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They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - Printable Version

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They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-08-2020


Paws dragged themselves over to the border of the clan. He was tired, but visits needed to be made. He needed to see what the groups here were like, and which one he would fit into. But why go practically across the island? Because fuck reasoning, that's why. He traveled long distances before, anyway. This was nothing.

Stopping at the border, he looked over the beach from where he stood. Tail drifting over the ground, he sneezed. Beaches weren't his thing. But he could possibly put that aside if the group was deemed the place he could stay. Clearing his throat, he said hoarsly, "Hello, strangers. Could anyone from this territory come forward? I wish to speak with someone from this place." He tried not to sound too hostile. But he was a big dog. Er.. dog-like creature. Big canine - there we go.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - METEOR - 10-08-2020

The sparkledoggo sniffed at the air, ears flicking back momentarily. Quasar disliked dealing with strangers—they were unpredictable by nature. Still, he walked onto the beach, his three tails lashing behind him in a fox-like manner. His neck craned up to properly look at the massive canid. Ugh, why did most of PalmClan’s visitors have to be so damned tall?

“Yeah. I’m Quasar, one of the apprentices in PalmClan,” he answered. His ears flicked forward. The stranger sounded friendly enough, so he relaxed his guard a tad. “You got a name? And what’re you here to talk about?”

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - number nine. - 10-10-2020

It had only been a few days since Nine had joined Palmclan, but it certainly did seem as though they got a lot of visitors, didn't they? Maybe it was just because they were the biggest up and comers around, or maybe people just enjoyed the tropical sights. Either way, Nine didn't mind it too much. He could understand the urge to get out there and travel, and that urge was part of why he had ended up in Palmclan to begin with. So, he couldn't blame Omnicron for wanting to come around to check things out. Of course, the jaguar instantly found himself fascinated with the appearance of the other as soon as he neared. He looked canine-esque, but hardly anything approaching the cusp of normal. Not that Nine could throw too many stones on that front. While he had a mostly natural pelt, he also had large white feathered wings, not to mention the paint and flowers that generously decorated him wherever he went.

The warrior came flying along not too long after Quasar, landing nearby to the apprentice and lifting one of his several wings in a sort of faux wave. He offered Omni a toothy smile, less meant to be threatening and more meant to be welcoming. Such a thing was difficult to pull off when you were a rather large jaguar – especially when you were used to domestic feline bodies. Sitting back on his long legs, Nine spoke up from slightly behind Quasar, letting the kid take the lead, "Hey there. Since Quasar asked all the important stuff... m'name's Number Nine, and I'm a warrior here. Y'can just call me Nine, though." He had little idea of how long Omni would be staying, or if he had just come for a chat, but that's how he introduced himself to everyone.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-10-2020


The Epicyon turned his purple eyes to the apprentice pup, a smile gracing his lips. Palmclan, eh? An interesting name. "Nice name, Quasar. My name's Omnicron. I was just hoping to get some information on this group, how it works, who's within it, the leadership, all that boring stuff." He waved his tail in a dismissive gesture. He really didn't care about how the leadership worked, but it might tie into if he wanted to join.

Turning his gaze to the winged jaguar, he offered his own smile in response. Good, there were more people to greet him than at Elysium. A good weight for the inevitable weigh-in. "Hello, Nine. So this group has 'warriors'? That's interesting." He flicked his ears, looking at the two with warm eyes. So far, they were welcoming. Good, thank god.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - METEOR - 10-11-2020

Quasar’s guard dipped after Nine landed. no matter how thins appeared, unforeseen depths lurked underneath. A massive canid-looking thing certainly looked like a greater threat than rats, and he’d watched the tiny, coordinated buggers eat his parents alive.

He squinted up at Omnicron, one tail flicking. “Uh, thanks?” he said. Shifting on his paws, the young sparkledoggo tried to think of what else to say to a compliment. “You too?”

“Well, Rhinestonestar’s our levelheaded leader. Sugarspice, the second-in-command, is likewise levelheaded. If you ask me, the two are a bunch of straightbaiters, but, whatever.” The kid scratched his ear nonchalantly, oblivious to how incomprehensible his last sentence’d been.

“We’re pretty laid back, honestly? We don’t get a lot of visitors. Mostly lost kids that wander over more than anything? And there’s those bloody rats, but… it’s generally calm. What, you looking to spy on us?”

