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EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - Printable Version

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EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - bubblegum - 10-15-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

Halloween was growing closer, and it only made sense that the universal traditions that came along with it would begin. Goldie had several small events in mind leading up to the final day of October, and this one would be the first, seeing as everyone would need to have all of their pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns ready for Halloween night to be displayed. Although getting the actual plants would be a little tricky, seeing as they were not native to their tropical archipelago home. Thankfully, however, the uncharted territories was, well, pretty big, and their allies had access to such crops on their end as well. With some bartering, and a little bit of work, the pirate captain was able to obtain enough of the orange plant that she felt would be plentiful for her crewmates to do with as they please. The rest was simple - grab the paints, some knifes (in an ADULTS ONLY!!! bin), and set up shop using some old towels and short tables as a surface for their endeavors.

Once all set up, the female would grab her own pumpkin, medium sized, and took a small paintbrush that she'd use to outline where she would later trim the pumpkin to make a lantern. First she'd need to figure out what she wanted to make in the first place. "Come get yo pumpkins!" the female would call, tail curling around her paws as she sat down with her own supplies.

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - trojan g. - 10-15-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Paint. Torsten had never painted before, and it seemed as though in honor of Halloween, it would be his first time doing so. Having quickly ran to his cousin so that he could be one of the - if not the - first to be able to pick from the batch of the orange vegetables, he would watch as some NPC's stood at the adults only bucket, filled with knives and other carving tools, shooing the children away from it so that they couldn't get to the supplies inside. That was okay, he decided, since he already had a plan, and unless an adult wanted to help out, he was fine with just sticking with paint.

Grabbing some green and red paint, he would make his way to where he would be seated, drop them down, and make his way back to the pumpkins, and attempt to nudge one that was way too big for the child over to where he wanted to paint. He could probably do with a smaller pumpkin, one more suited for his size and for painting on, but he wanted to make a big turtle. That was until tears began to form in his eyes when the pumpkin didn't budge, and he simply sat down in defeat, a small huff leaving him as he tried to fight the tears back.

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - ROXANNE R. - 10-16-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Roxanne was never far from her children and she didn't stay in one place considering her position but, she was glad to be surrounded by her family for the most part. She heard the call of her niece about pumpkins, it had drawn her and she figured that they could use a few for pumpkin pies or Jack-o-lanterns especially since it would be the kids first October and Halloween. She noticed that Torsten was already there and seemed to be struggling with one of the pumpkins, the Quartermaster would draw near with both of her ears perked forward "Here I'll help you, sweetheart." With that said, she pulled the pumpkin closer to her child offering a warm smile in the process.


Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - Seakit Roux. - 10-16-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
The beta had been practicing some of his stances, simply working on being productive, when his mother's call rang out. Ears pricking, the tiguar came prancing towards the small event. Excitement shone in his eyes as he took in the site, moving around Roxanne and her son as he looked over the pumpkins. Finding one too his liking, he gently grasped it in his maw. Moving too set it on the table next to his mothers, he let it drop with a low thunk. He would move over to the bins of supplies, chuckling at the sign on the bin. "This sign can't stop me, I can't read" he said, though he very well could read. Grasping some paints and brushes, along with a few carving tools, he returned too where he'd sat his pumpkin. He wasn't sure what he was going too do yet, but it would end with stained paws.

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - APHRA CIPHER . - 10-16-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]ALL EYES ON ME IN THE CENTER OF THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra wasn't a fan of holidays if she were quite honest, though that was mostly just because of how excited everyone got over them. They were just a day of... what, exactly? Halloween was coming up and she knew this, and what the hell was it supposed to be for? The kids? Aphra didn't give a shit about kids, let alone her own, but what she did care about was booze - and that was the only 'good' thing that holidays brought. Maybe she could convince the bartender to give her some pumpkin spice-flavored alcohol or some shit.

Shrugging off her thoughts of how stupid Halloween was, Aphra decided to grab a pumpkin and some supplies. Maybe her kids would enjoy this, for whatever that was worth.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - trojan g. - 10-16-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width:400px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;"]Quickly behind her mother Alia came, having rushed over at the call from Goldie. She didn't quite know what she wanted to do with her pumpkin, but there were ideas swirling around in her head, hopefully she could simply pick one and go with it, rather than trying to smash them all together. It was very likely she would try to smash them all together.

Alia liked small things, so when she was searching through the pumpkins she had picked the smallest one she could find, quickly carrying it over to where her mother was and sat down, watching the paints as she tried to figure out what colors were needed for her creation.

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - michael t. - 10-16-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Come get yo pumpkins! The enthusiastic call was enough to cause Michael to raise his head, the dealer slowly blinking as he groggily processed what was going on. He was still feeling numb to it all, but perhaps this could help. He pushed himself up to his paws, moving over and wrinkling his nose a bit at the strong scent of pumpkins that was overwhelmingly present at the scene. Still, he wasn't going to let that deter him, his short tail flicking behind him as he moved to grab one of the pumpkins. His claws dug lightly into the flesh of the pumpkin, relishing in the feeling of the pushback that came from it.

