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the fallen - [MEETING] - Printable Version

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the fallen - [MEETING] - Stryker - 09-29-2020

Some time has passed since their last meeting. The Coalition of the Condemned were due for an update on their condition, despite their somewhat mysterious agenda. Today, the time has come. While Stryker's sickness began to fade, the work slowly came back into his realm. Even so, the Kingpin was still feeling weary. His head was spinning, easily letting his mind get ingulfed in dark thoughts and leering impulses. For the sake of his group though, he persisted on.

Looming out from the shadows of his shanty, the lion let out a sigh. Slitted eyes took in the debris around him. All he could think about was what's next or how they could even prosper in the midst of this tragedy. Stryker, in the midst of all his optimism, was still feeling tired. All he wanted for his family was a home... Not this chaos.

Traveling to the eastern side of the island, he stood at the shore's edge. For a moment, Stryker looked out towards the horizon, observing the blue waves that terrorized their island. With a shake of his head, he turned his back on the horizon and towards the sands before him. "COALITION OF THE CONDEMNED!" his hoarse voice echoed.  [color=#00b400]"COME GATHER FOR A MEETING."


Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - ninazu - 09-30-2020

The lioness slipped into the meeting, her fire-tipped tail flicking erratically behind her. Looking at the destruction up close and personal, she was tempted to do something quite drastic again. But, for the moment, she learned her lesson after the explosion of carnivorous plants. Mostly. At the very least, the meeting provided a useful distraction.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - kinglykingstone - 10-01-2020

The guru felt exhausted, frankly. He had no apprentice, no helper of the healing kind. It had been hard enough after the fall of the island, worse after Ninazu's plant incident. He'd been spending every moment healing, bandaging, cleaning. If he wasn't helping his wounded groupmates, he was gathering herbs in an attempt to make more salves to help the others. He'd gained quite a few wounds himself from the plants that snapped at his heels. The plants that grew along his back had become torn and wilted, small pieces of plant falling off behind him.

Tired eyes rested on his leader as he approached, finding himself a spot to settle and listen to whatever was going to be said. Laying down, he settled his head on his paws, eyes sliding shut. Maybe he could rest his eyes for just a minute.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - SirDio - 10-01-2020

Ezrakel Tsune

Everything hurt. Well, not physically - there were no wounds to heal, but his legs were sore, his head was hurting, his eyes seemed to droop whenever he tried to look up. There was just so much going on - he was very easily overwhelmed. But hearing his leader's voice, he decided to appear. In all honesty, he felt sympathy for Stryker - damn man wasn't feeling well, and when he was beginning to recover, he decides to host a meeting. For that, he held even more respect for the kingpin.

Gently, he sat down nearby Chaz, looking at him, realizing how tired he was, and setting his eyes toward Ninazu, then Stryker. He held respect for all of them, and held that respect higher now.

God, he was so damn tired.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - summer. - 10-02-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HE[color=#637ca9]RE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
What a family they had found themselves apart of.  Summer had been finding herself more and more impressed by her new clanmates though, so fiercely dedicated.  Despite her wariness of the display of power those carnivorous plants demonstrated, the petite wildcat had to respect Ninazu for trying.

Settling near the edges of the crowd, Summer rested her tail neatly over her paws.  Curiously, her head tilted up towards Stryker.  Thoughtful.  He seemed tired.  Still dedicated.

This was her first meeting.  She wondered what they would discuss, idlily drawing the waves closer to her, then letting them fall back into the ocean.  Push.  Pull.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-02-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, good, so Stryker hadn't perished yet. Shame. At the lion's call, the savannah made his way over with a yawn escaping him as he did so.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - Stryker - 10-07-2020

Now seemed like a good time to start. A crowd had formed and eyes were on him. He spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd. Ninazu, Chaz, Caesar per usual. Summer and Ezrakel decided to show their faces too. Good for them. Stryker allowed a few more to to gather before clearing his throat and beginning. "Thank you for gathering promptly," the lion remarked. Thin lips pulled back into a smile. "Today I have plenty to talk about-" As if he wasn't talkative in the first place. "-so please pay attention." With that, the real news began.

