Beasts of Beyond
State of my Head // Open - Printable Version

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State of my Head // Open - Kold - 09-20-2020


Text in this color can be skipped if one is uncomfortable with the mention of rabies or seizures

Kold spent most of her time exploring the desert, constantly pushing herself to be better than the day before. With her self-inficted training, she had become a little more robust. But she was still a kid, with street-smarts, wandering within the desert - she was surprised that no one had followed her and dragged her back to the plaza.

She was nearing the spike border, with her mind wandering to her mother. She was still trying to pinpoint what was wrong with her. Her mother seemed fine one moment, then was seizing on the ground, froth bubbling at her mouth the next. It was confusing to Kold and her siblings, and concerning for her father. There were always warning signs before the stuff happened - her mother would be quiet and dazed, or sitting in a strange position.

Then she got aggressive - overly so. She would snap at the simplest thing, and was unable to drink water. She claimed that Kold herself had poisoned her, and would knock her back with a paw. It got worse until her father made the damning decision of dropping Kold off here. He left her alone, on the path to eternity, and Kold would never forget that.

The sweet smell of sickness hit Kold, dazing her for a moment. Then the snarl rang in her ears. Then the robust form of a Rottweiler made it's way into her vision. There was a red color at the edges of their eyes, and froth at their lips. Their body was hunched, shuddering with every breath. They stared at Kold with a snarl at their frothing lips, teeth yellowed. First, Kold was confused. Then, it hit her.

"Mom...?" She whimpered, her first word in a long time since joining the Pitt. The response was a lurching motion from the Rottweiler, and Kold saw a familiar scar across their chest, confirming her fears. "Mom..! It's me, Kold..!"

Her mother didn't respond with words, but another snarl. She lurched forward on staggering legs, threatening to lunge at her daughter. Kold whimpered and stepped back, terrified. Terror was now strange for her to feel, having sort of hardened up her emotions and mentality. But terror was all she felt now, body only able to step back with every lurching step forward her mother took.

Her mother let out another snarl, then lunged at Kold. Her legs, which had been wobbling and moving weirdly before, were moving with terrifying precision. "MOM!" Kold practically screamed out, her scream echoing into the land around her. Her mother missed completely, falling to the side as her body seized up, her jaws opening and closing violently. Her legs began to kick and move as if she was swimming - and a horrendous snarl ripped out of her throat, causing the froth to bubble. She let out one last disgusting growl before her body relaxed.

"Mom...? Mo-" Kold's words caught in her throat, her eyes watching as her mother stopped breathing and went limp. "Mom! Mom, no!!" She yelped and whimpered, running to her mother's side. She kept a distance, though. Even so, she could see that her mother was gone. Gone.

Kold's breathing sped up as she stepped back, falling on her haunches - what did she just witness? She witnessed her mother's death, but what caused it? Her paws shook as she tried to walk away, but her legs gave in and she fell onto the desert sand, a shaking mess.

Re: State of my Head // Open - j a c k . - 09-20-2020

It was normal here, it shouldn't be. There was little that could be done. The desert was harsh, and the jungle they found themselves in was only for those that called themselves a part of such a powerful clan. It was the law of the land, that thiese week would die. person in the sands or the by another's claw. It was simply a way of life and it wasn't fair- but when was life ever truly fair?

Jack were not an avid watcher, he preferred the method of mentoring from afar, watching out for the young and experienced in the desert. There was no better way than learning without a safety net, and best there was when they didn't realize Jack's presence. So he remained mostly in the jungle, watching the dunes for the white newcommers pup that stuck close to the borders like a stray.

He didn't interfere when the lumbering body of rot grew closer, but he became the truck closer.

Then he heard kold's voice waver and I title given to the diseased that Jack couldn't stop the shiver up his spine. Disease such as this... It was savage in nature. There wasn't much of a cure that he knew of. None that could be given so far in.

