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But our fates are inked in pen || character hub - Printable Version

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But our fates are inked in pen || character hub - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

— Here to see you through 'til the day's end
Hello, and welcome to the hub for all my characters! An indrocution of who I am first! I am Perseus, better known as Percy or Rex. I am a Junior Moderator for the website and I've been here since Andy invited me on May 29th of 2018. I've taken a few breaks here and there but, can never stay away for long! I've made too many friends and memories for me to go!

Normally, I'd give you a quick tour of my characters but, that's what this thread is for! This thread contains almost every character I've played, exclusively those who I'm active with at the time of creating this! It does leave out my character Dale Cooper who I no longer play but, was my first character of the website. He was a member of the Ascendants and his subaccount remains, though I have no intention of playing him again.

I'm always open to plotting with anyone! I've got characters in most the groups so, just shoot me a message on site or on discord and we can figure something out! Even if we haven't talked before, I'd love to get to know some new friends!
— Lift your head and look out the window

diya folie-mikaelson — 2/18 - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

D I Y A  F O L I E - M I K A E L S O N
— Maybe I'll find myself smiling on that distant shore
    Name Meaning — “gift” or “deserving of gifts”
Age — Four years and eight months, ages on the 17th
Group — Typhoon
    Rank — Crewmate
Gender — Trans Female
Sex — AMAB

Current Apprentice — none
    Past Apprentice — Eulia Roux
Mentor/Past Mentor — n/a
INFP-T The Mediator — helpful. ambitious . daring. shy. devious. lonely.
Behaviors — socially awkward. feral when angered. calm-headed in most confrontations. motherly. snarky. keeps her feelings to herself.
Description — Diya, in most situations will appear calm and level headed, attempting to be a voice of reason. That is, until the attention is put on her. She greatly dislikes attention and flounders in the spotlight, unless she is protecting or standing up for something.

    Despite her calm and cool outward persona and low level abilities in social situations, she's a goof ball and a teddy bear. She adores long naps and a good laugh, she'll do anything for those she holds dear. If you find yourself upset, she'll do her best to comfort you or simply be a shoulder to cry on. She understands loss like the back of her hand and does her best to comfort those grieving.

    While slow to anger, her anger comes out like a fireball. When tipped past her breaking point, all hell will break loose. She can shut down the other parts of her personality, tearing into the one who angered to her breaking point(sometimes literally). No matter how angry her family makes her, they cannot push her to that point without a case of betrayal.
Species — Domestic feline
Breed — moggy
Build — A thin but tall build, meant for running
Fur Color — White as snow
    Fur Length — Long furred, especially around the chest and tail
    Fur Type — Thick, water repellant
    Eye Color — A light blue, lightening and clouding as her sight fades
Scars — Diya is littered in scars, as well as a bite mark on one of her hind legs
    Ailments — Her sight is fading slowly
    Accesories — She has a yellow and blue bead necklace with a heart-shaped pendant that says Diya, along with her three piercings on her right ear. Along with these, she has her Ascendants necklace that sits tucked in her fur.

Species — Polar Bear
Build — Massive and powerfully built
Fur — White, with a yellowish tint
    Fur Length — short 
    Fur Type — water repellant
    Eye Color — the same ice blue as her feline form, without the clouding
Scars — The same as her feline form, littered in scars, as well as a bite mark on one of her hind legs
    Ailments — Her polar bear form lacks her fading sight
    Accesories — All her jewelry manages to change with her, a yellow and blue bead necklace with a heart-shaped pendant that says Diya, along with her three piercings on her right ear. Along with these, she has her Ascendants necklace that sits tucked in her fur.
Maternal Grandparents Margaery's Side
    Grandmother — Caroline Mikaelson
    Grandfather — Niklaus Mikaelson
Maternal Grandparents Suiteheart's Side
    Grandmother — Unnamed
    Grandfather — Unnamed

Mother — Margaery Mikaelson
Mother — Suiteheart Folie
Brother(s) — Oni, Jack-kit, Connor, Gale, Harland
Sister(s) — Lilyspoise, Kira, Cece

Children — Suitekit, Alexandre, Torste, Raoul, Finnegan, Aveline
Partner — Roxanne Roux, Fiancee
    Past Partners — Gamelia
Sexual Orientation — Bisexual
    Romantic Orientation — Biromantic
Looking For — She is not looking
    Preferable Traits — Smaller than her, quick witted, understanding

Friends — Roan Roux, Michael Townley, Goldenluxury Roux
Enemies — Aphra Cipher
Hobbies — baking. star gazing. hunting. story telling.
MusicThat Distant Shore. Sleeping Giant. Choke.
Powers — Amorphous, blood-digesting and relying mutation
Future Plots  — Children, gets a horse, marriage
code by spacexual

seapaw roux - 11/21 - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

S E A B O U N D  R O U X
%u2014 Just to find my heart is beating
    Name Meaning %u2014 Sea, the ocean. Paw, a suffix reflecting rank.
Age %u2014 1 year, ages on the 21st
Group %u2014 Typhoon
    Rank %u2014 Beta
Gender %u2014 Cis Male
Sex %u2014 AMAB

