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PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - Printable Version

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PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - VASS . - 10-22-2020

The sure sight of the sun rising over the waters was calm, peaceful. If not for the location Vaas might’ve smiled at such a sight: beautiful, and welcoming the waves that washed upon the shore creating a sound so faithfully known, vital to the tiger as much as breathing, as much as war. It was home far more than any place, any isle or clan could ever be.

There was no time to enjoy it though, calming the morning rose to meet the warrior but tumultuous the thoughts. Gravel underfoot paved way for nothing more than a barrier to the place he sought. The native returning to the isle he was born to: The typhoon.

Seeing it after the volcano, it looked almost as if… as if nothing had changed. The tiger could push past the border now and be welcomed amidst his tribe off of the haven isle. Could ignore the clan that tried to claim it and return home, Ignore forget the clan he now claimed outside this small island and return to the expected. He closed his eyes for a moment it was a nice dream, but reality was set in stone, and when he opened his eyes again he smothered the wish as quickly as he held it.

He didn’t have the time to remiss, to sit here and idle, even know coming to the typhoon for help was dangerous. It was a selfish thing, a selfish want for he betterment of his own clan. He knew the island dwelling clan could easily ignore him; and he expected it. Expected a great many things, but that didn’t stop him from trying, from sitting here and demanding to be helped- aided anyway.

Oi, you Pirate-wannabe fucks” The tiger ignored the bell that taunted him, sneering yellowed fangs reflecting off the tarnished bell as he prowled, pacing along the edge of the border. “My name is Vaas, I lived here before, I need to speak to GoldenLuxury, or her right hand

There was a reason for asking for goldie right start. She had seen palmclan, knew his new home and secondly he knew that she would feel honnor bound to help, if nothing else the fact they held Lovekit inside their borders and released him whole-safe happy. Would at least help him with why he was here.

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - ROSEMARY - 10-22-2020


The jungle foliage twitched, green leaves trembling, until Rosemary popped out. The ocelot’s amber eyes glinted in the sunlight. The forked ends of her tail swayed, coiling and curling, high in the air—but, no higher than Vaas’s own shoulder. The slender witch, impassive as always, stepped closer. Her paw tapped the golden bell, thrice, while she stared up at the tiger’s face.

“Goldenluxury and Roxanne will be here soon, I’m sure,” Rosemary said. She didn’t use their nicknames now for the obvious politicalness of the situation. “Though I don’t think insulting her to her face would be a good move.”

One eye squinted at him, and she wondered why he came so far. Crossing from PalmClan was no easy journey, unless you cheated with wings—or air magic, in Rosemary’s case—so there must be some purpose. She adjusted the satchel over her shoulder, sighed, and sat down next to the bell to wait.

Re: PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - ROXANNE R. - 10-22-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
"Rosemary has a point." Came the voice of the Quartermaster as she walked over to the scene with a lash of her fluffy tail, a faint frown on her maw as she took in the sight of Vaas. Just another man who seemed full of himself, Roxie had seen em all but she decided not to dwell on that thought for long as she stood beside her sister with both ears swiveled forward in an attentive manner. She had never met Vaas but then again she had been gone for a year or so, perhaps she had missed his joining around that time but at the moment it didn't seem like she cared. She and her niece were both busy women, had better things to do than to possibly listen to some shithead calling them wannabe pirates. She bit down on her tongue to avoid saying anything insulting though it would've been in a playful kind of way, her mismatched gaze locked onto the tiger growing rather uninterested by the passing seconds.

"So... What exactly do you want or need, lost boy?" She would sit down with her tail curling neatly around her forepaws with a twitch of her whiskers, the thought of having to deal with politics or other groups if she ever became captain made her somewhat dread it. Though she knew that it wouldn't be for a long while seeing as her niece was still fit and doing just fine as the current captain. A soft sigh brushed past her lips "Also, a word of advice... Come up with better insults. That's such a boring one. You gotta be a lot more creative if you want all of my attention." Mused the Quartermaster with a toothy grin, her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits.

"Quartermaster Roxanne, here to listen to your possible griping."


Re: PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - bubblegum - 10-22-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The scent of PalmClan was not one her nose had yet become familiar with, seeing as she's only taken it in a few times, the most being as it clung to her son a few days after he'd finally returned. It's not so different from their own - the sandy beaches, fish, and flora. And, honestly, the up and coming group hadn't really been on her mind since Lovekit had returned home. There was not much reason to dwell on it, they'd done a good deed in taking care of her child, and she'd gone on her way. Perhaps she would owe them some sort of favor, if they were to ask for it, but she wouldn't actively encourage them to request one. Taking care of a child, after all, was basic decency she'd hope any individual would understand, even if she knew several that didn't.

In all honesty, Goldenluxury hadn't needed to think about politics for a good while, and she preferred to keep it that way. While her guild was specifically in communications, she much preferred the strategic aspect of it, visiting allies, and the mischief in espionage, even if she chose to only use it when she truly needed to. Anything else was just kind of a nuisance, and if she had her way, the Typhoon would be cut off from external politics altogether. Aside from perhaps Tanglewood, she didn't mind their company, and they'd proven to be the right decision for an ally. But, PalmClan, they still sat with the "I don't really feel like seeing them" category. They didn't piss her off like the Pitt did, but they didn't seem like a fantastic use of time and energy either, unless it was for something small in return for Lovekit's treatment.

