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CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - Printable Version

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CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - michael t. - 10-10-2020

He knew he should've been happy. There was no reason for him not to be, along with a massive amount of reasons why he should've been. He had his husband, he had his kids, he had his sister and the rest of his family, including Roxie's new children. He had all the reasons in the world to be overjoyed, and content, and initially, he had thought that he was. He had felt content, or at least calm. However, he had then come to the conclusion that no, he didn't feel happy, or calm. Instead, he felt numb. Everything felt dull and grey, as if the entire world had been covered in a film of static when he hadn't been looking. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt like this, but he knew that it had happened before in his life. He never knew what the cause of it was, and it commonly came and went no matter what, but it had been some time since he had been numb, if he was remembering right. Probably not since before he had joined The Typhoon thanks to Roxie's influence.

Needless to say, the numbness wasn't a pleasant feeling. Maybe some out there might have killed for the opportunity to not feel anything, but Michael wasn't that kind of guy, and he just wanted to be happy. Happy for himself, happy for his sister, happy for The Typhoon as a whole. Instead, he just felt empty, and upset, and he wasn't sure what to do with himself. It was nearing the end of the day, and he had already done all of his dealer duties that he needed to get to. Now he was just wandering, the sands shifting beneath his feet as he walked along the edge of the water. Part of him wanted to return back to his home, where Trevor and his children were, but a larger part of him didn't. He didn't want them to see him like this, unsure of anything he was doing and struggling just to keep himself upright. He wanted to bury himself beneath the sand, to just close his eyes and relax. Maybe sleep would give him a sort of relief from the static.

Instead of sleeping on the sand, however, he just sat down at the edge of the sea, pressing one of his paws up against his face. Scrubbing at his good eye, the bobcat found himself muttering, sounding more tired than ever, "What's wrong...? What do I do?" He wasn't actually looking for an answer, just venting his questions out to the air around him. He dug his teeth briefly into the inside of his cheek, just for the faint spark of pain that caused him to jump. He glanced back in the direction of his home, wondering how long he should take before he returned back home.

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - Simon F.M. - 10-12-2020

Quiet was the feline's approach as blue eyes landed on her ebony friend. She was surprised to see the bobcat about, not at home with his children and husband. She opened her maw to ask as such, though she stalled as his quiet questions reached her. Head tilting, her ears swivled backwards and she continued forward.

She would approach the other vampire quietly, though with no intention of sneaking up on him. Her gaze moved from the dealer to the ocean for a moment, watching the waves as the slapped against the beach. A gentle sigh left her as she returned her gaze to the other feline. "What's gotcha'?" questioned Diya softly as she came to a stop beside him, settling in a seated position next to him. She gently brushed her tail against his back as a motion of comfort, worry clear on her maw.

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - APHRA CIPHER . - 10-16-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]ALL EYES ON ME IN THE CENTER OF THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
As surprising as it may seem, Aphra knew what Michael going through. At least, she knew what it was like to feel numb. Hell, it was one of the reasons the she-cat got into trouble most of the time; getting her adrenaline running was one way of feeling something, even if it weren't exactly the outcome she expected. Aphra liked seeing others hurt, emotionally or physically, but it was only because it gave her something to feel. She seemed to have inherited her father's sadism, as unfortunate as it was, but not his masochism.

But of course, her feelings of being numb were partially caused by the fact that she seemed to be a nuisance to The Typhoon. People wouldn't be 'out to get her' as much as she claimed if she weren't so bitchy to everyone - and Aphra knew this. The succubus choose to ignore it in favor of seeing everyone getting pissed at her, solely due to the fact that it was amusing. But in reality, no matter how funny it was in the moment, Aphra's mood would shoot down and she would feel nothing. She didn't like the infamy she gathered here but at this point... Was it even worth salvaging?

Aphra was a few paces away from Michael and Diya, but she was definitely within earshot. She watched Michael lay down and heard him whining to himself, but whenever Diya approached, she stayed away - at least for the time being. The she-cat's ears flicked as she listened, being the nosy bitch that she was.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - michael t. - 10-16-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Initially, Michael didn't even notice Diya's approach, his focus being mainly on trying to calm his raging and anxious mind. When she spoke, however, he jumped a bit, his mismatched blue gaze flicking over to focus on her. Her question was simple, but it took him several moments before he was able to answer, seeming sluggish as he spoke, "Ah, Diya. I didn't... think anybody was around..." He couldn't help but feel embarrassed, not liking that anybody had come across him in such a mood. However, he'd only be more embarrassed if he just decided to sprint off towards his home in order to escape from an uncomfortable conversation. After taking a deep breath to relax himself somewhat – it didn't work too well, but he had to at least try – the thief muttered softly, "I'm... I'm alright. Just feeling a little down lately. I mean... I'm a bit out of it, but it's really nothing that you need to worry about, Diya. I'm sure you've got more important things to worry about." He offered Diya a weak little smile, knowing that it probably wasn't very convincing. However, hopefully Diya would be busy, and he could convince her to head away.

