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PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - Printable Version

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PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - bubblegum - 09-14-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

Tired would be one way to describe the female at the moment.

She was aimless in her search at this point, just desperately looking to find her son. It was her fault he'd gotten out - she refused any of her children to help look. They needed to stay home, stay together, stay safe. And it wasn't their burden to bear. She was supposed to be better than this, but Sam's death had affected them all. She couldn't lose anyone else, though, she couldn't dare let another one go. Please, Gods, just let her have her family. Just let her have this. It was never that easy, though.

And so she flies, having already looked around Tanglewood and Elysium, she is growing closer to the Pitt, but she can scent what seems to be border markers. She knew of smaller groups residing within the territories surrounding the three main, larger groups in the mainland. It was sandy here. Perhaps, if she was lucky, she could find something out from these individuals. The tigress lands quietly, walking around, eyes shifting about in an attempt to find anything, anyone. She just wanted her son.
[div style="font-size: 11px; color: #008ab5; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; word-spacing: 10px; padding: 3%;"]ϟ    ϟ    ϟ
[i][b]whose side are you on? [color=#008ab5]what side is this anyway?

put  down  your  sword  and  crown,
come  lay  with  me  on  the  ground.
you come beating like moth's wings, spastic and violently,
whipping me into a storm shaking me down to the core.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - RHINESTONE. - 09-14-2020

When Lovekit had first arrived, Rhine and the rest of the clan had little idea of where the child had come from. After all, they weren't aware of most of the other groups that existed on the island, and had no idea of what The Typhoon was like, aside from Lo's occasional mentions of them. Rhinestone had intended to return the child to where he came from, but without any idea of where The Typhoon was – and with Lovekit too lost to lead them back from where he had come – that was a difficult task to undertake. The tom had been hoping that eventually Lo's family would arrive to bring him home, but the leader was also prepared for if that didn't happen. Lovekit had already practically established himself as a member of the clan, and it wouldn't have surprised Rhine if the child considered them to be a sort of second home. At least, Rhi hoped that the boy only considered them to be a secondary home. He didn't even want to imagine the pain of having a child missing on your paws.

The scent that clung to Goldie's pelt reminded him very strongly of the smell that Lovekit had carried when he had first arrived, and that was what initially attracted Rhinestone there. The small feline tensed up slightly when he noticed Goldenluxury, stunned by her impressive size. She seemed to be the same type of big cat as Vass, and that was enough to cause him some amount of worry. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if she tore through their territory, killing all in her path – although judging by the tired look on her face, that wasn't her plan. Coming to sit a few steps in front of the tigress, Rhine hesitated before he spoke, "Hello there, miss..." He wished that Vass was here already, so that he'd at least have a chance if Goldie's exhaustion was simply a ruse. Pushing that thought from his mind, the rusty colored male continued, "Could I know your name, and why you're here? This is the border for Palmclan's territory... if you didn't know." Goldie had a certain respectable air about her that set him on edge, even with how weary she seemed.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - VASS . - 09-14-2020

"Goldenluxury Roux, leader of the typhoon" Vaas supplied as he approached the pair, for his own leader. As vague as the term was, Vaas' group had joined with palmclan for the prosperity of the boardwalk, and the large borders that the small clan grew into. He didn't pay the feline any heed, and instead focused down on his own- other ex-leader. Goldie was the leader when he was in the typhoon, and while the tiger hadn't paid much heed to the rest of the clan politics around him when he booked his retreat from the clan; it didn't mean that the knowledge was false, maybe a past tense at this point, but the warning towards Rhine was true. This was someone you didn't want to cross.

