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LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - Printable Version

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LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - ROXANNE R. - 10-08-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
She had been expecting it for a week now, she knew that her children would want to see the world and be born within the safety of a shared home. Roxanne didn't plan on making any trips to the large tree where she had Natyli and the rest of her siblings, the Quartermaster tried to keep her movements subtle and not overwork herself too much even if it was moreso everyone close to her being behind her tail constantly telling her to take it easy. Which she did for the most part that made those who cared for her to be rather relieved by it yet, that didn't normally stop her from walking around the beach or try spending a bit more time with her daughter and son. She could recall how small they had been and the thought of creatures so small living within her home once more was something that warmed her heart, a flutter in her chest.

Roxanne remembered how she and Diya had spoken about possible names for their children, they had compiled together a list yet Roxie could remember a few that had stuck out to her only to cling onto the tip of her tongue. Diya had said which ones had been her favorite, Roxie choosing names that were more foreign to the Typhoon in comparison to the names that her girlfriend had been fond of. Her paws sinking into the sand due to her weight, a soft huff leaving her maw as she began to make her way back home with ears brushing against the back of her skull. Rox had gained quite a bit of weight more than when she had Roan, she supposed that either one of the kittens were large or she had several kittens nestled within her.

Without much of a thought, she continued to waddle along until she reached her house with both of her ears perked forward. Whiskers twitching, the Quartermaster made a slightly wobbly beeline over to her room beginning to wince slightly at the pains on her side. These pains eventually became contraction but by that time, she had already found a comfortable spot where she would lay for some hours to deliver her children that were becoming quite restless. "I know... I know," She mumbled out under her breath as her nose pressed gently to her swollen belly feeling them begin to squirm and kick. She could recall how her other litters had been restless and impatient like these little ones "I want to see you too." The draconic feline would say as she let out a long breath before wincing as the pain began to get less and less bearable.


Soon, the Quartermaster was curled around five bundles of fur with a warm smile on her maw and a softened gaze. She had already taken the time to groom them to make sure all of them were breathing and wouldn't be cold, her tail curled around them protectively as she stared at all five of them lovingly. Her head resting on her forepaws, she supposed that they shouldn't take too long in giving them names. A big comfort being that her girlfriend had been there for her, Roxanne could recall the last two times that she had a litter none of the fathers had been present but this time it had been different. She didn't need to worry about Diya leaving her side since the two of them had been rather smitten with one another.

Glancing to one of the kittens, she noticed that they seemed to lack a pair of wings though that didn't mean that Roxanne would love them any less. It took her a moment before finding her voice did Roxie say with a slow nod of her cranium "Ylva." A lovely name and a unique one at that seeing as there wasn't a lot of names that started with Y. Regardless, Roxanne would look fondly at the little girl who was now named did she mumble out quietly followed by a purr "My little Ylva." With a gentle nudge of her nose, the draconic femme nudged her daughter closer to her belly only for her gaze to shift to the next kitten.

A brown and white spotted kitten with orange wings accompanied with horns that matched the coloration of the kitten's appendages. Roxanne hummed quietly to herself as she went through that list of hers within that mind of hers, she mumbled a few things but they were inaudible. Maybe it was the fact that she was exhausted that her mind was giving out and names were running thin on her tongue. Soon enough, Roxanne would say with a soft purr "Torsten." And she seemed quite satisfied with the name itself, Ylva and Torsten. She was happy with the names she had decided to go with but more importantly, she was happy about her children being her next to her side. They all appeared to be healthy and nursing well.

The last kitten looked much like Torsten though his spots were a dark gray and appeared like a little cow, it was nice to see herself and her girlfriend on the coats of their children. Her mind was tired and beginning to blank out a bit more frequently as she watched through half closed eyes trying to figure out a name for him. Her humming soft but it was growing slower as she rested her head over her forepaws "Finnie..." It came out hesitantly from her mouth as she shook her head for a moment only to hear what her girlfriend said next, Roxanne didn't entirely agree on the name and began to think a bit more on the name she had spoken. "Finnegan," She said at last though glanced over to Diya as if seeking approval, after all, this was the third kitten. The other two waiting to be named by Diya, Roxie eagerly waiting to hear what names they would have soon enough.

Re: LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - Simon F.M. - 10-08-2020

When Diya had been young, children had never been on the plate. And then when she had diassapeared and lost so many years to the void, she'd found herself so distraught that she hadn't thought love possible. She'd gone to Typhoon just to deliver a lost child, and it had snowballed from there. She hadn't meant to fall in love, and certainly hadn't meant for children. did she regret it? not at all, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Every moment in her life had lead to this, though she wish some things had been different. She simply wished her mothers or brothers or sisters could be here for this. She hoped that one day, just maybe, one of them would stumble onto her doorstep to meet her darling babies.

For the past week, she hadn't strayed far from Roxanne's side. She had remained close by to her girlfriend, laid behind her and pressed together. Her tongue would rasp over the top of Roxanne's head, sighing softly(but not sadly) as things finally grew still. One of the babies, pale with grwey spots, had scared them at first but, now things had settled, all things peaceful. The babe in question was being suggested a name by Roxanne, and another at the same moment by Diya. As Finnie was suggested, the name "Brennigan" softly left her. A moment of panic at the conflicting names, a slight chuckle rumbling from the vampires chest. At her girlfriends suggestion of a different name she nodded, agreeing to such a name.

