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THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - Printable Version

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THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - S. PENDRAGON - 09-15-2020

The feline twitched her whiskers and she hadn't been around for a good amount of time due to keeping herself rather busy. She had decided to pick a home for herself and her knob of a cousin even if she was still rather cross with him, still unaware of the reasons that led them both to leave their original home. Sophiea was organizing things within one of the houses, she had put together a few bookshelves where she had sorted some books that she had brought from her old home. All of it sorted in alphabetic order, it pleased her and the other shelf, she had did her best to fix her scrolls into place too though it proved a lot more difficult than the first bookshelf. Despite the bookshelves, she knew that a lot was missing and this could never be like her first home. A soft sigh leaving her parted jaws only to grimace realizing that there was quite a bit of dust.

Without much of a word, she grabbed a feather duster to start clearing some of the surfaces from dust and grime. She would spread out her wings and with a wiggle of her tail would continue to clean, she often wished in moments like these that she could've had several limbs to make things a lot easier... Especially with her slob of a cousin having gone off somewhere without telling her yet again. How infuriating. She chose not to think too much about it as she dusted off every surface that she could reach or see, a concentrated expression on her face. She pried the door open of her new home with a rock being used as a door stopper and once that was set up, she dropped the feather duster to the side. She spread her wings further only to flap them sending a large gust of dust out of the front door, whomever had decided to check in or was walking by would surely be greeted by a cloud of dust.

Sophiea glanced around her house in a rather pleased manner only to head towards the kitchen where she had a kettle of water boiling, she was about ready for some tea. A way to start the day after having cleaned the house, there was an upstairs, attic, and even a basement. Maybe she'd make Eternalknight sleep in the basement. The thought made a snort leave her as she took hold of cup "That would teach him," She mumbled to herself as she found a nice spot on her table to set the cup down and taking a seat near it, she would stretch out her hind legs with a soft hum leaving her. Maybe she'd use the attic as a study area? Set up a telescope and look at all the constellations and planets. She was certain that she should continue her studies even if she was nowhere near home anymore, maybe she'd learn something helpful or well, keep herself from getting bored at best. And the basement?

Well, maybe she would be cruel enough to send her cousin down there.

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - wormwood. - 09-15-2020


Home. It had only been a couple of days since Aurum had returned to his own home, eager to just curl up in bed and sleep the days away without worry. Injuries still plagued him, making him groan and stretch in pain every morning as he pulled himself forth from bed. He knew it would be some time before he was back to full strength, although truly he was unsure of when his broken wing would finally heal, along with the multiple fractures his body had sustained. The angel had briefly considered just not leaving his house until everything was better, but had ultimately decided against it. He didn't want anyone to think that he had left again, or that he had somehow been taken once again. He was sure that Vig would panic, and Kiira would probably worry too, considering the former medic was around once again. He also risked Kiira scolding him for leaving his home in his injured state, but he was fairly sure that the other already understood his stubbornness, as well as his dedication to Tanglewood. Besides, it wasn't as if he was doing anything particularly taxing – just going for a walk, really.

Heavy footsteps carried the lion over to Sophiea and Eternalknight's house, unaware of the relative newcomers that now occupied the house. He hadn't been around for their arrival, too busy with his urgent travels back towards Tanglewood. However, he was made suddenly aware of Sophiea's presence when she opened her door, her broad wings spraying out a sudden cloud of dust from the inside of the home. The former proxy hastily stepped back, wrinkling his nose at the dust that was now tossed up into the air. He got that cleaning one's house was important, but he would've appreciated at least a little bit of warning. Turning, Aurum glanced towards the inside of Sophiea's house, very slowly twisting his body to head towards the front door. He had always made a habit of greeting anyone who was new to the group, and despite the pain that ripped up his leg at the sudden movement, he heaved himself up and the quaint little house. He knocked against the doorway with his non-broken wing, calling out as he glanced around, ""Hello...? Apologies if I'm intruding. I thought I might as well come in and introduce myself..." He could only hope that Sophiea wouldn't be too bothered by the bandaging that currently covered most of his body, one of his legs practically in a makeshift cast.

The scent of tea from inside was pleasant, and it reminded him of back when he wojld go and have tea with Moth, or even Delilah. He half walked and half dragged himself into the kitchen, hesitating in the doorway when he saw Sophiea at the table. The angel was suddenly made painfully aware of his large size, the walls of the house seeming far too close when he didn't truly have control of how he bent some of his limbs. His tail was almost dragging on the floor behind him as he grew closer, kinked and turned at a painful looking angle as he let out an accommodating chuff, ""Ah, hello there... my name is Aurum. I believed that I missed your joining... I apologize. I was... a bit busy, heh." He gestured vaguely with his bandaged up leg, wincing in pain at the sudden agony that accompanied the movement. He would really need to remember he couldn't make too many sudden movements, at least not for now.