"It's good to see you, sobrina", while not necessarily true, it was the spirit of the Tiger's words. Goldenluxuries father was a native of the isle as well as Vaas; before most of the volcano wiped the rest of them off the map. Vaas hasn't paid much attention towards it until the sight of his own sister's body was confirmed dead. He left after, no strings keeping the ex-boss in place in such a place. "Has leading become a chore for you yet, goldie?"

there was a hint of self-depreciation in his eyes when he spoke the last hint of his words. yearned, maybe inapropably to return to the home that had burned; but the thing was- there was no future there for him. His family laid as part of the dead after the volcano's eruption, and the clan were in tatters. Too many memories were associated with the place, painful most of them. But the Roux family was a delight, as he knew them: knew Goldenluxury.

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - bubblegum - 09-14-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The female would look to the male that first arrived, not recognizing him and not taking much from his appearance in general, other than he seemed to be at least mindfully cautious in his approach to her. He asks her name, but she specifically skips this part for now. Giving away her name could very well turn opinions, and she didn't know how much this stranger may listen to stories. "I am lookin' for m' son." The female would state first and foremost, bluntly and simply. There was not time to waste with these sorts of things. "His name is Lovekit. He looks like me, but sharper, darker, a lil' more canine. He's got wings, n' his eyes are green. He's only four months old, n' his other mother has passed. So he ran." Again, explanation quick and straight to the point, though is laced with that pain, that desperation. She needed her family, her son. She did not have reason to threaten unless they gave her reason to do so. She only wanted the one she sought, any sign of him at all.

When someone else would approach, it would take a moment for her to recognize him. She blinks towards the tiger, obvious that he knew her, meaning she'd reason to know him. And within a moment she remembers, and comes to a conclusion that this was Vaas. He was there when the volcano had erupted, when she'd burned. He knew a different version of her than she was currently, even if that fire he may have witness still did burn, it was softer. She had more to worry about than politics and fighting. He reveals her identity, though, and she would remain silent as he spoke, tail twitching ever so slightly. Her expression would soften a bit, welcomed by his more friendly nature towards her, though she'd let out a quiet snort at his question. "'m sure many folks would be happy if I was." Enemies yearn for her to step down, strip away her power. But she'd sooner die than let go her home.

She would keep her gaze on him for a few moments longer before shifting it back to the male that'd first arrived, paw twitching, claws tapping the sand as she awaits his response, impatience eating at her.
[div style="font-size: 11px; color: #008ab5; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; word-spacing: 10px; padding: 3%;"]ϟ    ϟ    ϟ
[i][b]whose side are you on? [color=#008ab5]what side is this anyway?

put  down  your  sword  and  crown,
come  lay  with  me  on  the  ground.
you come beating like moth's wings, spastic and violently,
whipping me into a storm shaking me down to the core.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - lovekit. - 09-15-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
The scent of The Typhoon on the air brought with it both joy, and pain. Joy, because Lovekit had begun to miss his old home, as well as the family that he had left behind. Pain, because Sam's death was still fresh on his mind, and he had started to make connections within Palmclan to fill the void. He almost didn't want to leave, even if he knew that he had to. As soon as he noticed the smell of his home coming from the border, the boy knew that his little "vacation" away from all of his worries was over. Palmclan had treated him well, and he was grateful to them, but everyone had to face the music sometime. He could only hope that Foamkit would show up to see him off, considering he didn't want to just leave one of the best friends he had made behind. Foam had already been distressed enough when Rhine was gone only temporarily, so how would he feel when Lovekit left to return back to The Typhoon? The thought made the hybrid shiver and frown, hastily pushing himself up to his paws and heading out of camp, towards the border.

