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DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - Printable Version

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DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - RHINESTONE. - 10-20-2020

When Rhinestone had received his task, he had been rather caught off guard by the creativity of it. He hadn't exactly expected Quasar to come up with boring tasks, but it did put an interesting spin on things. After all, it not only involved cleaning up the territory, but it also meant getting into the Halloween spirit. Rhine was always more than eager to do that, so he had gotten to work not too long after the task assignments, choosing to deal with the boardwalk first. He knew there would be no way he could clean it all up, but he cleared some of the junk off of the main pathways, packing it all up in a large cloth sheet that was easy for him to drag along behind himself. The makeshift pack certainly earned him a few odd looks, but he mostly just ignored them, cleaning all the way up to where the boardwalk met the forest before he eventually stopped. Once he had reached where the towering trees were, it was time to move on to the next part of his task.

While still dragging his bundle of boardwalk junk behind him, the tom began to clear the leaves that had fallen from the trees, as well. It was a slow process, especially since he practically had to just shove them around with his upper body. Eventually, however, he was able to make it back to the beach, with both a bunch of junk and tons of leaves to work with. The thought made a smile come to his face, mainly because he knew that the rest of the process would be much less painless – he just had to be creative, which was something that he actively enjoyed doing.

The next hour or so of Rhinestonestar's life was spent just putting sculptures together, humming several different tunes to himself as he worked. The sculptures he made were sort of like snowmen, or scarecrows. Only, instead of the usual materials, they were made from sand and leaves, decorated with many different unique accessories made from the boardwalk junk. One had an abandoned tire fit snugly around its "waist," meant to represent an inner tube meant for swimming. Some had scraps of cloth draped on them to represent clothing, and one even had a crown atop its head made of twigs and paperclips. Stepping back to admire his work, Rhine tapped a paw thoughtfully against his chin before shoving the leftover leaves forward, using them to fill the gaps between the sculptures. That way, it looked as though they made up a solid wall of Halloween in the middle of the beach. Plus, the leaf piles were perfect for jumping in, and would probably end up protecting the sculptures from possible destruction by rambunctious kits.

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - METEOR - 10-22-2020

Quasar took a break from apprentice duties to wander on the beach, and he smelled of the salt and sand. The breeze ripped the water droplets right off his fur, though it also sent a shiver down his spine. The canine probably shouldn’t have taken a swim this late in the season, and he admitted it. Well. He learned his lesson.

Even so, he forgot most of his shivering troubles when he came across the monument to Halloween lined on the beach. With Rhinestonestar admiring the work, Quasar put two and two together. A grin widened on his muzzle. His tail wagged behind him, and the pup leaped into a pile, giddy with energy.

After a minute of rolling in leaves, shaking off the saltwater, and chomping on sticks, Quasar rolled out of the pile. Tiny sticks and leaf bits stuck to his vaporwave coat, but he didn’t feel them. He wouldn’t care, anyway. The autumn spirit was infectious. Especially when combined with some interesting Halloween sculptures.

“Hella rad work, Dadorito. I particularly like the crown with the paperclips. Oh! And the tire. That’s damned clever.” He grinned wider, and shook his paws at the statues dramatically, pointing out his favorites as though Rhinestonestar wasn’t the one that fucking made them. “Hahaha! I count this Halloween task a success!”

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - Grimm - 10-22-2020

To speak aloud the name of the devil was to invite such unwelcome presence. Best may it have been sealed had been lips on occasion such as this, an inviting beacon the quiet call, be it aloft on only a hushed whisper, though only for so long may child be dissuaded.

Lonesome had grown the underground hollow designated for caretakers and their charges as time wore on, from their rank taken many until only three lingered behind. Yet too soon would he be entirely devoid of company, such the woes of youth. From observation had he been rather quick to slip as boredom arose in a dark, roiling cloud above tiny head, dour a mood once bright, supposedly ceaseless energy depleted as he walked without destination. Closer the hold that had been placed around him, issue both his habitual escape attempts and further skill growth had allowed him to hone, allowed, at least, his usual treks along the shoreline.

During one such his momentum came to a halt and confusion twisted gentle visage, illuminated after a moment as mouth stretched, a grin worn so long after the last had been shed. A streak of ivory and silver the child that propelled himself forward with as much haste as he could achieve, stolen his laughter as he launched himself forward. Poor his aim, however, and where his destination seemed the gathered leaves between each sandman he collided with the base of one, left dazed as it trembled briefly.

Head arose, alike paw that rubbed at where contact had been made, hushed his voice as he uttered a few strained word. "Dumb sand." At the least the integrate of the construct was secure, settling after a time as Foam dragged himself back from it, more careful now as he slid into the gathered leaves. Upwards thrust his nose before a throat paint ivory grew visible, a tiny head all that may be seen from a side of the amassed vegetation.
[Image: B03r9ds9-HWWR-1.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - RHINESTONE. - 10-25-2020

Seeing the utter joy on Quasar's face alone was enough to leave Rhinestone pleased with himself, and calling this entire endeavor a success. After all, he had been given the task by Quasar, and he was always happy with the opportunity to make his son happy, even if it was through something silly like this. The leader found himself chuckling at the leaves that sprayed out from between the sandmen, thoroughly displaced by the present of the vaporwave canine within them. The rust red feline found himself purring, reaching one of his paws out to flick a few clinging leaves from Quasar's pelt, "I'm glad that you're happy with what I've put together, Quasar. The task itself definitely fit into the spirit of things... and gave me the perfect art project to clean up some of the junk that was still sitting around the boardwalk." He pressed a paw briefly against the tire that was fit snugly around one of the sandmen's waists, a proud little smirk on his muzzle. It would be a shame when the tide fully came in, and he would have to properly dispose of everything.