Current Apprentice %u2014 None
    Past Apprentice %u2014 None
Mentor/Past Mentor %u2014 Roxanne Roux
ENFP-T The Campaigner %u2014  approachable. energetic.  content. competent. sensitive. caring.
Behaviors %u2014 team-player. bottles emotions. self-pitying. brotherly.
Description %u2014 Seapaw is a mixed bag of emotions, still growing and developing as he ages. Once upon a time he was simple and carefree, life having not yet dragged him through mountains of trauma. Rapidly, life began to push at the boy, dragging him through loss after loss. So rapidly losing his family members caused a shift in the once crybaby of a boy. Still soft hearted, he began to constantly watch over his family. He would bottle up his issues, packing them down deep into his chest.

It doesn't take long for this to back fire and, he finds that the attention he puts onto his family worrisome. He was drowning himself in the attempt to watch everyone. He decided he needed space, he needed to remove the temptation to never sleep again in an attempt to protect everyone. After moving in with Geo, he found things growing a touch easier.

Seapaw loves his family, more than anything. He would protect them no matter the cost, even be it his life. This has become nearly his entire personality, next to simply being kind. He's prone to fits of upset but, generally tries to be a positive force.
Species %u2014 Tiguar
Breed %u2014 Tiger x Jaguar
Build %u2014 A strong and tall build, growing into his adult body.
Fur Color %u2014 a golden base with white underbelly and a mixture of stripes and rossette-like spots that start orange and gradient into a red.
    Fur Length %u2014 Mostly short, lengthens at his cheeks, thickening into a sort of mane around his neck.
    Fur Type %u2014 Thick and water-wicking
    Eye Color %u2014  his left eye is a dark leafy green where is right is a minty green
Scars %u2014 Currently he has no noticeable scars
    Ailments %u2014 Currently none physically
    Mutations %u2014 A tail shaped similarly to a fish and furred, gills that open under water, and a mane of leaves that extends down the back of his neck
    Accesories %u2014 currently, none
%u2014 FAMILY
Maternal Grandparents Goldenluxury's Side
    Grandfather %u2014 Guru
    Grandfather %u2014  Pincher Roux
Maternal Grandparents Marina's Side
    Grandmother %u2014 Unnamed
    Grandfather %u2014 Unnamed

Mother %u2014 Goldenluxury
Mother %u2014 Marina
Brother(s) %u2014 Elduin, Lovekit, Lawkit, Harlow
Sister(s) %u2014 Mariner

Children %u2014 None
Partner Info info info
    Past Partners %u2014 None
Sexual Orientation %u2014 Undetermined
    Romantic Orientation %u2014 Undetermined
Looking For %u2014 Undetermined
    Preferable Traits %u2014 Undetermined

Friends %u2014 Georgia Sarris-Rosi, Paola Vasquez
Enemies %u2014 Aphra Cipher
%u2014 EXTRA
Hobbies %u2014 deep sea exploration. swimming. spending time with family. baking.
Music %u2014 Bleeding Out. I Don't Mean To Complain. Weird Autumn
Powers %u2014 Health Transfer, Water Elemental, Amorphous, Aesthetic Elementals, Hybridization
Future Plots  %u2014 Additional Elemental Powers, processing his emotions better, learning to live for himself
code by spacexual

charles bates - DECEASED - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020


eternalknight pendragon - 5/4 - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

  P E N D R A G O N
— All the living are dead and the dead are all living
    Name Meaning — The first part of his name comes from his grandfather's name, Sleepingeternal. The second after how swiftly he rose to knighthood and began to lead them.
Age — 6 years, ages on the 4th
Group — Tanglewood
    Rank — Tangler
Gender — Cismale
Sex — AMAB

Current Apprentice — None
    Past Apprentice — Chevalier
Mentor/Past Mentor — Many, his kingdom often trained in groups. Fritz.
INTP-Thing The Title — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Behaviors — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Description — muse about their personality here
Species — Domestic Feline
Breed — American Shorthair
Build — Strong and stocky, a warrior's build
Fur Color — snowy white
    Fur Length — long and fluffy
    Fur Type — thick, especially at the cheeks
    Eye Color — pale redish-pink
Scars — he is entirely covered in scars and bite marks
    Ailments — He is albino, meaning an increased sensitivity for his skin and eyes. He is missing a leg, though he has a prosthetic leg that makes up for it.
    Accesories — Dark shades cover his eyes, a shark tooth necklace on a string wraps around his neck. He has a prosthetic leg, a dark navy with a lion's crest, as well. 
Maternal Grandparents Wormroot's Side
    Grandmother — Mountainsong
    Grandfather — Sleepingeternal
Paternal Grandparents Grimheart's Side
    Grandmother — Bravecall
    Grandfather — Brighthonor

