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WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - Printable Version

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WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
"Tanglewood, gather around for a meeting!" Vigenere's voice rang out across the town as he ran towards the statu where he normally made his announcements. He seemed chipper compared to the last couple of times he made meetings and truthfully, he was; he felt there was a lot less stress for this meeting.

"Aurum and Torren has joined us again, make sure to give them both a big welcome back." Vigenere quickly went on, hopping on top of the statue and wrapping his tail around his paws as he faced his clanmates. "I'd also like to give Sophiea and Aurum shoutouts as well, since they've been a bit help to me lately." A small pause. "Nicabar, however, has asked to stepped down so he is no longer a Shaderunner among us." It was sad to lose his only high position, but now that Aurum was around to help, Vigenere wasn't as worried anymore.

"Next, I'm making some small changes around Tanglewood again. Our title system isn't very... spectacular at the moment, so I'm going to introduce BADGES to represent our titles!" The Luminary held out a little wooden piece, carved and painted to look like a small gator. "This one for example, is to represent the title of Gatorbait. You can use these as pins on a jacket or put them on a necklace, just let me know what you want me to do." Another small pause to let that settle in. Vigenere placed the Gatorbait badge down, shuffling towards the next badge - a wood piece carved and painted to look like a sword. "This sword represents the title of Beserker." Next one was a wood piece carved and painted to look a bowl of herbs. "This one represents the title of Hallow." Next, a wood piece carved and painted to look like binoculars. "Binoculars represents the Observer title." Onto the next one; one carved and painted to look like a ghost. "Ghosts represent the title of Revenant." Next up, a wooden piece carved and painted to look like a map. "This map represents the title of Emissary." And the last one was a wood piece carved and painted to look like a diamond. "And finally, this diamond one represents the title of Paragon."

Vigenere went quiet now for a few heartbeats. "I still have some announcements to make, but I want to allow this change to settle in first. Any questions or concerns before I continue on?"


- This is the FIRST HALF of the meeting! Vig still has more to say!
- [member=6881]aurum.[/member] and [member=7034]torren[/member] have returned!
- Nicabar has stepped down from his position as Shaderunner, but Aurum and [member=16079]S. PENDRAGON[/member] have received shoutouts!
- Titles will now be represented by small, wooden badges carved and painted to look like a specific piece! These are detailed below:
  - Gatorbait: a gator
  - Beserker: a sword
  - Hallow: a bowl of herbs
  - Observer: binoculars
  - Revenant: a ghost
  - Emissary: a map
  - Paragon: a diamond[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 09-24-2020

Eternal made his way into the gathering place, following the crowd. He would find himself a shaded place to sit, plastic foot clacking against the stone as he walked. Settled, he would look up at the luminary with interest. White ear flicking, he smiled at the shout out for his cousin. Good, she was settling in well and making friends then?

His gaze flickered between the badges held up, his interest peaking as he glanced down at the lion crest painted onto his leg. The crest of his family. It would be cool to have one of those of the crest, something he could wear to represent the family had lost.

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - S. PENDRAGON - 09-24-2020

Oh? Her name was announced along with Aurum's name too. Sophiea felt a small frown on her maw though she walked forward and took a spot near Eternalknight seeing that smile on his maw. Making friends? She had made several acquaintances but none of them would she deem as a friend, no, not until she knew them a bit better. She wasn't like her foolish little brother who befriended even the tiniest little flea, the thought made her snort and the announcement of Nicabar stepping down made her ears twitch as her face remained the same not showing an ounce of emotion. Shame, she thought to herself with both ears brushing against her skull and just when she thought that the fellow had been interesting if not a little dumb.

And something about badges, this did very little in catching her attention. She saw no use of it but she supposed anyone who had been here long enough would've been thrilled to get all of the badges. All of them would look like a group of boy scouts, this thought catching an amused snort to leave her as she let out a soft hum. She was about ready to leave the meeting until Vigenere inquired if there was any questions before continuing the meeting. Damn. Sophiea parted her jaws to speak with a curt nod "Uh, thank you for the shoutout." With an awkward shuffle of her forepaws, Sophiea remained seated to her dismay. She might as well listen to what the man had to say even if she had better things to attend to then sitting around on her rump.

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - suvi. - 09-24-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
The petite vixen trotted behind the crowd slowly, ears perked.  The tail behind her swished to the side, disappearing briefly as she found a quiet place to sit.  Her mix-matched hues danced, flickering over the statue absently, though they brightened considerably at the sound of Torren's name.

