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BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - Printable Version

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BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ninazu - 09-21-2020

A dark plume of smoke rose from the tallest palm tree on the island, visible for kilometers. Ninazu had rigged baskets up to the foliage, most containing skull-sized rocks, ranging from a fox’s weight class to a lion. Two contained nothing but moonshine, and the smell of alcohol could be smelled even at the bottom of the tree, where drops muddied the ground.

“I AM COCO LORD!” Ninazu declared, screaming to the sky. “HERE TO TAKE THIS ISLAND FOR MYSELF, MUA-HAHAHAHA!”

The serval waved a paw, manipulating several fist-sized stones to dunk into the alcohol. They rose up, dripping alcohol, and she sent them ablaze with a paw touch each. Floating in the air, they orbited Ninazu as she looked for a victim in the desolated lands below.

“Ninazu, the fuck—” a raccoon said, before Ninazu cut him off with a rain of flaming stones.

The raccoon dodged and weaved, but couldn’t find any cover in the ruined terrain. He looked back, ducked a flaming rock aimed for his head, and jumped into a shallow ditch. His leg stuck out, and Ninazu thwacked it. “Ow, Ninazu! That really hurt!”


Ninazu growled, shaking her horned head. With a wave of another paw, she sent the next line of rocks into the alcohol. Once she had a full orbiting deadly display, she huffed. “COME ON, I SPENT ALL THIS TIME SETTING UP THIS TRAINING! SOMEONE SHOW SO I CAN STONE YOUR FACE!”

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-21-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
After the whole ordeal at the beach, Caesar definitely didn't have good opinion of Ninazu at the moment. At first, he thought of her as a slight annoyance and nuisance, but after she had chucked a flaming coconut at him, the demon definitely wasn't fond of her right now.

Perhaps he should have been smarter than not to come near the serval whenever she was shouting about being a coco lord or whatever the fuck she was screeching about. It definitely wasn't hard to locate her, with all the fucking screaming she was going on about. "Shut the fuck up." Caesar growled as he decided to approach her, not heeding any sort of warning from the rocks nor the raccoon that had been unnecessarily harassed by blazing rocks. "Go home, Ninazu. You're drunk." Probably?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ARGUS - 09-21-2020

Argus was a large creature, and as such the stones would have to be larger than one's Ninazu would willingly risk against the rest of them, that didn't mean she wouldn't participate in the training. Just a ... different way than the rest of them. The large dragon heaved herself onto the ground. Landing and knocking most stones nearby her direction to shoot outwards. Large burnned wings closing up against their sides as they watched the lioness hurl stones at the rest of them. A low cock in ther head as they watched Ninazu shout outwardly.

The scent of alcohol was already in the air with the rocks, but it reeked from the lion. Argus huffed lowly to herself. Watching Caesar try and dodge and weave between the falling projectiles. "I'll play as a shelter to those that need it" The dragon offered up towards the people that would approach, an idle stone hitting the joint in her wings and with a careful shake she let it fall loosely at the floor before it could cause any major burning.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ninazu - 09-22-2020

“Drunk? It’s like you don’t know me at all. I hate alcohol.” The serval leered down at Caesar from the top of the palm tree, her short tail lashing.

“But I am high!” she yelled. Cackling, Ninazu picked two baseball-sized flaming rocks, sparks showering down. She flung them at Caesar, one spinning towards his shoulder and the second veering off to shatter his pelvis. A bit much for training, perhaps, but she’d already paralyzed him out of boredom.

Ninazu was so focused on Caesar, that she completely missed Argus’s statement. If someone wanted to dart behind cover without being spotted, now would be the perfect opportunity.

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - SirDio - 09-22-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

Ezrakel had shown up a bit late, his paws dragging along the ground. Hearing Ninazu's mad laughter made him huff in frustration - but he needed some agility training and such. The scene that met his eyes, however, made him with he was still asleep. Argus had been there too, so he didn't feel like he was the only one with some goddamn common sense. So he set toward her instantly, paws swiftly hitting the ground as to avoid trying to be the center of attention. "It's nice knowing when to choose your battles, no?" He offered to Argus, moving to stand under her body. He didn't need this today. Really, he didn't.