It wasn't long until he spotted Rhine and Vaas, both of them engaged in discussion with his mother. The boy hesitated for a moment, steeling himself, before he came rushing up past Rhinestonestar. Lo practically threw himself into his mother's chest, a soft grunt leaving him as he sunk into the soft fluff of her neck. He muttered, leaning into his mother's comforting weight as he spoke, "Hey Mom... sorry I've been gone so long." He knew the length of time could've been much worse, but he could easily judge from the exhaustion on his mother's face that she had been worried sick. Swallowing thickly, Lovekit leaned back on his flank, gesturing a paw behind him, towards the rest of Palmclan's territory, "I... I found a new place. I'm sure Rhinestonestar already told you, but this is Palmclan. I thought if I made a big discovery like this... I thought that I could make you smile again." He neglected to mention his own need to run away, at least for the moment. He was pretty sure it was obvious how emotional he had been after Sam's funeral.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - RHINESTONE. - 09-15-2020

It was sort of a relief, knowing that Goldenluxury hadn't come to threaten them, nor had she come to do anything heinous. Instead, his fellow leader had simply come to find her child, which was certainly a cause that he could get behind. The fact that Vaas knew her somewhat startled Rhine, but he supposed it wasn't that surprising. After all, Rhinestone didn't know too much about Vaas just yet, and it was only normal that he'd have a life outside of what the leader knew. So, offering a stiff little nod to the other, Rhi muttered, "Thank you, Vaas..." The Typhoon. The name sounded familiar, and the tom was suddenly very aware of the reason why. Goldie's description of her son fit their newest visitor to a t, and he quickly found himself nodding, beginning to explain, "Ah, yes, he's here! If you'll just wait a moment, I'll go and get him for you. We have him at camp, where he was safest..." He neglected to mention how often the hybrid snuck out, at least for now. Of course, he had just been about to turn and get Lovekit, when suddenly the boy appeared, rushing past him and straight into the arms of his mother.

Rhinestonestar watched the reunion silently for a moment, feeling oddly as though he should look away. The scene just seemed so personal, especially with the intense emotion that was present in Lovekit's voice. Such a thing was extremely new to Rhine, considering how the boy had just been a bundle of happiness and constant energy in his time within Palmclan. However, the leader didn't feel as though he could leave just yet. For one thing, he wanted to make sure that he saw Lovekit off safely. For another, he wanted to make sure that Goldie knew that they hadn't taken her child away from her. She didn't seem like the type to make such wild assumptions, but Rhine always preferred to air on the side of safe, not sorry. With that in mind, he waited until Lo was done speaking before he explained, "He showed up on our border a while ago, asking to be let in. We would've taken him back to you, but... we have had very little contact with other groups. We had no idea where The Typhoon was, and he couldn't remember the route he took to get here... I'm glad that you managed to find him, though." He was still just trying not to be too stunned by the suddenly known existence of so many other groups, It had started with the Alithís visit, but it seemed as though Bai Shi's group was far from the only one.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - SirDio - 09-15-2020


Medusa had kinda followed Rhine in a sense, curious of the new tiger scent that had come around. She was more or less in the background, but decided to step out into the foreground.

"Hello, Madam.. Just wishing to say that.. well, you and his other mother.." God damn did she want to say father - having two mothers was foreign to the hybrid. "you two gave him such a pretty name." She forced a small smile, a bit on the nervous side because it's another big feline. Sinking back into the shadows, she said softly, "My name is Medusa, but I'll be off. You two deserve the time." With that she slinky-dinked off into the shadows.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - Grimm - 09-20-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; two months ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Change was a factor of life, shifting the scape around, minute some yet grand the scale others uphold permanence largely impossible. In this the child was lost, felt in a manner fleeting and yet overly strong, understood in miniscule, broken fashion, jagged the pieces he cut away at until they settled into place as he thought they should. Among their tally was Lovekit now counted, even as still his tongue where it came to voicing such, no fleeting stranger given temporary shelter upon their shores.

He could not understand, may well refused to do so.

Confusion awaited as forth did child step, distance closed even as steps slowed, grew shorter. Realisation was a cruel thing no matter the frame about harsh contours, regarded each in turn. Known all but one, stranger not foe though something coiled in his chest, dark and sticky where it pressed to muscle and sinew. Reception was wrong, recognition of two, embrace of one. Want cast a tingling itch within paws that quickened, skidded upon sand even as he halted once more, framed between legs of a rusty hue.

