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erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - Printable Version

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erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - SURNA . - 09-30-2020

There was such a rise in the din, a wave of sound that most didn't notice the fragile mew of a newborn within the borders of the marsh land. Under a fluttering rapid crescendo heartbeat- erratically trying to escape from the tentative rib cage that wrapped around it like vines. Soft tawny fur soaked to the bone. The smell of fresh rain, careful rot, and vibrant vegitation- there was an absence of the needed milk.

She was born and left at the border.

It could be inferred- left to rot along with the sunken wood. Yet the kit had stumbled deeper into the territory on stumbling legs. Instincts driving the kit further towards an unknown civilization where lingering rouge scent- mother looped before trailing back towards the end of the border. Along with it the scent of milk-home

Moss was caught up in their fur, clumps of it dribbling down the left side where an ear should have been. Pathetic cries rising in the sound of cicadas and the rumble of a crocodile nearby rumbling with the contentedness of a good hunt.

A crimson point feline wade into a puddle that reached their chest. They were only weeks after their ear had poped, and brilliant sky blue eyes looked out- searching. Ravenous frame begging for food, shelter- and eyes filling with tears at the frustration.

[align=center][sup][glow=#FF3030,2,300]where is moma?[/glow][/sup]

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 10-01-2020

Once again did his patrols land him on the border, eyes scraping across the territory. The albino remained under the cover of the trees, shades left behind in his shared home. The sound of something small walking caught the former knight's attention, drawing him forwards.

A soft gasp left him as pale eyes landing on the form of a small child. Quickly, he moved closer, though not so quickly as to startle the small child. "hello, zere," he cooed softly, crouching in hopes of not intimidating the little one. Stopping a short distance away, crouched and looking the pitiful thing in the eyes. "Vat is your name, is it Halright if I try to help vu?"

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - SURNA . - 10-03-2020

Scars flicker like warning lights along an absent flank of white. Deep red hidden behind a light shade of black. The larger - so much larger than them - feline's lilt of tone makes the kitten quiver, suddenly aware of the chill creeping under their fur like an infection. Aware of the moss- just how ragged they looked. They looked up, light blue eyes like fresh spun glass blink up to meet the small tooth along their hung neck.

everything about this person screams danger- but sweet- naivete as they are, they sway closer. Wide teary eyes blinking past the feeling of wanting to trust the soft voice hidden behind clever- oh so clever fangs. Needle like teeth feel like dagger's in their own, and their tongue feels for them as they meow back pathetically- hopeful, earnest. "mama." the kitten chokes on their own tears. Trying hard to be strong- brave and solem like mama.

"didn't mean to..." leave me here. It sits like a stone in their throat- the truth they try to swallow around as the lies babel out like rainwater in soft spring. The unnamed kitten looks up hopeful, placing such an open trust in a stranger. "'said to follow, said to wait here" They knew that they did,. they learned to sit still- sit quiet, but it was taking so long and they were tired. They wanted home, wanted mama. but neither were here- just a stranger.

A stranger they didn't know the name of.

and suddenly it felt like something else pushed into them. Those same blue eyes looked down- into the murky water their paws and kicked up. Shy like, and the situation forgotten. "'n i don' know you" The kitten tells, the facts making their mind calm, when the information shouldn't. "m' Sur'na"

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Although Vigenere didn't consider himself much of a father figure, he did believe that all children were to be cherished. Most of them were naïve and easily trusted everyone, and if the wrong person ended up caring for them, it could turn out in... multiple ways. They were to be protected, loved, cared for... He couldn't understand why a mother -or father, or any sort of parent figure - would abandon their child.

That thought wasn't on Vigenere's mind until he came across Eternalknight talking to a much younger kitten on the border. Frowning, the savannah came to send at Eternalknight's side as Surna introduced herself, his large ears flicking for a moment as she revealed that her mother told her to just wait at the border. She knew what she was doing. Quite honestly, that made Vigenere want to rake this kitten's mother's ears - if she truly just left her child here for the rats. "Hey Surna." The Luminary chirped, trying to push down his anger to talk sweetly to the child.

"My name is Vigenere and this is Eternalknight." Vigenere nodded at his companion before looking back down at the kitten. "Your Mama told you to stay here? Did she say how long?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - SURNA . - 10-05-2020

yellow of a brilliant hue cut's into sea-foam occularies. Looking down- looking lost the kitten startles at the sight- returning their gaze back up to meet another blue shade and the disguised anger feeling swimming into them. A staggering step back as wet hackles rise in more shock than any fear or anger. Too young to reason out - to know the meaning of a clan- or group. Not knowing the border that they passed beyond the following scent of lingering rouge in the air that didn't belong to them.

"no" Sur'na mutters, her town tampered down at the sight of the two larger felines- only grateful for the help even with how shy they feel. Butterflies bubbling in her throat in a way they weren't used to. Tail curled along their back leg in a sense of meager comfort.

" said to stay, said to wait" she didn't say she would come back. The thought struck them and suddenly whatever emotion beyond the fear- the curiosity of strangers dropping as a mourning replaced their features.

"didn't say she'd.... come back"

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]A MILLION MILES FROM HOME, I'M WALKING AHEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Whenever the kitten answered him, Vigenere took in a sharp breath, both to stop himself from wanting to claw out this mother's ears off, but also in shock at how a parent would do such a thing. It was unfathomable in the savannah's eyes; even though Alan had been old enough to take care of himself, Vigenere still walked with his son to his father's home - he couldn't bare the thought of losing his son over a stupid mistake. Was this mother wanting her child to get killed? I suppose it's possible she knew we were friendly. The leader thought to himself. Regardless, this isn't acceptable. Far from it.

"It will be cold out here tonight." Vigenere said with a frown on his face, tilting his head as he tried to think of what to say. Fuck, he wasn't equipped for dealing with kids. "Do you want to come with us so we can keep your safe until your momma gets here?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: erratic heartbeat . lost kitten - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 10-13-2020

Something in Eternalknight's hearts shattered as the kitten spoke, its what had kept him quiet as the others spoke. His mind went to his children, how small they had been, how they had been his whole world. How could someone abandon a child like that, so cruel and heartless. Eternalknight took a deep breath, grateful for Vigenere introducing him. He listen as the small child spoke, tamping down the rage that bubbled in his stomach, concern in his gaze. "If vu vould like, vu can sday vith me, I bromize vu vould pe zafe," he would say softly, huffing lightly. The missing mother would be a problem saved for later.