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sea's siren song ☆ joiner - Printable Version

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sea's siren song ☆ joiner - teef - 09-17-2020

{ SPEAKS #d2691e ☆ PALMCLAN ☆ TAGS }
tender were the memories of being curled up in her father's side, asleep to the lullabies of birds and her father's voice, his paw resting daintily on her flank. inhaling his scent mixed with the scent of peat and petrichor, scent mingling and twining it's way into the scent trail, the abhorrent sense of dizziness making her stomach roll and rend. memories fleeting and held close to heart, lost in the sinuous pathways of nightmares and dreams, inspiring things that could not and should not be. expelling a strained breath as she laid in his side, her paws over her own ears, the musk of ursuline patriarch flowing over and throughout her senses, scent bringing her peace and the ability to relax. above the crash and clamor of cannonade disrupting the delicacy of ears affixed to cranium by mitt of pale autumnal shade. bright luminescence blinded blue slate eyes barely peeking out from the wealth of fur and warmth, her mewls soft and drowned through the cacophony of the gods' spite. such sounds, far from a minstrel's wandering tone, brought great agony to the cub, her whimpers heard by her father, his paw pulling her closer to his side.

blinking now against the abysmal sky, fluorescent lights twinkling so very far away, the kiss of brine-fraut winds against her ears, the howl of the main whipping through the thin air, her head pounding as if the gods had taken hammer and nail to her skull. mundane and faint the drumming of loam and foam upon rocky shelf, a sound so welling that quickly it overcame the numbing of feelings and inhibitions of instincts faltering in favor of peace. sharp and jagged the inhale that brought life back to the dimming body of the child, tibs and entire skeleton aching as if she had been thrown a great distance, her whiskers rumpled and pressed deep into her fur. here in this foreign land, where giants slept and curses ran abound, this was not adref. tad was not there, there was no comfort from her sire pressed against her side, merely only his smokey scent so far and distant in her nostrils. alone was she in the cold, her body throbbing and aching as if hellfire ran like liquid through her veins, her lungs expanding and collapsing upon themselves, each respiration a vexation to her paramount recovery.

claws curling and unfurling, ragged gasps and pants slipping between sore and cracked lips, dry eyes soaking in iodized tears. nails taking hold and dragging across stone, she prayed for the strength to stand bearing the weight of her body, head low and far too cumbersome to wrench up to the sky, vertigo making a play place of her mind. choking on her own tongue, she spat, coughing and catching on her own breath and vital liquids, blood splattering on the ground. her jaw ached like nothing else, as if she had felt her father's mitt by mistake instead of his salmon. ears ringing, stomach upon end, she held her breath and waited for the nausea to tame itself and settle aggressively in the pits of her guts. when she felt herself steady enough to move, she limped from the water's edge, the siren song of the ocean serenading her. she could only remember the heavy presence of malignant beings, dirty breath and angry eyes pressing in as They stole her away, took her from her father, reminding him of his punishment for having her and raising her. steady and uneven the path she strolled upon, paws too wide to fit the grooves left before her by many a generation.

autumn-loved pelt standing out against the natural formations, she held in the shattered sobs, remembering the threats to her father, that his blindness had been her fault for having a child. autumn was not to have children, no season was to be a parent to a mortal or immortal. was she still to be a vessel for the return of spring? she was only a child ... only a child who did everything she could. 'behave' They had told her, or her tad, would be hurt for her misbehavior. who was she to know better? he was her world and she would do anything to protect him. if only she could find him ... and know he was safe. raising her head up to the night sky, constellation and galaxy looking down so coldly, she took an uneven rasping breath, laying to rest frayed nerves, for this surely must be a test, yes? exhaling, she drew in another breath, speaking out a gentle, "[color=#d2691e]Helo? ble mae yma?
", she spoke quietly, the cub's eyes sparkling with unshed tears, her breath clinging to her whiskers, lips trembling. oh why couldn't she be at home? this had to be close to home and her father ...


adref - home
tad - father
helo? ble mae yma? - hello? where is here? (roughly - she's speaking welsh and knows fluent english but was raised speaking welsh)

Re: sea's siren song ☆ joiner - RHINESTONE. - 09-17-2020

To be torn from your home, and thrown into another world as a stranger in a strange land... the entire concept was terrifying even for the most lionhearted. After all, one spent their entire life, from childhood until death, getting used to things. In most cases, they were getting used to the surroundings around them, that made them feel safe and happy. They became used to the people that lived there, as well as the gradually evolving routines that their home necessitated. Rhinestone had spent his life within Palmclan, slowly becoming used to the surroundings of his beachside home, more than happy to be a part of the tropical clan. When he had been just a child, he had been so wide eyed and bushy tailed, amazed by the seemingly endless world that Palmclan's territory had to offer him, as well as everyone else. As time had gone on, that world hadn't necessarily become smaller, but it had become more manageable. He knew the ins and outs of Palmclan's territory like the back of his paw, and he wasn't sure he'd give that sense of familiarity up for anything in the world. Not that he'd even consider it now, especially as leader. Palmclan was his home, and he had no intention of ever leaving it, or the people that resided within it, behind.