"Starting off, I have talked to Hani and Alani within Elysium." The duo were their former espionages. Nevertheless, their priorities laid elsewhere these days to Stryker's disappointment. He couldn't help but resent their loyalty to their new home. "While they have not accepted an alliance, they have agreed on a neutrality for now." They would need to look elsewhere for a proper alliance then before proceeding forward with their takeover on The Typhoon. "Needless to say, we don't step on their turf and they don't step on ours. Capisce?" Slitted eyes surveyed the audience. There seemed to be no answer. "Capisce."

Stryker went onto the next topic with a smirk. "I have also heard of some monthly gathering on the mainland," he enthused. "While I know we're supposed to lay low, I have been attending in secret for intel." The lion couldn't help himself after the first meeting. Good lord, that was a shitshow. He was surprised they met for a second one after all that drama. "Now, I will allow all of you attend if you please, but under several rules." As always, breaking the Code of the Coalition would result in a long, painful death. The same punishment applied here. Exposing their secret was a felony. "You will show up, stating you're a loner or a mere wanderer of the neutral grounds." All types of losers attended that meeting anyways. They wouldn't suspect a thing... Minus Caesar. The exiled bastard was probably a dead giveaway. Argus too perhaps. "Afterwards, keep quiet and listen. You're there for information and that is it." Besides that, they would leave in silence. Their duty was to attend, gather intel, and relay it back to Stryker as soon as possible. If they wanted to move closer to the mainland and leave this wretched island, their lives depended on that info.

His gaze moved over towards Ninazu next. "Now I would like to thank Ninazu for taking over while I was gone-" He let out a soft cackle. "-but perhaps we could deal with less plants next time, don't you agree Ninny?" Stryker, while he was fond of the carnivorous plants, found that the rest of his members weren't so pleased by their presence. To him, they had useful assets. "To address that, let's start by clearing out the ones left on the island..." He paused momentarily, questioning his decision. At the last moment, he changed his mind. "But leave the ones near the island's borders. They're good for intruders and fantastic deterrent. Plus, if we happen to have prisoners, they'd be marvelous guards." Keeping the weaker animals in their mouths was not out of the question either. The Kingpin surely had plans for them.

Now that the more important announcements were out of the way, Stryker took a moment to reflect. "Any questions or comments before I continue on?"

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - SirDio - 10-07-2020

Mobile post, no name title or quote///

Lifting his ears to hear better, Ezrakel fought back a small huff hearing about the deal. He hated mountains anyways. The news about monthly meetings brought his attention to the mainland. And the rules seemed just. No one would notice him at those meetings, Ezra was too reclusive. But for the Intel, he might go to the next one.

The carnivorous plants made Ezra physically slump. They were nasty buggers. But Stryker made a point, good guards, deterrents, defence.

Seeing has he had no questions, the feline was quiet.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - ninazu - 10-08-2020

The lioness's fire-tipped tail flicked when Stryker spoke about her mishap with the carnivorous plants. She didn't particularly like how things had turned out, but she was proud of the effort, anyway. How many other people could terraform an island? Not many. Sure, she'd failed to accomplish her goal, but giant carnivorous plants was a more interesting result, anyway.

Re: the fallen - [MEETING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-11-2020

Stryker was certainly a talker, that's for sure. Caesar had half the mind to roll his eyes as the Kingpin started demanding an answer to his first announcement and eventually, the savannah grunted out, "Capisce." whenever Stryker's eyes scanned across the crowd. A damn shame that The Elysium was off limits, but whatever; it wasn't like Caesar could go onto the other groups' lands and not expect to get his head knocked off his shoulders.

Speaking of the other groups, Stryker started talking about a monthly meeting. Caesar's tail flicked in thought, having half the mind to show up there himself. Technically speaking, it was neutral land, was it not? A mischievous grin appeared on the demon's face when Stryker said that they were allowed to attend - he was definitely going to keep that in mind. The next announcement was about Ninazu taking lead while Stryker had been sick, and Caesar actually rolled his eyes when the Kingpin praised her for her 'efforts'.

Caesar shook his head in response to Stryker's inquiry about questions or concerns, not seeing the reason to say anything at this moment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]