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IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - Printable Version

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IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - RHINESTONE. - 09-18-2020

The merger had finally gone through, and Rhinestone couldn't have been happier. He knew that the same was true of most of the boardwalk group that they had absorbed, and Rhine was glad for that as well. He would've felt terrible if anybody was unhappy, having lost their home when Palmclan had ultimately ended up taking over the boardwalk as a whole. Thankfully, it seemed as though most of them were delighted to have new companionship, and most were also glad to have a new group to feel at home in. While the leader would've been perfectly happy to let everyone just become naturally acclimated to their new surroundings, he figured a celebration was in order. Just to let everyone know that they were welcomed, and to let them all have a good time. Of course, that meant some preparations were in order, not that Rhine had any issue with that. As leader, it was his job to set things up, although that didn't mean he had to do things alone. So, with a newfound spring in his step – mainly because he had finally gotten a chance to rest after being stuck on the boardwalk – the tom had gone to gather some NPCs that would help him out with the entire setup.

It had taken quite a bit of time for the entire setup to finally be done, but Rhine didn't mind, especially since the sunset off in the distance would actually make the bonfire all the better. With his tail twitching behind him, Rhinestone sat back on his haunches and observed the setup around him, making sure that everything was alright. The fire pit was all set up on the beach, with the bonfire blazing up against the darkening sky. Nearby, there was a makeshift table set up, made out of various falling apart planks from the boardwalk that they had managed to rip up and set up in close enough rows that they looked like one consistent board. Atop the setup, there was a wide variety of different prey, some raw and some properly cooked with the assistance of a fire and some careful learning. It all smelled pretty damn good, and there was no doubt that the celebration would be enjoyed by all. Finally, there were several pieces of twine, with various multicolored seashells sitting nearby. These were for the seashell ceremony, which was the main selling point of the entire celebration. Looking over the various colors, Rhine eventually gave a nod, evidently satisfied with those that he had collected.

Turning, the feline let his fluffy tail lash back and forth behind him, a clear indication of his inner excitement. He took a deep breath in, calling out cheerfully, "Everyone! Gather around for the merger celebration! We've got a bonfire for telling stories around, a ton of food to enjoy, and we're going to have the seashell necklace ceremony to welcome those from the boardwalk properly into the clan!" He then added on, a soft chuckle leaving him when he noticed several kits sticking their heads out from the camp, "Kits are allowed as well, obviously. There will be plenty of adults around to keep an eye on all of you." He then watched as the kits began to enthusiastically flood out, a soft chuckle leaving him as he shook his head and moved back over to the seashells, beginning to sort them for the ceremony.

Re: IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - VASS . - 09-18-2020

a gift crooned the strangers. A celebration- a ceremony Npc's hushed around him. Vaas felt a shiver run up his spine. Red rimmed the jade green of his eyes, narrowed in consideration to the whispers that flocked to him. The merger was agreed upon by the pair of them, but his own clan's own willingness to. Vaas had allowed it, but he remained strctly within the boardwalk since the merger. Reamining mostly in his home- patroling the boardwalk as it was.

Until now

He was a beast of habit, and while the rest of his once group went off to search their knew stretch of land- their clan mates: Vaas did something similar, sticking to the boardwalk and welcoming the few that were brave enough to enter the land that was once claimed by someone else. It felt... wrong to leave his home, and even through the merger: he kept his home, his belongings there within the abandoned town. Let the beachers dig their pits and call them homes. Vaas would live like the king of the jungle he always was.

There were whispers, a few of the lingering groups commong to congradulate him for joining- welcome him. Discuss the differences between the two. None of it was truly enlightening, but it brought with it news of this... gathering. Of the feast, the celebration, the ceremony

Vaas felt his lips curl in a sneer.

He was in a bad mood, his stash was tainted, and scattered because of the rats that had still lingered in the boardwalk. So he had gone without so much of a sniff. It made him angry, and snappish, and the plume of steady smoke kicking up into the air along the beach only made the steady headache between his brows grow into a larger; more pressing known agitation.

Vaas joined the rest of the group that had gathered. Red rimmed eyes locking with his new leader, Rhinestone. Few NPC's had seen the tiger and simply backed off, most of them still too put-off of his sheer size to even feel comfortable around him, and the few that were apart of the boardwalk- his crew...

well, they knew better than to get in the boss' way when he was like this.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - RHINESTONE. - 09-20-2020

Of all those that now lived within Palmclan, Rhine found Vaas to be one of the scariest. He knew that the tiger could be more than reasonable, as demonstrated by the fact that the merger had happened in the first place, but the other still seemed volatile. Rhinestone would never go so far as to avoid someone or kick them out just because they were occasionally snappish, but he had to admit that seeing others part around Vaas wasn't a good sign. Despite this, Rhine was determined for this not to be a negative celebration. Vaas might've been in a bad mood, but perhaps the leader could make efforts to change that somehow. With this in mind, the tom turned on the spot, venturing towards the layout that had been set up. His pale gaze scanned over all that was present, before he eventually grabbed a rather large fish, as well as a coconut full of coconut water. It was a bit of a balancing act to keep both the drink and the food in his mouth at the same time, but Rhine managed, making his way over to where Vaas had made himself comfortable.