He was about to brush everything off, and just say that he was heading back home, but then he was distracted, by the scent of Aphra. He initially tensed up, not looking forward to whatever terrible comment the feline wanted to make. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though she was in the mood, sometjing that caught Michael off guard. Looking towards Aphra, he hesitated for a moment before he spoke up, raising his voice a bit so that she could hear him, "Hey, Aphra. How come you're not sleeping?" Aphra had her own family and home to worry about, so it was surprising to see her out at night like this. Especially so close to he and Diya, considering she supposedly hated the both of them.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - Grimm - 10-17-2020

Numerous the small, inconsequential steps leading to outcome rather undesirable, begun with a realisation that settled poorly against mind content in quiet interlude. Few times of such, enough tally may be kept to a singular hand — or may paw be more apt — an occurrence reserved for few situations. Yet about had it come, by closed door the child sprawled in relative comfort, blocked out the sound produced by brothers and father alike. High always seemed the spirits about home, different and yet well their fit against one another, at times jarring that connection until heated the words that painted still air. It was pleasant this evening, if grown terse as the hours drew on and no sign of the last occupant became apparent.

Incapable of waiting any longer abrupt the exit conducted by the monochrome chimera, familiar the path he cut along shoreline devoid of occupants. Or, at least in the first few moments, thought such. Offset each by the other, ebony and ivory coming together as proven their proximity rather close, confusion alight in whiskey hued eyes as he looked on the scene. He knew his father only as a man of a calm demeanour that sparked at irregular intervals, capable of much and yet always correct seemed he, the right words and actions enacted without fail.

Uneasy the steps which drew Butch closer, from Michael vision shifting, in taken Diya as she regarded the dealer with apparent concern, quickened his heart beneath something alike it. Aside caution thrown and he fell to his stomach without any grace, crawling forth until he might seek comfort in the side of father, there nestling without word. He had none, though shape and prone to outburst the tongue into which he dug his teeth, offering only a broken little whine as he pressed further against Michael.
code by Reggan

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - APHRA CIPHER . - 10-22-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]ALL EYES ON ME IN THE CENTER OF THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
"What, am I not allowed to enjoy myself?" Aphra shot back as she turned to look over at Michael, glaring at him for a few heartbeats, almost offended by his comment. Sure, she had a family to care for, but they were all asleep. Shit, she needed time to herself, even if it meant being around adults that she hated. At the very least, she wouldn't be tramped by kids.

Aphra sighed, getting up and slowly walking closer towards Michael and Diya - though she kept her head low to show she wasn't going to start something, at least not intentionally. She was coming closer to talk to the two of them and have a genuine conversation, if they would allow her; if not, well then, their loss. Unfortunately, her thoughts regarding kids was proven null-and-void with Butch coming over, but honestly... at least they weren't getting under her paws. "It's quiet at night, I'm more at peace out here." She admitted. Sure, that was probably a lot coming from her - but hey, bitches needed time off, too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CROOKED CITY ON FIRE ☆ numbness - michael t. - 10-28-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
The approach of Butch was enough to make Michael tense up, but not because he disliked the boy's company. No, he loved the company of his son, as well as the company of all his children. He would die for them, and Trevor, and he would smile while doing it. They were everything to him, and he wasn't afraid to put that out into the world, even if it might eventually be his downfall. Rather, he tensed up when Butch approached, because he didn't want his child to see him in this way. It had been bad enough when he had let Trevor see him like this, all strung out and numb without any good reason as to why. Of course, Trev had never been mean about it, or asked him to change. Instead, the other had always just pulled him close and comforted him, making sure that he got through safely to the next day. Just the thought of it was enough to make tears well up in his eyes, and he felt the usual strong pull towards his home, his children, and his husband. That was good – he was feeling something, at least for now.

Turning his head towards Butch, the dealer leaned down to press his nose lovingly to the top of his son's head, letting out a soft purr, "Butch... don't worry about me. Dad's okay, see? But... but I'm glad to have you here. So glad..." He still felt choked up as he wrapped a front limb around the small canine, but he thankfully managed to swallow it down. He then turned towards Aphra, glad that he had recovered somewhat before he spoke, "More at peace... I'm surprised you enjoy it. Not that I don't understand." He glanced briefly up at the darkened sky above, giving Butch a little squeeze before he continued, "...It's comforting, in a way. Helps me clear my mind. It... hopefully, it'll help me with this." He didn't know entirely how to make the numbness go away – and wasn't sure he ever would – but at least he had this. At least he had friends, and family, who loved him. Who would make sure that he would be alright, eventually.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!