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - RHINESTONE. - 10-12-2020

Omnicron. It was certainly an interesting name, befitting for an even more interesting creature. The sound of voices was what had initially attracted Rhinestone over, but when a peculiar scent caught his nose, he had only quickened his pace. Drawing near, the tom looked Omni over curiously, vaguely aware of Quasar explaining things about their sandy beach home. The mention of straightbaiting caused a snort to leave him, mainly because he was wondering how the apprentice had even learned such a term, but that could wait for later. For now, he just cleared his throat, greeting Omnicron warmly, "Hello there. I'm the Rhinestonestar that Quasar mentioned, but most just call me Rhine or Rhinestone, for simplicity's sake." As he sat back on his haunches, the leader quickly attempted to soothe things slightly, figuring that Omni wouldn't appreciate being accused of being a spy, "Not only are we calm, but we're fairly tight-knit as well. Resourceful, too, especially since we've got a boardwalk as part of our territory. Could it be that you're looking for a home...?" That seemed like the more rational explanation, at least to Rhinestone. After all, most spies didn't just come waltzing up to the border.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-13-2020


Purple eyes squinted in response to 'straightbaiters'. The fuck was that? Confusion was etched into his face before bewilderment took hold. Did the young colorful apprentice actually think the canine was wanting to spy? His jaws parted to speak before Rhine entered the scene. His head dipped respectfully to the leader, a gesture that was forced into him from early childhood. "Hello there. Old friends used to call me Omni. It's nice to meet you, Rhinestonestar." Full names - another sign of respect forced into his skull as a child.

"Interesting. You seem to have a pretty good hold on this beach," He shook his fur a bit, his scarf shifting with his movements. "I'm checking out groups to see where I fit best. So far I've visited only Elysium, so Palmclan has been my second visit." Black sharp claws dug into the ground beneath him.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - RHINESTONE. - 10-15-2020

Rhine found himself nodding a bit when he heard Omni, despite the strange twinge of confusion he felt in his chest. Despite their two part names being seen as a sign of respect, Rhinestone was still distinctly unused to being called by his full name. To most, it was simply too long, and he could honestly respect that. While he loved the name he had been given – both his warrior one and the one that he had taken on when he had become leader – he couldn't deny that it was a mouthful. However, Omni's respectful nature wasn't unwelcome, even though Rhinestone was caught off guard by it.

Offering the other a kind smile, the tom nodded with pride as Omnicron spoke about their territory, and the hold they had on it. A few months back, he was terrified that Palmclan would fall apart, and they wouldn't be able to recover after the hurricane. Now, they were thriving more than ever, and he couldn't be happier. This was reflected in his tone, a cheerful lilt to his words as he spoke, "We're your second visit, huh? Well, I'm glad that you came to see us! You're right about us having a hold on this beach... it has been our territory for many, many moons. The boardwalk was a more recent addition." He flicked his tail in the direction of the wooden structure, thinking back to his first encounter with Vaas, and the negotiations. It already seemed so far in the past, even though he knew it wasn't.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - number nine. - 10-15-2020

Amused laughter left Number Nine as soon as he heard Quasar, his head shaking from side to side and displacing some of the flowers that adorned him. He had no idea how the kid came up with this stuff, but he certainly wasn't complaining – every group needed a bit of levity. Rhinestone's arrival was mostly unsurprising, especially after Quasar had begun to talk about him, but Nine still offered him a toothy smile, fluffy tail flicking from side to side in a wave. Looking back towards Omnicron, Nine smirked before speaking, confidently, "Yeah, this group has warriors. Apprentices, too. We haven't seen many battles in a while, but we know how to defend ourselves – hence why we've kept a hold on this beach for so long." Nine hadn't actually been a warrior of Palmclan for a particularly long amount of time, but he knew that history of the place. He also knew that they were more anti-leaning, meaning that they would happily defend themselves if they needed to. Fortunately – or unfortunately, if you were someone who enjoyed fighting like Nine did – they hadn't needed to in quite a while.

Re: They Call It Lonely Digging -- Open, Visit - Grimm - 10-15-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11.5px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed a rather particular component of the welcoming committee, if those few rather common faces seen within proximity of new arrivals may be deemed such, had been slacking.

Indignation arose across gentle features, as though not his own lack of observation and thought was the cause for his rather late arrival, within place for only moments. Recognised with particular ease those who regarded the behemoth before, canid yet unlike anything he had experienced prior, a minor factor for the multi-hued brothers all he had to draw from. Comfortable his act of slipping between legs hued the pale crimson of rust, about weaving before departure brought the child closer to the flora laden Nine.

"Hello." Wide the smile that adorned upturned face, heavy the manner he settled before and proceeded to lean back against the jaguar, quizzical now as he looked upon the stranger. Disregarded his more glaring differences in favour of his adornment, however, upwards rising a paw speckled with sand, rushed his words. "Where get." It seemed still recalled the prior adventures of himself and Lovekit, though he lacked a new accessory as the other had taken home he looked to the scarf with a plan slowing forming in the back of his mind.