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YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - Printable Version

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YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - trojan g. - 09-27-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width:400px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;"]Although Sugarspice didn't like the water, it seemed as though the field of expertise she had in regards to hunting was in the water. If she had to make a guess it was due to the freezing she often did when she got wet, afraid to move too much before her fur got too messed up, and it caused the fish to simply move towards her after a while, unafraid of the thing unmoving before them.

It had caused Suga to easily be able to catch a tuna on one of the beaches PalmClan had in their territory. It wasn't the biggest tuna in the world but it was impressive considering her species. Slinging it over her back as she carried the head in her mouth, the feline with the fish wrapped around herself pad into the camp of PalmClan, slouching her shoulders as she looked forward, watching those around her, quickly running off to grab a bag made from seaweed from her nest, before calling out for those who wanted to gather, telling her story of how she caught the tuna, carefully waiting until the time had been perfect to quickly rear up and snap it's neck.

When finished, Sugar would then pull the bag out from under her paw, looking around for a moment before speaking once more. "As we know, Rhinestonestar completed his warriors plight earlier this week, and since he's the leader and it's simply not fair for him to do it himself," She would give a small smirk at her words as she drifted off for a moment, clearly joking around about it being unfair, "I've decided to give him his necklace and title." And she hoped he would be okay with that.

Re: YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - RHINESTONE. - 09-28-2020

The smell of tuna was what caught Rhinestone's attention, at least at first. He had gotten back from a border patrol a little while ago, and had just been up on the meeting rock, bathing in the sun high above. He had very nearly almost dozed off from the pleasant heat, but then the smell of the decently sized tuna Suga had caught ended up rousing him from his drowsiness. With a smile curling upon his muzzle, it took only a moment for Rhine to come to the realization that this was the second part of Sugarspice's Warrior's Plight. Wanting to congratulate her, he stretched before leaping down from the warm stone, moving over to where the warrior was telling her story. He let out a warm purr once he was close enough for her to hear, glad that he wasn't drooling at the scent of tuna, "Congratulations, Sugarspice. Your catch is certainly impressive... I'm not used to tuna coming anywhere near our warriors, honestly." Of course, the leader was unaware of Sugar's particular method of "stand in one place" hunting.

In all honesty, the male was just eager to dig into the large slab of fish in front of him and partake in celebrating with the others, but then Sugarspice pulled out a bag, and Rhine was surprised at the sound of his name. He chuckled a bit when he heard her explanation, unable to truly deny it. After all, it'd be a bit awkward for him to stand in the middle of everyone and present himself with anything. With his tail twitching behind him, the tom stepped forward, speaking gratefully to Suga, "I suppose you would be right about that being a little awkward. I'd be honored to have you present me with the shell and title." He then added on, a faint grin coming to his face, "I can do the same for you, of course, seeing as you just finished it." Rhinestone couldn't deny the excitement he felt in his chest, despite having known he had finished the entrance ritual several days ago. It just always felt exciting to add a new shell to one's neck, especially one as important as the Warrior's Plight shell.

Re: YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - trojan g. - 10-01-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width:400px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;"]Glad that Rhinestonestar agreed with her, tail tip would twitch slightly in excitement as Sugarspice puffed out her chest, looking over to the male for a moment more before looking down at her little bag, pulling out the tell-tale necklace with the blue shell adorned on the string that she had used to keep it together.

"I'll follow in your footsteps then, Rhinestonestar, considering we haven't seen one done yet." She would speak, standing up with the necklace carefully wrapped around her paw in such a way she could easily undo it to place it around her leader's neck once the time came. This was an exciting time for hopefully all, the first two necklaces given to the members of the group.

Re: YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - RHINESTONE. - 10-02-2020

Rhine found himself chuckling softly at Sugarspice's excitement, a smile pulling at the edges of his muzzle. He was glad that she seemed pleased with the new tradition, especially considering how nervous he had been when he had first implemented it. Dipping his head to her in acknowledgement, Rhinestone purred softly, "Alright, that sounds fine to me. Give me just a moment to get my own supply..." He turned and headed off into his den, digging through the bag of various supplies he had there – he had vowed to be as prepared as possible, ever since the hurricane. Letting out a pleased little hum once he found what he was looking for, the tom pulled one of the necklaces free from his bag, turning and rushing back out with it clenched in his jaws. His tail was flicking behind him as he spoke, the necklace hanging from his mouth, "Okay, now I'm all prepared... obviously I've never done this before, so sorry if I stumble over my words a bit." He chuckled, knowing that Sugar wouldn't mind that much.

Taking a couple of steps forward, Rhinestone rose his head to put the necklace around Suga's neck, speaking clearly once his mouth was empty again, "Sugarspice... I'm extremely proud to present you with the light blue seashell, in honor of you completing your Warrior's Plight, and becoming a true member of Palmclan. In addition to this, I'm very proud to present you with the title of Plighted Soul. Congratulations, Suga." He touched his nose briefly to her forehead once he was done speaking, before he stepped back and sat down. He looked expectantly at Sugarspice, his tail coming to rest on top of his own paws. Despite his position as leader, Rhinestone couldn't help the fact that he was extremely excited to be presented with the shell and title.

Re: YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - METEOR - 10-03-2020

"YOU'RE STRAIGHTBAITING! IS THAT EVEN LEGAL?!" Quasar screamed from the sidelines. The sparkledoggo looked on with the rest of the clan, but he got some weird looks from the warriors around him. Given his reputation, though, most rolled their eyes and refocused on the ceremony.

Re: YOUR OBEDIANT SERVANT;; open - warriors plight part 2 - Grimm - 10-04-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11.5px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Menace may be all too light an epithet for the child seeming tie-dyed an eye searing mess of clashing hues.

The call a simple thing, words practical and drawn to finite point, breath never wasted even for the manner her speech took, as sweet as her name or, at least, the little he knew. Among them was he, child silent and still, rare an occurrence though not the wonder which bloomed across features, arose in widened eyes. Captivated as she spun her tale, spoke in manner familiar and yet forgein, a storyteller without the over dramatic to tarnish. It must come to an end, however, as all must, her actions drawing the bagged tuna forth accompanying words that incited further thrill, a fizzing, popping sensation about tiny chest until it seemed almost to replace thundering heart.

Desire was present, to ruin the moment with an out of place greeting, yet stilled such. Against the sand did paws tap out an uneven tempo, back ears slicked as his eyes flicked between them, watched in forced silence the proceedings. Strained the quiet squeak Foam voiced as the shell settled in place, some speaking in quiet voices, a murmur that died as they looked on. Above them another voice rang out, louder than the rest, out of place and jarring.

As with some others to the canine did his attention turn, their dismissal not mirrored for to his feet did Foam raise. Rather unthreatening the tiny bundle of bushed up fluff that stomped closer, prior reprimand all that stopped him short from further action. Before Quasar did he halt, chin tilting up until he may look upon the other. "No." Highly pitched the squeaky word he spoke with a frown.spok, seemingly all he had retained from various reprimands he had been subjected to.