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everything stays, right where you left it. - Printable Version

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everything stays, right where you left it. - Simon F.M. - 09-21-2020

//100th post!! woo!! Also Human AU because I can and I will. Also I know little about horses.

Diya had set out early that morning, before the sun could rise and beat down on her shoulders. A shawl was still drapes over pale shoulders, layered over a tank top and loose-fitting jeans. Her snow-colored hair was bundle atop of her head, held in place by a few bands and bobby pins. She'd gotten up early, leaving her pregnant girlfriend a simple note reading 'gone for a walk, I love you! -D' on the bedside table. The sun was ever so slightly peaking on the horizon but, most of the woman's light same from the stars and the moon above.

Her path took her across the shore, a soft humming leaving her as she walked. Her gaze was unfocused, the vampire far away in her mind. Her thoughts rested in a mountain landscape far away, younger days dancing around a rose garden, laughter tinging in the air. Her mothers voices echoed in her head, a soft smile on her face. It had been so long since she had seen her mothers, not even a year since shaking hand had stroked the spot that held their names. It brought her some peace to know they rested, hearing that they had parted so closely together. While bitter was the resentment that plagued her heart, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Immortal had always been a phrase tossed around, one that made her feel fear.

She had seen the signs already, so early. Her aging had slowed, she felt. There was no way to know for sure but, she knew she looked young for her age. Not childlike or akin to a teenager but, certainly fewer wrinkles marred her face then that of her partner. She hadn't told Roxanne yet, told her that she may be forced to watch the quartermaster aged and greyed while she remained forever young. She wasn't ready for that conversation, she didn't want too have it. If her mothers had found peace, couldn't she? She often found her pleading at the moon, for Selene, to speak to her. So far, she had been left on read, begging empty air to answer her.

She hopped she had not passed her curse onto her children, soon to be due. She felt it strongly that her vampirism would transfer, as her mother's had to her, but she hoped the longevity of forever did not. A curse was immortality, doomed to watch those around you age and die. Despite her worries and fears, she couldn't wait to meet her children, to name them and hold them. She hoped they never faced the strife she did, to loose your family young, to have gaps in your memory. A better life she hopped for them.

It wasn't until metal brushed under her sandled feet that she was brought from her daydreaming. Eyes casting downwards. she inspected the traintracks, unsurprised. Oftentimes she was lead here, so many memories taking place on these tracks. All those years ago, one of her final memories before the amnesia, racing and stumbling down the tracks in search of her siblings. It was the last thing she remembered before waking up out in that distant land with her uncle. Then, soon after returning, making the trek from the mountains with boy in town, how swiftly Trygve had grown. Meeting his mother, falling in love and shoving it down, promising her heart to another in a foolish attempt to recover.

She remembered the meteor crashing down, fleeing to the uncharted lands to recover and protect those around her. She would never speak of the feral months she spent there, only thinking of the day she returned. Welcomed by the object of her affections, questioned by the one she now fondly thinks of as a son(even if she wasn't sure he shared the thought). So many moments took place within these gates and the tracks leading to them, a domino effect that she never could have predicted.

Another would be made today as the sound of a rucus would make itself known down the tracks. Her head lifts, squinting at the massive shape barreling down the tracks. Fear would flood her chest as she realized the identity of the creature. A horse. How easily it could fall on those tracks but, she wasn't sure of how to stop it. Surprisingly, she wouldn't need to. It would begin to slow, as if aware of its peril if it wasn't careful. As it neared, she found herself drawn forward. Familiar it seemed, and not due to distant memories of Hazel and her steed. distant was the memory of a hand stretched out, warm muzzle soft against the palm.

She would mimic the movements as she approached softly, eyeing the simple halter and reigns; amazed that the horse hadn't tripped over the dragging rope in its dash. A warmth filled her heart at the familiarity of the steed who nickered, seeming confused to the woman. Gently she moved forward, hand outstretched. The horse stretched its head out, nostrils flairing as it sniffed at the outstreched palm. Muzzle rested against hand, striking a cord within Diya. Her other hand reached out, gathering the reigns within her hand. An interesting combo, as she knew most wouldn't use such a halter for riding. Perhaps the horse was trained for such a thing. Her eyes closed as she grew close to the horse, as if she had done it a million times. 'Here is my gift to you' was the whisper that penetrated her mind, surprising the privateer.