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-15-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh, if Vigenere could return home. Although Tanglewood was technically the dream demon's home, Vigenere still missed his true home, back in Dimension FiveX; he was born and raised there and although the memories of that place pained him, it was only natural for Vigenere to wish he was there. At least, back home, he could live a more secluded life and not have to worry about the stress of leading. He would never be welcomed back within the King's Guard and honestly, he had been fine with that.

But living in the past wasn't something Vigenere tried to do. Tanglewood needed him here and now and although in a way, the Luminary was still stuck in the past - in regards to wanting to keep an eye on Caesar - but ultimately, he just wanted what was good for Tanglewood and what would protect this swamp-dwelling group. They were small, but The Pitt had slowly started to stop harassing them (likely due to Silent leaving), but Vigenere definitely wasn't complaining.

Sophiea and her cousin had joined soon after Vigenere had returned from being captured and quite frankly, he was relieved at that. Regardless, he was sad to see that they hadn't been around camp as often as he thought they would be - but he had to remind himself that they were likely just unpacking and exploring their new home on their own time and probably didn't want others to both them. Which was fine, of course; he wasn't going to judge.

Seeing Aurum stumbling around was concerning though and whenever Vigenere saw his friend out-and-about, he rolled his eyes in slight irritation. Hypocrite. Aurum had harassed him often about leaving his broken forepaw to heal and yet, here the angel was, significantly more injured than Vigenere had been after the tremors and still trying to go back to his old duties of trying to greet everyone. On one hand, Vigenere couldn't blame him; after all, the savannah himself had trouble staying in one place, but on the other... Aurum needed rest too, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

"You should be busy resting." Vigenere commented in a gruff tone as he approached Aurum, raising an invisible eyebrow at the former proxy as if daring Aurum to argue against him. If Aurum's tail wasn't so battered, perhaps the Luminary would have playfully batted at it but of course, Vigenere knew better to do so - especially given that it was still healing. The scent of tea caught Vigenere's nose though and his ears pricked and he tried to balance on his hind legs as much as possible, in an attempt to peer over Aurum.

"Sophiea? Eternalknight?" He called, mostly trying to figure out who exactly was making tea at this moment; or even if it was still the two newcomers staying in this specific home. Last he checked, they never moved out and nobody moved in after them but hey... you never know.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - suvi. - 09-15-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
The sudden clatter of a door opening catches the vixen's ears.  The book she'd been hovering in front of her dropping to her porch with a sharp thud.  Her mix-matched hues flashed towards the sound, narrowing quickly on the sight of a particularly stubborn lion stepping through the the open door.

The former medic sighed, feeling one of her ears disappear as she grabbed her satchel, double-checking to make sure her journal and quill were inside.  Hesitantly, she trotted up to the house, uncertain of who lived inside.  She couldn't remember...

Her throat closed at the thought of calling out though.  No.  The scrawny arctic fox popped her head in, giving Aurum a sharp look though the Luminary voiced her own thoughts loud and clear. 

She understood... Kiira too, was of a stubborn nature.  Easily frustrated by confinements, but she didn't want Aurum pushing himself too much so soon after his return.  He needed to give his body time to recover.

The smell of tea does enough to pull her eyes away.  Curious.  Uncertain.  Sophiea is new face and she lingers closer to those she knows, pulling her journal out.  Better than silence... Probably.

The former medic brings her quill and journal into a careful hover, brows creased in concentration as she begins to write.  Hello.  My name Kiira.  I like your bookshelves.

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 09-15-2020

Eternalknight had never been fully fond of the plan to leave their home behind, knowing the hell it would put him through. Ever since the moment he lost his leg, long journeys had become strenious, even with the prosthetic. Somedays, walking at all was hard. But, he survived and he thrived. He hadn't been around much recently, focusing on manevuring around the swamp without getting stranded.

There had been one too many times where the mud had jerked at the prosthetic, which was more suited for the grassy plains of his home, rather than the thick mud that surrounded the place. Even the forest could give him strife, with the thick moss that would slip under plastic paw. It merely required adaption, and he was growing used too it slowly.

He'd spoken with his younger cousin and knew of her plans to clean out a home. He'd known of the location and had kept it in mind. He'd been avoiding her, giving her space. He knew she still was angry with him, though he didn't know how to fix it. He hoped that if he gave her space, it would help. He loved her, dearly, and only wished to keep her safe.

It was on heavy paws that he entered the home, surprised to see the party already gathered inside. "Parton me," drawled the thickly accented feline, slipping past the others. He would look them all over for a moment before sitting, gently tugging the plastic prosthetic off of his leg. Left behind was a stump, ending above the "elbow", a black sleeve covering it. Carefully he would lay it on the ground, near the door.

He began to head towards the smell of the tea, where he assumed his cousin would be. Partially there, balanced on his three legs, he would look over his shoulder at the others. He recognized only the luminary but, didn't introduce himself. "Vell? Are zou comink?" would ask the albino, peering at them over his shades. Shaking his head, he would continue to the kitchen, where his eyes would lay on the winged feline under his protection.

Gaze softening, he would hobble his way over, brushing pale muzzle against her shoulder. "Ve 'ave guests," the knight would rumble as he sat. His eyes would flick over the younger's appearance, searching for any signs of distress or pain. Despite this place supposedly being safer for them, old habits die hard for the scarred tom.

