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MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - Printable Version

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MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - gael - 09-18-2020

There is a thoughtful ease in the vulpine as he padded up to the 'throne'.  The weeks since Silent's departure had seen both relative quiet and some intrigue -- the gathering in particular bringing Gael a vaguely sour feeling.  The unnecessary discourse had been frustrating, but it had been expected after all.

The Ardent felt satisfied, at least, with the Pitt's discussion on slavery -- immensely pleased with everyone who offered their input.  The group may be a rough one, but honest (or blunt more often than not) and thoughtful all the same.

"Pittians!  Gather for a meeting!"

Setting his golden-hazel eyes below, Gael nodded as the crowd gathered.  "As we've already openly discussed the matter, I'll keep this relatively brief.  The practice of slavery is now outlawed within the Pitt."  Cold and final. 

"It was the general consensus that we receive no benefit from holding onto this outdated tradition and I offer my gratitude to everyone who offered their thoughts on the matter."

He expected little surprise at that announcement -- most knew it had been coming.

"In other news, we welcome the young [member=16195]Kold[/member] into the Pitt."  Their only newcomer since the last meeting, and a young one.  The Ardent possessed some concern of the reasoning she'd been found alone in the desert, but at least she had a home among them now.  "As well as Vale as an official Pittian for completing the Blooding."

"Addressing shoutouts; Vale, Dante and Trygve.  Keep it up."  The Ardent planned on keeping a sharp eye on everyone -- a number of ranks required filling after all.

"Unless there any questions; the meeting is dismissed."

— Slavery is once again outlawed within the Pitt; following an open discussion here!
— Welcome to [member=16195]Kold[/member] !
— Vale is heralded as an official member of the Pitt for completing zer blooding
— Shoutouts to [member=3123]vale[/member] [member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member] and [member=12555]T. ROUX[/member]
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - T. ROUX - 09-19-2020

The Blooding.

One day, he would be an official Pittian. The thought itself made his stomach churn but he tried his best to not think too much on it, as a sigh left his parted jaws. He would make his way over to where Gael sat in his throne to make his announcements, Trygve was happy to hear that slavery was finally outlawed from the Pitt and even if that didn't make the other groups hate them less... It was progress in Ry's eyes. He didn't know where exactly Gael had his goals set for the Pitt but Trygve would do his best to provide assistance wherever it was needed most.

He would nod slowly hearing Vale being recognized as a full Pittian only to perk up slightly at the sound of his name being said after the words shout out. Huh, he supposed that he would take it but he would only get to rise through the ranks if he did the Blooding or that's was his assumption. "Thank you, Gael."

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - Windowmemer - 09-19-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]



The panther made his was slowly into the clearing and found a spot to sit down, where he began grooming his pelt with long strokes of his tongue. Something the Ardent said made him pause, however. Slavery was now outlawed? What a disappointment. "Discussion? Plus slavery is abolished?" He didn't elaborate. Many knew he was bloodthirsty but not to what extent.

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - aine. - 09-19-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The petite deer-fox found a seat besides Trygve, giving her friend a bright smile before perking her ears.  Then offering her father her full attention, the Fleshweaver shuffled her wings, humming softly in acknowledgement of their earlier discussion.

No more slaves.  An immense relief to the fae.  Her hazel hues gleamed brightly, though they flickered and narrowed in concern at Jormungand's inquiry.  Well.  The majority of them had spoken their agreement on the matter.  It had done nothing but hurt them in the past.  Besides.  No one deserved to be someone else's property.

She huffed softly and straightened her back, in full support of her father.  As Ardent, his say was final after all.  But it was nice, that they had made this choice together.

And as Trygve's name was called in acknowledgement of his presence, she beamed again.  Proud.

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
"Yeah, there was a discussion a while back." Dante spoke towards Jormungand as he came over, a yawn escaping his maw as he approached the scene. "I wasn't part of it personally, but hey. At least I know how to listen to our groupmates, eh?" Playfully, the hybrid tried to punch Jormungand ( [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member] ) in the shoulder. Regardless if he was successful or not, Dante still had a grin on his face as he continued on, "No reason for slavery, y'know? Why should we have control over others' lives, hm?" The Pitt never really used slavery to its full potential anyway, not to mention if Dante was apart of the discussion, he would have agreed that it should be abolished.