Of course, life didn't always care about one's intentions. Life was a cruel mistress, and it would do whatever it wanted with whoever it wanted, regardless of how much they clung to the home and safety that they had come to cherish. Perhaps if Rhine was a more cruel person, he would've pitied Fait for the situation that she had ended up in. He was sure that she was terrified, and it wasn't as if she didn't have a right to be. The caracal still seemed young, and on some level, Rhinestone doubted that she had ever even pondered the larger world before. Or, if she had, she had probably expected that she would be able to explore it at her own pace, not after being ripped from the arms of a loved one. For a brief moment, the tom tried to imagine what it would've been like for him to end up in a similar situation. Torn away from Palmclan as a child, left adrift only to wash ashore to find a group that he knew almost nothing about... he probably would've died on the spot. If not that, he would've at least been terrified out of his mind, hesitating at the very notion of taking a step forward. At least it seemed as though Fait had managed a few steps from the water, before the breakdown could be seen coming on.

The leader was unable to understand the words that left Fait's mouth, but that didn't stop him from urgently padding over. It was obvious she needed help, just going by her tone, and the general gleam of unshed tears in her eyes. No matter what language barrier existed between the two of them, Rhinestone could at least understand that. As he grew close to the other feline, he slowed down a bit, not wanting to frighten her. His voice was gentle and reassuring when he finally spoke, his fluffy tail twitching with anxiety that he was hiding, "Hello there... I don't believe we've ever met. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of Palmclan." He had no idea if she would understand, but hopefully his way of speaking would get across that he was a friend, not a foe. He continued in the same peaceful tone, his head tilting to one side in a wordless question, "It looks like you've traveled quite the far way, haven't you? Do you need help?" She wasn't the first to have washed up at their shores, and Rhine was fairly sure she wouldn't be their last, considering the recent influx of joiners.

The next part of his explanation would be a bit more complicated, so he ended up sitting back on his haunches. Lifting one of his legs, the rusty feline gestured back towards the main camp of Palmclan, the one that lingered within the sandy valley they called home. As he did so, he muttered, "It would probably be best if you followed me to our camp. While we're there, we can try and figure out where you came from, and how we could get you back, if that's what you wanted." That seemed like the most natural answer for what young Fait could need. She seemed like a lost child, and it seemed simple that she would want to go back to where she had come from, and where all her safety was. Whether or not Rhine and Palmclan could actually get her back there...? Well, it was certainly debatable, but not impossible. After all, they had gotten Lovekit home, even if it had taken Goldie coming along. Maybe someone would eventually show up to retrieve Fait as well?

Re: sea's siren song ☆ joiner - Grimm - 09-19-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Home is a place the head may find reprieve from the budding exhaustion of waning day.

Loose and poor such impersonal comment, notion thin in veil of lacklustre comfort. Warmth about first hearth, among sparking coals aflame in tempered heat rising in lazy tongues of fire, burned upon tender core, close held until dwindling breath may escape. Cruel imperfection parading in vein mockery all else, comparison only allowing pale vision of that taken.

Let go. The voices a clamour, ceaseless indifference, beating harmony seeking only the space such removal may offer them. A matter only of parting fingers tucked to palm, allowing recall to fade, sands of time unkind in the manner they pluck and unwind delicately made strings. Yet what of the frost, how it clings and bites, dances along frigid flesh. Base that known, a notion of home crafted and tended even as the sweetness of milk leaves mouth awash in first taste.

Matched pair they, jokers in the deck pilfered for purpose they were excluded from for reason mind may not grasp, home taken until fleeting notion is all that may be held in quiet reverence. Yet better his situation, one bearing only the perspective of an outsider putting forth idea with relative ease, dull and few the twisted, broken memories expanding mind gently touched upon in fleeting instances. Worse was it, however, adrift in sea unfamiliar without that stranger bearing autumn hues may derive comfort from beneath the taint of her misery, misplaced upon forgein shores as they both were.

