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WATERFALLS COMING OUT YOUR MOUTH - bubblegum - 10-19-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

To find a collapsed girl, exhausted golden pelt, was not such an uncommon sight in the Typhoon two years ago. That was the only sleep she'd receive, when her body gave out. It was an accepted truth to not disturb her, simply make sure she'd not injured herself in such a process. And it would take several months to truly break the habit, change the schedule she'd come to endure. It took a year and the arrival of children before one would see the female actually get some proper sleep, regularly. The worst of it all had been over for a long time, the only hints of a return being after Sam's passing. The golden girl had taken on a more healthy lifestyle, and she'd had to, for the sake of her crewmates, and for the sake of her family. She no longer lived in such a fear of sleep. Goldenluxury Roux wasn't afraid of anything. That's what interacting with her would come to make you believe, at least.

But, truthfully, the female has only ever had one real, genuine fear. No - perhaps two. But the second she'd claimed to have grown out of by now. The first, however, was perhaps even stronger now. Nonetheless, she has come to accept her disdain towards sleep and its necessity in life. So it wasn't a thought at all that one may find the tigress collapsed in public, unless she were to be injured. Especially these past few weeks, with her decision to be more laidback, take in the peaceful state of things at the moment. She'd no desire to change them, after all. There was no changes to be made to peace. And that's why it was alright for her to step into the tavern this afternoon. No plans to get drunk; it took a lot to get her to such a state in the first place, only to enjoy a light buzz, chat with her crewmates. She was feeling good about the work she'd done lately; plenty of fish caught, fruit picked, herbs gathered, and she was still enjoying the new addition of her tattoo. And so, she allows the leisure, walking along the tables, counter, and finally to the more living room space in the tavern, taking seat on a couch.

Amongst talking, there was a certain sleepiness coming over her. It usually wouldn't be so hard to fight off, but she may have drank a little more than she meant to, and the past few days she'd been trying to be more productive around the territory. Perhaps her body was simply worn out without realizing it until just then. Eventually, she simply slips from consciousness, without really realizing it. And, like she'd known sleep to be, despite its need to happen, it was a mistake.

Water surrounds her. The middle of the ocean she begins, first afloat above the waves. The sun was shining in a clear sky, and she swam in place, looking about. She feels that she could see a familiar figure in the distance, but she can't tell. Before she can try to investigate closer, she's pulled under.

And down her body goes.

She's buried, deep, deep, deep. And face to face, now, is a feline the captain has not seen in two years, neck slit open, eyes glazed, body branded with a snake, dropped as a gift to her at the gate. Perhaps neglectful, leaving her young brother and herself to themselves for weeks until Goldenluxury had infiltrated the life of her papa. Perhaps cruel, in a sense. But she could not bring herself to hold any anger, resentment, as her brother had. She could only be left to wonder, wonder why she'd gone, how she'd felt, and if she now blames her daughter for her death as Goldie does to herself when thinking of the situation. A mother stolen and killed in place of her murderous daughter, on the run, Stryker's former pet. But never could it be resolved. She was dead, left upon the gate to a crippled girl, memories stolen, mind compromised and brainwashed. And Goldie had known she likely would never get her chance to ask.

But still, here Guru was. They shared their cold, green eyes, their intense gaze. Her papa had always remarked how he loved her eyes, compared to his own icy, slit ones. And they were surrounded by the dark waters, but the temptation was too powerful to ignore.

Noises muffle, she watches as the female's mouth opens and closes - she's saying something. Something. But she can't hear past the water. The tigress stares for a few moments, frown present on her mouth. Please, say something, she pleads, begs. Please, say anything at all. Yell, scream, cry to her. Goldie would take any of it. It would be a relief to hear any of it. Closure was a rarity, however, and the truth was, it's hard to prove any of this was real. And she could only watch as her mama spoke out, no words exiting, only bubbles and blood. Her paw reaches out in its desperation. The tigress opens her own mouth, she tries to say it, I'm sorry for what I did. But it doesn't go through.

Why did you go away? And still, in muffles in falls. And she stares now, eyebrows knit together as she waits.

And finally, something breaks through.

You weren't enough, comes her voice. And that was all.

It's been two years, and the guilt still festers, and the questions still linger.

And that was all.

Her eyes shoot open now, wide and staring out in front of her. The female is still within the tavern, sitting on one of its couches as she had been when she'd dozed off. Her mind buzzes, she's breathing, heavy. And she stares out in front of her, where a caracal floated in front, staring back with those intense eyes they'd shared. The captain's panicked breaths is all she can let out, frozen in space. She opens her mouth wider, slowly, trying to muster something, anything, and all she can come up with is a weak "I'm ss-sorry..." desperate and pathetic. And quietly she stares, unable to say any more.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: guru is unintentionally being projected with goldie's mental manipulation and may appear in your character's vision too if you choose to have the power affect them

also tldr goldie fell asleep in the tavern, had a nightmare about her dead mother, and awoke with a vision of her projecting through her mental manipulation. can affect your character, up to you.

