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LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - Printable Version

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LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - sykes - 09-20-2020

The Churchyard is an eerie sight. Beautiful in it's own way, with the oddly graceful tombs that never seem to crumble lining the rows of the cemetery, but not a welcoming sight to those who aren't familiar with it. To those whom are easily influenced by the ghostly aura of both malevolent and benevolent spirits, it gives off a feeling that could only possibly be explained as eyes. Eyes that watch like a hawk, that cause a prickling feeling of nervousness to spread over limbs and chests constantly. Sometimes you might hear a whisper, might feel the wind rush past their body, might see a dark shadow in the corner of their eye and when they turn to try and see what's causing them that unease, it vanishes. As if it were never there.

That is The Church Grim.

It's a whisper only told by mothers to their adventurous children, to warn them from entering the churchyard. A whisper it might be, but it is not an untrue one. Some have claimed to see him late at night, dragging invisible shapes into graves. And, while some of them might have, they don't tend to last too long- driven mad and locked away, or mysteriously winding up dead.

Some of them never spoke of their sighting out loud, but they knew. The story of The Church Grim was true, and should be told. These are the people who passed it onto their children, and in turn, they passed it on too. The story had been known, had been told, for thousands of years.

With a legend like that, you don't expect it to be true. And if you do, you hope with all your being that it's not. This legend is not of a friendly being but of a gigantic black dog that protects the churchyard from thieves, vandals, and graverobbers. That part of the story, though, is not true. It is not the churchyard that he is protecting, but the people outside it.

Once, he had protected humans, but they had died anyway. Today, he protects the creatures of Tanglewood. Some of them he knows, the higher ranking ones- Vigenere, the leader, being one of them.

Creatures that are not part of Tanglewood but who have died in their land are often welcomed into the churchyard. Today, there is a little one. A young sloth, unable to speak- frozen solid, with stiff peaks of ice in their fur. He sees the sadness in their gentle gaze and keeps them with him most of the time, an unstoppable force against the aggressiveness of the other ghosts.

No child should be welcomed into the churchyard, but it is not his job to stop it. It is his job to make sure that those inside the churchyard, never get out.

Perhaps that is why he lets his guard drop so low as to reveal himself to the creatures of Tanglewood on this day.

Recently, many more animals had joined the ranks in the graveyard, and some of them were angry. It wasn't his duty to question them, only to stop them from getting out or anyone out from getting in, but he knew there was nothing could be done against them.

His body seems to almost flicker into visibility, like that of a spectral being, a ghost if you will. Shadows dance across thick, black fur, coating his body in a mist that absorbs all light. His eyes are barely discernible against the shadows, being the exact same colour, but they are bright red now, angry. They reflect the image of the haunted soul that his teeth have latched around as he pulls, heaves, drags the spirit back to its shallow grave. He understands the anger, truly, it hadn't even been given a proper burial, but it is no use in taking it out on animals who had no part in the misdeed.

After the deed is done, the spirit returned to the depths of its final resting place, the dog stands. Massive in size and radiating a familiar feeling, one that sparks anxiety, paranoia and pure fear into the heart of even the most brave beings, you have to wonder... Is it the churchyard that gives off that familiar eerie feeling, or is it him?

As forst decorates the ground and the being stands, chest heaving, before the ancient building, he turns... and locks eyes with another.

//tldr; church here is somewhat of a legend told to frighten off children from the churchyard. not many people believe he exists, but an (unnamed) someone happens across him dragging a soul back to their grave in the graveyard. guess he's gotta explain himself.

Re: LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - wormwood. - 09-20-2020

Aurum was neither ghost nor reaper, but he did know a great deal about the afterlife. He was a being of ancient power, and an angel of the lord, although he no longer laid claim to such a title. It had been some time since he had been considered an archangel, escaping from heaven's grasping claws when he realized just how awful it all was. Now he wandered the earth, having pledged himself to the group of Tanglewood for the rest of his days. Other angels in the past had looked at him as if he was insane, but he had never particularly cared for their gazes, or their harsh words. They had thankfully left him alone, ever since he had killed the last divine being sent to drag him back to where he had come from. That had been the incident that had left him with the starburst scar that now laid right in the middle of his chest, a stark reminder of his first brush with death. The grim reaper hadn't been able to get him yet, however, and he had no intention of going down easily. Especially not when Tanglewood – and by extension Vigenere – needed his help.

The lion didn't make a habit of visiting the graveyard, although it wasn't just because of the unpleasant feeling, or the bad memories that it harbored. Rather, he simply had no reason to go to the graveyard all that often. His sister was buried out in the field of flowers, rather than anywhere near the church, and all the other dead that lingered there brought with them only dismay. The graveyard was where Feza was, and Aurum still wasn't strong enough to go and visit the snow leopard, his heart aching far too much for the possibility to even cross his mind. He missed Moth too, obviously, but at least he knew her soul was still alive, in some form. With Feza... his friend was gone, and there was nothing that he could do about it, considering she had taken her own life. Having to confront that reality, and the circumstances that had ultimately led up to it... it was too much for his heart to really take, if he were to be honest. It was the cowards way out, but it was what had led to the avoidance in the first place.

