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a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - Printable Version

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a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - ROSEMARY - 10-08-2020


Wind whistled in Rosemary’s ears as the thermals carried the slender ocelot to PalmClan’s shores. She veered to the Tiger’s Boardwalk, descending as she came closer to the rotting buildings. She’d heard of the group’s solitary and traditional ways, so she wished to touch down on a less populated area. Hopefully, nobody witnessed her wingless flight.

Her white paws touched down silently. The decrepit boards creaked under her weight, and the witch looked around nervously. But she spotted only deciduous vegetation, ferns and flowers struggling to break out of the cracked concrete.  The plants looked less tropical than the Typhoon’s, but she recognized a little blackberry bush struggling in the human’s remains.

Forked tail-tips flicking, Rosemary sighed. She adjusted the satchel across her shoulder, readying herself for the inevitable onslaught of strangers. Reminding herself this was a personal choice and she could back out at any time helped steady her nerves. Even so, she took a deep inhale. For most Clan animals, this sort of thing would be trivial. But, for Rosemary, the whole thing required an exertion of almost incomprehensible magnitude. At least, when she’d visited the Tanglewoods, she’d recognized a face and knew beforehand the group was tiny.

Chin up, the ocelot cleared her throat. “Hello?” she called. “Is anyone from PalmClan out here? I got a little lost making my way to your borders.” Her emotionally muted manner made it impossible to tell when she was lying. Rosemary struggled to convey any tone of voice that wasn’t a straight up monotone, even when she was genuinely happy. Was it so strange she’d learned to use that handicap as an advantage?

“I am one of the Typhoon’s healers. I heard your group might need some assistance?”

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - VASS . - 10-12-2020

The tigers boardwalk. It was a name to the place that the tiger had claimed home, and even in the fact of palmclan's merge, it was Vaas that stole the right, the name to the boardwalk. There were smaller creatures here now, who had chased out the problem, patrolled his borders, vaas was considered one of them now, but his den was within the confines of the edges of the boardwalk. A large concrete building amung the many. In the light of day it looked nothing more than the recess of a shamble, inside was just as bad- during the day. But as the lights dimmed the tiger claimed his throne admist the ruble there and threw the parties, made a noise that got him the reputation the right to still claim the boarder walk his.

But during the day, even Vass wasn't around the boardwalk.


The creak of the flooring wasn't odd, and it was on the edge of a concession stand long in shambles that the tiger prowled out. Jadded green eyes meeting a familiar four. Yet to be noticed at least for the moment. Vaas wasn't unfamiliar with the witches' way. Strange familiar as it were. A taunt to the powerless of them, the brute only felt the curling of pleasure down his spine as he stalked closer, hiding amungst the shambles of twoleg rubble before beginning his launch on a long known neutrality.

"Now your crossing borders- sea witch" the tiger would snarl in delight- such an odd way too as soon as he comes to push her down he pushed back- weary of the water now as he went to go for a swipe down on her front lines and mack her chin meet the deck in a mockery of a kneel.

"And a part of the typhoon now?. How is the old place?" He would purr out, the same arrogance he once met her for once making its way on his form- but it was more playful than it ever would be earnest in this regard. Jade eyes watching the other with a sense of true joy in comparison to the once cocky tiger she had shared her prey with. 

/Mobil so there r probably a lot of errors aaaaa
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - ROSEMARY - 10-12-2020


The ocelot sat on her haunches, removing her satchel while she waited. The decrepit buildings offered little to look at, but at least she’d picked a spot with plenty of shade. Right when she sighed and paws at her satchel, wishing she’d brought a book with her, the breeze shifted.

Sitting up in sudden alarm, the wind kicked up, spinning invisible circles around her. All four eyes drifted to different places, sweeping and scanning. When she spotted the tiger, those amber eyes zeroed in on him. Her body stiffened, wind loud enough to whistle in both their ears.

Then he backed off, almost playfully, and she recognized his jade eyes and soul. “Vaas?” she questioned, but his paw tapped her nose. Her head lowered, and Rosemary raised a paw, rubbing her muzzle. One big eye squinted at him—yup, this was, undeniably, Vaas. The wind died down.

