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looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Printable Version

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looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

Time. Hell, it'd been a long time. Stryker dearly wanted to come back to The Pitt when the time was right and today felt just right. With that tyrannical bastard Jervis gone and a new leader in his place, he felt safe enough to visit. He just hoped their new leader hadn't followed in his footsteps. The former two-time ardent of The Pitt would be very displeased if Gael had. Thankfully, that wouldn't be the case.

Wandering up from the neutral grounds, the lion stopped near the sandy border. His eyes surveyed the imaginary line, surprised to see no more spiked heads lining the area. With a snort, he brushed the hair out of his eyes and let his posture relax. "Excuse me, former ardent here... Miss me?" came his cocky coo. "Lookin to talk to your current big boss, if you don't mind." Whomever that may be. For all he knew, Aine could have became a blood thirsty killer and ravaged the mainland. It was always the quiet ones.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - gael - 10-08-2020

Gael considered it misfortunate, the only Ardent he had known before those who came during his stay within the Pitt was Jervis.  He knew little of the mad fox's predecessors aside from word of mouth, but he knew enough to identify a white lion claiming to be a former Ardent as Stryker.  Didn't Ry mention a lion...?

"And what is it," the vulpine inquired in neutral tone, "that you want?"

Gael kept his golden gaze level, analyzing, genuinely curious of the former Ardent's intentions; his true intentions, in returning to the desert.  If Stryker had been wandering in the neutral lands all this time, why return now -- well after his usurper had been put to the flame?

The Faerie twitched his ear, willing to see what the lion sought.  For now.

// Mobile
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - j a c k . - 10-08-2020

Another creature of power apprached the border, Jack was a quiet folk, and the Pitt was a lot more docile now that it hade been. A found peace with the newer ways, Gael as ardent had tempered the want of war, and instead replaced it with a sense of control, the small wildcat walked closer, white form mirroring the lion's if not for the blue eyes. For the moment Jack remained silent.

/ ay mobile gang
[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-08-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ crow
“Howdy, stranger, what pretty horns you have!” Vale cawed, chittering in the back of xyr throat. The crow circled the group once, twice, and cawed again. “Do you mind if I take a sits on them? There are no fucking trees in this fucking wasteland, you know! It’s so tiring!”

Without waiting for Stryker’s answer, the crow attempted to land on one of Stryker’s horns. “The name’s Vale Aston. I’ll try to whisper whisper all quiet-like while I’m next to your ear.”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - Stryker - 10-08-2020

The lion's eyes skipped over towards Gael. A fox. He wanted to snort, assuming that this was one of Jervis' shitstain family members. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. Nevertheless, he proceeded in a professional manner. He offered a nonchalant wave of his paw towards the arden and a weary smile. "To talk to your current ardent, like I stated," he stated cluelessly. "I would like to discuss an alliance with The Pitt. My feelings still hold true for my former home, but I have moved on to bigger things." Plus, who wanted to stay in this depressing desert? The tropics were much more appealing. His family being there was a big bonus, but the beauty of the ocean was vital too. "Thing is, we both know we don't like The Typhoon," came his blunt comment. From Yes Man to Jervis, all the ardents he knew never enjoyed The Typhoon. Goldenluxury was a fucking, righteous bitch and her father's reign was a disappointment. Needless to say, they were bound to crumble. Now was the time. "My group's island was destroyed by their meteor. Our caves flooded, the land cracked, and our homes are now ruined. It's a shithole. Period." He let out a sigh. "We need a new home. The Typhoon has exactly what we need." Migrating over and continuing their culture would be flawless. Their plants would presumably bloom as normal, wanderers would still reminisce on familiar sites, and explore the novel parts too. "If The Pitt assists, we will gladly hand over Haven Island. Consider it a bribe." Plus a vacation spot away from this hot mess every now and then wouldn't be bad.