Unfortunately, avoidance could only last so long, and eventually the angel had been forced to go to the graveyard out of necessity. He had recently discussed with Vigenere what they were going to do with the traps that were scattered about the territory, not really serving any purpose except for hurting or trapping joiners. Vig had agreed that they no longer served their purpose, and Aurum had decided to go around looking for what traps – activated or not – there were to get rid of. He had already done a sweep through the usual suspects, including the edges of town and a portion of the swamp, but the graveyard was one of the places he hadn't yet checked. He had his doubts about there being any there, considering there was little reason for anybody to be approaching Tanglewood from that angle, but it was still necessary to check. Steeling his nerves, the lion had shaken the tiredness from his body before heading towards the graveyard, also making a valiant effort not to become unnerved by the general unpleasant aura of the place.

Of course, Aurum hadn't really been expecting anyone else to be there, either. When the scent of another reached him – a scent that was distinctly not of Tanglewood, mind you – the lion had found himself tensing up, his eyes narrowing slightly as he moved forward. As he delved deeper into the yard, he had been expecting someone from The Pitt, or perhaps from one of the smaller groups that not much was known about. When he ended up spotting the Church Grim, he found himself surprised. The shadowy canine was unlike anything he had ever seen, save for maybe Beck. Even then, Beck had been a spirit, and not a keeper. When the other turned to meet his gaze, Aurum found himself briefly frozen, a string of sudden curses falling from the injured feline's muzzle. Once he composed himself again, he was finally able to speak, "Hello there... sorry to intrude. Well, not really. This is actually Tanglewood land, so I'm not actually that apologetic... who are you, exactly?" The other seemed utterly in his element, a factor which surprised and confused the former proxy.

Re: LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - suvi. - 09-21-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
For everyone the petite vixen had lost, she did not go to the graveyard.  For though she had known some buried there, they were not... Her-- Suvi's mother was not...  Nothing tied her to the place.  And the reminder of death pushed her away.  The reminder of what she had lost, pushed her away.

Most days.

Yet sometimes, the scrawny arctic fox came with a basket of flowers.  A gentle offering.  The least she could do.  And so she had this day, handle rocking in her jaws.  Her mix-matched hues were absent, the tail swaying behind her phasing away briefly as she nearly walked into Aurum.

A little dazed, the former medic backed away, blinking in confusion.  The massive canine he spoke to held a fraction of familiarity to him.  Like something out of one of her books... Kiira flicked her ear.  Maybe.  The faerie hardly thought twice; legends always held within them truth.

And while the canine was intimidating, the fox seemed not to mind.  She was too close, perhaps, to the spirits, to fear this creature.  Aurum had already spoken, so she remained quiet, curious, with the feeling that this stranger belonged here somehow.

Re: LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - S. PENDRAGON - 09-22-2020

Sophiea was quite curious about Tanglewood so she continued to explores for quite a while, whatever caught her attention, she would pull out her journal and take note of it. When she stumbled into a graveyard though only due to following Aurum to see what he was currently up to, did she realize there was some large candid brute within the area. With satchel at her side, the feline noticed that Kiira was there too though she didn't say anything to the small vixen. At the moment, she didn't know what to say in general given that Aurum had already spoken and found herself just staring at the Church Grim for the moment.

What an odd fellow. Sophiea had heard of only a few legends back in her time within her old home, she could remember that it had been Chevalier telling her about the Church Grim though she had figured that had been his way of trying to scare her. For all she knew or cared about, this canine could just be any regular dog that was lurking around the territory not actually the Church Grim... She didn't like admitting that she was wrong and could already imagine Chev saying things like 'I told you so', the thought made her sigh quietly. She missed him.

Re: LULLABY OF WOE ; joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Legends and myths were, well, just that to Vigenere. Funny, considering he was a demon and you would think he would know that other beings like him existed - and while that was true, the legend surrounding Tanglewood's graveyard was something Vigenere didn't believe. Mostly because he had never saw the creature whenever he occasionally visited the graveyard. But then again, the Luminary didn't visit the graveyard often.

So whenever an NPC came to him and was frantic about seeing some sort of strange spirit at the graveyard, Vigenere made his way over to the graveyard as quickly as he could. In the back of his mind, he was hoping it was Athena that was visiting again - especially considering how often his ex-fiance was crossing his mind - but... instead, Vigenere's sights were set on an unfamiliar spirit. Kiira, Aurum, and Sophiea were here, but Aurum appeared to be somewhat unnerved by the stranger.

"You wouldn't happen to be the Church Grim, would you?" Vigenere spoke as he came to stand next to Aurum, pressing against his friend in an attempt to relax him. It was true that the creature - or its surrounding - gave off an eerie feeling and it made the fur on the savannah's neck stand on end. If this was the creature from legends as Vigenere assumed, then it would appear as if the being was only doing its job. "Is something wrong within the Graveyard?" He asked next, curious as to why the spirit would be out at the moment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]