Beasts of Beyond
THE CALL | return - Printable Version

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THE CALL | return - torren - 09-16-2020

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It may be the wildcat possessed a mediocre sense of direction.  The stars, in their familiar patterns, served him well, but they only shone during the night.  As the sun danced through the canopy, Torren glanced behind him.  The thick, striped tail behind him curled upwards as he tried to remember the last time he made a turn.

The air had grown humid and the wandering prince finally began feeling as though he may be on the right track.  Determined, the feline kept on, ignoring the growing ache in his paws.  If he was finally close, then he did not want to stop yet (since when did you care so much about the destination?).

When Torren stumbled onto the border, his eyes lit up.  Relieved, he took a seat, likely in the very same place Aurum found him the first day.  Breathing out, he rested his tail over his paws and perked his ears for any sound of movement.  Although he itched to call out, to seek the arctic fox with eyes of autumn and winter, patience kept him silent.  He could wait to see his friend for just a little longer.
[align=right]lucent. (adj.)

Re: THE CALL | return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-17-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Torren had the advantage of nearly being able to blend well into Tanglewood's territory, unlike the savannah that currently lead the group. His bright fur certainly popped out among the territory, but truthfully? Vigenere didn't mind; he knew how to blend into his surroundings if he really wanted to - by rolling in leaves and muck until his fur became more dull.

That being said, the thing that brought Vigenere's attention to a visitor was an unfamiliar scent close by. He followed it, eyes scanning the area around him until his gaze caught sight of a scottish wildcat patiently waiting. "Hey there." Vigenere greeted, dipping his head slightly as he approached Torren. "This is Tanglewood and I'm the leader here, Vigenere Cipher. What can we do for you?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THE CALL | return - wormwood. - 09-18-2020

Torren. Aurum remembered the young wildcat fondly, even if he hadn't been around for quite a while. Torren had been one of the few younger members of the group that the lion hadn't entirely adopted already, but he still cared for the other. He had always been kind, and the angel had always found Torren to be pleasant to talk to. So, when he recognized the scent of the young prince on the air, he had felt excitement driving him forward, even through the pain that his injuries presented. It wasn't long before the winged lion arrived beside Vigenere, brushing soft feathers against Vig's side in a friendly greeting. He offered a bright smile in the wildcat's direction, letting out a soft chuff, "Hey there, Torren. It's good to see you again..." He then turned towards Vig, explaining, "Vigenere, this is Torren. He used to be a member here, but he sort of dropped off the face of the earth... you here to rejoin?" His last words were directed at Torren himself, Aurum's tufted tail flicking back and forth behind him. He hoped that the other had come back to join them once again. He could only imagine that Kiira would be glad to see the wildcat around again as well.

Re: THE CALL | return - torren - 09-19-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 50%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Vigenere Cipher, leader of Tanglewood; the wildcat felt woefully out of time and place, blinking once.  Accustomed to long lives, Torren had never known more than his father as a king.  It felt strange to see his other home had transitioned leaders within his time away -- he began to worry more had changed until a familiar face approached.

Relief eased the youth as he straightened his posture.  At the mention of disappearing Torren felt his ears flick back sheepishly.  He had not exactly said any farewells, save for one.  "Hello, yes, I uh.  I know where I am.  It's good to meet you, sir.  Like Aurum said my name is Torren; I used to live here.  I would like to rejoin, if that is okay."

"I apologize for disappearing -- I left to send word to my family and look for someone."  Yet here he stood, eyes drifting away from the savannah and lion thoughtfully -- seeking another.  "Is Lad... I mean, Kiira, is Kiira still here?"  Heavens knew he felt foolish, stammering over titles and formalities; he just wanted to see her.
[align=right]lucent. (adj.)

Re: THE CALL | return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-19-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
As Aurum's feathers brushed against him, one of Vigenere's ears turned to show that he acknowledged the former proxy was there, though when the angel seemed to know the 'stranger', Vigenere actually looked over at his friend. Honestly, he shouldn't even be surprised that Aurum knew everyone at this point; he was a former proxy for a reason, after all.

Turning back to Torren, the savannah offered the stammering prince a reassuring smile. "Of course you're welcome back. Kiira is still here as well, I can go fetch her if you'd like? Or you're more than welcome to travel back to camp with Aurum and I, if that's what you prefer."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THE CALL | return - wormwood. - 09-20-2020

Watching Torren and Vigenere stumble a bit over their interaction with each other cause Aurum to chuckle, shaking his head a bit. It felt sort of weird, knowing more about other members of the clan than the luminary himself, but as Vig had thought, the lion had been proxy for a reason. Torren's immediate want to see Kiira was unsurprising, and Aurum found himself letting out a soft chuff in response, "As Vigenere said, Kiira is still here. I'm sure that if we escort you back to town, she will be more than happy to welcome you back home." The angel didn't know the full details of Torren and Kiira's relationship, but he did know that the two of them cared for each other a great deal, and that was rather easy to see. Honestly, Aurum was actually more surprised that Kiira hadn't been one of the first to come and greet the wildcat, especially considering her efforts to be out and about more often lately. But perhaps that was a good thing – after all, if she met them while they were going back towards town, there was less of a chance of her scolding him.