Beasts of Beyond
SAW IT ON JIMMY FALLON ☆ o, MEETING 09/14 - Printable Version

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Rhine's tiredness was still written clearly on his face as he left his den that morning, his long strides towards the prey pile slightly hesitant and drowsy. However, once he had feasted on a plump mouse and shaken out his messy pelt, he believed he was ready to call his clan together. The camp was already alive with activity, members of both the clan and their new allies intermingling. He found a smile curling upon his muzzle as he watched them, leaping against the side of the meeting stone and yanking himself upward. Claws scratched lightly against cool stone, and he turned to greet the gathering crowd, many already having approached when they saw him jump up. Despite the drowsiness that clung to his every movement, the leader's eyes were bright, and full of excitement for the coming news. He called out firmly, his fluffy tail flicking from side to side behind him, "All those old enough to brave the waves, please gather for a meeting! I have a lot of news to share with you all, so be sure to get comfortable." He noticed a few murmuring chuckles throughout the crowd, as well as several confused and curious glances from those that had come from the boardwalk – this was probably their first time experiencing a proper meeting.

Sitting back on his haunches, the tom let his tail come to rest over his paws, grinning at the size of the crowd that had come to gather around. He nodded his head to those he could spot from the boardwalk, explaining, "I'm sure that you all are quite curious about Palmclan's deal with our new boardwalk allies. To put it simply, those from the boardwalk be joining us as members of our clan. I worked out a deal with their leader, Vass. In exchange for them showing us a safe way in and out of the boardwalk, we would let them into our ranks, and provide them with a home and structure." He saw several nods all around him, as well as a few uneasy glances. He knew there would be quite the adjustment period, but that was alright. Every new change took some time to become the usual. He added on helpfully, hoping his next words would help ease some of their concerns, "In addition to this, Palmclan will officially be taking the entire boardwalk as part of our territory. This not only opens up a great deal of new possibilities for potential dens and homes, but also a whole new hunting ground. I encourage you all to explore to your heart's content – although preferably do so in pairs, since there are still rats throughout the boardwalk." They would deal with them, with just a bit of time. They had a larger fighting force, and the rats would fall to them.

The rusty feline allowed his gaze to scan throughout the crowd, looking for several particular faces. As he did this, he purred warmly, "With this in mind, we've got several new members to welcome, including a face that arrived while I was gone. I'd like to welcome [member=16168]Medusa[/member] and [member=16276]quasar[/member]. I'd also like to welcome back my own brother, @TOADWHISKER. And of course, [member=16248]VAAS .[/member] is also welcomed to the group. Although he may not be a leader any longer, I expect you all to treat him with respect." The tiger still did sort of terrify him, but it was better to have the other as an ally, rather than as an enemy. Besides, having such a large feline on their side meant that they had an even more impressive battling and hunting force.

Next up was the part of the meeting that most members were most excited for – the rankings. There was exciting news in that area, as well. Smiling slightly, Rhinestone said cheerfully, "I also have some news regarding our ranks. Specifically, the fact that waverunner is now going to be an official rank, rather than a title. It will be a stepping stone rank, and will be available to those who are helpful and welcoming, regardless of age. In addition to this, a new title is being introduced – admirable apprentice. This title will be for apprentices that have already earned the rank of waverunner, who are active and helpful enough to be senior warriors, but aren't yet old enough. Admirable apprentices are to be respected and celebrated, and will be first in line to be senior warriors if they retain their activity upon coming of age." There were more murmurs throughout the crowd, although most were just from excited apprentices. He chuckled a bit before he said, his gaze once again seeking out certain faces, "I'd like to give a shout-out to Foamkit for his sustained activity and his welcoming of others – even if I'd appreciate him staying with camp a little more. Once you're just a bit older, I'll be happy to welcome you to the rank of waverunner. I'd also like to give a shout-out to Sugarspice for taking care of the clan in my absence... Featherear, I'm issuing you a warning. I'd like to see you around a bit more, or I'll have to demote you." He didn't like giving warnings, but sometimes it was necessary – especially for a position as important as the medicine cat.

Watching the reactions to all of the news that had already come, Rhine mentioned simply, "There's more news to come, so please stick around." Perhaps one day there would be a meeting where he didn't have so much he needed to say.

