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the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

Bai-fucking-Shi. Wasn't that a blast from the past. Ninazu's torture project, a former Pittian, and now a leader of a group. Fate had led them in strange directions, hadn't it? It was time for their paths to converge once again though, as their groups were both small and desperately needed assistance towards their causes. Needless to say, there was a reason the conniving lion showed up on Alithis Evgenis' doorstep today.

The albino leader arrived to the edge of the grasslands with a huff. A neon gaze swooped through the area in search of any life, but found none to begin with. Sometimes the lack of patrols and guards within the clans concerned him, especially within The Typhoon. No wonder he could slip so easily between their fingers. Nevertheless, Stryker gave them the benefit of the doubt. Instead, he let out a call to make his presence known. "Deary me, it's quite cold here, now isn't it?" the Kingpin stated with a shudder. He cackled lowly. "The tropics are quite different than this." Stryker didn't look forward to visiting them in the Winter if need be, especially with this woodland breeze. "Now let's hurry this up so I can go sunbathe and dip my toes in the water." He mockingly clapped his paws together to signify 'chop-chop.'

"Name's Stryker and I would like to talk to your leader, please," the foreigner finally enthused. He wasn't going to delve into why just yet.


Re: the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - teef - 10-09-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
the blustering kiss of the wind was more than enough to drive the most sane back indoors, but sanity is not what kept the shapeshifter outside in the wind. patrols had been lacking, prey was flowing strong and there had been no sign of bandits since the partial collapse of the cliffside buildings. reasons that belonged to the shifter alone brought them out along the territory's perimeter, their daughter's twisted body laying at the forefront of their mind.

taking the crest of the hill before them, a scent they wished that they never would have smelt again reached their nose, faint but ever so real. they recalled the memories of their days spent in the pitt, when stryker had been the ardent, and when ninazu herself had tortured them for some time. taking a deeper breath, they rumbled, some amount of their distracted mind put to rest at the lack of the lioness' scent. striding down the lip of the hill, the melanistic jaguar bodied kingpin approached the albino lion kingpin, "they're here.", they announced as they came towards him, "hello stryker, it's been well over a year now. no hard feelings, hey?"

oh, they remembered jervis and his claiming of having captured the lions who had held the group in their paws. little were they to know that the fallen ardent now had his own group once again. "been a long fuckin' time. where's the missy? back home?", they wouldn't let their mind wander back to that time when she had them captive, before sephiroth came to rescue them. how foolish they had been then, fooled by silken words by the ones they thought friends - not that any of the pittians would have befriended them.

they were oblivious to the chill of the air, pondering on if they should extend a wall of shelter to him - he looked rather miserable and already quite chilled here in the autumn. how hilarious it would be to see him in the winter, floundering through snow. putting aside their internal amusement, they cleared their throat, "what brings you to my home, stryker? i'm not entirely sure if i should say that i'm glad to see you for it's been so long. but it is good to know that another survives this long despite the vines of fate and karma.", were they pleased by his appearance? not completely but he seemed rather healthy - they did not wish to engage in a fight that would deplete their energy when it may be needed at any time.

Re: the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-09-2020

It was time he showed his face. A smirk flashed his stained teeth as the sweet sound of Bai Shi's voice filled his senses. His head lowered, offering a curt nod out of respect. Upon returning to his previous position, slitted eyes attempted to connect with his old friend's as they spoke. "My, it really has been," he reminisced. Stryker didn't want to think about how long he was in that cave though, especially with the torture and mindfuck he had to endure. "No hard feelings though, truly." Grudges were for children anyways... or in serious cases. Goldenluxury's disdain for him was completely understandable, especially after killing her mother. Nevertheless, he was open-minded and was always willing to sit down with her if she changed her mind, despite how odd it would be.

"She's living the life, spawning carnivorous plants for some reason. Don't ask." He chuckled to himself. For as much as he wanted to swoon, Stryker didn't want to sway away from his purpose of visiting. "I assume you're doing well too?" A lot of things must have changed. Seeing Bai Shi lead a group was certainly different to his usual agenda.

Finally, down to business. Stryker cleared his throat, ready to dish out his spiel for the millionth time. "Despite our differences, I think an alliance would benefit the both of our groups, especially with how small and novel we are," he drawled. Unlike the others, he didn't have to indulge too far into his own morals. Bai Shi, despite their touch and go relationship, knew him. Even so, the Kingpin didn't know his group's opinion on The Typhoon, nor his own.


Re: the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - Hope Arcanium - 10-13-2020

Stryker. The Pitt. It gave the god a bad taste in her mouth as she slowly walked up to meet with Bai, standing by the jaguar's side silently. She did not bother to tone down her godly aura, allowing the flames and sparks to surge forth off of her small frame. She had an odd feeling about Stryker. He seemed familiar, and the 'vibes' she got from him were not friendly, that much she knew for certain. At least, to her. There was always the possibility she could be wrong.

"You know this lion, Bai Shi?" Playerone finally asked, lashing her tail back and forth. She looked to the melanistic jaguar and then to Stryker, heavily tempted to give him the 'stink eye', but didn't in the end. Perhaps she was over-thinking this? She just... didn't trust Stryker, strangely.

Re: the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - SirDio - 10-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

Gentle footsteps sounded as Asteri stepped toward the group, arriving in time to hear Stryker suggest an alliance. The lion didn't seem too untrustworthy, but she was still on edge. Stranger danger, she supposed. "Chao." was all she spoke, willing to hear Bai's opinion before giving her own.

Re: the fine print - [COTC VISIT] - teef - 10-14-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
gaze taking in the lion before them, they held themself back from returning the same nod, their fur stiff around their neck, bushed against the cold. his voice was something that they could remember some of, hearing his voice while ninazu did her work. closing their eyes against a blustery gale, they rumbled softly in thought, pondering things. grudges were for children, yes, but perhaps ... they could come to forget things with time. they could agree with that, they didn't have any hard feelings towards him but towards ninazu ... that would come. they weren't the ones who had taken their family and loved ones from them. locking eyes with stryker, they gave a grin in answer to his, "spawning carnivorous creatures hmn? sounds like an interesting hobby. me? i'm doing as well as one could when faced with misfortunate happenings.", they murmured, pushing back memories of their children.

it had been so long since they had make contact with one another, but they knew even the hardest of beings changed in some way or form. they wondered quietly what all would have changed with him, perhaps he had mellowed out? "before that, stryker, what do you think of the typhoon and the pitt?", they asked, eyes half narrowed. debating on his answer .. perhaps they could find some other things that had changed. they didn't know what had happened since they'd left behind those groups, especially goldenluxury ... they didn't care to remember that time, not when they lost the rest of their eyesight and kydobi. giving a heavy exhale, they flicked their ear, hearing playerone come up beside them, as well as asteri. greeting the two with a dip of their head, "yes, i know him. he's stryker, formerly of the pitt. i'm entertaining the idea of forming an alliance.", they murmured in soft explanation to their groupmates before turning their gaze back to stryker with a grin, "nothing bad about considering it.", they grinned, eyes glinting. his answer ... would be where their own answer came from. they had no love for the typhoon ... not for any of those other groups. they had stayed in the pitt for one being alone and he was gone, gone like the rest of their family and friends.