Beasts of Beyond
[ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - Printable Version

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[ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - R. AIZA - 09-19-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify;"]he told them he would be gone by dawn, and so he was. he was free from a group that he had no good memories from, leaving behind an ill father who was bound to be dead by the time they realized he was gone. he deserved whatever he got, that was for sure. there were more than a few things that man deserved, but death was being too kind.

if only it could've been him, right?

sand was not something he was used to, the way it stuck to his fur and blew into his eyes was only a bit annoying, but he knew that waiting would be his best bet. crossing borders was dangerous these days, who knew what kind of group he'd just stumbled across? maybe they were peaceful, but usually, they weren't. his group had been a pretty perfect example of that. a huff leaving him, he settled his haunches in the sand, nose scrunching as he got himself comfortable.

hopefully this wouldn't be too long of a wait, but he'd just have to see, wouldn't he? lowering his upper body, he twisted a leg to cover the scars that littered over his chest, slightly fresher than the other ones scattered over his body but not new. he could still feel these ones, and it was a struggle to protect them at all times these days. he couldn't exactly wear chainmail all the time. letting his head settle on the ground, he finally settled in to wait.

[align=center]"speech" | thoughts | normal

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - Grimm - 09-19-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; two months ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
The devil hides within plain sight.

Familiar grown all — the grating presence of clinging grains caught against the delicate skin present between toes, breeze laced with the heavy tang of brine and salt, cacophony the thundering conclusion waves wrought against churned depths, softer that the tide whispered beneath. Distant the fading memories lost among swirling threads of thought, a kaleidoscope bearing shifting hues bleached by bright light, a home that was not meant for him lost. Kindness may have been such, lacking upon young shoulders weight of unknown and discarded possibility, foundation built upon anew when upon shore had he been located.

Why was it his thoughts wandered against those few dregs, gently teased along shifting mirage grown translucent as days progressed and made new memories to bury the old.

Odd the slow manner he tread along shore, a pace dragging ivory hued paws through the gathered grains, low the hang of head. That adorning pale countenance was unbefitting body language, however, exposed small teeth with the curl of lips, a grimace more than the snarl sought. Rather easy the fall, settled into place frown outlined with confusion, lifting the fine strands along spine as his momentum drew to a halt.

Difficult to gauge what had illicited such response, possibly some hint of the other was present in the air, possibly it was his breathing strong than the slight breeze. Numerous the factors that may contribute to the reasoning behind the tilt of chin, inquisitive the wide green eyes that settled upon stranger. In position of rest smaller seemed he, at least to a minimal degree, all the same a giant towering above the canid. With distance between still would Foam call to the other, a vocalisation just sound for tongue tied was he in the presence of the silent creature, rather poor the severe frown he forced himself to wear.
code by Reggan

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - RHINESTONE. - 09-20-2020

Another day, another joiner, and another chance for Foamkit to be out on his own. It seemed that it had become routine for Rhine to be drawn from his den by the child, following after the scent as it inevitably led out of camp. Truthfully, the leader wasn't even sure how the other kept escaping so easily, considering how many times Rhinestone had reminded the guards of his nature. Either way, the rusty red tom wasted no time in leaving camp, dark paws sinking against the warm sand as he traveled along the shore, eventually coming to where Foamkit was standing. The boy was wearing a grin expression, as if he was making some attempt to make himself seem intimidating in the presence of another. Rhine just chuckled, beginning to speak to the boy as he draped his tail over his back to calm him, "Foam, what are you doing? You're not supposed to be all the way out here on your own, not to mention that face. What are you even looking a– oh." The feline was startled from his casual speaking by the presence of another, and not a particularly small other, either.

The scent that clung to the other's fur was distinctly not of Palmclan, but at least the tom didn't feel too threatened. Not yet, anyways. Aiza was large, but he also seemed relaxed, simply laying in their sands and clearly waiting for the presence of another. He didn't seem to be looking for trouble, something that Rhine was grateful for. After a moment of hesitation, the leader spoke up, tail flicking and twitching behind him, "...Hello there. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of Palmclan. This beach is actually part of Palmclan territory... may I ask your name, and whether or not you're here to join?" Rhine kept on his usual polite and welcoming tone, despite the small amount of anxiety that was rising in his chest. He knew that Aiza was doing nothing to act threatening or dangerous, but Rhinestone could still remember being warned over and over of the threat of canines, with their powerful bites, and strong legs carrying them quickly across long distances.

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - R. AIZA - 09-20-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify;"]the first to show up was a child, a very small one, in fact. he could tell the kid to scram, but he doesn't, just keeping an eye on them to make sure they didn't cause any trouble around him. the kid's mother must've done well and taught the child not to talk to strangers, because the little thing kept perfectly silent, just like he did- or maybe it was one of those weird kid things where they copied whatever adult was closest. soon enough, there was an adult following behind the kid, apparently named foamkit. was this the kids father? they didn't look much alike.

