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I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - Printable Version

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I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - VASS . - 09-24-2020

Vaas was known for the night life, the king of it- really. The nightclub down the street knew his face and the bar up the boardwalk had a drink named after him. When Vaas had first came to this town, a year ago- it was his first tell into the town, what kind of kooky shit he could find. He submerged himself in with his people, carved out this niche for himself, and reaped the rewards of his kingdom. There were traces of whispers still about where- what he had come from, but most were squashed- and non dare ask the vicious man in the middle of a scene.

And vicious were he. He gave the bouncer a job, but that job wasn’t railing the pirate in as much as it was calling the ambulance after he had his way. Vaas was a brawler when he felt the need sing under his skin. He enjoyed his petty fights- never one to get caught indoors, but well enough to be caught with bloodied knuckes rasped against cloth afterwards. The nights were when Vaas came out to play. The evening was when Vaas swirled a drink in hand and enjoyed the atmosphere- the very presence of burning in the back of his throat and his hand wrapped around a hookup for the night.

Yet the mornings?

Mornings found Vaas quietly, a slow starting song into the quiet town here. The coffee shop two blocks down from his own home- a wearhouse turned shindig- sold the best croissants, fresh and warm enough for the man to rip and nibble on over the computer screen sitting across his lap. The man held a coffee in one hand while the other typed absentmindedly at the computer. Drafting up an email back home. He had the wall of the booth to his left and the cutting corner of a table to his right, sitting in it so he had his back to the wall- there were bags under his eyes, but the steady smell of coffee and butter told anyone he was well caffeinated.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - RHINESTONE. - 09-26-2020

In a stark contrast to Vaas, Rhinestone was very much not a party guy. Given a somewhat eccentric name by even more eccentric parents, Rhine had grown up as the quiet one out of his little circle of siblings. He was always more focused on his studies and exceeding in everything he could so that his parents would be proud of him. He lacked the adventurous spirit of his brother, but that hadn't stopped him from being pulled into things bigger than himself. In high school, he had been dragged into being class president, and slowly things had spiraled out from there, ultimately leading to an adult life where he was the designated leader. Of course, that wasn't the only designated thing he was. Designated driver, designated responsible one... it might've been grating for one more free spirited, like Vaas. But Rhine hardly minded his life, especially nowadays. He had finished up college, had a fairly well paying job, and was still pretty much the leader in anything he took part in, whether he liked it or not. There was still a lot of pressure on his shoulders, but he liked to think he handled it well.

That was, he handled it well when he didn't have a massive project on his hands to worry about. Work had handed him an assignment that was huge and extremely last minute, and the male could practically feel himself vibrating as he headed into the coffee shop. He desperately needed some caffeine to keep himself going, and judging by the way his stomach growled as soon as he stepped into the massive place, some food as well. Sometimes the environment of the warehouse turned coffee shop was a bit overwhelming for Rhinestone, considering the larger than average size, but today he could handle it. He needed to handle it. Right after ordering one of the larger and most caffeinated drinks on the menu, along with the biggest muffin he could see in plain view, Rhinestone felt like pacing to work off his nervous energy. Instead, he opted to loiter near the booths to wait for his food and drink, pausing when he saw a familiar face nearby. Rhinestone wasn't sure he had actually ever met Vaas properly, but he had certainly seen the other when his friends wanted to go out partying, and Rhine was dragged along with him. Hell, the man was fairly sure they had talked before, just... without any sort of introductions. Awkwardly clearing his throat, Rhinestone found himself asking curiously, "Don't I know you?" Internally, immediately after saying that, Rhine felt like digging a hole to crawl into and die in. Don't I know you was hardly the most natural opener to a conversation he had ever used.

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - METEOR - 10-08-2020

Backpack slung over his shoulder, Quasar carried a sugar bomb drink in one hand and a bag full of pastries in the other. A bike helmet dangled from his backpack by the straps, bumping into his hip every other step. Quasar grunted, sat down opposite of Vaas, and placed his food on the table.

“Hey, you mind?” he asked, after the fact. He cracked a grin and added, “Everywhere’s full, and it’s rude to eat in the library. Or so I’ve been told. Repeatedly.”

The teenager should’ve been in school. He overloaded himself with all his high school’s AP classes, but the lectures still bored the shit out of him. His teachers learned to leave him well enough alone when he aced every test; he obviously knew the material. And they had no idea how to punish him, anyway, when he cranked out eight thousand word essays in one night.