Jack's presence was small in comparison to the silence of the dead. Ice blue eyes looking down at the mother and her child with a somber set in his eyes. [glow=grey,2,300]They were not one of us[/glow] jack spoke his voice quiet[glow=grey,2,300]but they were yours, new blood. Would you like us to perform a burial? [/glow]

/Mobile oof

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I want[/glow][glow=grey,2,300] to make[/glow][glow=#add8e6,2,300] you feel[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]the pain —[/glow][glow=white,2,300] it feels so real[/glow]

Re: State of my Head // Open - T. ROUX - 09-21-2020

Losing family was familiar to Trygve, the feeling of loss still heavy on his heart and mind though the sound of snarling had grabbed the draconic boy's attention as his head lifted up from his paws. He had been laying within the jungle underneath one of the trees but hearing growling and the snapping of jaws made the boy slowly rise up, he had to make sure whoever was attacking wasn't one of his clanmates. So with a limping form, Trygve eventually made his way over to see both Jack and Kold there along with the body of an unknown canine. They were not familiar to him but by the look of it, they were someone close to Kold. Her mother. It made his heart ache at the sight though he nodded slowly in Jack's direction as he spoke.

Trygve felt hesitance in his next movements especially since pain usually blossomed from it, he would spread his only good wing and used it to provide some shade for the puppy only to murmur with a small frown "I'm sorry bout your mother," There wasn't much else that he could say, he was bad at comforting others or that's how he saw it for the most part, he bit the inside of his left cheek trying to think of what else to say. "But... I'll look out for ya," He decided to say at last with a weak smile tugging at his lips. That's the least he could do.

Re: State of my Head // Open - gael - 09-21-2020

Distinctly aggressive growls and the snap of jaws quickly gathered the Ardent's attention -- eyes and ears swiftly snapping in response.  The borders had been relatively peaceful in recent days; an abrupt change to this did not bode well.

Gael swiftly caught up to the gathered youth; noting with gratitude how immediate Jack and Trygve arrived on scene to support the poor child.  His hazel eyes ran over the now-deceased Rottweiler, with growing unease -- the disease he recognized with grim certainty.

"Kold," he keeps his voice soft, conscious of the loss; one he had suffered, in an unpleasant, though different, way.  "Did she bite you?  She --" Gael hardly wished to press so soon, "she was ill, little one.  Not well."

"But she is no longer in pain, now.  As Jack said, we can give her a burial -- honor her passing."  It was, the vulpine felt, the least they could do for the grieving child.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: State of my Head // Open - Kold - 09-21-2020


Jack's voice tore her away from that grief stricken daze she was in, and though she was too shaken to move toward him, she gave him a weary, grieving smile. "Y..Yes, please.." Her voice was quiet and sullen, and she sat up with still shaking legs.

Then Trygve showed up, and she stared at him with her inky black eyes that twinkled with unshed tears. Despite his pain, he had dragged his way here, and that lightened Kold just a slight bit. She tried to drag herself up, managing to do so. She dragged herself under his wing, and sat down with heavy paws. His quiet words consoled her and she looked at him. "Thank.. you."

When Gael showed up, she quickly looked to him. Hearing everyone consoling her would have reeled her, but her shock and grief drowned all other emotions. "She- She didn't bite me.." She looked back at her dead mother, "She was ill... for.. for.." She didn't want to finish her sentence - her mother's sickness led to her appearance at the border. It was a rolling ball of chaos that led to this moment. "We... we can bury her.." She let out a sodden whimper, grateful for the comfort the three gave her.

Re: State of my Head // Open - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante never knew his mother. He never got the chance to, considering she died giving birth to him; he had no attachment to the feline that nursed him and barely even considered her a 'mother'. He didn't know what it was like to have a parent, let alone a mother who should be caring for you. All he remembered was being poked and prodded with needles since the day he opened his eyes; was that normal? No, obviously not - but at the time and where he had been born at? Absolutely.

The children's screaming is what lured Dante over, though he barely had time to register what was going on when he commented, "A shame." He rolled one of his shoulders, which in turn ended up shifting one of his wings. He stared blankly down at Kold's mother before allowing his gaze to slowly look over at Kold. "Shit happens, kid. We can bury her, but that's all we can do. Suck it up." Should he be more empathetic here? Probably, but honestly? How was he supposed to relate when he never technically had someone he considered to be a mother?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]