Re: WATERFALLS COMING OUT YOUR MOUTH - roan ; - 10-21-2020

Time in the tavern had become a sort of respite, for one Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux. Ye wasn't as stressed as he had once been, a fact that he knew quite well. After all, he no longer had family members and friends stumbling onto his doorstep every other day, asking him for some kind of healing. In addition to that, he no longer had to be the sole medic of the entire group, or entertain visions of a past life that continued to haunt him. Ever since he had begun inhabiting his current zombified form, the heinous nightmares of days long passed had ceased, and he had little idea of when they would return. He hoped the answer would be never, since he had mostly made peace with the fact that he was a reincarnation of another soul. Despite this, he also knew himself to be his own soul. He was not only Musicbox Caddo, but he was also Roan, and Roan he would remain, until the day he died and passed onto the next life. He had given up on believing his soul would ever be at rest, so he could only hope that his next venture would be a little less stressful than the life of a sole medic.

Regardless of how much less stress he had to deal with nowadays, the tavern still represented an escape. Somewhere he could just cut loose and enjoy himself, while playing a few games of cards with those that he enjoyed the company of. He wasn't sure if gambling was something he had picked up from Michael, or just a trait that had evolved from himself, but it wasn't as if the stakes were very high. The games were just for fun, with the occasional gem or shiny shell being passed around from paw to paw. Roan had even made an attempt to try some of the drinks at the tavern, now that he was an adult, but that hadn't gone particularly well. He didn't like the taste of most alcohol, so he had ultimately ended up sticking with just basic water, and lots of cups of coffee. It was a little upsetting, to not be able to enjoy the same drinks as the others at the table, but it wasn't a huge loss. It wasn't as if he was looking to get particularly hammered, especially not while he still had a job to do – even with sages backing him up, Roan put a lot of weight on his own shoulders.

It wasn't exactly hard to spot Goldie while she was in the tavern, especially since so many greeted her with jovial grins on her way in. Despite this, Roan made no move to go over and talk to her, at least not at the moment. He was enjoying his game, and it wasn't as if he and his cousin didn't talk fairly often. They did, and that was why he knew she would probably be grateful for less eager faces swarming around her. He only seemed to be right, judging by the way she eventually drifted off to sleep. He snorted at the sight of it, but once again made no move to disturb her. She deserved some rest, and it wasn't as if anyone within The Typhoon dared to lay a paw on their captain while she was sleeping. They were no doubt a fun-loving group, especially going by their current prank war, but he didn't know too many that would try to prank the prone tigress. If anyone did, they would not only have her to deal with, but Roan as well, considering he kept shooting the occasional curious glance her way, just to make sure she was alright.

Of course, Roan's peaceful game of cards wouldn't last for much longer. He was unfortunately greeted with a sort of low and painful buzz in his ears, and he finally raised his gaze up when he heard gasps spread throughout the tavern. The sight of Guru caused him to freeze, but not because he knew her. He had only known Guru in the farthest of ways, only ever briefly hearing her name when the mention of his extended family came up. He had no connection to her, and only knew her as a faded name on their family tree. However, the fact that she was floating, and looked distinctly not alive was what caused him pause. Immediately his ears pinned back, and the zombie feline's gaze darted back over to Goldie. He was unsurprised to see her staring as well, although she looked more shocked and scared than he had ever seen her in the past. It was unnerving, and immediately the soothsayer found himself getting up, shoving away his cards as he strolled across the tavern. The phantom Guru's presence was unnerving, but he had dealt with nightmares before – even still, he found his jaw clenched unpleasantly as he walked.

Before long, Roan found himself beside his cousin, hesitating for only a moment before he reached a paw out. He aimed to press it gently against her shoulder, hoping that it would provide her with some kind of stability. As he did so, he spoke in a firm voice, hoping that he could rouse her from her stupor, "Goldie... Goldenluxury. I need you to look at me, please. She isn't real. I'm real. She's not. Look." He needed her to snap out of this, knowing that it couldn't possibly be good for her mental health. The medic didn't know much about Guru, or her history with Goldie, but he did know a thing or two about nightmares, and ghosts that lingered in one's past. It was best not to dwell on them, and that was something that Roan was sure of.


[glow=grey,1,400]ALL EYES ON ME IN THE CENTER OF THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike her father, Aphra needed sleep. She was more mortal than he was, but she was able to get rid of her physical form and possess another body if she wanted, but she was not immune to the effects of weariness that the body feels. Caesar could ignore it all he wanted, Aphra knew, but she could not; that being said, of course, this didn't mean she didn't have nights where she chose not to sleep and instead spent her night at the tavern, either trying to find someone to sleep with or to get drink off her ass (or both). It wasn't hard to see Goldenluxury's mental state deteriorate, especially after the death of Sam, and Aphra wanted to exploit that - of course, doing so was a lot harder said than done. Especially when others lashed out at her and Goldenluxury just ignored her. It was frustrating, honestly.

