politics and all, besides, Vigenere pissed her off enough as it is. It would probably be best to not step on every Tanglewood members toes, she brushed past Michael before standing behind Torsten with a frown on her maw. With a flick of her ear, the Quartermaster would sit down slowly before addressing herself with a curt nod "Quartermaster Roxanne." If Raymond tried to call her darling, well, she'd probably rip his tongue out though that would be rather harsh of her... But she didn't like men who used a simple slip of the tongue towards any women they came within sight. The thought itself made her sour due to her past relationships but she brushed it away not wanting it to interfere.

"Thank you for the herbs." She said with a click of her tongue only to nod slowly to what Michael and Keona had told Raymond, they were doing quite well after the whole meteor shower. It was nice to say the least but sometimes Roxanne felt as if everything had gone too quiet, it filled her with unease but for the most part did she choose to ignore it. "How is Tanglewood?" She inquired with her whiskers twitching, her tail wrapped around Torsten in a protective manner yet her voice was firm... Her eyes glowed with disinterest.


Re: now testify / tanglewood ambassador visit - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 10-29-2020

Clan politics was something that always intrigued Finn. When he wasn't pestering the adults about their allegiances, history, enemies, wars, and everything else in between, the young Roux child would wander near the gate, hoping to see someone from another group. While he would forever remain loyal to his home, the kitten often wondered what it was like outside the Typhoon. Was it harsh and unforgiving, or was it perhaps even safer than their island home? He hoped he could see the other groups one day- peacefully, at least.

The draconic feline was doing his usual walk when he heard the commotion at the gate, causing him to pick up the pace. Approaching beside his mother, Finnegan would stare intently at the panther, the expression on his face a mixture of curiosity and wonder. He had a lot of questions but for now, he would remain silent, not wanting to throw too many at the stranger. Besides, his brother Torsten had already asked one for him.