Beasts of Beyond
COUPLE HITS THAN I SWAY // cleaning time/one-word prompt - Printable Version

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COUPLE HITS THAN I SWAY // cleaning time/one-word prompt - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]

Dante's house was a mess, for sure; the hybrid wasn't too keen on cleaning the place and rather let his drugs, bottles, and whatnot lay around without a care. He didn't really need to care what the inside of his home looked like, considering he hardly ever had visitors over. The hybrid was sleeping on his bed, a half-empty alcoholic bottle hanging from his paw as he slept.

Now, just because the hybrid didn't have visitors often doesn't mean he didn't have them period. Whenever he got a knock at his door, Dante jolted awake, dropping his bottle in the process as he sat up on his bed, blinking. What fuckin' time is it? He groaned to himself, looking outside with half-closed eyes, nearly blinded by the sunlight. The knock at his door got louder and Dante snarled out, "Shut up, I'm getting there!" Impatient prick. He once again mentally grumbled to himself, slowly getting out of bed and shuffling to his door.

Dante opened his door, glaring at the NPC who decided to visit him. "Whaddya want." He grunted, tail flicking irritably and he made sure his visitor saw. The NPC indeed watched his flicking tail before looking past Dante and into the mess of a living room he had. "W-well, I came here for something else, but shit man. You've really gotta clean your crib. Alright?" Without waiting for a reply, the skunk took off, leaving Dante dumbfounded for a few heartbeats before he looked back, his tail swishing behind him and dragging cigarette butts and small beer cans across the floor.

Okay, so maybe the dude had a point. Fine. Rolling his eyes, Dante decided that once he woke up from another nap - no, actually, he was going to start now.


As Dante cleaned off a bunch of a bunch of cans off of his coffeetable, dust came flying off of it and caused the hybrid to cough and sputter, flattening his ears as it got into his throat, temporarily taking away his ability to breathe as he went through the fit.

//His door is still open, if someone passes by and hears him coughing lol[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: COUPLE HITS THAN I SWAY // cleaning time/one-word prompt - gael - 09-25-2020

The sound of coughing catches the Ardent off-guard.  The thought of someone sick concerned the vulpine -- paws swiftly turning in the direction.

Gael paid few house-visits, though he kept note of who resided where in the event he should need someone.  Hazel optics blinked and narrowed in thought -- recognizing Dante's home, with the door ajar, as the point of origin.

"Dante? Do you nee- Ah.Dust appeared to be the culprit of the coughing.  Good heavens -- Gael supposed this fell into the category of the suspected.  Dante did not seem the organized type.

Without another word, the Ardent pulled in the outside breeze, attempting to clear some of the dust without further irritation.  Heaven knew his lungs wouldn't appreciate it either -- the thought of an asthma attack particularly unappealing.

"Would you like a paw?"  Might as well.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: COUPLE HITS THAN I SWAY // cleaning time/one-word prompt - T. ROUX - 09-29-2020

Trygve had been lazing about in the sun for the most part or helping with Aine's garden whenever she asked for help with anything, his half closed eyes glancing around at the sudden sound of coughing and noticed Gael walking in the direction of the sound. The draconic jaguar blinked his eyes a few times before letting out a huff, he would grit his teeth as he rose slowly to his paws feeling his body shaking slightly. He was still not used to feeling this frail, it almost felt like the time he had gotten burnt by Caesar as a cub but he hadn't nearly died then or at least, he could not recall anyways. The thought made the fur along his spije prickle slightly but he shook his head and shoved those thoughts away, he was alive. He had to be grateful for that much... This was the second time Aine had saved his sorry ass.

Without much of a word, Trygve began to make his way over to see both Dante and Gael before sneezing at the slight dust particles that had actually gotten to him. "Jesus dude... Your place must be hella dusty." Clearly it was from what he had seen Gael blowing the dust away, Ry usually assuming that the vulpine was a germaphobe of sorts and not realizing that it might've been due to asthma. He was never nosy to begin with, if his ass didn't belong somewhere or it wasn't about him... He normally kept to himself. "Aw hell... Guess I'll lend a paw too. I got nothin better to do so might as well, I guess." A faint smirk forming itself onto his maw.

Re: COUPLE HITS THAN I SWAY // cleaning time/one-word prompt - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 10-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he got it. His home was a mess. If he weren't so preoccupied with getting air in his lungs, Dante likely would've snapped at Trygve for his comment, but instead the hybrid chose to actually breathe and glared at the kid. "Fuck, thanks." The Pittian grunted, his gaze flickering over to Gael; he knew the Ardent had that elemental ability so it definitely wasn't hard to assume who helped him out there by making sure shit didn't get into his lungs. Or, well. The dust. Dante purposely put smoke into his lungs and he was fine with that, but dust was actually irritating and especially so with the gills on his neck.

"You can help if you want." Dante coughed another reply, shaking his head to try to shake it off. "Fuckin' might as well clean than let things sit there."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]