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Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - Printable Version

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Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - SirDio - 10-19-2020


Body shook at the sight of the sea, her paws bent on going back into the forest. Leaving the hunting party she was assigned with, offering them a quick goodbye, she raced away from the ocean. Not today, not again, not ever again. Sand became grass and then grass became a stone pathway. Relief settled into her bones as she approached the ruins, a heavy sigh echoing from her chest. She was safe now - nothing could hurt her, nothing could drown her. She was unable to tell if anyone followed her, or if anyone saw her dashing away from the blue ocean.

She really, really tried to act as though nothing was wrong, and it had gone on for some days with her acting completely fine in regards to the ocean. But today the dam broke, all panic set in, words caught in her throat and claws gripping at the soil. Dirt. Not sand. She wasn't close to the ocean. She couldn't drown in the forest.

// Have a character follow her, either from the hunting party or their solo hunt or separate hunting party! //

Re: Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - number nine. - 10-20-2020

Number Nine didn't know Medusa too well yet, nor had she been around for the other's unfortunate near death experience. However, this didn't mean that the warrior hadn't heard about it. Such a thing would've been difficult to achieve, considering whispers and rumors passed through Palmclan at astonishingly fast speeds, and something as big as someone nearly drowning was bound to spread eventually. The jaguar had winced upon first being told about it, unable to even imagine the sheer panic and terror one would feel while sinking to their possible demise. Thus, it wasn't all that surprising to him when he spotted Medusa running by, looking as though she had seen some kind of ghost.

Nine had near instantly decided to abandon his hunting venture for now, burying what prey he had caught before he followed after her. When he grew close, it was hard not to see the panicked state that she was in, his ears flicking back against his skull in worry. After a moment, he spoke up, clearing his throat to hopefully break her from her attack, "Uh... miss Medusa? That's your name, right? Medusa? Are you alright? You look like you could use a shoulder to lean on..." He got ever so slightly closer, silently offering his own shoulder up if she needed it. He didn't want to intrude on her personal space, and risk making things even worse – at the same time, he also didn't just want to let her collapse in on herself.

Re: Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - SirDio - 10-20-2020


Nine's voice was rewarded with one of the most fear-stricken hisses Medusa had ever let out of her mouth. Her body coiled up around herself, tail buzzing madly. Unblinking eyes were soaked with fear, even though she knew Nine meant no harm. Her tail started moving around her, searching for something to ground herself, trying to coil around anything that would support the strength of the grip of her tail. Her body slowly relaxed, and she moved slowly toward Nine, still wary, still fearful. Not of him, but just fearful in general.

Words still caught in her throat, she pressed her scaled muzzle against his shoulder, tail finding his wrist and wrapping tightly around it. Grounded. Finally grounded. Ears flattened, breath hitched slightly, she was starting to really relax. Hopefully, Nine didn't mind the way she grounded herself in these situations.

Re: Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - number nine. - 10-22-2020

It was difficult not to recoil, when someone hissed directly in your face after you approached them. However, Nine also knew that Medusa had been through quite a bit already, and it was hardly as if he was going to scold her. Instead, his ears just briefly flattened back before he spoke, wings shifting warily, "Easy there... trust me. I'm not here to cause you any more harm..." She had obviously been through enough, especially if this was how she was reacting to someone simply approaching her too quickly. Regardless, it didn't seem as though Medusa's hostility lasted for long, as the hybrid slowly moved towards him. The fear in her eyes was hard not to take personally, but he managed all the same. After all, she wasn't fearful of him, nor was she fearful of his mercenary abilities – something that had come up far too often in his life. Instead, she was just scared of her surroundings, and a possible repeat of what had happened to her before.

Once she grew close, Nine made a soft surprised noise at feeling her muzzle press up against his shoulder. Despite this, he made no effort to move away, instead just sitting back on his haunches. The feeling of Medusa's tail curling around his wrist caused the jaguar to chuckle softly, one of his large feathered wings coming to drape over her shoulders. He said soothingly, his tone accompanied by a slow musical hum, "Everything is alright, miss. You're safe here, I promise. You're on nice dry land, and that isn't changin' anytime soon." He was unsure of how much the words of a practical stranger would really matter to Medusa, but Number Nine still wanted to make an attempt. Maybe he could become a friend, rather than simply a clanmate.

Re: Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - SirDio - 10-22-2020


She let in a deep breath, hearing his words, and let the breath out, taking in the comfort of his wing. She brushed her muzzle against his shoulder for a moment, words still caught in her throat as her body slowly let down its guard. She loosely smiled before sighing again. Her chest was hurting badly, so the sigh came as more of a huff of painful air. Honestly, everything hurt with the memory of the waves... No. Nine was right - she was on dry land, and that wasn't going to change. Unless a meeting was called. Then she would just bite the bullet and brave the fact that she was too close to the ocean.

"Thank... Thank you.." Her words were just above a whisper as she spoke, shaky and hesitant.

Re: Wonderfully Wandering Alone -- Open - RHINESTONE. - 10-25-2020

Hunting was an endeavor that Rhine took part in often, but especially when he was feeling down, or stressed out. He had been feeling a bit tense as of late, for several reasons, such as Medusa's recent incident, and the coming changing of the seasons. He had a lot to think about, and he knew it. In order to process everything that was going on, the leader had chosen to head out into the forest, figuring that he could catch a bit of prey to bring back for those that remained within camp, near the beach. Of course, when he got far enough in, he saw Number Nine and Medusa in a light embrace, with the look on Medusa's face clearly reflecting her inner anxiety. Frowning with worry for the other, Rhinestine drew closer before speaking, "Number Nine, Medusa... hello. Have you been doing alright, Medusa? I was actually considering catching something out here to bring to you, since I haven't seen you around camp..." He knew the reasoning for why, but he still felt worried. He hated that the hybrid was terrified of the sea, and he wished that there was some way for him to be of assistance.