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DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - Printable Version

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DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - T. ROUX - 09-21-2020

Trygve had done some thinking and well, he had already nearly died a few days ago only to frown. His mind being cluttered with several thoughts, his heart racing within his chest as he tried to figure out what he would do and his feelings for her weren't exactly hidden per say. He was sure if people put shit together they would know that he liked Aine and has for quite some time now yet he had been quiet about it with Aine seeing as he didn't want to risk their friendship. Or die from embarrassment that she probably didn't feel the same, he could only imagine how awkward it would be but he supposed if he never said anything then she would never know.

Trygve rose to his paws with a limp, his teeth gritted in pain but he'd get some poppy seeds later for now, he had to get ready. He had to look a lot better than what he currently looked like, which was shit. How did anyone even go about this kind of thing? He had seen his mother in several somewhat relationships yet it had been the guys who normally asked shit, he was definitely no expert on how to ask Aine if she would go on a date with him but he did know that she loved flowers. He would get her flowers. Maybe he was overthinking it? He was only asking her out to a date at the moment, he took in a deep breath. He went though most of the forest in search of a few flowers; hibiscus, marigold, white pansies, and some ferns to make it look a bit bigger than it actually was.

Everything hurt at the time but it was ignored, he wanted to go on a date with his best friend. That wasn't entirely weird, right? He swallowed as he made his way back to the treehouse where they both lived only to wince remembering Gael's existence, as if asking his own best friend on a date wasn't awkward enough... Her father would surely be there. It's now or never, Ry. He thought with a puff of his chest before finding his voice despite how hoarse it was at the moment "Aine? I gotta question for you," It was just a date. Just a date. Date. Anxiety took a grip of him as he stood there. He was really gonna do this, huh?

Re: ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU ; aine needed - aine. - 09-21-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
There's a lingering thought.  Somewhere in the back of her mind.  Hidden.  Hard to reach.  When he's not there it feels like a vital piece of her is missing.  So there was no hesitation.  No second thoughts.  She'd follow him into the desert.  She'd follow him into the ocean.

She had followed him into the desert.  Had since been fighting this thought.  She could have lost him... She could have lost him.  And that frightened her.  To her very bone.  Though Aine tried not to let it show, to fuss too much.  To be afraid.  When she had lost so much... Not Ry.  She didn't like thinking of... Not Ry.

There's something else there.  In the little ways she catches herself sometimes.  Catching breath.  Feeling strangely warm.  But she doesn't dwell.  She doesn't know.  He's her best friend.

She did know nothing made her smile the same way Ry did.  Hazel hues brightening at the sound of his voice, though she wonders where it is he ran off to.  And why.  Since he ought to be resting... But the floral scent he carries answers that question easily enough.

More flowers.  A beautiful bouquet.  He always brought her the most beautiful bouquets.  The petite deer-fox beamed, words resting on her tongue... But a question?  Her head falls to the side, blinking.  This felt.  Odd.  Strangely formal in a way.  Stepping into the pages of one of her books... Overthinking this... But her chest felt... Flighty.  Like the wings at her sides had unfurled inside.

He had gone out of his way.  A question.

"What's- what's up?What's all this?  What could a question be?

Re: ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU ; aine needed - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Trygve's crush wasn't exactly a secret, or at least Dante didn't find it to be one, anyway; the kid was obviously interested in Aine a little bit, and if it wasn't a crush, Dante didn't know what the hell it was. Then again, what did the hybrid know? It wasn't like he's ever had a crush, right?

Oh, right. He has. Anyway.

Dante watched as Ry made his way to Gael's treehouse and didn't say a word, but he did have an amused look on his face.

//aka tracking this Wink[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - T. ROUX - 09-24-2020

When she walked over asking what was up, Trygve could feel his throat tightening as his anxiety pulsates throughout him. He could already imagine Natyli nudging him roughly to speak but unfortunately and fortunately for him, she wasn't here but he was certain that she could feel what he was feeling at the moment. His stature was already wobbly and shaky but this moment made it worse, he hoped he didn't look so stupid but seeing Dante from the corner of his eye did the boy finally take a deep breath slowly through the flowers. It was just a date, it wasn't like he was asking her out or anything. God, the thought made him inwardly wince hoping he wouldn't be so stupidly anxious if he ever mustered up the courage to ask out his own best friend out.

With another shuffle of his paws, Trygve would set down the flowers in front of Aine and sat down lifting a paw to scratch the back of his neck rather gently considering he had bandages there "Uh,"  He began trying to figure out what to say as both of his tufted ears pressed themselves flat against his skull, his gaze lowered to the ground though it lifted so he could make eye contact with Aine. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" The words spilled from his maw but he would add with a nervous chuckle "I know that I look like shit right now but, I assure you the date will look a lot better." Or that's what he hoped anyways, if she even said yes.

"Of course, you don't gotta say yes and I'll respect that." He would add with a curt nod of his head, he wasn't going to pressure anyone or let alone, Aine to go out on a date with him. If she said no, it'd probably be a flick at his feelings but he enjoyed their friendship more than anything else. She was his best friend, after all, and he wouldn't trade her for the whole world. She meant a lot to him.

Re: DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - j a c k . - 09-24-2020

oh boy, it was this then.