Shade not of ebony hue but that of silver and ivory trailed steps grown quick upon discovery, swallowed voice behind growing knot tightening throat. There was nought that may pass parting lips, though the wish lay against his tongue, further pushed back as paws skidded along dry grains. Harsh each cough, the rake paws made against exposed tongue, trying to rid it of clinging grain but only adding more to the tally. Finally, as each futile sweep only worsened the issue, abandoned the task for a hasty approach.

Lost words both spoke, though the barrier present was a gulf uncrossable as clumsy the tongue housed in pale cranium, even if now it hang from between teeth, base the grasp held even on the more common language present on Palmclan shores. There was nothing but the expression worn, how features grew heavy beneath repressed sorrow, confusion laid overtop obscured beneath gathering tears. Closer did Foam drew until about the forelegs of the caracal may he wind, weaving between all the while emitted a high, squeaky purr.

"Fren." Brief halt of movement as he spoke the broken word, up to other offered a grin lop-sided yet warm, continued his movement as he rubbed along her fine coat, a minor comfort all he may offer.
code by Reggan

Re: sea's siren song ☆ joiner - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]NO MORE SORROW !。+゚.[/glow]
PalmClan was Hauntindream's home and it always would be. It was the whole reason he was even back here in the first place, even after the hurricane had hit; he had to be here, because everything else felt wrong. Not that Hauntingdream had tried any other place to stay, but he was by himself during that week it took him to return back home.

What Hauntingdreams was upset though, was the amount of joiners that Rhinestonestar was letting in lately. Sure, they had lost a lot in the storm, but they didn't need to be desperate. "Not 'friend'." The dark-furred tom said towards Foamkit, looking at Rhinestonestar for a few moments as if to ask, Why is he out of camp?

"With all due respect, Rhinestone." Hauntingdreams spoke to the leader, his tail tip flicking now. "Why should we lead them back to camp? What if they're an enemy or something, considering we all know there are other groups around." He was referring to the group that Lovekit came from, mostly, but also Althis Evgenis.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: sea's siren song ☆ joiner - teef - 09-24-2020

{ SPEAKS #d2691e ☆ PALMCLAN ☆ TAGS }
[color=#FF7F50]quiet her gaze, looking at the tom of russet tone, his breath about his whiskers, her own ears laying back as she shivered, silver droplets of fluid dripping from her fur, eyes saddened as she held in a tight breath wrought by grief and fear. she didn't know where she was, only that there were others in the area of where she had woken upon the shores. words that he spoke, her mind did it's best to form them into something that she could understand, for it had been so long since she had heard this tongue. legs locked still, she exhaled shakily, slowly going over his words, eyes caught on his russet pelt similar to her own although shades darker and more like the cathod that she knew of back home, the offspring of such often finding their way into her room back home. looking down at herself, she noticed her paws and shivered, grateful that this body was one she knew. his tone was soft and gentle, he didn't look like he was about to attack her and he wasn't them. he was safe ... in a world of unknowns and threats at every pawstep. to her tired and sensitive ears, he sounded soft spoken, and that was something that she could certainly get used to. cautiously stepping towards rhinestonestar, her head down and shoulders drooping, she did her best to imitate a harmless demeanor, ears dripping wet from where the tide had washed her upon shore.

fuzzy her thought process, slow was the inner translation, his words asking her if she was in need of aid, and what she assumed might be his name. once close enough, she lifted a weary paw to place against her chest, "bir ... bird.", there, her nickname should suffice, it was all she felt comfortable with telling him, kind as he may be. it was the closest to the language that twisted upon her tongue every time she had spoken it as a wee child. observing as he sat back and pointed in one direction, she tipped her head out of curiosity. did he mean for her to follow him? flicking her ears as she pondered what he meant, her attention was taken by a smaller cathod, a cath fach that approached her. bending her head to sniff the child, she purred from the depths of her throat, recognizing the innocent gesture of comfort. rasping her tongue over his head, the caracal purred, remaining still as foamkit twined himself between her legs, his soft milky scent tender on her nose, his tail a soft tickle against her chin as she basked in his child's scent, relaxing. if there was a child here, surely it must be a safe place? turning her gaze back up to rhinestonestar, she purred as loudly as she dared, wondering if she was saying this right, "sa ... safe?", she didn't feel like getting attacked for being near this child, lovely as he was.