Re: SAW IT ON JIMMY FALLON ☆ o, MEETING 09/14 - trojan g. - 09-14-2020

Sugar was there in a quick tracking post, because her roleplayer wanted her to respond to things in full after the second half of the meeting.

[[ Wink ]]"speech"

Re: SAW IT ON JIMMY FALLON ☆ o, MEETING 09/14 - SirDio - 09-14-2020


Medusa was comfortably quiet the entire time, occasionally glancing at some of the boardwalk group that had started mingling. Her body was resting up closer to the front, but her attention was all there. Her tongue flicked every now and then, but overall she was quiet. She dared not speak until the second bit of the meeting.

Re: SAW IT ON JIMMY FALLON ☆ o, MEETING 09/14 - RHINESTONE. - 09-15-2020

Rhinestone watched with interested as several more faces began to gather, all getting comfortable as they waited to see what he had to say next. He nodded to them, a soft pleased hum leaving him before he spoke, "In other news, several other interesting events regarding clan relations have happened. For one thing, we got a visit from Alithís Evgenis recently. Their leader, Bai Shi, came to discuss politics, and invitations. In addition to this, Goldenluxury, the leader of The Typhoon, another large group, came to get her son back. We were happy to have Lovekit with us for a time, but I'm glad that his family is being reunited. Be sure to give him a kind send-off." It was sad to see Lo go, but he knew they'd be alright. Besides, it wasn't as if the other couldn't come to visit when he was a bit older. With that in mind, Rhine added on, an amused little smile curling at his muzzle, "And in less serious news, Foamkit made berry cakes for everyone, so be sure to get your share." That wasn't overwhelmingly important, but they had gone over plenty of important things, so what was a little fun?

Glancing over several faces that Rhine knew had originally come from the boardwalk group, Rhinestone launched into his next subject, "With the merger having been successful, I believe that we all have some celebrating to do. Therefore, we'll soon be having a bonfire celebration that everyone is free to attend, with plenty of food, and games. It will also involve a small ceremony, giving those that came from the boardwalk their seashell necklaces, to mark them as true members of Palmclan. So, be sure to get excited for that, and feel free to offer any help with setting it all up, if you're the party planning type." He planned on doing it all on his own, but he hardly would've minded some help. Especially with the food part, since the tom was still embarrassingly new to the whole cooking food thing, rather than just eating it all raw. The thought made his face grow hot beneath his fur in embarrassment, and he was silently glad that nobody would be able to tell, thanks to his already red coloration.

The leader then shifted, glancing down at his paws sheepishly as he thought of how to say the next part. It was a relatively simple statement, but it was also one that was extremely heartfelt, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in the middle of a meeting. After taking a deep breath, he purred thankfully, "And finally... I'd just like to thank everyone for working so hard. We've been doing amazingly well lately, even with all that we've faced, and that is impossible to miss. I can't think of a single day where the camp hasn't been bustling with activity, and that... that's honestly wonderful. Palmclan truly did bounce back after the hurricane, and I'm grateful to all of you for your wonderful contributions, in all ways. I suppose, ultimately what I'm saying is... I love you all, and I hope that we can continue to make this clan prosper, all together." Maybe that was a little too sappy, but Rhine found that he didn't care too much. The group deserved a genuine thanks, and he was going to give it too them, regardless of how ridiculous he sounded. With his thanks done, the feline dipped his head before stating, "Now then... this meeting is dismissed." Although things were busy, they were also going smoothly for the most part, which was definitely a good thing.

tl;dr and special thanks:

Re: SAW IT ON JIMMY FALLON ☆ o, MEETING 09/14 - METEOR - 09-15-2020

Quasar attends the meeting, but the pup can’t pay attention. He fidgets with his two tails, one paw tapping the ground in irregular intervals. His name was called, eliciting a twitch of an ear in response, but it’s not enough to hold his attention. Ranks stuff? He didn’t know jack shit about what ranks meant. Or a lot of the other words, either.

He stood up, shaking out his fur. The sand got everywhere, and he couldn’t stop trying to get the terrible stuff off. And this place looks so… dull. Maybe he could grab some paint from the warehouse…? He grins. Now there’s an idea.