Mother — Wormroot
Father — Grimheart
Brother(s) — Slumberpaw. Winterhymns
Sister(s) — none

Children — Empirekit(strike), Earlykit(bird), Sirenkit(song), Fieldkit(blaze)
Partner — none
    Past Partners — Thistlesong, deceased wife
Sexual Orientation — Heterosexual
    Romantic Orientation — Heteroromantic
Looking For — nothing
    Preferable Traits — he no longer knows

Friends — tba
Enemies — many
Hobbies — info info info
MusicIn Our Bedroom After The War. Anything For You. Cecily Smith.
Powers — none
Future Plots  — new leg, recover sword?
code by spacexual

hani and alani - DECEASED - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020


franklin townley-phillips 12/1 - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

F R A N K L I N 
T O W N L E Y - P H I L L I P S
— I love to be the underdog, hey!
    Name Meaning — Named after a former associate and friend of his fathers
Age — 5 months old, ages on the 6th
Group — The Typhoon
    Rank — Minnow
Gender — Cismale
Sex — AMAB

Current Apprentice — None
    Past Apprentice — None
Mentor/Past Mentor — None
INTP-T The Logician — bright. inspiring. greedy. cowardly. chickenhearted. impatient. hungry. sunny. mischevious. touchy-feely. dependent. thin-skinned.
Behaviors — a leader (when necessary). thrill-seeker. rebellious (if he can't live the way he feels is right). a lone worker. dislikes parties. explores unrealistic ideas.
Description — muse about their personality here
Species — Canine
Breed — Coyote
Build — Small and lanky
Fur Color — Pale browns with black along his spine and tail
    Fur Length — short
    Fur Type — thin
    Eye Color — Dark brown and clouded
Scars — None
    Ailments — born blind in his right eye, his eyesight poor in his left.
    Accesories — none
Paternal Grandparents Michael Townley-Phillips' Side
    Grandmother — Unknown
    Grandfather — Unknown
Paternal Grandparents Trevor Phillips' Side
    Grandmother — Unknown
    Grandfather — Unknown

Father — Michael Townley-Phillips
Father — Trevor Phillips
Brother(s) — Midas, Clyde, and Butch
Sister(s) — none

Children — None
Partner — None
    Past Partners — None
Sexual Orientation —  Undetermined
    Romantic Orientation —  Undetermined
Looking For —  Undetermined
    Preferable Traits —  Undetermined

Friends —  Undetermined
Enemies —  Undetermined
Hobbies — playing card games, meditation, escapology, binge-watching boxed sets, walking
MusicUnderdog. Lost Boy. I Will Follow You Into The Dark.
Powers — none
Future Plots  — complete blindness, shapeshifting
code by spacexual

tree adair - DROPPED - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020


aveline folie-mikaelson roux - 12/1 - kinglykingstone - 10-09-2020

F O L I E - M I K A E L S O N  R O U X
— Do you hold their lives from a string?
    Name Meaning — little hazenut tree
Age — 4 months, ages on the 8th
Group — The Typhoon
    Rank — Minnow
Gender — Cisfemale
Sex — AFAB

Current Apprentice — None
    Past Apprentice — None
Mentor/Past Mentor — None
INTP-Thing The Title — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Behaviors — trait. trait. trait. trait. trait.
Description — muse about their personality here
Species — Feline
Breed — Longhaired Siamese
Build — Short and stubby
Fur Color — A mimic of her mother, she is a dark chocolate siamese.
    Fur Length — Long furred
    Fur Type — thick
    Eye Color — Both eyes are a mixture of blue and pink, the left being primarily blue and the right primarily pink
Scars — none
    Ailments — none
    Mutations — elongated canines, horned draconic mutaion, winged draconic mutation
    Accesories — none
Maternal Grandparents Roxannes Roux's Side
    Grandmother — Judith
    Grandfather — Eamon
Maternal Grandparents Diya Folie-Mikaelson's Side
    Grandmother — Suiteheart Folie
    Grandmother — Margaery Mikaelson

Mother — Roxanne Roux
Mother — Diya Folie-Mikaelson
Brother(s) — Roan, Trygve, Jaime, Alexandre, Torste, Raoul, Finnegan, Aveline
Sister(s) — Natyli, Eulia, Suitekit

Children — none
Partner — none
    Past Partners — none
Sexual Orientation — undetermined
    Romantic Orientation — undetermined
Looking For — undetermined
    Preferable Traits — undetermined

Friends — undetermined
Enemies — undetermined
Hobbies — info info info
MusicGlitter & Gold. LEMONS. I hate u, I love u.
Powers — Draconic mutation, winged mutation
Future Plots  — vampirism, wereform
code by spacexual