Beasts of Beyond
and how the wind blows - Printable Version

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and how the wind blows - rumor! - 10-01-2020

a new tide comes in and i'm washed away ❤❤❤
She was in a whole new world. A land foreign to her, and yet she was oddly at peace with her surroundings.

Rumor sniffed gingerly at the ground, her sharp mandibles scraping along the dirt and making her shiver. The way the flowers danced with the air filled her with a childlike glee and she would have danced with them too if not for the fact she was more interested in exploring her current surroundings first. The strange caracal hybrid looked around and let out a small chirp. Perhaps people would hear her and investigate her. Rumor sure hoped so, because she had questions to ask.
❤❤❤ forces stronger than hate are left in the wake

Re: and how the wind blows - trojan g. - 10-01-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Just as Rumor was, Viadaylth too preoccupied themself with searching surroundings. They had searched before, in the hope that there would be someone there, to no avail, but it seemed as though this time would be different. "Hello?" The large dragon would call out, head tilting to the side as face slowly made their way down to the ground, attempting to be eye level with the caracal hybrid. What a strange creature they were, so nonchalant in their ways of going about an unknown area. "If I could have your ear for only a moment, I have a small request. You'll get something out of it too, so do not worry about something like that." He had many requests, and could only hope they could all be filled, after all he didn't want these things lining his metaphorical pockets any longer. These gifts and shiny things.

"My name is Viadaylth, I come from far away and I only ask for one thing, maybe two. Would you do for me these small things, answering a question and traveling?" He would begin his words, eyes looking over the caracal once more for a moment, waiting for a sign of listening before continuing on. "I would like for you to travel to a new place, and answer me this: is there other life in the universe?" It didn't have to be a literal answer, just some sort of form of it, anything would do. He had questions of his own that needed answering of course.

//Have Rumor travel to a new place in some way, and answer the question "Is there other life in the universe?" this can be a literal answer or a metaphorical one.

Re: and how the wind blows - rumor! - 10-05-2020

a new tide comes in and i'm washed away ❤❤❤
She blinked up at the dragon before offering him a sweet smile, her mandibles clicking. "You have my ears, mister! Your scales are very pretty." Rumor said with a giggle, taking a moment to admire him. When Viadaylth introduced himself and proceeded to ask her questions, her eyes going wide. An adventure! Oh how she loved going on adventures!
The hybrid started doing a little dance in excitement in response to his requests. "I'm Rumor, and to answer your question: I absolutely believe there is other life in the universe! It's statistically impossible for us to be the only living things! Maybe it's not advanced like we believe, or it can even be microorganisms, but it's still life!" She said with a small twirl. "And I would absolutely love to travel to a new place! Will there be people there? Will I make friends? Maybe even a best friend? Oh I've always wanted a best friend!"

Maybe she should calm down, but this was all so new and exciting how could she remain calm? This could be the start of a new life! A life away from the Coalition and her old kingdom. A life free of suffering and violence.
❤❤❤ forces stronger than hate are left in the wake