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LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - Printable Version

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LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - RHINESTONE. - 10-02-2020

It had been some time since the last meeting, and Rhinestone knew that he had been slacking a bit lately, mainly because he had been feeling a bit under the weather as of late. Still, he felt good enough now to leave his den, shaking out his rusty red fur before he leaped atop the meeting rock. The cool stone beneath his feet was pleasant feeling, although he had no doubt that it would soon be too cold for him to truly enjoy it. Fall was already here, and it wouldn't be long until winter came along as well. Palmclan usually had mild winters, but Rhine was so used to the heat of the clan that even the slightest chill got to him. He shook that off for the moment, sitting back on his haunches as he called out, "All those old enough to brave the waves, gather for a meeting! As per usual, this will be a too part meeting, so please make yourselves comfortable and pay attention." He didn't doubt that everyone would, considering most would be used to this song and dance by now. Although, as per usual, it seemed as though they had quite a few new joiners, so maybe they wouldn't know yet.

With his tail flicking idly behind him, Rhine let out a soft pleased hum when he saw the number of those who had already gathered. Not wanting to waste any time, he immediately launched into welcomes, "First thing's first – we've got several new members to welcome into the group, so I'd like to give them all a shoutout. Everyone give a warm welcome to [member=16297]Hurricane[/member], [member=16322]VIL D.[/member], [member=16348]tree.[/member], [member=16315]R. AIZA[/member], and [member=16266]fait![/member]" He hesitated a bit upon saying Aiza's name, his mind briefly drifting back to his interactions with the other, and the flirting that had taken place. Still, he was quick to shake it off, moving on, "As for other news... Featherear has stepped down from her position as medicine cat, and hasn't been seen in some time. I'd like to thank her for all the work she has done, and also tell everyone that I'm going to be looking for a new medicine cat – or at least an apprentice – to replace her. So, if you have any interest in healing, feel free to say so now." Hopefully there would be someone, since Rhinestone didn't want to leave the clan without a healer for long. After all, if they were going to assist Alithís Evgenis, they didn't want to risk losing anyone to injuries.

Having Featherear gone was definitely a blow that the tom didn't care to think about, but that didn't mean there wasn't good news as well. Rhinestonestar could feel himself practically vibrating with excitement as he moved on, "As for promotions, I'd like to give an activity shoutout to Vaas. It's good to see you around so much, and you're on a good track. I'd also like to promote Medusa to waverunner, for her great contributions and high activity ever since she joined. I hope you can continue rising up the ranks." He smiled proudly at the both of them, his entire body still jittery with excitement. His gaze searched through the crowd before eventually landing on the feline he had been looking for, his smile broadening into an outright grin, "In addition to those... I'd like to ask Sugarspice if she would like to step up and be my deputy. Despite not being born here, Suga has been an invaluable member of the group since she joined, and if she would like to take up the position... I believe she would be perfect for it." He left the ultimate decision up to her, not wanting to put too much weight on her shoulders if she didn't want the responsibility. She had definitely been an amazing senior warrior, but taking the step up to deputy was a big decision, for anyone.

Re: LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - SirDio - 10-02-2020


Hearing Rhine call for a meeting brought a spark of excitement to the molly, her movements fluid as she made her way to the center of camp, sitting down by the front. She listened as the leader listed the newcomers, and let out a little chuckle of amusement at Hurricane's himbo grin. It was unfortunate, hearing that Featherear stepped down and left, but she wasn't one for healing, so she kept quiet, hoping someone could speak out. If not, she was going to consider.

Hearing the word 'promotions' come into the air, she listened in anticipation. She beamed to her leader, tail coiling around her body before she sent a gentle nod of congratulations to Vaas. Turning to Sugarspice, she dipped her head in respect, and probably in agreement with Rhine. But she didn't say anything; not wanting to push anything, she instead got up to wrangle Hurricane, as he had started to leave. A simple stare and a strong tail led to her guiding him back into his spot, then moving back to her own.

Re: LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - METEOR - 10-02-2020

Oh boy, a meeting? Nice. Had he attended one? Right, yeah he had, but the sparkledoggo really couldn't remember for anything. He plopped his purple butt on the ground and made a weird face, sticking out his tongue and scrunching up his eyes like he was supposed to be the entertainment for the meeting.

"CONGRATS, VASS, YOU DANK MAN!" he cheered, because why not.