He knew what it was like being a slave; a slave to the humans, that is. It's not fun. Without waiting for a reply from the jaguar he decided to toy with, Dante looked over at Gael, "Thanks for the shoutout, Gael-o."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - Windowmemer - 09-20-2020

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


[member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member]

All ic opiinions btw!


He cast a sidewards glance at the tired-looking male who approached him, Dante, right? He proceeded to joke that Jormungand didn't listen to their "groupmates", which wasn't true, by the way. Jormungand listened to everything. He picked up everything, even though it might seem like he didn't.
What then annoyed the panther even further was the fact that Dante punched him in the shoulder. It was a light jab meant for friends, but the male still wrinkled his nose, icy optics narrowing in brief anger before he composed himself. "I'd suppose we each have our opinion on that, eh? Plus, I do listen, I may just not have been there when the discussion took place." He lifted his shoulders in a casual shrug, seeming undisturbed save the tightness of his muscles.

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - VALE - 09-20-2020

The floofy monstrosity landed, literally, in a dirt cloud. Zir white feathers ruffled, and Vale twisted zir head too and fro. What a weird fucking announcement, yeah? "Shoutouts? Where's my feast! I want meat! Don't make me eat myself, and I'm not even joking." Vale grumbled a few choicer comments under zir breath.

"An official Pittian. Bleh, what a waste of time being in the desert..."
pittian ★ silkie rooster ★ literally chaos
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante's punch was meant to be friendly, a jab at Jormungand like the two of them were close friends. Of course, that wasn't exactly the case and the hybrid didn't exactly take hints often. He did notice the way the dude narrowed his eyes however, but fortunately no fight broke out between them (for Gael, at least). "Ey, I wasn't there personally either, dude. I just happened to hear it in passing." He explained, before looking over to where Vale had landed and was letting out a plethora of curses.

"Easy, toots." Dante laughed, his voice sarcastic, purposely trying to annoy zem. Vale didn't like being called whore, so zey definitely wouldn't like being called 'toots'... probably... and Dante knew this. Obviously the hybrid was trying to push zir buttons. "We'll have a feast whenever Gael is ready, yeah? He's gotta let everyone else have their turn proving themselves."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - VALE - 09-23-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ japanese spider crab
Vale heard none of the drivel pouring out of Dante’s mouth, until the goddamned bastard used toots. The rooster’s head snapped towards Dante, turning a full one hundred and twenty degrees. By the time zir body rotated to catch up with the head, zir flesh began melting away from zir skeleton.

Wracked with contractions, Vale’s body popped and cracked as the joints snapped into new configurations. The bones elongated, thickening and expanding. Four legs snapped out of Vale’s spine, wiggling until they calcified into rigid bone.

Vale’s torso contracted, shrinking down into a ball, as the legs continued expanding. Four legs on each side held up the tight ball of a body, and an extra pair jutted out of the front. This extra pair ended in pinchers, clicking together, as Vale’s body continued expanding.

Each individual leg was over three feet long, and the spindly creature loomed over Dante. Vale lacked a face, with no discernible eyes in the crevices of zir shell.

“Do you dare mock me now, squishy flesh man?”

Re: MAD WORLD | meeting 9/18 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Okay, now that was not the reaction Dante expected; he half-expected Vale to shrug his nickname off, considering how he explained to her (or thought he did, anyway), that he didn't mean any of the nicknames he gave zir. When Vale's head snapped towards him, he blinked, aware that Vale was probably shifting into another form (as zey always did) - but when zir form popped and cracked, forming new bones on zir body, slowly shifting into the body of a Japanese spider crab. Dante flattened his ears, clearly taken aback by the form and lowered his head, but did bear his teeth at Vale to show he was willing to fight zir if needed.

"I was just saying that Gale will arrange a feast when he's ready to." Dante growled, his tail lashing. He didn't know where to glare back at Vale, considering he couldn't tell where zir fucking eyes were, but his gaze was settled on the pinchers on zir face, wary of them. "You need to learn some damn patience."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]