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - S. PENDRAGON - 09-22-2020

What Sophiea hadn't been expecting was for not one but several individuals to step into her home without much of a knock, a scowl present as she glanced over in the direction of Eternalknight hearing that they had guests. She wasn't really in the mood for guests either but they had already invaded her home yet she figured that was her own fault for leaving the door open. With a huff, Sophiea rose to her paws slowly to see who was there only to see a lion, a vixen, and that one guy who she hadn't really bothered talking to much. She supposed that it would be rude if she didn't introduce herself but a slip of the tongue and her voice held a rather stern one as a nonexistent eyebrow of her rose "I hope you wiped your paws before stepping into my home," There was a welcoming mat there for that sole reason but she couldn't expect everyone to catch onto that, she would just have to clean again. Great.

Sophiea would lock her attention onto Aurum noticing how he was covered by dust, it took her a few moments to realize that she had been the cause of it. She would clear her throat briefly only to brush off Aurum's apology with her own "It's fine but don't let it become a habit... And I apologize for the dust, I did not realize someone was outside while I was cleaning." Though her gaze hardened realizing that the other was injured and walking about, he should be resting though that's when Vigenere decided to intrude as well saying that the lion should occupy himself with rest "Instead of worrying about introducing yourself to newer faces, I reccomend you rest." With a twitch of her whiskers, she would turn away from Aurum only to blink her eyes at Kiira.

It seemed that the other didn't speak and that was fine with Sophiea, she often wished that Averill would've been just as quiet but that hadn't been the case when she was back home. The winged feline closed her eyes briefly only to read what the vulpine had written down, a faint smile finding itself on her face as she responded with a slow nod of her cranium "Thank you." Well, they were all inside of her home now and tea was almost ready so she figured that she would invite them for a cup or two. Not like she could get rid of them anyways, a soft sigh would leave her lips as she spoke glancing between the trio "Well, since the lot of you have already made yourselves comfortable within my home. Would you like some tea?" Sophiea had to remind herself to be polite, after all, that's what they had taught her back home.

It took her a moment to realize that she hadn't introduced herself to the newer faces, she would turn slightly only to mew with a subtle frown on her maw "My name is Sophiea Pendragon," Glancing over in the direction of her cousin, she added with a light roll of her shoulders "And that knob over there is my cousin... Eternalknight," Her pupils narrowed slightly at the albino though she did not wait for any responses as she let that sink in, Sophiea making her way to the kettle of tea that already began to squeal quietly. With a cloth, she removed it slowly starting to prepare a few cups of tea for herself, her cousin, and these visitors of hers. A nice chamomile tea with a few droplets of honey, she added a single mint leaf that floated at the surface.

She would set up the table neatly within the living room, she was already returning with the cups of tea and settled them down nicely. It was an easy task and one she had performed several times whenever her parents had invited outsiders to their kingdom. Although, they were always of the same class... Never beggars or whatnot. Sophiea missed home or really, she missed her brother (surprisingly given how much they bicker) and an individual who was rather dear to her. She blinked the distant glaze from her eyes, Sophiea finding a spot to sit near Eternalknight only to mumble out in a clear tone "Careful, it's hot." She stared at her tea for a moment only to let her claws tap against the surface of her table, she had to stop thinking about him. Biting the inside of her left cheek, Sophi would inquire with her paws around her cup of tea "So, why don't you tell me about yourselves?" That would distract her long enough and maybe, she would learn something interesting about her new clanmates.

Re: THE KING'S SWORD ☆ home - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Oh. Oh, right. The welcoming mat. Fuck. That was definitely rude of Vigenere to just completely look over the meet and he felt himself inwardly wince at Sophiea's words. Despite her face looking rather grim, she did appear to try and be cheerful and for that, the savannah admired her. It was hard to force yourself to be happy and chipper especially when you were in a bad mood. "Ah, sorry about that, Sophiea." Vigenere cleared his throat as he talked, excusing himself to go and wipe his paws on the welcoming mat, even though he had already stepped past it. Sophiea definitely didn't seemed to like things being dirty and Vigenere couldn't help but wonder why she decided to stay in Tanglewood, of all places? Probably her cousin. He decided, mentally answering his oqn question.

After making sure that he cleaned most of the gunk off his paws, Vigenere made his way over to the table where Sophiea sat and offered tea to everyone. "Thanks for these." He chirped, hoping that the compliment would help her feel better. He tilted his head whenever she asked him and the others to tell more about themselves. "Hm, well..." He hummed, trying to think of what to say without going on a huge speech about himself.

"I have two other siblings, though I don't really consider one of them a sibling." Of course, Vigenere was referring to Caesar; that chaotic asshole was not his brother by any means, and he wished he could just disown Caesar from his family but alas, they were all blood related and the only way of fixing that is to alter the past. "I was engaged at one point, and I have a son through different ex-partner." That was... really all he could think of right now, honestly.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]