Her eyes would open, looking around and searching for a place for the voice to come from. Finding none, her eyes landing on the moon, barely visible in the lightening sky. She whispered her thanks, turning her attention back to the horse, her horse? Perhaps a fragment of her past, from the memories that had been stolen from her? She would pull away, leading the horse across the remainder of the tracks carefully. Reaching safe sands, she came to a stop with the horse that towered above her, even with as tall as she was, marvelling at its coloring. Light grey was its fur, darkening as it went down the legs, dark too on the face. Grey was the hair and tail, shinning in the sun as she stood with her horse. An interesting story this would be.

TL;DR - Basically she found a horse that may have been hers during that patch of memories she lost. She'd now standing with him just outside the gates! He'd a Blue Roan Noriker. [color=#011903]reference 1(main). reference 2.

Re: everything stays, right where you left it. - michael t. - 09-22-2020

Michael had grown more and more fond of Diya as of late, having learned more about his fellow vampire once she and Roxanne had officially started dating. He actually found it sort of funny, how she had made an active effort to reach out to his sister's family once they were together. However, he knew he probably just found it funny because of his own circumstances. He nor Trevor had exactly had pleasant childhoods or families, which meant by the time they met, neither wanted the other to meet their family. Michael hadn't even really had anyone to introduce, considering he had left his family home with his father's blood on his hands. Still, that had suited the both of them, really. At that point, both he and his now husband had truly believed that all they would ever need was each other, and on some level, the thief really did still believe that. Yes, he had made a lot of wonderful friends within The Typhoon, and he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to be whole again without Roxie, but without Trevor? Without the man who he had chosen to spend the rest of his life with? Such a life sounded utterly impossible, even when the two of them had spent time apart in the past before. The only reason that had been tolerable was because the both of them always knew that the other would come back.

Of course, this led to Michael having similar worries to Diya over his own vampiric state. He had only ended up developing his vampirism fairly recently, making it difficult for him to tell whether it actually had an effect on his aging or not. The thought of immortality terrified him, however. Sure, he loved all of the movies where the hero felt invincible, like nothing they ever did could so much as lay a scratch on them, but... he didn't really want that. Now that he had kids and a husband, he just wanted to live out the rest of his days – relatively – peacefully, only occasionally taking the risk to go with Trevor on some kind of ill-advised stealing spree. That was the most excitement he wanted in his life, until it finally came time for him to croak. He supposed that, at the very least, if he and Diya were both stuck immortal forever, then they'd at least have each other to turn to. They'd certainly have plenty of time to bond as in-laws if they were both stuck watching their loved ones drop like flies. That was if Michael didn't eventually decide to go off the deep end and jump off the highest cliff he could find in the Typhoon's territory.

For now though, Michael found it best not to ponder or focus on things like that. All it really did was cause anxiety, the kind that he wasn't really able to do anything to ease. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could remember various voices telling him about panic attacks, and anxiety disorders, but he had never really been interested in listening in the moment. He already knew that he was somewhat fucked in the head, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know exactly why. The newly promoted dealer found himself sighing as he sat outside his house, cross-legged on a towel that he had laid out on the beach. His intention had been to sunbathe and read, but as he so often did, he had just ended up getting lost in his own thoughts again. He reached up to run a hand through his own hair, a soft groan of exhaustion and frustration leaving him as he put his book aside, knowing he wouldn't really be able to focus. He considered just giving up on the whole ordeal and going inside to play with his rats, or see what the kids were doing, but then he noticed Diya walking by, looking just as stuck in her own head as he had been just a moment ago.

Deciding that his book could wait – and also eager for the distraction – Michael slowly got up to his feet, dusting sand off of him before he quickly followed after Diya. Getting lost in her own head had only seemed to make her walk faster, so it wasn't long before they arrived at the tracks, where she finally seemed to snap out of it. Michael opened his mouth, ready to greet Diya and ask her what she had been thinking about, only to spot the absolute monstrosity of a horse that was coming right towards her. His words immediately halted in his throat, eyes going wide. Of course, what occurred next only made him more confused, watching as the new dealer treated the equine as if she had known it her entire life. After taking a moment to recover from his confusion, Michael took a few steps forward, clearing his throat before he questioned, "Diya...? Can I just say... what the fuck. That horse is like... I've never seen it before in my life. Is it yours? Where have you been hiding it?" He really was dumbfounded, stunned not only by Diya's strange relationship with the horse, but also because essentially no one within The Typhoon had a horse.