How could Caesar manipulate others so easily? Perhaps it was due to his nature as a dream demon; Aphra supposed he could reach into someone's mind and make them act the way he wanted. She remembered how easily Caesar had gotten under Goldie's skin and Aphra was jealous of that. But of course, Goldenluxury was no longer a little kitten; she was an adult, leading The Typhoon. She couldn't afford to breakdown, did she?

"The hell are you talking about?" Aphra's voice cut in as she stood behind Roan, a frown on her face. Her gaze flickered over to the panicking Goldenluxury, but the succubus showed no signs of seeing Guru like Roan and Goldie obviously did. Perhaps if she wasn't just a bit intoxicated, she'd use her noggin to connect the dots that maybe Goldenluxury was doing some mind-fuckery, but her thoughts were muddled and as such, she had no idea what the hell Roan was going about or why their Captain was in such a frantic state.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WATERFALLS COMING OUT YOUR MOUTH - bubblegum - 11-01-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

One she'd once called a friend had told her, just after it'd all happened, that the female's ghost lingered. That he could see it, he could hear her. But, he'd lied about what she thought, what she said. Her ghost, however, still followed. And perhaps that, in part, was why Goldenluxury felt how she did. Perhaps there was a feeling attached to her very presence that Goldie did not realize before. She couldn't say she was sorry anymore - it would be pointless to say sorry, for something she could not change, for something that, in the end, was not entirely her doing. Something that her young mind had not been able to foresee, her young mind had not even been able to recall until it was far too late, that her young eyes had to stare at, to smell. And the snake branding still sat within her slit pupils, slithering, writhing, evading her just long enough for her to lose grasp. But still, she made note, still she tried. The least she could do, she'd thought at the time, was live. Now, she's not so sure what she could give to make it right. She doesn't think she can give anything.

Perhaps if she pleaded, the Gods would hear her begging, grant her a wish to do the only thing she believes would set things right: give Guru a second chance at living. But, if they'd not cared to touch upon the subject before, they likely would not listen now. She isn't even so certain that's what her mama wanted. She has no idea what she would want. But, she wishes she could.

And there was no time to wallow in self pity. Though, the feeling, for now, still paralyzes her. Roan's voice reaches out, tells her to look at him, that it wasn't real. But, if he, too, could see her, surely it was real. Beck had not lied about the female's ghost following her. "How can you say -" she breathes out, her gaze now breaking to look at Roan, though the overwhelming guilt in her gaze does not falter, "- that's not real? You see her, too." She whispers desperately, gesturing to the feline. It was true - he saw her too. That meant it was real. They would not share such a vision. It would be too coincidental; Roan knew nothing of her mama, had never seen her. Very little that were still around had.

But it shatters as Aphra walks up, questioning their sights. She falls silent, looking to the white feline for a moment, teeth grit. Then her eyes go slowly back towards Guru, and there she remains still. "M' mama's ghost..." she answers softly. The female would need to listen carefully to hear. "Don't you see?"

And for once, the captain knew not what to do.

Re: WATERFALLS COMING OUT YOUR MOUTH - roan ; - 11-03-2020

Looks could be deceiving, and that was something that Roan knew better than most. Although he hadn't lived as himself for as long as Goldenluxury had, he had experience with spirits. He knew what it was like to be haunted by ghosts and demons, and he certainly knew what it felt like to be guilty. He could still remember visions of those he had lost, and the nightmare that had put him into his current zombified form. He had seen so many spirits that were behind him now, and so many that had ended up dying, whether through his negligence or not. It wouldn't have surprised him, if the likes of Jaime's soul, or Sam's soul, were still following him around. Following him, because he hadn't been able to help them. However, he also knew that thinking that way wasn't helping him at all. Blaming himself for things that had ultimately been cruel twists of fate wouldn't get him anywhere, and thinking himself haunted by vengeful spirits was of even less help. He didn't know the story of what had happened between Guru and Goldenluxury, but he knew his cousin. And he knew that she would never truly cause the suffering of her family, not if it had been her choice in any way.

Despite steeling himself for anything that could be happening, Roan still winced when Goldie's gaze fell on him, clearly full of pain, and guilt. Her voice was softer and more broken than he was used to, and part of him wanted to pull away from the whole situation. A larger part of him, however, knew that he had to stay. He had to stay because not only was it his job as soothsayer to take care of others, but also because Goldie was family, and he wasn't about to let her suffer alone. He took a deep breath inwards, gritting his teeth briefly before he spoke, tone reassuring, "Aphra can't see her because she's not real, Goldie. She's just a projection, and I'm pretty sure she's coming from you. You've gotta believe me and calm down, or else she's never going to go away." He knew what he was asking was hardly easy. He had nightmares in the past that had seemingly followed him around for days, refusing to leave his mind despite his best efforts. He couldn't even imagine the added strain of that with the subject of your nightmares staring at you. However, he knew that Goldie needed to try and calm down, or else she'd be haunted by the projection forever.