The captain didn't mind seeing Vaas, though, she supposes. She had fond memories of him as a former member, even if they'd not necessarily been very close. He got to see her just as she'd stepped into her position, both in her life and in her fiery death. And he still clearly held some sort of respect for her, which she'd return the favor towards him. She walks up next to Rosemary and Roxie, offering a nod to them both. "Aye, is' okay, it takes one t' know one." She'd respond with a casual smirk to his "wanna-be pirates" comment. "What do you need?"

Re: PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - VASS . - 10-22-2020

Decency, normal fucking decency: It was the only hope the tiger truly had here. Still there was a relief to see Rosemary, as bristled as the tiger felt, a familiar face in the suddenly harrowing task he had set himself to when crossing such a far distance seemed all the more perilous. It was decent, what his clan did, decent that they welcomed even him amongst them. Yet there was a truth that Goldenluxury knew, that Vaas felt: there was so much worse that could happen, and at this point, Vaas was expected the worse as if it were normal.

The tiger did not do anything as sure as cocking his head, halting at Rosemary’s words, and instead taking them in with a rictus grin set on his face, the grim set into his eyes did not meet the pair of eyes of the witch, instead shifting his direction back towards the bell, the same small feeling suddenly too ill form. “You’re a clan surrounded by the waves, but it is something different to be made from them.

His eyes shifted towards Roxane as she approached, the dismissive look, the uninterested sense of importance on the quartermaster made him sick The smile that he struggled to maintained fell at such an audience, his tail a lash against the sands behind him, he had half a mind to invoke the leader’s name again. He had no time for this, no time for posturing and ego.

My clan does not know I am here, bogatstvo” abundance, wealth, power. The title that fell from Vaas’ lips was unconscious tick of his and he didn’t revoke the title he gave, instead he pressed further in. Smashing his own self-worth to look Goldenluxury in the eye, a challenge if he were not so desperate. Or even more so one, let his desperation bleed into his eyes, let the implications of his words he heard loud and clear, to everyone here.

But they will,” Let that those who think this is a rouse pay attention. “I left this clan, this place not expecting- or wanting to find another place. Yet I did, I found less a clan and more a family, cousin” A native of this island, he had spent so much time running from here and all the ghosts it held for him, and so haunted and hunted by the nightmares, the history. The fact he returned here made it clear, he would rather spit at goldenluxuries feet- for all his respect for her, then return.

It sang, in his body, the sudden attention that the leader rapt from the warrior, the stranger that he now was to his homeland. To his native island- he felt like an outsider. Suddenly he only craved home, and home was longer here.

Rosemary had offered to help us, once; if one of us wished to learn the way of healing, this is- something like that” Vaas spoke, cutting his glance towards rosemary’s speckled paws before flickering back- no longer quite meeting goldie in the eyes as much as looking at the golden brow of the captain. “One of our own succumbed to the ocean, heard it calling to ‘em. Goldie, this is personal to your father’s tribe- and now your clan’s own rites” This was why he asked for them, there was the warrior pleading with the ability- the permission to even try.

Since Vaas was a kid he knew the other tribe, the sister tribe that the Clan was held against, that the clan was built from. A roux’s name held power, and Vaas? He couldn’t even claim his last matron’s name anymore without shivering. His tribe was ash, burnt- he wished nothing of it now, but clung to the connection it gave.

A bright shock of laughter broke from the tiger, “Like a siren Cuz, that sound familiar to you? Hm?” He shook his head, turning his square head towards the banks of a far off island of haven isle. “I need the herbs that stop that, and I’m asking for them, to stop my clan’s fear of it’s own fucking shore. Half the border, it scares her.

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: PEERLESS THE SOUND . Visitor - ROSEMARY - 10-23-2020


Rosemary’s empathy burns at his story. She connected with Sephiroth’s mind when the Roseblood leader lost himself to a voice inside his head—a siren by any other name sings just as sweetly. She touched Pincher’s mind when he returned from the dead, unable to scratch the surface of his thoughts before flung out by the screaming wails. She remembers these experiences now, though she shakes her head and tries to dislodge the remnants of the voices from her mind’s ear.

“Yes, I offered to help teach medicine to your Clan. It is the right thing to do,” Rosemary says. She glances at Roxie and Goldie, and the smaller pair of eyes can’t decide which one to linger on more. She sighs, main eyes squinting, and she taps the bell as she thinks.

“But I do not think… what you ask is possible.” How she wished a tea, an ointment, any simple remedy would’ve worked on Sephiroth. Everything in the Rosebloods turned to shit when he began listening to the voice over his own mind, and Rosemary bitterly blames him for the group’s collapse. He is the reason why she and Jiyu couldn’t stay together.

All four amber eyes converge on him again. Rosemary’s tails flick. She reads, she learns, she adapts. Medicine is as much of an art as it is a science. Trial and error. Accidental discoveries. Similar symptoms from entirely different conditions. The ocelot isn’t ready to throw out all hope simply from a secondhand perspective from someone’s mental condition.

“There are a number of things this could be. An outside voice, like a siren, yes. Or an internal one, from a mind that needs help. Or it could simply be a trauma response; drowning is more reason than plenty of thalassophobia sufferers have.” Her speckled paw returns to the soil, and she tilts her head. “I would need to see her myself. It’s too complex of an issue to be solved with diagnosing her from your account. What would I do? Give you psychedelics to treat her with? That would be appropriate for a trauma response, but not for the others, and guiding her poorly could cause no improvement, anyway.”

She sighs and looks at Goldie. Perhaps the captain knows some remedy that worked for Pincher. But, if such a remedy exists, Rosemary doesn't know about it.