What could anyone do when next year’s valedictorian got in more fights than everyone else put together? Tolerate him skipping school, that’s what.

He didn’t wait for Vaas’s response. The tall boy folded himself into a ball, resting his heels on the chair next to his butt and placing his chin on one knee. The backpack dropped to the ground, and he yanked out a notebook, a few loose leaf pages, and a pair of overpriced headphones.

Quasar was about to slip on the headphones when he noticed Rhinestone. “Uh. Hey, Dadorito. Yeah, you know this highly respectable man. That’s why I’m sitting here. Because I skip school responsibly!”

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - VASS . - 10-08-2020

Within the year or so that Vaas had found himself here along the beaches and sunny boardwalks Vaas had become a man of reputation himself. Beyond the street fights and the partying: he was  a man of action. He has yet to back out of his word since he stepped into the town, and it was simply the aura of the man; a hidden intensity, even in the mornings when all was quiet. He kept in contact with his family only through email- and if that wasn't sad in this day an age. His phone remained unused and neglected along the table in favor for the tensely worded document inside his lap.

The soft chime of the bell overhead broke his concentration, and he took the distraction to take that last bite into the chocolate filled pastry at his side. When he looked up, jade green eyes meeting with Rhine's: there was an smear of the pastry chocolate still caught on his lips, and he smiled through it.

Vaas knew the other well, and through a deep conversation or two when Rhine's own friends managed to drag him into the clubs that Vaas had frequented- one of the few nights that Vaas walked away satisfied without any stranger in his home: deep conversations stimulated a deep rooted need of intimacy that even sex couldn't scratch.

he remembers most of the talks, and blamed the whiskey on the rest of the blurry memories he can't. Well kept teeth shined in the lime lite as he set his laptop down. Moving from his position opening up the spot next to him in the booth since it seemed like Quasar too stole the other side of it. "You've spilled you're life story once or twice, si." Vaas spoke in a lilting tone, teasing the other even as he invited the other to take a seat beside him with a pat towards the empty space.

he moved his computer to sit infront of him- a more normal stace now than before. Jade eyes watching Quasar with a narrowed eye, but the teasing had yet to fall from his face. "I wouldn't mind, but this is a coffee shop and that is not coffee, "cachorro." The man snarked, all bite as he pushed his own steaming mug towards the kid. Spiced coffee of a dark brew with some cinnamon, peprika, and red pepper. He tapped the rip of the mug as in invitation

"C'mon, join the dark side kid. You're already skipping." The adult taunted with the same lilt. The email opened up on his computer sat forgotten at the table in favor of teasing the two people nearby him. There was a reason why the seat was empty before- beyond the fact that Vaas strikes an overall intimidating figure even in the morning: soft hair and a jacket thrown over his solders, the tattoo's that lingered there were stark against dark tanned skin.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - RHINESTONE. - 10-14-2020

All in all, Rhine knew that he couldn't be too terribly displeased with how Quasar had chosen to conduct himself throughout life. Yes, it was undeniable that the boy was a massive troublemaker, but it was also true that he was smart. Too smart for his own good, the majority of the time. Rhinestone had always known that trying to discipline him too much would only backfire, and he didn't want to fuck Quasar up for the rest of his life. Even now, the lanky male was only just beginning to get a full grip on this whole parenting thing, and he still often felt like he was doing something wrong. He just wished that more of the books he had gotten had been helpful. Regardless, Rhine was shaken out of his worried parent stupor by the sound of Quasar's voice, namely directed at him. He jumped a little, even though he had known full well his son could see him. Upon hearing what Quasar had to say, Rhine couldn't help the soft snort that left him, and the faint shake of his head from side to side. He muttered, smiling softly, "I'm not sure that there's any real way that you can connect the phrases responsible and skipping school, Quasar." Despite his words, his tone wasn't scolding. More just... fondly amused.

Vaas was the next to speak among the trio of them, and Rhine couldn't help the way his heart sank when he heard the other's words. He had never been much of a partyer, or much of a drinker, so whenever either happened, he had a tendency to embarrass himself. He just hadn't been expecting anyone to remember him doing so. Ignoring the way that his heart sank down to his shoes with shame, he let out a cracking little laugh, muttering, "Oh. Yeah... that's why we've met." He ended a bit lamely, unsure of what to say after that. Was he supposed to say sorry? He supposed not, considering the amused look that Vaas had on his face. Besides, considering the fact that this had apparently happened multiple times, it was clear that the other hadn't started to go out of his way to avoid Rhine. That was a relief, especially considering melting into an embarrassed puddle on the floor was starting to look real appealing at the moment.