It was nice to have her friend back, though she was still fumbling over his acceptance to let her stay in his house.  She could always find a new one... Since hers fell apart.  In the end, the fox knew he'd never kick her out.  That just wasn't like him.  They'd work around the new shared space... It'd be fine.

Kiira hummed softly, familiar with the old badge system.  She'd find a cloak or scarf... Put those on... Probably.  Absently, her eyes flickered to the pendant resting on her chest.  North star.  A precious gift.  Along with her pocket watch, she didn't particularly want anything else on a necklace.

Quietly, she shuffled her paws, no questions on her mind.

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-24-2020

"You've got MOXIE, kid."
Ah, another meeting time then? These must happen often. Curiosity thought to herself, wanting to keep that in mind for next time. She felt as if she were slightly late, considering Vigenere was already announcing things by the time she joined her clanmates, but thankfully it seemed as if the Luminary still had more to announce. "No questions." The caracal said out loud, giving Vigenere a small nod for him to continue - as if they were the sole decision maker here, which, of course, Curiosity didn't think that they were but hey... They thought it might encourage him to go on.
tags - penned by @/Mysteriously Maple
template by orion

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Alright, cool. Everyone seemed to be on board with everything. Vigenere took in a breathe to prepare himself for his next small speech. "Alright, next order of business: the traps we have set around the territory. I want to get rid of those." There were concerned, shocked, and angry gazes coming from NPCs but Vigenere quickly went on before they had the chance to say anything, "They obviously weren't of any use against The Pitt's attack and are only really a hazard for joiners. How many times have we caught joiners on our land than enemies?" Far too many to count, that's for sure. "So, I'm going to lead a patrol to get rid of the traps, especially the older and rotting ones. We're gonna be replacing a few - not the whole damn territory - with tripwire and bells, so if an enemy does come, especially at night, we'll hopefully be able to catch them in time." Okay, phew. That was over with.

Looking over at [member=6881]aurum.[/member] when he arrived, Vigenere asked, "Can you set up a patrol to do that once I'm done clearing the traps?" Now was he done and over with the meeting? Honestly, he was trying to go over everything in his head while he waited Aurum and the others to answer him.

"Oh, right. The Typhoon started a prank war with us, so have fun. Prank 'em but don't do anything that'll ruin our alliance, yeah? No matter who participates, you'll get a special title of Rascal - but if you earn the most points, you'll earn that title and a special secret one." Yeah, that was all. Except for one small thing. "There are going to be more changes next meeting, but it's gonna be something I'm going to discuss with everything before hand. So if nobody has any concerns or questions, meeting dismissed."

- We're getting rid of the traps that Beck set up, mostly due to the fact that no one really resets them nowadays; not to mention, it didn't do anything against The Pitt and it has really only caught joiners - which is not a good impression.
  - BUT! We are going to replace it with trapwire and bells; Vigenere asks Aurum if he can set those up after the traps are gone.
- The Typhoon declared a prank war on us!
- Vig is gonna have a discussion sometime before next meeting regarding more changes[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - wormwood. - 09-24-2020

Oh, a meeting. Aurum's head rose up from the porch, his chin having been resting there as he ate. Slowly getting to his paws, the slowly healing lion made his way over to the crowd that had already gathered, smiling faintly when he heard his name called out in the welcomes. It was good to be back, and it would've been even if he hadn't been suffering through essentially torture while he was gone. The news of Nicabar stepping down stung a bit, but at least it was also combined with a shoutout for him. A deep rumbling chuff left him before he spoke up, "Thank you, Vigenere, for the shoutout. And congratulations, Soph." He glanced briefly over at the other tangler, wondering what was going through her mind. The badge system was also fascinating, but he'd hold back the questions he had until later. Instead, he just found himself nodding his head when he was asked to hold a patrol, "I can do that, trust me. I'll need a few helping paws, though."

Once it seemed as though Vigenere was done with all his announcements, Aurum cleared his throat, the lion trying to catch the leaders attention, "Will there be any special ceremony to receiving these badges? Or, if we already have the titles, should we just come to you to receive them?" He didn't think there needed to be any particular dramatics related to receiving the badges, he was just curious.

Re: WHAT ONCE WAS YOURS || Meeting 9/23 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Hearing Aurum clear his throat, Vigenere looked over at him and shook his head to answer the question. "No, nothing special. You can just come to me sometime to get the badges later on, if you want." Honestly, he didn't see any reason to have a special ceremony for the badges, especially for those who had already earned the titles.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]