Beasts of Beyond
TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - Printable Version

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TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Truthfully, Vigenere had been delaying the meeting this time around for a specific reason. But of course, the savannah couldn't delay it forever and it was about time he got off his ass and discussed things with his clanmates. So, he made his way towards the statue and cleared his throat before calling out, "Gather around, Tanglers! We're gonna have a small discussion in regards to some changes I'm planning." Hopefully this would work out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 10-13-2020

Once again, the albino was the first to arrive. Perhaps it was old habits engrained in him, quick to pull the former knight forward at a leaders call. No matter the cause, he was swift to place himself at the base of the statue to await the luminary's announcements. "vat are vu blannin?" he asked, a relaxed air to his posture.

Re: TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - Orion - 10-23-2020

With a yawn, the panther wandered over. So far, there didn't seem to be many present, but Raymond wasn't surprised. No one wanted to be within Tanglewood if he wasn't around, right? More like the opposite... Anyways, he settled down a few feet away from Eternalknight. Green eyes momentarily looked their new leader up and down, wondering what he had to say and why he called this impromptu meeting.

Re: TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]A MILLION MILES FROM HOME, I'M WALKING AHEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
This was it...? Fuck, things were getting bad around here. Vigenere tried not to let his disappointment show whenever Raymond and Eternalknight came over, with the savannah greeting them with a short nod, before he waited a few moments. Just to make sure no one else was going to join them for the time being, and it seemed like no one was. That was fine, if others wanted to catch up later, it was no big deal. It was just... rather upsetting that only two Tanglers showed up to discuss things.

"So." Vigenere began, blinking gratefully at Eternalknight. "The mask tradition has been apart of Tanglewood for a long time, but as of late, nobody has been really participating in the events I've held - hence why I've paused it." Unofficially, but the last ones he had been two ended up being no-shows, which was... rather upsetting, honestly, since they were really fun. "I don't want to purpose we completely get rid of our masks, but I do think that we shouldn't hold a mask ceremony anymore. Aurum actually brought up a good idea to me a while back, we could put the masks out, hang them off trees, as a way to ward off spirits?" He let out a little laugh, as if he knew how ridiculous that sounded. "If you believe in that sort of thing, I suppose." A small pause before he went on, "I'm open to other suggestions, of course. I just don't think we should really actively be making any more masks unless they're to honor our fallen clanmates."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TELL ME THE RIGHT WAY OUT // Clan discussion - rhosmari - 10-26-2020