Trying to forcibly yank himself away from that subject, Rhine focused his attention on what Vaas said next, a faint frown pulling at his lips. He had little to no idea what was in that coffee, and he doubted that Quasar did either. He didn't think that Vaas was a bad guy, and certainly didn't think he'd put anything illicit in the mix, but it was still a mystery. An unfortunate mystery that would probably end with his son being thoroughly pranked – even if unintentionally. Raising an eyebrow at Vaas, Rhine recovered his dignity enough to speak, "I'm not so sure we should actively be encouraging him to turn over to the dark side. Just saying." Of course, this was Quasar that they were talking about. As good as the kid was at school, it would be relatively easy for him to take Vaas's words as a challenge – something that Rhine knew well.

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - METEOR - 10-16-2020

Quasar’s eyebrows pinched together as he stared at the coffee mug. He glanced between Vaas and Dadorito, then at his own drink, and back to the mystery drink. “I’ll agree that this thing is more of a milkshake with coffee flavoring than anything else,” he said, tapping the top.

“What can I say? I like the pastries here, but chain coffee shops loaded up their drinks with more sugar than any of the places catering to coffee snobs ever will,” he said, with a wave of his hand. “But. Sure. You’ve got a point. And I’ll try anything once.” Then he looked back down at the mystery mug. He picked it up, sniffed—what was he expecting? an overwhelming dank stench?—and took a sip.

His right eye went wide at the kick, but he grinned. He took another sip, this one more like a gulp, and rolled the spice over his tongue. “Whatcha call this? Love the spice. Uhhhh… it’s got cinnamon in it, right? What’s the rest? A dash of habanero?” Quasar had a decent palette, but “hot” was “hot,” and he had no idea how to distinguish between different peppers.

The teenager grinned, and looked back to the gangly adult. People could probably believe they were related, and Quasar liked how that assumption simplified his life, at times. “Hey, the real dark side is conforming to the system, and that’s what school tries to beat into your head, right? It’s not like school’s teaching me how to be financially independent or do my taxes. Or to appreciate the little joys of trying a unique cup of coffee once in a while.”

He grabbed his sugar concoction—he liked Vaas’s coffee, but he had a sugar withdrawal migraine coming on—and leaned back in the chair. “So. What kind of work do adults do in a coffee shop? I usually just do my classwork and then read random shit… But adults? Do you do your, I don’t know, personal website development here?”

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - VASS . - 10-16-2020

A soft unfurl of a smile, true and genuine one lifting across his mouth as the short man leaned back into his chair. The sound of white noise, as the underpaid worker went back to cleaning one of the machines, another customer slowly mulling over the board hung overhead for something good to drink. A sense of timelessness settled, in the quiet morning. Jaded eyes looking from the single spot that had captured the man’s attention towards Rhine- meeting the other in the eyes- however briefly- to see the stark flush of embarrassment on the responsible teen. Instead of answering, the sudden lull into the conversation- Vaas to unapologetic to ever revoke his words, but contrite none-the less- gave a small encouraging nod towards the other.

you’re very interesting, and it’s good to see you in your own environment rather than that” Vaas couldn’t remember the various states the other might’ve seen him, but he knew one thing: the version he showed himself now was a lot more tame in comparison. Seeing the side that came out when the other was comfortable, if a little nervous, was a lot better than trying to hide behind his friends. Vaas had vague memories of dragging him out of said group towards the bar just to chat.

Instead the Pirate looked towards QUesar who was taking larger and larger sips of his drink, the smile falling off his face as a teasing snarl replaced it. “well, looks like I need to get up and make another one anyway, hmm?” yet he stood where he was, not looking towards the kid’s eyes but rather to top of their brow, jade eyes switching the screen before him that flashed a dark shade due to inactivity. “Can’t show you behind the counter, its just some red pepper and paprika along with it.

