Beasts of Beyond
GOOD OLD FASHIONED RAZZMATAZZ / tp prank - Printable Version

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GOOD OLD FASHIONED RAZZMATAZZ / tp prank - bubblegum - 09-20-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The tigress had declared a prank war in good fun against Tanglewood in the most recent meeting, and she decided she would take the initiative to make the first move in a classic attempt. They all needed something more fun to do, and it would be a nice distraction from everything, perhaps relieve some stress. Her mind was constantly buzzing over different things these days - her wife, her cousin, both dead, her son missing for several days, albeit found and unharmed. It was all enough to make her snap ever so slightly. But this time she couldn't be angry, take it out on some enemy. There wasn't any current one that deserved such a treatment to her knowledge, and she wasn't looking to spread the death right now, especially with her childrens' lives now on the lines too when considering it. This was something she needed, along with many other members in her crew - she's sure Tanglewood felt it too, even if not for the same reasons.

The female had gathered as much toilet paper rolls as she could find, taking the time to spread dye on them so there'd be at least a little twist on the old cliché. Some color never killed anybody. And so after, preparing what she felt would be an adequate amount to scatter across her ally's town, the female would set them in a basket and begin her flight towards the familiar swamp, gliding quietly in the air until she arrived. Once she'd reached the territory, she would aim to specifically move towards the town, lowering herself and pulling out the first roll, tossing it so it would unravel as it landed, and would continue to do so until she ran out, leaving Tanglewood's town covered in various pastel dyed paper rolls. And with this, she would quietly land on one of the shorter trees, looking down onto her work with a playful smile.

With her, she had another basket, slightly bigger than the now emptied one that'd carried her "weapons", containing various essential herbs, flowers she'd picked from the archipelago's jungles, and cupcakes she'd baked, still warm. She drops down from the tree, tail twitching back and forth. "Attention Tanglewood!" she'd call out, voice clearly amused. "The pirates have declared a prank war against y'all. This is your warnin'." Goldie continues with a nod of her head. "An' some gifts, hope you're all well." Her voice quiets down now, a more calm tone taking over as she drops her act.

Re: GOOD OLD FASHIONED RAZZMATAZZ / tp prank - wormwood. - 09-21-2020

The lion had been a bit of a frazzled mess as of late, although he had been trying his best to combat against that. Ever since he had first arrived back to Tanglewood after being kidnapped, things had significantly calmed down in his life. No longer was the constant looming threat of death hanging over his head, nor were his wounds bleeding freely and drawing him closer to the grim reaper. No, he was now very much alive, albeit fighting against the soreness that ached through his body each day, a steady reminder of the fact that he was still healing. He wished his angelic powers also gave him some kind of fast healing property, but he knew that wasn't how it worked, frustrating as that was. For now, he just needed to stay in his frustrated and frazzled state, waiting until he was back to one hundred percent capacity. It probably didn't help that he had a panic attack recently, falling down and no doubt pulling at some of the wounds that he already had. Without a doubt, the lion definitely needed something as carefree and joy filled as a prank war – even though getting over to The Typhoon to pull any pranks would be an issue.

Aurum had been asleep when Goldie's little toilet paper spree had originally started, but it wasn't long before he heard faint giggling from other Tanglers outside, followed up by the captain's firm voice. Chuckling weakly, the former proxy slowly got up to his paws, pointedly avoiding the covered mirror in his room as he headed down the stairs, and out towards the tree that Goldie had taken residence in front of. Once he grew close, the injured big feline let out a soft chuff in greeting, unable to keep the smile from his muzzle as he spoke to his old friend, "Goldie... long time, no see. This is certainly a bold way to meet again." He rose his gaze up towards the toilet paper that now covered the town, chuckling a bit before he shook his head from side to side. His one eye then flicked down to the basket that Goldenluxury had with her, the usual sense of gratefulness filling him as he saw the various gifts that lingered inside. Moving forward to nab one of the cupcakes, he muttered warmly, "And thank you for the gifts, as usual... anything big happen recently?" He was pointedly ignoring his own rather extensive injuries, not wanting to talk about them right now.