Placing both the fish and coconut in front of the large feline, the rusty red male took a deep breath inward before he spoke, offering the other a smile, "Hello, Vaas... welcome to the celebration! It's good to see you out and about, considering things have been so busy lately. Here's some food and a drink, if you're feeling hungry or thirsty, you know." Rhine shrugged his shoulders casually as he watched the other, trying to carefully gage his reactions. The leader didn't actually think that Vaas would attack him, or anything of that sort, but he sort of did expect to be snapped at. Yet still, he continued on, smiling crookedly before he questioned, "Do you think you'll be participating in the seashell necklace ceremony? It's a big part of Palmclan culture, and I'm sure that one would look great on you, especially with how bright your pelt is." In his head, Rhine hoped that Vaas wouldn't think he was flirting with him, since that wasn't the intent. He was just trying to get the other excited about being truly integrated into Palmclan as a whole, although he wasn't sure he'd be able to get that to happen.

Re: IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - VASS . - 09-21-2020

Vaas was no stranger to the fear that other's had to him. It was common when he grew up, a male of a predominantly female run group, he was an outlier, and that fear turned to hate, turned to ostracization that Vaas could not Prevent. He was worishiped and feared in equal measure, and stil, he felt so alone atop the crowd of natives, felt so alone and distant with his own people then, it was only in the Typhoon that Vaas had found some inclusion, and even then- his family was on the edge of that blade, digging into his throat: never truly able to escape.

Rhinestone's fear at least, was something that could be expected. Vaas was a tiger, and Palmclan had only mostly seen felines for the longest time before the boardwalk group and the... tsunami- if he recalled? brought them more joiners than usual. Rhine at least attempted to push past it, to welcome him in even if there was a hesitance in his step. Vaas could respect it, if nothing else.

Now? Now he could only hear the wobble in the other's voice, and grinned, a lazy dangerous smile. So what if Vaas was feeling reckless this night? the beach gave a heady scent of salt and smoke, the party was only beginning- and it was the perfect time for the tiger to crash it. Before it evan began. He knew his power here, accepting to be a part of the clan was one thing, but rejecting their customs would put a sour note into that, Vaas would only submit so far, and he did no such thing to a twoleg-pet.

"The last tradition someone tried to enforce on me led with my sister dead" THe tiger began, his voice jovial- and you could tell he enjoyed the thought the memory brought up. His sister's half burned corpse, mangma leaving only the barest edges of charred blackened bone "Don't think I'll be participating in this one, either" It wasn't vass' direct actions that lead to his sister's death- as much as he wished it was, but it was the last time someone tried to force him under their heal led to the large scar across his face- and a very, very dead civilization. That he had failed to warn about the volcano that had taken the typhoon.

The clan had made it out find but the native's?

Not a sniff of them either
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: IT'S A TYPICAL STORY ☆ o, merger celebration - RHINESTONE. - 09-21-2020

In many ways, Rhinestone found Vaas to be surprisingly reasonable. When the feline had initially stumbled upon the boardwalk group with his own exploration party, he had expected to be met with hostility. He had figured that they would have to fight their way out, or otherwise suffer losses as a result of what had gone down while they were there. In fact, he had downright expected it, trying to sort the group that had come along in a way that would guarantee the strongest fighters were on the outside. However, that had all changed when Rhinestonestar had met Vaas, and he had realized the reality of the situation. The fact that he actually had a decent chance to negotiate with the other, and maybe make both of their groups all the better for it. When Vaas had accepted his offer without question, Rhine had been pleasantly surprised, and the last several days had actually gone fine. There were a few awkward moments in explaining things culture to culture, but beyond that? The boardwalk group was happy, healthy, and were really integrating themselves into Palmclan. Rhinestone wasn't sure why he had expected Vaas to do something similar, but he supposed it was maybe because of the aforementioned rationality the other had displayed. A rationality that seemed very much absent now.

The wicked grin that came to the other's face briefly caused Rhine's ears to pin back against his skull, his chest clenching unpleasantly. He didn't want to seem like he was intimidated by the other, but it was a bit hard not to be, if he were honest. However, he just took a deep breath inwards, claws scraping against the sand beneath him as he steadied himself. He wouldn't allow himself to be pushed around by the other – at least not to this extent. So, he forced a smile to his muzzle, looking Vaas straight in the eyes as his tail twitched and curled behind him. He spoke softly, his pale blue gaze flicking towards the necklaces he had made before it returned to the former leader, "I'm sorry to learn of your loss. I know how hard something like that can be." Although, judging by the uncaring look that Vaas had on his face, Rhine doubted that it really could've been considered much of a loss. He then shrugged off the other's denial of their traditions, trying not seem perturbed by it – that was exactly what the tiger wanted, "I'm also sorry to hear that you won't be participating... that's fine, though. I'm sure you have your own traditions to focus on." It was unclear whether he was speaking about the boardwalk group or Vaas himself, but that did get him to thinking. Did the boardwalk group have traditions? Would they want them implemented into Palmclan?