the presence of the dark furred male caused her fur to begin to rise on her flanks, turning her blue eyed gaze on the warrior, calming herself with a lick to her shoulder fur, licking it down flat. she didn't know him, but from the way his words sounded to her, he was not happy, and he did not like her being there. keeping her ears standing, she fought the growl working it's way to her throat. she didn't know why she was here either, and she was oddly upset by the fact that she could not remember their language despite having heard it before. looking down at the kit, she flicked her ears with a twitch of her tail, did he not like her being close to the child? oh. that was the second time she had heard that ... word? 'friend' was that what it was? ffrind, yes, that had to be it. friend. she huffed softly, shaking her pelt, looking hauntingdream in the eye as she spoke, "ffrind. bird, friend.", the caracal mewed, dismissing his other words, far too complex for her mind to handle at the time. she looked back down at the child smiling up at her and smiled back down to him, rubbing at her eyes to dismiss the tears, courage building in her heart, "friend", she assured him softly.


cathod - cats
catch fach - kitten
ffrind - friend (was surprised it was so close lmao)

Re: sea's siren song ☆ joiner - RHINESTONE. - 09-26-2020

The approach of Foamkit was wholly unsurprising, although Rhinestone did find a soft sigh working its way up from his throat at the fact that the boy was out of camp once again. He knew it was basically useless to try and scold the other, considering he had heard the same half-formed excuses over and over again. This was one thing that Rhine would rather have the child's caretaker deal with, considering he knew her to be a great deal more intimidating than he was – at least to Foamkit. Still, hearing the child address Fait as a friend caused a soft mrow of laughter to leave him, a smile upon his muzzle as he spoke, "Friendly as always, aren't we Foamkit? I suppose you'll have to help me show her to camp, then." The look on Fait's face obviously revealed that she was struggling somewhat, but it did seem as though she knew their language, albeit very loosely. It sort of reminded him of Foam's grip on the English language thus far, although Fait was obviously older, and probably just more familiar with another common tongue. That might've confused him long ago, but after learning of the other groups that lived around... it didn't seem so farfetched.

Bird. The nickname was certainly a strange one, but it was one that would be easy to remember, at the very least. Letting another reassuring smile come to his muzzle, Rhine dipped his head before he spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bird... sorry if it's difficult for you to understand this language. If it's more simple, you can just refer to me as Rhine." His own nickname was far shorter than his full warrior name, and also just generally easier to say. It wasn't as if Rhinestone was a real stickler for titles or anything like that, so it was easier to just tell Bird that she could call him that, regardless of if it was a nickname usually reserved for friends. The leader then blinked himself free from these thoughts when he heard Fait's soft and questioning tone, his eyes lighting up when he saw Foamkit winding in and out of her legs. He was obviously pleased, and Rhine couldn't help the chuckle that left him. He nodded his head firmly, making sure his voice was just as firm as he spoke, "Safe. You're safe here. As is he." He gestured a paw towards Foam, trying to make it clear he wasn't reprimanding her.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though the peaceful conversation wasn't meant to last. When Hauntingdreams approached, Rhinestone initially brightened, about to introduce the warrior, only for the other tom to correct Foam before turning towards him. Rhine immediately felt his ears pin back, and a sense of frustration run through him as he heard Haunting. Obviously the other's fears weren't ridiculous, but... Bird wasn't even doing anything. She was soaked and clearly afraid, barely capable of speaking their language, let alone plotting... Rhinestonestar soon found himself shaking his head from side to side, a soft hiss leaving him, "Haunting... we know that there are other groups around, but look at her. She's miserable, and clearly lost and confused, and she barely knows how to talk with us. She needs our help, and I really don't think she's acting just so that she can sneak in, or whatever else it is you're worried about. I don't know about you, but I hardly think Palmclan was a group founded on turning away those in need." Perhaps his words were a little harsh, but Bird really did seem as though she just needed help. If she was lying, then she was extremely good at it, and it wasn't as if they had the power to find that out, at least not now.

It was only a moment before the caracal spoke again, causing Rhine to raise his head in surprise. She seemed to be repeating Foam and Haunting, and the rust colored tom felt a grin come to his face when he heard her words. He nodded his head eagerly, encouraging her, "Yes! Yes, friend. You're a friend, Bird. You're more than welcome into the group." He then turned back towards Haunting, shaking his head at the warrior, "Can't you see? She isn't a threat. She's even a feline, like us. So, with all due respect, Haunting, I'm going to let her come back to camp." It felt odd, putting his paw down on something, but he also knew that to be his job as leader. If this came back to bite him in the ass later, so be it, but he truly didn't think Fait was capable of hurting a fly.