“Usually, groups don’t mind healers trespassing. Never before have I been so horrifically attacked and disfigured.” With her monotone voice, the sarcasm thrummed in her words loud and clear.

Rosemary stopped rubbing her muzzle. With the same paw, she reached out and attempted to tap his velvet snoot in turn. “There. Now I’ve given you an equally scarring wound, we’re even.” The tension that’d stiffened her spine only a moment ago melted like ice on the beach, and the sea witch was unexpectedly happy she’d come.

“Oh, there’s so many Roux children, I can’t keep track of who’s related to me and who’s not. So it’s about the same as before I left for the Rosebloods.” She shook her head with a snort. “But it’s nice. Though lightning recently burned my treehouse down, if you can believe it.”

“I didn’t know you joined a group. Or that you liked these broken human things. Is all of PalmClan like this, or is this your home territory?”

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - RHINESTONE. - 10-13-2020

Perhaps, in a different land, with a different type of leader, Rosemary's offer of help may have been frowned upon. Seen as a sign that they were weak, and harshly refused due to stubborn pride. However, that was not in the case of Rhinestonestar, or Palmclan as a whole. The tom knew full well that, while they were hardly struggling in terms of members and activity, they were struggling in the medical department. They had a couple of NPCs who knew how to heal, but nothing was a guarantee, especially when they didn't have a proper medicine cat. And what with Medusa's recent and unexpected incident where she had nearly drowned, well... Rhine wanted to make sure they would be okay. He had considering venturing out to the other groups once or twice for assistance, or even heading right over to Alithís, but he always found himself intimidated by the process. Such unfamiliarity, and possibly so much land to cover. It was stressful, for someone who had never even left their home's territory. Thankfully, it seemed as though the other groups were more than happy to come to them, instead.

Soft and quick pawsteps brought the tom over to where Vaas and Rosemary were, his attention having been immediately caught by the healer's call while he wandered nearby. He was caught off guard by the playful scene before him, and initially hesitated, fearful that something actually unpleasant had happened, but then he heard the teasing tone in both of their voices. They knew each other, just as Vaas had known Goldenluxury. It seemed as though Rhinestone would really need to ask the tiger about that group, at some point. Perhaps they could become allies of some kind. For now, however, the rusty red male just came trotting up beside Vaas, offering Rosemary a little smile before he spoke, "Hello there. I hope I'm not interrupting anything... seems like Vaas has a lot of friends in faraway places." He snorted with amusement, his pale gaze briefly looking towards Vaas before it returned to Rosemary, "My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of Palmclan. You're right about us needing a bit of assistance... are you here to offer your teaching services?" That seemed to make the most sense, since Rhine didn't want to deprive the Typhoon of a healer for long. Then they'd be in the same situation that Palmclan was now – unless they had more than one healer, something Rhinestone wasn't even vaguely aware of.

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - VASS . - 10-13-2020

Vaas felt the kick in wind, the sudden heavy torrent of it bringing the spray of saltwater into the air and the vicious sting to Vaas' own eyes; in a sense that if Vaas was not sea-raised against such a current he would have stood down- hell- might've even ran at such a display of open raw power. Mayhaps there was still a sense of that arrogance of such an illustrious upbringing in him, to rebuff the witch her display of power; friend or foe it paid to be cautious of the powerful. Vaas had lived in spite of, undercurrent to thrive of the misery of such a kind of creature before him.

Once, Vaas would've loved nothing more than to spit in such a face, and he might've- if he didn't know the other personally.

"usually, you would be right, but this isn't the normal kind of clan, Ariel" The tiger hummed back, taking the bop along his own noes without a blink, instead only cocking his head giving a small chuff of a challenge. It was nothing in comparison to the mock fight that Vaas had first introduced himself with, but the edge of a challange in his posture was an invitation for just that.

Vaas left the challenge to linger, his maw actually lifting at the other's next words. Yes, he knew of Goldie's own cubs, a family the leader held: one had found their way towards the beaches that the tiger patrolled one day- and he had only discovered the relationship when the leader had come looking like death wormed over for her child.

