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( camp-fire tales | shadow puppets ) - Printable Version

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( camp-fire tales | shadow puppets ) - TOADWHISKER. - 09-15-2020

History was shaped by those that had witnessed tumultuous conclusion, wound about central conflict the varying experiences of the few. Yet always is it being written among shadowed corners, within the imperceptible fringes, to paper merely scribed the worthy.

Over bright depths furrowed brow, tense the closure pressing teeth together, aching muscle taunt beneath constant strain. Upon the outskirts had he delegated himself in a vain hope repaired the irreparable damage he had wrought in the haste of impulsive departure, to other left the choice of reconstruction. Selfish decision based upon inaction, control enacted via the method of its shift, never his own the high road. Slow his rise, though shame to abandon the warmth that flowed along pale grains in the growing illumination, prized the dwindling days offering opportunity for relaxation, upon himself must weight be taken.

The progression of his chosen plan was agonisingly slow, for lack of support with tongue tied during each query that may make possibility such and the budding heat arising within bandaged forelimb was to be contended with, dark the dusk painting the horizon in warm hues. At the least shorter the time of necessary wait, upward turning attention until Toad was left squinting into the setting sun. Slower than manner he turned once more to assembled items, low the blaze begun with the assistance of one who had resided within the rotting shell of the boardwalk, his experience not extending to the method they used as ignition for their recreational activities. Minor note this, however, forth down cast his vision.

Nestled in the sand rather odd seemed the assortment, scraps and shells, natural and inorganic material drawn together in hodgepodge display of props. Basic the resemblance many bore, feline structure recreated for lacking the paws that gently ran across each in turn. Their shadow all he needed, a projection flickering flames may cast against painted face of the cliff, where eye may settle different the scene depicted. Through teeth was drawn a deep breath, once more looked to the last sliver that crowned water logged horizon in a wreath of fire, briefly left his project.

Odd the glances some gave him, others simply ignoring his presence, a spectacle that lost its sheen in the first few days and now looked upon only with pity or, those few brave enough to be blatant, disgust. Given up his place among them a year ago and once more had he returned with tail tucked between his legs, a lost lamb trialling behind Shepard, the invitation into their ranks conducted by Rhine all that tethered him here. Speaking of the other it was at the mouth of his den Toad came to stop, leaning within some yet not daring to enter.

"Rhine?" Unsure the voice that rang forth, nervous flick tail made as paws dug shallow grooves into the sand making apparent his discomfort. "Do you…. Do you have a moment, I uh need a bit of a hand."
code by Reggan

Re: ( camp-fire tales | shadow puppets ) - RHINESTONE. - 09-16-2020

Perhaps, in some ways, Rhine was simply naive. He had wanted to believe – had hoped so dearly – that Toadwhisker would be accepted easily back into Palmclan's ranks. After all, this was his brother that they were talking about. One of the siblings that he had been missing so desperately had finally returned, and he had thought that everyone would be as overjoyed as he. Yes, obviously the leader still had his gripes about what Toad had done in the past. It would be some time, if ever, before Rhinestone forgot having to put Redpond to rest all on his own, unknowing of his brother's presence only a short distance away. However, the tom had only ever been one to hold grudges if someone had done something to hurt his clan as a whole. If they had just done something to him, it was slightly easier to forgive. Maybe that was just because of a negligible sense of self worth, or maybe Rhine was just too kind for his own good. Either way, he had been quick to welcome Toadwhisker back in with open arms, and had hoped that, at the very least, his clanmates would be able to see how happy Toad being back made him.

To their credit, some had managed to hold back any vitriol or pity, just addressing Toadwhisker with a sense of neutrality whenever they had to interact with him. Unfortunately, the grand majority had some kind of opinion on the other warrior's return, and many of them weren't afraid to voice it. The leader could only hope that eventually that anger would simmer down and vanish, before Toadwhisker got it in his mind that he should just leave again. The thought made Rhine's chest clench painfully, for many reasons. For one, he knew that the other's absence would once again devastate him, and leave him to deal with any future family matters. For another, on some level, Rhinestone knew that if Toadwhisker left again, there would be no forgiveness in his future. The rusty colored tom wouldn't be able to open himself up again, and he'd probably shun Toad just as the rest of them did. That thought alone was enough to make his heart ache, unwilling to even think about a future that would be so harsh. No, it was best to just think that Toad had changed, and that he really did intend on staying this time.

Rhinestonestar had actually been pondering this all when the scent of his littermate reached him, causing the feline to raise his head up from the ground. He was about to go out and see how the other was doing, only for Toad's voice to ring softly throughout his hidden away den. Curiosity piqued, Rhine pushed himself up to his paws, shaking the moss and seaweed from his pelt, a side effect of his bedding. He then made his way out to where Toadwhisker was, immediately able to tell that the other was nervous. Tilting his head to one side, Rhine couldn't help the faint amused smile that came to his face before he spoke, "Alright then, I'm here. What is it that you need help with? Cause you look like you're just about to jump into the ocean from nerves." Rhinestone couldn't help the teasing nature that came out when he was interacting with Toad, it just coming naturally as a result of their childhood together.