She would lean over, laying eyer on the other two remaining children, nameless. Her eyes would settle on one, a soft white with brown points. She reached her head over her girlfriend, brushing her nose against one of the little ones small orange horns. She would lift her head slightly to look at Roxanne, meeting her eyes for a moment before returning her gaze the that small kitten. "Alexandre, for you" she would say softly, a light smile on her muzzle. A name meaning protector, though she would never ask a single one to take such a stance over their family.

Her gaze would turn to the final unnamed child, a near replica of Roxanne. A chuckle would leave her softly as she stated the obvious, gaze not leaving the chocolate colored kitten. "She looks almost exactly like you, love." she would say, a small smile on her face. Her mind flashed back to her own mother, who she had been a copy of. SHe hoped that her children would never have to deal with the losing their mothers like she had. Her children would never go through that kind of strife, she would be sure of that. "Aveline," she would murmer, meaning "little chestnut tree", named for the brown color of her fur. Satisfied, she would give each kitten a small nuzzle before pulling back, resting her head on Roxanne's side. "I love them and I love you, Mon bonheur.

Re: LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - trojan g. - 10-08-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;opacity: 0.7;text-indent: 30px;"]Ready. It was the word that described the headstrong little kitten for the time being. He was ready to come see the world, ready to do what little kids did. That was, until he was born, and it was cold, and wet, and rough as a tongue swept across his body. Suddenly dry, starting to be warm, he let out a small cry of protest. Why were things changing so much? He was comfortable though.

Little legs moved him forward, pushing through and squeezing by siblings until his goal was reached, and Torsten would lay down and eat, small mewls of triumph vibrating through his body.

Re: LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 10-08-2020

draconic feline . minnow . he/they
If there was one thing Finnegan preferred right now, it was warmth. In the first few seconds of his life outside of his mother's womb, he was already learning to dislike the cold, an irritated mewl erupting from his tiny maw as he blindly moved towards the safety of Rox's belly fur. Oh, how he wished he could go back to the dark place he had called home for the past several weeks, but as his mother's tongue began to lap at his fur, he seemed to calm down, a purr emanating from his tiny body.

On the outside, the little kitten appeared healthy, with no deformities and his hunger driving him to seek out milk. However, things quickly took a very bad turn. Wheezing, Finnegan suddenly began struggling to breathe, sides heaving as he came to a complete halt beside his siblings. Despite everything, it seemed he had been born with weak lungs, mother nature having marked him for death from the very beginning. Unable to breathe properly, the kitten soon grew still, body going stiff as his soul departed from its lifeless body. His life had barely begun... and already, it was over.

"What... happens now...?" was the question that came to mind as the young soul drifted away into the night sky. Would he drift forever? Never to see the family he barely had a chance to know ever again? Perhaps it was meant to be this way... he was meant to die so that his siblings could live, or that's what Finn thought until something strange happened.

From far away, a spark of green light could be seen, coming right towards him- and fast. Unbeknownst to Finnegan, it was another soul, one who had also died not long before him. There was nothing the child could do to get out of the way, and within seconds, a collision would occur, the two souls fusing into one. The force of this collision was so strong, it propelled them both back downwards into the body that Finn had left behind. Suddenly filled with a renewed- not to mention, strong, desire to live, the kitten was miraculously revived from death, another loud cry coming from his tiny body. While his breathing was still slightly unsteady, he somehow seemed to be ok, even pushing himself forwards so that he could feast on milk. Even when it seemed like the odds were stacked against him from the start, Finnegan had somehow managed to survive, but how would this affect his future? For now, he didn't really care. All that mattered at this moment was that he was happy and full, another content purr coming from his throat as he dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

Re: LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - Alexandre - 10-08-2020


The kitten mindlessly scrambled until he met warmth. His mother's side breached his pelt as soft, confused breaths left the boy. Existence was, as we know it, bewildering. Deemed Alexandre, he knew nothing about this wild world just yet, nor the struggles he would come upon. All he was consciously was aware of was her. The alabaster child pressed further into Roxanne's side, aching for whatever sustenance could be provided. In the moment, his other mother's head pressed against his horns and he let out a cry, only to be comforted by her touch seconds later.

Heavy breaths echoed throughout his ears, causing him to mewl loudly. Something, unbeknownst to him, was very wrong.

Re: LA LA LU ♡ birthing ♡ AND MAY LOVE BE YOUR KEEPER - sykes - 10-17-2020

It's true, Ylva is an uncommon name. It means she-wolf in old norse, and oddly enough it's quite fitting- though undoubtedly the femme in question can't hear her mother as she graces her with the elegant name, she'll soon become acquainted with it.

Her siblings are similarly named, there seems to be some sort of theme between the two mothers, but again she can't hear- her senses are overwhelmed with the scent of milk that has him mewling from the moment the sac around him bursts, clumsily scraping with clawless paws in an effort to reach the source- that being Roxanne, of course.

Ylva is all too unaware of the trouble brewing around her. She mewls and cries as her siblings roughly struggle to be the first to reach their mother's warmth, unbeknownst to the world around them and the dangers they are about to face- the dangers that, though she doesn't know it yet, one of them is already facing.

She reaches Alexandre's side moments after the other has already found Roxanne's plump stomach, settling uncomfortably between Torsten and the aforementioned brother so she could fill her belly with warm milk.
are never loyal