His eyes shifted towards Jack. A silent one. The ones that approached the border without a word were always the most mysterious... and the easiest to mess with. "Speak up, chap," the lion snapped. He attempted to reach out towards Jack's chin, raising his head up to look into Stryker's eyes. "Keep your head up." Slitted eyes narrowed. "What's your name?" A smirk met his lips. He pulled his paw away, whether his attempt failed or not, and redirected his head towards the sound of flapping wings.

Neon hues spotted the silhouette circling above him. "Well, why thank you," he cooed back. Before he could answer further, talons wrapped around his horns. The former ardent cackled lowly in response. "Well then, Vale, it's a pleasure to meet you." They had been the only one to properly introduce themselves to Stryker's disappointment.


Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - aine. - 10-08-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
A white lion with horns... The petite deer-fox blinked, hazel hues flickering.  Wary.  Suspicious.  Shuffling the feathers at her side, the Fleshweaver trotted up to her father, keeping her distance from the stranger.  Ex-Ardent.  Stryker.

With a frown, she glanced up at her father, ears flattened.  She didn't like Goldenluxury.  But she was beginning to open up to the idea that not all pirates were bad.  She didn't hate her cousins.  Her family.  She didn't want more fighting.  More fire.

She didn't want to be friends with someone that matched the description of someone who hurt her best friend.  Her Ry.  No.  That wasn't someone to ally with.  To help.  To fight beside.  Her father would agree with that, right? He couldn't hate Goldenluxury more than he cared about them.

Softly, Aine murmured, "da."  Silently, she mouthed Ry's name before shaking her head.  "Je n’aime pas ça."

More resolutely, the fae straightened her back.  She was the Pitt's Fleshweaver.  Their healer.  She ought to have a say in whether they agreed to war.  Stubborn fire began blazing in her eyes.  Defiant.  Hopeful.

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-08-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ crow
“The Typhoon? Ah, yes, the one with the testy healer—what healer throws lightning at a peaceful meeting?” Vale chattered, tisking to verself. The crow knew little about the politics of the main Clans, but the Typhoon failed to impress ver during the last neutral Clans meeting. The Elysium similarly failed to impress ver, and the crow didn’t give a lick about Ham and Salami’s group, either.

Ruffling vis feathers, the crow stabilized verself on the lion’s horns. This one provided an excellent perch, unlike some other horns Vale’d used before. “Pleasure to meet you, yes. What was your name again? I don’t think you said it, but! If it’s supposed to be self-evident, I was lurking in the wilds for… I don’t know… years? Hahaha!” Vale fluffed vis feathers again, standing up taller.

“Leader Man would be the faerie fox. Not faerie as in derogatory for homosexual—I don’t care if he is, I am gay gay gay myself!—but as in… he’s magic but doesn’t lay eggies. Though he sure don’t look magic and mystical to me.”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - gael - 10-08-2020

"That would be me," Gael answered plainly, flicking an ear.  At least the lion cut to the chase, revealing intentions the vulpine found intriguing.  Stryker had found another place to call his allegiance.  "Call me Gael."

While alliances were strategically beneficial, the faerie possessed little interest in them -- considering the Pitt's long history without, and the harsh opinions they suffered from others.  He had yet to hear of a word of this new faction either; another concern -- their beliefs, their system, it mattered before even considering an alliance.

Gael listened patiently, thoughtful as Stryker made his case.  In truth, the faerie knew few among the Pitt who even remembered what the Typhoon and their neighbors did to them -- Jervis' children, though not in great detail, and himself and Aine.  Dante, perhaps, but the hybrid had been away.

He saw little cause to pursue a vendetta against the pirates in the present; even for a seemingly noble cause like home.  His dislike for Goldenluxury did not extend to the Typhoon as a whole -- he may distrust the majority for their blind hatred of the Pitt, but he knew he stood to loose more than he could gain from hurting them.