Words crawled up his throat, settled on his tongue, but he was robbed of a voice. Anger. Burning and all consuming, heat searing all it touched. Sorrow. The wash of uncomfortable prickles, as though alight his skin with insistent pins and needles, closed throat about weight. So much confusion.

"Lo…?" Shakey the name, a strangled whimper harsh against mouth, scraping delicate muscle and flesh. Never closed proximity, rather it grew wider, further beneath leader did Foam draw himself, unsure and at war, battling with everything that crept along his ribs and clung to a quickening heart. He was not one of them, a boat adrift that had sought harbour for a time and now afixed in the light of home simply awaiting gentle guidance.
code by Reggan

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - lovekit. - 09-21-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
At Foamkit's approach, Lovekit felt a sort of odd and hollow feeling fill his chest, one that made him want to recoil and hide away in his mother's fur. Pain. It was something that he had never wanted to inflict upon anyone else, let alone one who had been so kind to him as Foam. In the other, Lo felt as though he had found a true friend, even if he had initially thought Palmclan to be just a simple adventure. The other was one of the main reasons that Lovekit didn't want to leave, the hybrid wanting to dig his claws into the sandy ground beneath him just to stay in place. Why couldn't Palmclan and the Typhoon be closer together? At least then, the two of them would've been able to visit each other easily with some adult supervision, without the worry of either getting lost. Instead, Palmclan had to be deep into the uncharted lands, far away from the archipelago that the Typhoon had come to inhabit. Lo felt a sense of frustration bubbling up throughout his body, and he hastily turned away from Goldie, knowing he still had things to attend to.

It was awkward, trying to get to Foam when the other had hidden himself so securely beneath the guardian presence of Rhinestonestar, but Lo had never been one to give up easily. Pulling his wings in close, the boy nearly tripped over his paws as he moved over, his voice soft and apologetic, "Foamkit... please don't be too sad. You've been an amazing friend to me while I was here, and I'm so glad for that! And I definitely want to stay being friends... I don't want to make you sad. But I can't stay here forever. Then I'd make my entire family sad, especially my mom..." He couldn't bear the thought of causing Goldenluxury any more pain or panic, nor could he do the same to his siblings. Still, he found himself extending a paw forward towards Foamkit, trying to gesture the other child closer. He smiled a little, trying his best to reassure, "Besides... it's not like I won't come to visit! As soon as I'm old enough, I promise I'll come to visit you right away. I can do that, right mom?" He then glanced back towards Goldie, unable to keep the faint pleading look from his gaze.

Re: PAIN IN MY CHEST / typhoon leader - Grimm - 09-21-2020

They will all leave you.

Restrictive the barrier, time slow within corroding poorly built walls, all too much so. Involuntary the arising shift, small the ivory peaks exposed in snarl — no, not quite, sorrow in soft edges, against visage of silver a shaky frown painted. Closer did other creep, above once towering yet made small, a child in all now as he tried to act a bridge. Gentle words given to quiet tone, body and voice alike screaming in a voice of ceaseless sorrow, internal war not alone as it raged in compact chest.

"Frend." Tremor seeped into singular word, improvement forth creeping until almost correct it yet something was wrong, harsh those edges, a bitten off murmur masking swallowed sob. He must depart, apparent such fact when arrival had been announced.

They never want to stay with you.

Movement drew eye, deliberate though mirror was not, arising paw to which clung pale grains. Further words, sound mind circulated and tried in vain hope to derive understanding, too soon away skirting attention. Within the back of his throat it bubbled  — a growl shifting and changing, a sob next, startled laughter clawing along cheek sucked between teeth to bite at. Upon silence did he settle, forth creeping Foam until momentum picked up, nothing but the contact between his own small frame and the broader expanse of Lovekit's chest able to halt it. Into dense strands was buried nose, broken the arising purr drawn from closed throat, growing the sodden patch made as unwanted tears began to fall.
code by Reggan