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-23-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Of course Caesar didn't know Ninazu well, he didn't care for the bitch. However, when the woman decided to target him, the savannah quickly whipped around and tried to veer off towards Argus - who offered shelter to anyone. Caesar let out a yowl whenever one of Ninazu's rocks hit him in the back of one of his hind legs as he ran off to hide beneath Argus, the pain shooting up his leg and causing him to limp.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ninazu - 09-24-2020

“Turning tail already?” Ninazu called after Caesar, smirking to herself after the rocks smacked him dead on. For all their camaraderie and shared history in the same groups, she hardly knew the fucker—besides the fact he pissed her off. “I hardly had a chance to pummel you! Come back and take a beating like a real masochist!”

The serval followed him with her gaze to Argus, but remained atop her tree. Naturally. She had the high ground and plenty of ammo. The hell would she leave such an advantageous position for?

Thankfully for Ezrakel, she hadn’t noticed him hiding under Argus’s shelter.

“Hey, Argus! Pull up your wing and expose Caesar for me! On the count of one… two… three!” Ninazu chirped, holding a flaming baseball-sized rock in her paw.

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - ARGUS - 09-28-2020

Ezrakel was the first to stumble upon the hiding spot. Argus smiling up at Ninazu letting out a rumble of agrement towards them both. The beast was strategic advantage by their size. it was very hard for anyone to much less land a blow that really managed to damage them. If anything the flame was the only thing that got to them. The heat uncomfortable, and the smell of singed hair drifting towards everyone- from Ninazu's vantage point it wasn't hard to note the large scars across their back.

Caesar went to take a dive under their form, and outstretched wing covering the feline's retreat under. But it was Ninazu that they kept in their sights- the fire... it always made Argus weary- the chance of it hitting them wasn't something they wanted in the slightest. so when the coco lord shouted the idea argus let out a rumble.

"He is already injured, Great Coco one." Argus felt it fitting to play into the character Ninazu was trying to portray, though their words fell on deaf ears. The flaming stone hurling towards them- and Argus- in a moment of muscle memory or self preservation- snapped into the air with a launch. Leaving both Ezrakel and Caesar exposed. and causing the flaming bolder to miss it's trajectory by the sudden wind current.

"don't make me come up there, it won't be pleasant for me, but i'll drag you outta that tree. We dont need injuries right now" Argus growled out, more wolf like as she hovered for a moment before landing at a distance of the pair on the ground. Only slightly serious. the smile hidden under their masked face- but the action of landing proving the threat- at least at the moment was without merit .
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - kinglykingstone - 09-28-2020

An unamused huff would leave the Guru as he approached, eyeing the whole scene with distress. Circling wide, he would approach from behind and plop down beneath the so-called "Coco Lord". He would give a snort of laughter as she targeted Ceaser, unable to keep himself from being amused. He felt bad for the poor sap that had to heal everyone after this training. Wait, he is that poor sap. Groaning, he craned his head back to look at the flaming lioness.

"Darlin', I'm startin' ta think y'ur doin' this just gimme more work," he drawled, shaking his head. He knew that probably wasn't the case but, he wouldn't be surprised if it was. He watched the dragon take to the air, abandoning those seeking shelter, and grunted. Hopefully the beast wouldn't be so quick to abandon his allies in an actual battle.

Re: BEWARE THE COCO LORD / training - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-29-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
"You're fucking insane!" Caesar hissed at Ninazu, flattening his ears and lowering his body as Argus provided cover for him - sure, he was a masochist but holy fucking shit, he had his limits; was he not allowed that? Besides, the bitch was attacking her own clanmates... for fun? Did Stryker allow this? Because if so, then the savannah was going to definitely keep that in mind and he would absolutely abuse that, but for now, the demon was rather annoyed with Ninazu's power craze at the moment.

Whenever Argus left him exposed however, Caesar fluffed his fur out and lashed his tail, a sign he was preparing an elemental attack himself in case he needed to protect himself or attack Ninazu - whichever came first.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]