Quasar didn't really get the whole promotions and shoutouts and rank nonsense, but he understood that his friend did "good," somehow. So he threw his words in, his tail wagging and kicking up sand all the while.

Re: LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - trojan g. - 10-03-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width:400px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;"]The call of a meeting drew Sugarspice near, her ears pricking as she sat herself down comfortably in the growing crowd of clanmates and npc's. Listening to the words that Rhinestonestar spoke, Suga offered her welcomes to those that had joined the group that she had yet to meet, as well as smiles to those who she had met already. Congratulations would be given to Vaas and Medusa as they were given shoutouts and promotions in turn, then she would pause as her own name was spoken, taken aback for a moment before nodding her head slightly as she thought.

Rhinestonestar was leaving the decision up to her, on whether or not she would become the deputy of the group. "Thank you Rhinestonestar," She would begin, surprise clear in her voice from what had been said, "I promise I won't let you down, thank you for the chance." She accepted it, the new deputy felt a warmth over her ears as she did so, waiting for more words to be spoken as the second part of the meeting would come soon.

Re: LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - VASS . - 10-03-2020

Vaas wasn't too late to the meeting, but as the rest of the group gathered the rather reclusive tiger took note. it was one of the many times that Vaas had left the boardwalk towards the newer camp of the clan. Vibrant green eyes looking between the other's that had gathered, spotting a few of familuar faces and sticking closer towards the back. The large tiger easily able to see beyond the crowd as Rhine took his stand along the rock.

The russet tom spoke up, calling his name and snapping the tiger out of his own thoughts. Qusar's bark enticing a response from the tiger- instantaneous. This song and dance has been done before. The large tiger's droll voice cutting into an almost snarl that wasn't as heartfelt as his expression would make you believe. "cachorro, don't think the rest of the clans herd' ya"

His tail might've lashed at the call out, he never did well with attention of any manner when he was growin' up. It always meant something bad- terrible then. Yet after being boss he made his peace with the necessity, getting attention for merely bein' around? Well, it caught his attention.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: LEMME HEAR YOU SAY ☆ o, MEETING 10/02 - RHINESTONE. - 10-05-2020

Rhinestone gave ample time for the news to settle throughout the crowd, chuckling when he heard Quasar's enthusiastic call of congratulations. He also dipped his head to Sugarspice, glad that the new deputy had accepted the position. With ranks out of the way, he did have a bit of news about recent events to discuss. He launched into it with a soft hum, thinking back on all that had happened, "As for what has been happening lately... well, quite a few exciting things, actually. We had a strange visitor at the border, also had our first two successful Warrior's Plights, on behalf of myself and Sugarspice. Suga was also busy collecting sea glass, something beneficial for both looking pretty and cleaning up our beach." He chuckled a bit, not even wanting to think about a poor someone stepping on a piece of seaglass that had an unfortunately sharp edge.

Shifting a little on the spot, Rhinestonestar felt a faint smirk come to his face, clearly pleased with what he was about to say next. The clock had finally ticked over into one of his favorite months of the year, and he definitely wanted Palmclan to celebrate in some way. He just wasn't exactly sure how yet, honestly. He voiced this, tail twitching with excitement behind him, "It's October, and as I'm sure you all know, Halloween is coming up. Usually it's customary for us to celebrate with various competitions and events, but this year I wanted a chance for you to all give your own input on things. Since I don't want this meeting becoming too clogged, I'll be holding a separate discussion on what we should do for the season. Be sure to participate if you have ideas." Hopefully everyone would get involved, and maybe they could all even talk about costumes together. He had no doubt that it was a silly tradition, but he enjoyed it. Speaking of enjoying things, he couldn't help the lopsided grin on his face as he moved on, "In addition to all of this, as usual, I'd like to thank everyone for your amazing activity. Even if you didn't get a shout out this meeting, there are a ton of different faces that stood out to me, and I hope that we can continue to make Palmclan thrive." He knew he said it practically every meeting, but he really did mean it. They were doing great.

Glancing down at his own paws briefly, Rhine tried to think if there was anything that he had forgotten to discuss. Ultimately, the tom decided that no, he had gotten to everything he had wanted to. So, with a carefree flick of his tail, he announced cheerfully, "Alright, so... unless there's any questions, this meeting is dismissed. Thank you all for gathering!" That was another successful meeting down, and he was getting more and more used to hosting them.
