Beasts of Beyond
FIX YOU | patrol - Printable Version

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FIX YOU | patrol - gael - 09-16-2020

The vulpine followed a routine -- since taking on the mantle of Ardent it saw a number of changes, but for the most part, Gael kept to it.  In particular, he maintained his patrols; padding alongside the border either in the earliest hours of the morning before the sun rose too high, or later in the evening, as the horizon bled red.

As the sun descended, the faerie stuck to his routine -- ears perked as he walked along the edge of the Pitt's territory.  Idly, he considered the 'decorations' Jervis saw fit to leave behind; the Pitt's gruesome 'warning' to outsiders.  He had a mind to tear it all down, just as Kydobi intended.

Barbaric, cheap tactics -- Gael found no intimidation within the 'wall' and he doubted it worked on others either. He huffed quietly, shaking his head; perhaps he would bring the matter up during the next meeting.  See what they think.

At least the borders were quiet lately, leaving the Ardent to his thoughts and plans.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: FIX YOU | patrol - Kold - 09-16-2020


With time, the young pup had grown used to the Pitt, learning how to maneuver herself around grumpy individuals and such. Whenever she wasn't getting acquainted with Pittians, she was actually exploring the desert. Little by little, she was getting the layout.

And with time, she had grown stockier. Having just turned 5 months, she had grown a small bit. Still with clunky paws, she found that being quiet sometimes was hard.

Today, she had followed The Ardent, Gael, she had heard his name from time to time, while he was patrolling. Keeping a distance to try and be sneaky, she followed him. Staring up at the stakes of skulls and other morbid things, she tried to pinpoint what exactly was deterring about it. It definitely hadn't deterred her, though she was young and stupid (still young, but getting street-smarter). She kept following, though, quiet as the clunky-pawed pup could be.

Re: FIX YOU | patrol - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-17-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante definitely wasn't much of a routine person (unless you counted his drug habits) and preferred to live life in the fast lane, so to speak; he didn't like making plans and rather lived spontaneously, going with the flow. It's how he liked things, what could he say? It was much more reassuring not following a script but hey, maybe that was just him.

"Shame there hasn't been much going on, eh Gael?" Dante spoke as he approached the Ardent, his gaze briefly flickering down to Kold for a few heartbeats before returning to Gael. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FIX YOU | patrol - T. ROUX - 09-21-2020

A patrol.

That was definitely something Ry welcomed greatly. Especially, when things tended to get boring at times. A soft breath escaping his slightly parted jaws, the draconic jaguar deciding to take part of the patrol and see what they were going to check out. He glanced up to see the wall only to find a frown on his maw, well, that thing was useless in his mind. It hadn't stopped Goldie from coming to retrieve the Tanglewood leader or that's what he heard from mumbling NPCs and Trygve hadn't expected any less of his cousin.

Suddenly, Dante had decided to speak up which broke the silence and Ry averted his gaze from the wall to look at the hybrid with his mottled tail lashing behind him. It had been true, not a lot was currently going on with the Pitt but Ry kinda preferred it that way especially given that there was any squabbling or raids on them... He was glad that Tanglewood hadn't come back to raid them in retaliation when Silent had taken their leader, the boy doubted they would. Low numbers, he concluded yet the Pitt wasn't doing the best either but he tried to stay somewhat optimistic and hope others would join them soon enough. "It's kinda nice though," He finally said with a nod of his cranium though it tilted to the side as he added with a sheepish grin "But, it gets boring as fuck."