"ah, this is one of those clan places, then?" he asked, his hand rising from the sand to look at the other feline that had decided to show up. the leader, no less. what a greeting. the other didn't take his eyes off of him, which was interesting enough to catch his attention. a mischievous shimmer seemed to glow behind his eyes, but his expression remained neutral. "rosendo aiza, but i suggest you stick to aiza. guess i'm here to join." he introduced, slowly rising to his feet.

[align=center]"speech" | thoughts | normal

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - RHINESTONE. - 09-21-2020

Aiza's presence continued to make Rhinestone wary, although not for the same reasons as before. Yes, when the other began to rise up to his feet, the feline felt his chest clench involuntarily with fear, but the other's massive size wasn't the only thing that unnerved him. Rhine almost felt as though the other was laughing at him, despite Aiza's expression remaining neutral, without seeming to reveal so much as a brief smirk. Maybe it was just the others eyes, or maybe it was just the tom overthinking things. It was honestly probably a bit of both, and Rhine knew it. Suddenly eager to break eye contact, the rust red feline glanced downward briefly, as if he was trying to think. When he looked back up at Aiza, he found himself offering the canine a little smile, faintly curling the edges of his muzzle upwards. As unintentionally frightening as the other seemed to be, it didn't seem as though he was actually trying to threaten them – in fact, he expressed a desire to join.

With the vague twitching of his long tail behind him betraying his anxiety, Rhine kept the smile plastered on his face as he responded, "Aiza...? That's an... interesting name. Palmclan is happy to welcome you into our group, if that's what you want. Like I said, I'm Rhinestonestar, but you can just call me Rhine. I'll let this little guy introduce himself..." He had technically already said Foamkit's name, but he knew the other's excitable nature was quick to make new friends, especially after Rhine's scolding when Foam expressed hostility at another joiner. After a moment of thought, the leader pointed one of his paws in the direction of Palmclan's camp, questioning, "Also... would you like a guide back to Palmclan's camp? We keep it sort of hidden." It wasn't really that hidden, but it could be easy to just stumble into if you weren't looking for it.

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - Grimm - 09-22-2020

Manner in which escape is conducted upon a regular basis is a secret close held, or it may simply have simply been the child was unaware. As with the rust hued leader many had been taken by a charm simple, found in lop-sided little smiles shy yet pleading, struggling beneath miniscule tidbit that may be deemed bribe. Much may simply have been known the difficulties present within keeping on under constant lock and key, at least partially permitted observed expeditions.

There had been none to watch, however, though changed the rotation of guards as the threat once found in the overwhelming rodents dwindled and their numbers were further bolstered, he found an easy escape in the exchange. At the least close seemed those who knew his wily ways, the light presence laid against curled spine drawing forth a startled sound, bitten off as realisation struck. Beneath the plume he cowered, buried among the multi-hued strands until only nose and eyes may be seen.

Gentle the tone employed with gentle scolding, his amusement and such did little to stifle sparking nerves, his gaze skipped back and forth between Rhine and the stranger he seemed oblivious of. All too soon made the connection, the protective veil tail once cast removed and so to his side did Foam creep, pressing into leg, all the while attention did not divert from the canine. Same as any the reception Rhine offered, even within face of possible danger he bore a regal air, graceful and calm, if only upon the surface.

Other spoke, deep the voice well accompanied to giant proven as such when he grew silent, arising until cast in his shadow they both. While fear arose among the quickened pace of his thoughts there too was excitement, a few steps closer stepping the kitten, over shoulder thrown a cautious glance. All the necessary prompting the supposed break for him to speak, confusion settling in until past events arose, with those new shared the titles given to each.

"Me Foam." Still shaky the edge about smile yet open the body language the kitten had settled upon, high held tail gently waving, about flicking tip causing the movement.
code by Reggan

Re: [ I WOULD SLEEP BETTER ON YOUR FLOOR ☾ o, joining ] - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
Honestly, Hailpaw probably shouldn't be out here without Sugarspice, but the newly made apprentice was getting a bit too antsy at the moment. Besides, it wasn't as if the beach were a dangerous place, or well... not unless a storm or hurricane made its way across the ocean, blowing things away and knocking things down with its force. Hailpaw just remembered the panic and rain from the hurricane that killed most of PalmClan, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who you asked, but he didn't quite remember the loss that followed it. Sure, he missed his momma very much - but he also was just barely weaned whenever she died.

"You're joining?" Hailpaw asked as he approached Aiza, coming to stand next to Rhinestonestar and giving the stranger a smile. Rhinestonestar clearly didn't have an issue with this stranger joining and so, the apprentice decided to introduce himself, "My name is Hailpaw."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]