He hummed softly in acknowledgement at Vale's mention of Roan, recalling his cousin's son's outburst in the prior meeting -- an unfortunate lapse in order, but no reason for vengeance on their part.  Moreover, Gael benefited from the trust of those cousins; members of the Typhoon who saw him as a friend were strategically valuable. He had no intentions of losing those connections for a stranger's gain.

"If you were once Ardent here, then you should remember," the vulpine began, "the Pitt does not have alliances.  That is not our way.  We protect our own."

Gael glanced down at his daughter, inclining his head.  She knew better than him, the details of Trygve's injuries prior to his nights of solitude.  While he would prefer to confirm with the boy himself, the Ardent knew why Aine looked wary -- the vulpine knew of no other lions who matched the description so flawlessly.  We protect our own.

"You will have to look elsewhere for an official alliance.  Your people are not the only who have suffered damage to their home," and Gael had no interest in seeing the trees aflame again.  No doubt Aine had similar concerns in mind.

"That said, I understand the struggle following a natural disaster," God knows he had seen enough of those over the years.  "I have thoughts of expanding our marketplace and I am willing to propose neutrality and trade amongst our groups."

"But I would like to know more, and understand your people better, before cementing any such deals as I am sure you will understand."  In the end, Gael would not hesitate to cut ties with a strange new faction for the safety of his family and the Pitt as a whole.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - VALE - 10-09-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ crow becoming a wolf
Vale’s red eyes baleful gaze watched Gael carefully. Ve tisked and cawed intelligibly, punctuating Gael’s pause with vis disagreeing opinion. By the time Gael finished, the crow beat vis wings violently. “Hey, idiot! You’re letting your wittle feelings get in the way of the Pitt’s best interest! If you hadn’t noticed, our goddamn desert is empty of resources. So empty, in fact, it delayed you feeding me my feast after I spent three days in the desert!”

Vale huffed and puffed vis chest out. “You don’t sound like an ardent of the Pitt right now. You sound like a lapdog for the Tyhphoon and those weak-ass groups. Oh, wow, my family is there, I don’t want to offend them. Too fucking bad, did your family bring me FOOD? Did your family bring us our forests back after it burned down!” Despite Vale’s earlier promise to Stryker, vis volume rose steadily until ve was practically screaming.

Vale fluttered down, black goop dripping down vis body. The muscles spasmed and twitched. Vis head turned sharply to the right, cracked, and vis spine shivered all the way down to the tail growing out of vis ass. Vale’s beak dropped to the sands with a thud, and vis lips parted to reveal white teeth. Vale grew and grew, until a melanistic wolf stood in front of Gael.

“I did not join a warbound group so y’all could be more boring than the Elysium! If I wanted to rub shoulders with a bunch of traders and pacifists, I would’ve parked my ass over there!”

“Let! Me! SMASH!” Vale snickered, hopping excitedly in place. The tiny crow bobbed vis head. “Both meanings of the words, by the way, Leader Man. I can be a fox, too, you know!”

Re: looking for a beating — [COTC VISIT] - aine. - 10-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Aine felt her chest constrict.  A rare anger bubbling up inside.  Irritated.  Vale didn't know.  Vale hadn't been here.  Her eyes flared, sand beginning to raise around her paws.  Vale hadn't seen the flames.  Hadn't lost a friendHow dare zey talk like they knew.  Like it was worth it all again.

"We don't fight for strangers," she spat quietly.  It didn't matter that it was about the Typhoon.  It didn't matter.  This ex-Ardent, who no one knew personally, wanted them to help them when they knew nothing about this group of theirs?  She was no strategist, but even Aine could see the danger there. 

"Y-you wanna risk losing- losing what we little we have, just to get your claws bloody?  Instead of using- using this time to repair?  To be smart?  T-then maybe.  Maybe you don't belong here.  Because that's not sense.  That's reckless.  'an stupid. 'an it's not your call to make, when you're not the one responsible for everyone's safety." Stars.  She didn't want to bury another friend.

"At least da cares about that -- you jus' want to satisfy yourself."