Beasts of Beyond
AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - Printable Version

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AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - bubblegum - 09-19-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The smell of death in her and Sam's hut had grown stale, but she felt confident it would never quite leave. Candles claiming to be calming provided no assurance, only reminded her of when her spine was exposed, lies of fortune telling compelling her young mind. It was not welcoming or comforting to be at home anymore. Still, even now, the female finds herself refusing to enter that room, sleep on the couch, with her children, never in her own bed. It wasn't her bed anymore. Wasn't her room. Was hardly even recognizable as her house anymore.

At first, she figured that she would simply deal with it. It isn't like she hasn't gone on working non stop in the past. Her children deserved to stay somewhere safe and consistent. But, she had to be there, too, if she were to take care of them properly. And conflicts arise. So, ultimately, she decides to spark a conversation after Lovekit's return. She doesn't speak of the death, simply states that she felt they'd like her childhood rooms more, that they'd be safer, have more fun, being in the captain's quarters within the Tempest. After all, she'd grown there with her papa and siblings, and had preferred it a majority of her life until she ended up switching to her hut for the sake of living with others on the beach. She didn't want another hut, though. It'd end up having the same problems. There was comfort in the old air of the captain's quarters, and she needed it.

And so, the tigress would slowly but surely begin to help pack things up for easy transfer, taking toys she was sure her children would want to keep, pictures, blankets, anything she felt they could use. The only thing she didn't mess with was anything left in her former bedroom. That door remained closed, and it would continue to. Anything she needed would already be in her old room in the ship.

Once she'd double checked they'd gotten everything they needed packed up, the female would begin to pick up a few boxes and head out to the beach. They'd make rounds back and forth - she could do most of the heavy lifting, and they'd at least have all of the boxes in their rooms by sundown.

Re: AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - lovekit. - 09-19-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
When their mother had originally approached Lovekit and his siblings about their opinions on moving, Lovekit had thought very little of it. He had no real protests with moving into the captain's quarters, especially since he saw the act as an exciting new adventure. After all, that was where Goldie had grown up with their grandfather, wasn't it? It had to be a place packed with a lot of memories, and that was enough to attract Lo to it immediately. Somewhere in the back of the young hybrid's mind, he knew that it probably had something to do with their mama's death. The far reaching implications of Sam's passing seemed impossible to ignore, and Love knew that their mother had taken it the hardest. It was impossible not to notice the way that she ignored her old bedroom like the plague, even for one as young as Lovekit – not to mention the fact that he had been away for quite a while. He couldn't say he blamed Goldie for her suggestion, especially since he had his own problems with remaining so close to the place of Sam's death. He still sometimes felt compelled to run, although he resisted those urges, knowing that disappearing again would cause far too much pain for his mother.

With everything finally packed up from their family hut, Lovekit had been eager to help out. He was still small, despite being bigger than any of his littermates, but that didn't mean he couldn't help. He was strong, and he liked to think he had learned even more about being strong from his little romp over to Palmclan. This enthusiasm drove the young hybrid over to one of the smaller boxes, carefully picking it up in his jaws and stumbling after his mother, head held high. He noticed a few nearby onlookers watching him carry the box a bit awkwardly with amusement, but he ignored them, just letting out a huff and raising his head higher. After a little while of walking, Lo ended up stumbling, falling face first and knocking his chin against the box. Letting out a soft squeak of pain from the accident, he rubbed at his chin with a paw, grumbling before he spoke to his mother, "How far away are the captain's quarters again, mom?" Maybe Goldie had been right about doing most of the heavy lifting herself.

Re: AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - bubblegum - 09-27-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

While Goldie had not expected much opposition, she had been prepared to face it in case. She didn't want her children to have no say in where they grew, and in the end she knew she could always go back to the captain's quarters once they were old enough. A few months of misery would not be long in the grand scheme of things, and she knew that better than most. But it was still relieving to find they agreed - it was a good thought, the idea of leaving the scents of death, removing herself from where her wife and stillborn child spirits' lay. And going back to the captain's quarters likely would fill her with nostalgic, happy memories. While she'd been alone her time as captain when living in the Tempest, she'd grown up in the rooms with her papa and siblings when they'd been around. It was comforting, to smell the old scents, to find the signs of Rouxes residing. And she thinks it will be good for her children, too, to feel that older sense of connection, tradition.

The female watched quietly as one of her sons began making his way out of their hut, holding a box of his own. She'd stop for a moment, seeing how he'd manage the large item. It wasn't too surprising when he'd found himself falling, though she'd quickly spring forward to make sure he was alright. "Not very far, Love, you can see the Tempest anchored at the end of the docks." The tigress called out in response, taking light steps closer to the boy, gesturing towards their ship. "Perhaps I should take that, though." She then chuckles lightly, reaching out a paw as an offer the boy to give it up to her. There was reason she'd insisted on doing most of the lifting, after all, as her son came to realize.

Re: AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - ROXANNE R. - 09-27-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Roxanne had been cleaning her shared home with a feather duster clamped in her jaws but her gaze turned over in the direction of Goldie and her great nephew, Lovekit, having heard the little squeak he had let out. She spat out the duster without much of another thought as she made a beeline over towards her family, ears perked forward and she was attentive though her maw would open as she would greet the both of them "Goldie," Her gaze turning to Lovekit as she offered a softer smile "And little Love. Helping out your mom?" She could understand why Goldenluxury didn't want to live within her old hut, Roxanne knew the pain of loss and it was nice to see her moving back to the captain's quarters. She was certain that it would bring a lot more positive memories than hurtful ones or so, that's what the Quartermaster hoped anyways.

The thought of living there one day felt wrong to Roxanne, she certainly was no captain... Not like Pincher or Goldenluxury even if she was a Roux. What would she do if - ... No, she wouldn't think that way. Pushing away those thoughts, Roxanne would offer a smile to both of them before finding her voice once more "If you need help moving things, Goldie. I can definitely lend a paw, I wouldn't mind helping at all." It was the least she could do, after all, she had to make herself useful before she would be stuck taking care of other things or rather... Littles ones.


Re: AT LEAST I'M NOT AS SAD AS I USED TO BE / moving - Seakit Roux. - 09-29-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
He'd been told of the days plans before hands, and while he was a bit late, he had come to help out. He came trotting out of the hut after his mother and brother, dipping a nod in greeting to his great aunt. He'd set the box he was carrying down, grinning at those that had gathered around them.

"Slacking off already?" he would tease, playfully pawing at his younger brother. He was proud to see the minnow helping out, wondering where their other remaining siblings were. He was sad to see his mother move but, he understood. He'd had to move out for similar reasons, moving in with his friend Georgia.