He dragged it over to where the tables were, pushing it on top before he muttered to those around him, "I've never actually tried carving pumpkins before... didn't exactly have the childhood for it. You just stab it, don't you?" He took one of the knives in his paws, sinking it into the side of the pumpkin to cut out a substantial chunk. Of course, when he pulled the knife away, pumpkin guts spilled forth, overflowing and causing him to jump back. A disgusted noise left him, the dealer hissing in confusion, "What the fuck? They aren't hollow?" Pumpkins had never been native to anywhere he had lived, nor had he really been allowed to celebrate Halloween – so, he had honestly thought pumpkins were just hollow.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - bubblegum - 10-16-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The female's sights would travel from her own pumpkin, trying to use her surroundings to brainstorm what exactly she'd create, watching as her family and crewmates approached one by one, glad to see them working together with the children. She would flash a look to Seapaw as he tried to joke about the knives, but wouldn't say anything. He's had enough training thus far to at least handle a few knives, especially given the fact she'd taken the time to teach him the cooking he was interested in learning.

Her ears perk up as Michael speaks out, questioning the process of pumpkin carving. She opens her mouth, about to explain there was usually a few more steps than that, but is beaten by his act of taking a piece of pumpkin right off, spilling the insides out. She watches bemused for a second, blinking at his own exclamation. "Why in the Hell would they be hollow? Ya think people make pumpkin pie out of the skin?" the female would remark with a snarky tone, setting down her own supplies to approach Michael, grabbing a large wooden spoon and bowl before she did. She takes the spoon and aims it towards his pumpkin, attempting to scoop some of the seeds out herself to demonstrate for the male. "Most o' the time the standard is t' cut the top off like a lid, n' scoop it out that way, but considerin' you've already got this mess, might as well keep goin'." She explains, tone a bit more gentle now.

Well, she'd get around to decorating hers soon enough.

Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - Alexandre - 10-16-2020

Come grab your pumpkins? For what? The kitten's gaze narrowed towards the pile of the plump pumpkins, eyeing them carefully. For a moment, he looked back at Goldenluxury and Diya in confusion, only to wander forward seconds later. He laid his paw on the front of the pile, assessing each round fruit carefully. Some had warts, others had straight stems, but one in particular caught his eye. At the top of the pile laid a lean, bright orange pumpkin with a twisted stem. Compared to the rest, it was quite large but to Alexandre, it's clear complexion was a thing of beauty. He needed it.

Light paws traveled their way up to the top with an occasional hop or skip along the way. Alexandre came upon his pumpkin in no time. With a smile, he proceeded to lightly nuzzle at it's side and attempt to push it down to the bottom. Luck would not have that today though. As he pushed, other pumpkins began to come loose from underneath his paws and tumbled to the floor. An orange avalanche flooded the area, leaving the feline squeaking in surprise. He pushed out from the rubble. Wings extended and the boy floated to the ground. Unknown to the crowd, his face turned a bright red underneath his alabaster pelt. Embarrassment left him standing silently, unable to move for a few moments. Snapping out of it, he quietly wandered towards his pumpkin without another word. "Sorry," came his guilty mutter.

Alexandre continued to push his pumpkin with his nose to an area in the back. As he traveled past the others, his gaze focused on the ground in shame.


Re: EVERYBODY LOVES COOKIES HURRAY / pumpkin decoration - ROXANNE R. - 10-18-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Upon the arrival of her brother, Roxanne found a smile on her maw but would falter when Michael began to hiss in confusion about pumpkins not being hollow. She couldn't help but snicker lightly at what Goldie would say to the melanistic bobcat before adding in with a light shrug of her shoulders "That would be a chunky pie if it were made by just the skin alone. Maybe add the stem too for extra texture." She would tease with an amused twitch of her whiskers though she turned her gaze back to Torsten seeing as her niece had already began to help Michael. "What are you going to paint, my little artist?" The Quartermaster would ask with a tilt of her head, a soft smile tugging at her lips once more as her gaze would watch her son with warmth though her attention was drawn away when she realized that Alexandre was clambering up the pile of pumpkins.

She rose to her paws quickly glancing around for anymore of her troublesome kids but before she could properly act, an avalanche of pumpkins began to tumble everywhere. One in particular heading in her direction but with a lift of her front paws did she stop it from rolling any further, a soft sigh would leave her maw but it was cut off as she frantically began to look for Alexandre. Soon enough, he would pop out from a pile of pumpkins and she was able to breathe again. He's safe, she thought having held in her breath in that moment. She glanced over to Torsten to make sure that he was alright before walking over to her other son with perked up ears, it made her wonder if Diya was looking after the other kids. Regardless, she would fret over her baby and groom down his ruffled fur with as she mewed with a bit of a stern voice "You have to be a lot more careful, mi pequeño."
