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THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - Printable Version

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THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - S. PENDRAGON - 09-22-2020

Without much of a word, Sophiea had left Tanglewood in pursuit to find out about their allies or well, ally. She didn't have any gifts for the pirates nor did she intend on bringing them any, she had different intentions. The small femme wanted to meet other people that weren't just the swamp dwellers that she lived with, a soft breath would escape her maw as she walked along without much of a word leaving her. Soph hadn't expected the trip to be so long but she preferred to walk over flying, she would miss the scenery if she did that. With a twitch of her whiskers, she eventually would walk over the railroad and made her way over to the hates glancing up at the bell with a small frown on her maw. She supposed that she needed to ring it, Sophiea reached to her side pulling out her bow with a single arrow. She poised herself before taking hold of the nook, pulling it back, and then released it.

The bell rang and the girl would retrieve her arrow only to place it within the quiver next to her side. Hopefully, someone would arrive soon enough and if they did they would find the visitor sitting down patiently. She called out with a soft sigh following her words "Sophiea Pendragon." The feline would adjust the satchel on her side as she continued with a light nod of her cranium "I'm here to meet other people, mainly pen pals so to speak." That was it. Nothing big.

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - trojan g. - 09-22-2020

The sound of the bell had caused Alia to come running over to the gate, paws quickly tapping on the ground in excitement as she waited for it to open before running out, skidding to a stop in front of Soph. "You smell funny." Would come the words from the feline as she sat down, ears pricked as she looked over Sophiea. Alia couldn't think of a time she had met someone from another group before, but she knew Lovekit had done so when he had vanished. PalmClan he called it if she remembered correctly, though this female didn't smell like Lo had smelt when he had come back. "Where are you from? What's a, uh, pen pal?" She would begin her questions, soon standing up to come forward and attempt to poke at the bow that had been slung around her side.

"What's this thing? Why's it got a string? Can I have it?"

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - kinglykingstone - 09-23-2020

[align=center]STUFF WE DON'T KNOW
franklin t.p. — the typhoon — coyote pup
There was something all of Michael's kids were known for: running amuck and causing all sorts of trouble. Franklin dashed towards those gathered, snickering as he went. A toilet paper roll was clasped in his mouth, the paper long gone. As he looked forward and saw he was rapidly approaching the duo, he slowed to a trot, smirking around the cardboard. As he finally reached the pair, he spat out the cardboard and grinned.

"She's right! You smell gross!" he commented, wrinkling his muzzle at the smell. He stuck his tongue out at the stranger, squinting his eyes in a playful expression. His attention jumped to the same bow Alia was examining. He moved to sniff at it, lifting a paw to bat at it. "What's it worth?" asked the clear child of Michael, turning clouded eyes at towards the tangler's face. His right eye stared aimlessly while his left attempted to focus.

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-24-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh god, what, was she babysitting now? Aphra heard the sound of the bell ringing as well and was making her way over to the gate, but it seemed as if Alia and Franklin beat her to it. While Alia was her own child, Franklin was not her's and she didn't want to deal with him. But whatever, she supposed; she will have to get over it since The Typhoon was evidently getting overrun by children.

"This lady smells funny because she's from Tanglewood." Aphra explained, her gaze looking over Sophiea with a frown on her face. Huh, weird. She looked like that one dude she had a fling with, and the father of her latest litter - but eh, that was none of her business. "Don't touch that." Aphra quickly spoke to Alia as her child tried to touch the Tangler's bow. "That's nasty. Germs and muck on it." Not really, at least muck didn't appear to be on it, but germs? The Tangler couldn't deny there were germs on it, could she?

"A pen pal is someone you write letters to. She's asking to be distant friends with someone." Aphra went on to explain to both Alia and Franklin. Looking back at Sophiea now, Aphra's icy gaze was cold as she asked, "You are not related to the Roux family, are you?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - roan ; - 09-24-2020

The sound of the bell ringing out through the territory caused Roan to sigh, the soothsayer having been sitting near the tavern when he heard it. He had just finished his latest game of cards within the building, and he had intended to take his prizes back to the temple. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he would need to take a bit of a detour first. Stuffing his new gold coins and little trinkets into his bag, Roan then threw his shoulder bag around him, heading off towards the clanging sound of the gate bell. He winced a little bit when the scent of Aphra was one of the first to greet him, the siamese's ears flattening down against his skull as he sped up a bit. Whoever was at the bell, he wasn't about to let Aphra's pisspoor attitude scare them away. As a result, it wasn't long before Roan came up beside the pure white feline, hissing softly at her in a low voice that hopefully wouldn't be heard by Sophiea, "It doesn't matter if she's a Roux, Aphra, good gods. Would you finally shut up?" Maybe he was being a little harsh, but he hadn't been in a great mood to begin with, and Aphra never helped with that.

Turning his gaze back to their visitor, Roan couldn't help but be a little unimpressed. He wasn't a fan of Tanglewood as a whole, despite them being allies with The Typhoon, and he still held a bit of a grudge against Vigenere – especially after the other stopped him from electrocuting Hani and Alani. However, the soothsayer tried to keep his expression neutral, his tail flicking behind him as he looked Soph over and muttered, "Hello there... Sophiea, you said? My name is Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux, and I'm the soothsayer around here. I could be one of your pen pals, but... I'm not sure how interesting my messages will be." He spent most of his time within the temple, treating wounds, and he wasn't sure how interested Sophiea was in healing. Although, he supposed that there were other things he could talk about. Maybe his family? Or maybe they could just talk more about Sophiea?

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - bubblegum - 09-25-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

Business as usual it would seem, Tanglewood at their gates, Aphra talking shit. The tigress approached slowly, having been walking by after finishing up a small hunting session by herself in the jungles, brought closer by the scent of Tanglewood. She recognized Sophiea, having only briefly met the other the other day during her little prank announcement in Tanglewood's town. The tigress perks her ears as she draws closer, listening quietly to the words exchanged. So Sophiea wanted to have a pen pal - she'd never tried such a thing before, and she's not so sure her writing skills are very good; her brother had always been much better at that. She mostly just sloppily scribbled ideas and doodles to write down plans, and that practice became even more apparent as she'd recently moved back to the captain's quarters, her desk just waiting to be filled with papers.

And, to be honest, she didn't know Sophiea all that well at the moment. She didn't know how truly trustworthy she may be as a Tanglewood member, but she'd also little reason to suspect anything of her as well. She would think about it to herself for a moment, standing next to Roan as they chatted. "Dunno how good 'll be at all that, but sure, we could write some letters."

Re: THORNS PRICK MY SKIN ☆ tanglewood visitor - Lawlocked - 09-28-2020

Law had reached the age where the spots that jaggedly cut acros his arms and back turned more towards the stripings of their mother. His body was still thin-frail, a long furred tail and fanned wings pinned towards his back as the apprentice picked his way across the rest of his clan to greet the stranger. From the tangle wood; he heard of a few of them joining to learn about herbs. But the chatter was of penpals not herbs, and made him interested, in a different way. "Hello" The apprentice found it hard to speak around a group this large, but his silver eyes looked towards the other with a smile flashing across his muzzle.

The other looked weird, and the... bow? it was a bow- it looked like the ones in the book he read only the week previous- across their back only prooved as a good conversation started, even if the question was already asked Law pushed on. "[b]the bow looks interesting', where did u learn to use it?"
[glow=#FEF1B5,2,300]He told me I should take it in,[/glow]

[glow=#FEF1B5,2,300] listen to every word he's speaking[/glow]