Jack had heard Trygve speaking from a distance, and while. Admittitly he hasn't been paying too close of attention towards the rest of their interactions. He knew the other had connections before they joined the Pitt to Aine and Gale both. Saw them both as a sort of family that his own seemed to have broken off from. Yet this?

Yeah, he had half a mind to threaten Try, but that? that would come [glow=#add8e6,2,300]later[/glow]. For now, the other half of that part of him took hold waiting and just... wanting to know Aine's own feelings. For now it was enough to know she would be happy with him, and if she said no there was someone that could step in a s a buffer between the two if need be.

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - aine. - 09-27-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Aine blinked.  Ry.  Seemed anxious.  'Hah... I think I might have a fever.'  Something caught her off-guard when he looked at her.  The vixen shied from eye contact often... But she made exceptions.

Flying words felt familiar.  Hadn't she spoke that way once?  The day she snuck off to the Typhoon the first time?  To make sure his burns healed.  It took a moment for the druid to comprehend, hazel hues locked dumbly, stuck, on violet.  A date?

Is this a fever?  It was her cheeks... Not her head.  Warming considerably, trying to keep pace.  Her tongue sat on the roof of her mouth, words exploding in her mind with vacant voice, head moving to shake.  No.  Shit was not a word she would use to describe Ry.  Never.

He was her best friend... But her last best friend had never made her fuzzy.  Or asked her on a date.  But this was Trygve.  Trygve.  Ry.  Ry.  A thousand anxieties bubbled in her head.  Cliché stories in her books... About best friends.  She didn't want to lose that.  She couldn't.

She didn't want to say no either.  It was Ry...

Her wings flattened against her sides, voice finally returning.  "I- I um. Yeah.  Okay.Stars.  "I-I'd love-- I'd love to go on a... A date with you.  Ry."

So this is what it feels like.  When someone gives you butterflies.

Re: DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - gael - 09-27-2020

An occasion such as this had seem inevitable -- the vulpine had paid close attention to Trygve since they first met.  At times, Gael had wondered when the boy may take a step in a new direction; change the course of the clearly dear friendship he held with Aine.  It is only a date.

He knew how deeply his daughter cherished her friendship with Trygve, brows creasing in concern -- he found no appeal in the concept of a date going south between them.  But this is their call.  Fond as they were of each other, he suspected it would proceed fine.

Gael released a deep breath, leveling golden optics directly on Trygve.  Aine made her choice, flustered as she appeared to be -- despite it all perhaps she had never seen this coming.

"I expect both of you home at a reasonable hour following this date, whenever it is."  Clear, the icy protective look in the Ardent's eyes.  He may trust Trygve most days, despite the boy's impulsive nature, but this was different -- new territory. 

Deeper down, the faerie felt less solid; wary of sending his daughter off on her first date.  A thought lingered, of attempting to push this off, insist on more time -- he did not feel the most stable, on this new ground.

Yet he may be sending Trygve off on his first date as well.  He felt inclined to encourage him too; later.  Aine came first, as she always did.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER ; aine needed - T. ROUX - 09-28-2020

Seeing Jack approach made the boy feel a bit nervous but he tried his best not to think too much of it as both of his tufted ears would flick back and press against his skull. Maybe he had asked too soon? He wasn't certain but he hoped that whatever Aine decided would be quick, he didn't like that there was so many people gathering around... Even a few nosy NPCs had come over to see what was going on. The injured boy would hold in his breath feeling his face beginning to heat it and it wasn't due to anger this time, he almost felt feverish if that made sense but he doubted it was that. He bit down on his forked tongue in order to ease himself and hopefully not blurt out anything to make him seem or appear stupid... That was the last thing he needed despite how unstable he was at the moment.

Finally, she spoke and those words dragged him out of his own pool of thoughts, his ears swiveling forward as he listened. The way she had began to speak made him doubt that she even wanted to go out on that date, he was about ready to say that it was fine that she didn't wanna go out until he heard the rest of her words did he become silent. His heart hammering within his chest, his face feeling completely hot, and those tummy butterflies began to make him a little nauseated if he was being honest with himself. What was he supposed to say? Fuck, he hadn't been expecting her to say yes. "Uhhh," Trygve felt his mind go blank for what he was going to say and would piece up together a sentence to try and not look stupid "That's fantastic... That's wonderful, Aine... Uh, thank you..."

A nervous smile on his maw but he was very happy to say the least, he was about to say something else until Gael finally decided to show up making the draconic boy bite down on his tongue once more. Of course, he'd want them to be home by a reasonable hour and seeing that icy look that normally display itself towards the boy, Trygve didn't think it would be much of a good idea for him to playfully jab at Gael... Not this moment anyways. After all, the vulpine was his best friend's father and could easily throw him across the continent if he wished. The thought was enough to make Ry snort quietly but he would assure Gael with a slow nod of his head "Gotcha," The jaguar rose to his paws slowly only to turn to Aine once more feeling that flutter within his gut "Well, I'll see you then... After I make preparations, I guess..."

A part of him felt that it was going to be a disaster but, the other half hoped that it wouldn't be the case... Especially, if he ever decided to ask out Aine again on a date. He held his breath in that moment but with a wave of his tail in a form of saying goodbye, Trygve would limp away with a stupid grin on his maw. Holy shit! She said yes! He thought with both eyes closed in a happy manner.

/ out uwu