Stepping back, Rhine was about to ask if Quasar wanted to make one himself, only to hear the eager steps of unstable paws as Foamkit came charging forth. The tom opened his mouth to warn Foam that he was a little off with his aim, but it was already too late, and Rhinestone winced as the kit's nose collided with the base of the sandman. Thankfully, Foamkit's small form wasn't enough to do something too damaging, like being the entire sculpture down on top of himself. It took only a moment for the other to find his way into the lead pile proper, and Rhine let out a soft snort of amusement as he saw the child shift before settling. Reaching out one of his long limbs once again, Rhinestone attempted to gently boop Foamkit on his exposed nose, saying with a lighthearted snicker, "Looks like one of the first things your future mentor will have to work on is your aim, huh Foamkit?" It was debatable whether or not Foam would understand the teasing remark, but if he did, Rhine was sure he was about to be fixed with a cold childish glare.

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - Grimm - 11-10-2020

Had the words used to communicate the light hearted joke truly been properly understood as what they were may well be a mystery for all, even the child in question, though it seemed enough slipped through. Proven correct the assumption of his initial reaction, nose scrunching at the light touch that pressed against it for a brief moment, further deepening those furrows as brow lowered. Irrefutable the comment, the basis of clumsy attempt attesting to such, yet not so easily dissuaded the baseless emotions, the simmering heat of rather childish anger overwhelming.

Beneath the amassed leaves once more did he slip, the brief rustle that disturbed the surface all that told of his movement through it. Finally still the mound once more for a time that dragged on, squeaky the cry that erupted as did the kitten, launched forward in an attempt to startle Rhine. Short may he fall once more, breathless the laughter Foam allowed to tumble from lips curled in a wide grin as he tumbled to a halt, possibly atop Rhine's paws but no mind was paid to this fact, upward his own thrust. "Sandman move in way. See, good aim."
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - RHINESTONE. - 11-11-2020

Rhine found a faint curious smile working its way onto his muzzle as Foamkit fled beneath the leaves, wondering what exactly the boy was doing. Had the other taken his playful comment a bit too seriously, and decided to go and hide away? The thought made Rhinestone feel a bit bad, seeing as the tom definitely hadn't been trying to discourage Foamkit. The child was like a son to him, and he was more than excited to see how he would develop into a fully grown and powerful warrior. Of course, Rhine's words hadn't really struck deep into Foam's soul, and it wasn't long before the other came charging forward, causing the ruddy feline to jump in surprise. His pale gaze was wide and startled, and he eventually found himself laughing aloud as Foam tumbled onto his paws. Grinning broadly, the older feline reached down to wrap a forelimb around the kit, pulling him into his chest and saying with a familial nuzzle, "Alright, alright, you got me! Clearly you've got real good aim. Whatever mentor you end up with will be more than lucky to have you, Foam." He really did mean those words, too. If he hadn't already chosen Tree as his apprentice, he probably would've taken Foamkit as his own, just to see how his skills developed.

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - Grimm - 11-13-2020

Stagnant for only a short frame, skin buzzing with energy that demanded release. It may simply have been such which caused paws to wave about in clumsy loops, teeth closing about tongue poking through. Had he desired to remove himself from where he sprawled the chance was lost, into the muscle tips digging, muffled the squeak as elevation was achieved. Comfort was he within the hold Rhine wrapped about him, against chest pressed, familiar this set up.

Another vocalisation slipped by and into thick coat he buried his nose, growl he tried to make devolving into a purr, hiccups present as his breathing petered out into a steady rhythm once more. Still grew Foam as other spoke, numerous the times blinking before head drew back, looking into his eyes with a tentative grin. "Make proud." He may not have begun life among the shore dwellers, such a minor factor offering little in way of impact, one of them.

Over should gaze travelled, looked to the vaperwaze hued canine submerged among the piled leaves. "Me win, show you." Once more poked out his tongue, a teasing jab the rather empty challenge, time enough left to make it real.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: DESIGNER SHADES TO HIDE YOUR FACE ☆ o, halloween sculptures - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

Although none of Rhinestone's children had begun their lives within Palmclan – Foamkit included in that group – he felt no less proud of them. All of them had already proven themselves to be determined and ready to learn, and he had no doubt that they would make wonderful warriors, even long after he was gone. Although the tom hoped that wouldn't be anytime soon, considering he wanted to be around to see how they all developed. With this in mind, Rhine couldn't help the grin that split across his muzzle as he heard Foam, chuckling before he touched his nose to the boy's head once again, "You've already made me plenty proud, Foamkit... but I have no doubt that you're gonna continue to impress me as you grow up, and you can quote me on that." The leader then watched as Foam leveled a challenging glance in Quasar's direction, unable to keep a bit of bubbling laughter from spreading throughout his chest. He spoke teasing in the canine's direction, tail flicking behind him, "I guess you'll have to make sure that Vaas is teaching you well, considering Foamkit seems to think he's going to overtake you." Of course, Rhine had no doubt that Vaas was a good mentor to Quasar, and he also knew that he would be proud of all his children equally, no matter what. There was no sense in having them compete against each other.