Dark side is an illusion kid, it’s all about perception” Vaas drew lazily, pulling back into his computer ad tapping a sentence or two down. “What could possibly excuse a crime? What is considered too far?” Change rolled on the counter somewhere, causing the shorter male to twitch his fingers over the keyboard- reflex ably, maybe he should switch to coding, it was a lore more soothing than this bullshit. “What is family, but a choice?” he sat up, the slow tap of a keyboard halting from the absence niceties he was writing to... to not his choice. It was a well known fact, around town that Vaas was alone, beyond the spare hookups and acquaintances, he preferred it. The large scar across his face a little clue to it: who could cause such to leave a man alone.

to be completely honest, us “adults” don’t know what the fuck we’re doing either” Vaas sniffs, pulling the half-sipped mug and turns it. taking a large gulp from the still hot liquid. “all just living, trying to find soemthing worth our time.” He leans back from where he practically hovered over his own laptop, the computer showing a page. “Personal web development aside, it’s a good side hustle if you know you’re way around C plus and java.

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - RHINESTONE. - 10-20-2020

Vaas was certainly an... interesting guy to listen to, all things considered. Despite his occasional wild nature, the other man seemed as though he could get deeply philosophical, something that almost made Rhine want to squirm in his seat. It wasn't that he couldn't focus on the little details of life, but he honestly preferred not to. Overall, he had always seen his existence as a fairly boring one, and contemplating the big picture and all of that sort of just put a heaping helping of anxiety down on his shoulders. Something he really didn't need, considering the leadership role he was always so ungracefully shoved into. Despite all of this, the lanky man was able to offer Vaas a crooked smile, hoping that it wasn't too terribly awkward as he spoke, "Yeah, I imagine that it would be. I don't get that way very often, so I can't imagine that I'm particularly coherent..." It was honestly difficult for him to recall if he had been, since he had a tendency to black out when he did get drunk. Still, visions of Vaas approaching him and trying to rouse him from his hidden away corners did come to mind, so at least he could recall that.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though Quasar was just as enthusiastic as Vaas in contributing to the whole philosophical side of things, causing Rhine to absently run at one of his temples. He said softly to his son, wondering what the other had picked up from him, and what was just distinctly Quasar, "Don't worry, I can teach you things like how to be financially independent, and how to pay taxes. After all, that's what you keep me around for, right?" He teased the other gently, knowing full well that it was more than just that. The decision to try and care for Quasar full time had been a massive one, and Rhinestone still occasionally had nightmares about fucking up somehow, but it seemed to be going well, so far. He added casually, a little chuckle leaving him before he spoke, "It's like Vaas said... you ended up choosing me." Some would argue it was the other way around, but Rhine didn't really see it that way. He had just determined that he was able to care for Quasar – it had been the other's choice, choosing whether he really wanted Rhine as a father.

The comment about personal website development had originally made Rhine snort, but he seemed a bit surprised when Vaas expressed that it was a good hustle. With his head tilting curiously to one side, the male questioned curiously, "Wait... do you know your way around C plus and Java? I hadn't really taken you for the type... n-no offense." He really hadn't meant for it to be any sort of insult against Vaas's intelligence. Instead, the other just seemed as though he would be more interested in physical things. Interesting jobs that involved more exciting things than just sitting at a computer for hours on end. Rhine then said apologetically, giving that same little awkward smile, "Although... I guess you might have told me what you did, at some point. During one of our little rendezvous that I can't remember..." He really needed to start carrying around a notepad, and monitoring his drinks whenever he partied. That would make it a little less easy to make a fool of himself.

Re: I'M BRINGING MY CROWN . o . human AU - SirDio - 10-20-2020


Medusa was an odd individual - having a channel on youtube and a side job at a pet store, videos on her channel consisting of teaching other YouTubers pole dancing, her singing covers, and snake related things, it was hard to get people to not really notice her. And with a name like Serpen-Queen as a said channel, maybe she got in a bit over her head. But she had been at the youtube career ever since 10th grade, where she was singing covers of songs.

Most days she was found at the coffee shop, sketching, clacking away at her mini-laptop, enjoying a nice hot chocolate and a bagel. And most days she showed up later in the morning. Swinging the door open, noticing Rhine, Quasar, and Vaas at a booth talking amongst themselves, she ordered her usual. A smooth smile graced her face as she walked up to the trio, sitting at a booth next to Vaas. Pulling her white hoodie over her knees as she hugged them to her chest, she chuckled, "Gotta do what you gotta do. I've been on youtube for a good four years now, with a side job working at Petco." She said softly. She didn't want to ruin the mood or pull away from their convo, so she just added her two cents and went silent.