[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Tanglewood had been quietly lately, both with events and joiners, and Vigenere was, truthfully, unnerved by that fact. At least, he didn't like that there weren't a lot of joiners lately. He was glad to see that The Pitt was out of their hair, though, that was relieving.

Vigenere came to the town with an amused look on his face, his gaze scanning to see if he could find the culprit. He expected it to be a prankster Tangler but instead, he was met with the leader of The Typhoon. "Declaring a prank war on us, hm?" The savannah mused as he approached the Captain. "You're on." Good, it'll be nice for his clanmates to have some little fun here and there with their ally.

"Thanks for the gifts too, Golden." Vigenere chirped. "I hope all is doing better?" He was mostly referring to the tigress's mental health, in regards to Sam's passing, but he wasn't entirely comfortable with asking it out loud. After all, it was a touchy subject.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


Ah, pirates.

It seemed that this was the first time that Sophiea would meet the leader of the Typhoon, the place where Nicabar had spoken about going back and forth between. A large tigress from the looks of it, Soph had stepped out of her home to see that there was several pieces of toilet paper that had unraveled across the town. A soft sigh leaving her maw as she pressed her ears flat against her cranium as a single roll fell from her roof and hit her on the head. Her eyes narrowed with a bit of irritability though she bit down on her tongue as she approached the trio with a twitch of her whiskers. A prank war, huh? She recalled how Averill and Chevalier would pull pranks on her though it had been playful intent... She was not a fan of pranks.

But she wouldn't be a foul sport about it and try to ruin the fun for everyone, she would glance over to Goldenluxury only to mew to introduce herself "Sophiea Pendragon," Her whiskers twitched briefly adding with a slow nod "It's a pleasure to meet you." It seemed that there would be a prank war going between both groups then she inwardly grimaced but would offer a polite smile as she would sit down with a wiggle of her tail. She had hopes whatever the pirates decided to throw at them again, it wouldn't be more gruesome than toilet paper scattered around the town. Harmless pranks if you will. Regardless, Sophiea would likely stay inside for the most part unless her cousin dragged her outside.

Re: GOOD OLD FASHIONED RAZZMATAZZ / tp prank - bubblegum - 09-25-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

Whoever Goldie planned on expecting, perhaps Vigenere, a few faces she was still getting to know, but Aurum she had not expected. Which is a little silly, too, considering at a time she would expect him most of all. But life was inconsistent and she was not unhappy to see him. In fact, it was a great relief. Even if the terms of their meeting was still so recently after bad news. "You asshole," the female would tease as the male approached, moving closer in an attempt to give him a half-hug. He didn't look to be doing so good, so she wouldn't press on his disappearance - it seemed to speak for itself.

As he asked about anything happening lately, she'd think for a moment before offering a shrug. "Plenty. But thas' life," came her casual voice, though there is a slight edge, just the smallest sadness hinting. She wouldn't speak of all that'd happened recently - it was not the right time, she'd not pulled this stunt to give bad news. Besides, more began to approach, and it would be an awkward mood killer. "We should talk soon, Aurum." The female would say next, a bit quieter, before shifting her attention to Vigenere and another she did not recognize as they approached.

Vigenere's acceptance to her challenge was expected, and met with a light smile. "The kids n' I moved from our hut back t' m' rooms in the Tempest. I think the changed environment will help," she'd respond softly, deciding not to go further than that. Things weren't necessarily better, but it didn't do them any good to spend all day moping, and she'd always known herself to use work as a coping mechanism. Plus, the prank war would be a light hearted time for both the groups that could hopefully bring some better moods.

As Sophiea introduced herself the female would offer a slight nod. "Goldenluxury Roux, or Goldie, capt'n o' the Typhoon. Nice t' meet ya, hun," she greets politely, tail twitching. Most folks already knew her name just based off her stories and appearance, but the female figured it would still be good to be certain and introduce herself in turn.