Vaas nodded along towards Rhinestone as he apprached, the tiger's eyes watching the other carefully before he hummed."What can i say, my home was big, The Typhoon is always changing, hmm?" The tiger offered with a casual whip of his tail. Moving to sit down along the docks. A surprising stable one in comparison to most of the failing of the rest of the area.

He keyed into the conversation, interest piqued when Rhine spoke of teaching. He looked towards Rosemary- meeting her eyes for the same silent question in them. He wouldn't mind learning from Rosemary, if for nothing else- he would enjoy spending some time to catch up a little more. Since they had last talked much had changed, in the both of them it would seem.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - ROSEMARY - 10-14-2020


One small eye squinted at Vaas at his statement. Rhinestonestar’s arrival, however, prevents her from questioning the tiger on what he meant. Or to answer his challenge and hurl saltwater, this time with purpose, at his nickname. The one eye remained on him, as her attention drifted to the domestic feline.

The ocelot tilted her head, somewhat perplexed the tomcat led the group. The rusted cat made little impression, but then, so rarely did strange men at first glance. Her right ear flicked before she responded, and the healer nodded, though her body language was a beat slower. Strangers required much more brainpower to deal with than friends or, even, acquaintances.

“Yes. Though I would prefer to teach someone already interested in the subject. I have no interest in forcing someone to memorize life-or-death knowledge. Or dealing with an unruly child with no appreciation for the side-effects, both good and bad, of any given drug.” Rosemary sighed. She’d taught many, seen many sages demoted in the Typhoon, and it’d always been her main reason to dislike teaching anyone.

“I won’t stay long this time, but, if you need a healer, you can send word my way to the Typhoon. Though, if I’m needed for a long period, I’ll need to coordinate with Roan—the Typhoon’s other healer—and Goldie. I believe you’ve already met my niece?” The last question was almost rhetorical, as she flippantly moved on. She’d heard Lovekit’s story about PalmClan, and the resulting curiosity towards them had, in no small part, motivated her to come here. Especially if the kitten ended up making a habit of running over here.

“Ah, yes, the Typhoon is always changing… but the Roux family has always kept the place close to its pirate roots,” she said, the second of her smaller eyes looking at Vaas.

Re: a short flight away [o] typhoon visitor - RHINESTONE. - 10-15-2020

Honestly, part of Rhine wanted to question what Vaas had meant by isn't the normal type of clan as well, but he held himself back for now. He supposed that there were plenty of reasons why they could be considered abnormal. Constantly adapting, constantly expanding, adding new traditions and putting new spins on other ones. All of this made up what Palmclan had survived on since the very beginning, and was also what had let to Vaas becoming a member with them in the first place. If Rhine hadn't been willing to adapt and propose the boardwalk merger to the tiger, then his little exploring party might never have gotten home – and they wouldn't have their extremely useful addition. All of this caused a faint smile of pride to linger on Rhinestone's face, although he made sure not to flash it at Vaas. He wasn't sure how the other would feel about his delight at his statement. He didn't want to cause any embarrassment – or anger, although Vaas didn't seem in the mood to grow angry about such a trivial thing.

Besides, there were more important things to focus on, at least for the moment. Turning his pale gaze to Rosemary, Rhine certainly didn't miss the brief flash of uncertainty that passed over her face. However, he didn't question it. He could definitely understand that meeting new people was sometimes stressful – even if he didn't entirely understand Rosemary's circumstances. Nodding his head along with the healer's words, Rhinestonestar made sure to wait until she was done speaking before he purred, "Well... that sounds good to me. I have net Goldie... it's hard to forget her, after she came to pick up Lovekit. Quite the unique character. I believe that we shouldn't need you for too long... or at least, I hope we don't. I can scour our members, and see who among us would be interested in learning from you – I'll also make sure that they're interested and qualified, of course." Rhine knew that he had to do a little mini-round of announcements soon anyways, so he could mention Rosemary's offer to teach. Hopefully, there would be some among them that would express their interest then.