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Hushed were the steps of the crowd as they made their way back towards Palmclan's camp, Rhinestone standing at the head of them. Their journey into and out of the boardwalk had hardly been a pleasant one, especially considering they had been temporarily trapped. However, Rhine happened to see the entire excursion as a net positive. For one thing, they now knew that the boardwalk was uninhabited by humans, and there was another entire group that had been living on the wooden structure. While they hadn't found the source of the rats yet, they were hopefully on the way there, and considering the news that their ranks were about to be bolstered... the tom couldn't help but be pleased. Even as exhaustion pulled at his every step forward, Rhine kept the crooked smile upon his muzzle, his pale eyes brightening as soon as he saw the sandy valley that made up the camp come into view. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he found himself speeding up a bit, charging back towards his home in excitement.

As soon as the rusty colored tom walked into camp, he could hear mutters of excitement run throughout the crowd, and many came rushing up to welcome he and the others back. However, their excitement turned to hesitation when they noticed the other group that was following, led by a massive feline, larger than any of the rest of them. Rhine smiled reassuringly at them, trying to calm their nerves even with the presence of Vass nearby. The leader knew that he had little time to chat and celebrate, at least for the moment. Offering a nod to those that had come to greet him, the male leaped up atop the meeting rock, claws digging in as he heaved himself upwards. Turning to face all those that were watching, Rhine called out passionately, "Palmclan! The adventuring party has returned safely, and I believe we have a lead on the source of the rats." He glanced towards Vass and the boardwalk group briefly, digging his claws against the cold stone beneath him before he continued, "Not only that, but we found new allies in our travels. Allies that led us out of the boardwalk, even after our way in had collapsed behind us." He noticed a few uneasy murmurs among the crowd, but for the most part, the warriors of Palmclan were just looking towards the boardwalk group with gratefulness in their eyes.

He glanced down briefly in thought, wondering if he should detail everything just yet. However, the exhaustion in his body answered for him, causing the world to spin the faintest bit around him. He grumbled to himself, closing his eyes briefly to push back the tired and dizziness. He then spoke to those around him, sighing, "I made a deal with these new allies, but I will outline the exact details of that deal tomorrow, when I have a meeting." He gestured to Vass, as well as those behind him, "For the time being, just know that Vass and his people are welcome here, and have been invaluable in their assistance." He'd tell everyone about the merger and the details of everything tomorrow, when his head was more clear. With a yawn, the tom leaped down from the meeting rock, taking a seat and wrapping his tail around his paws as he watched those around him reunite. He yearned to crawl into his den and just go to sleep now, but figured he should at least try to remain awake for now.

( set after the negotiations, obviously )


Unwelcome pest, blight upon shores that had seen first breath and rejected each next with stinging pressure. Harsh had grown each inhale, always present overlying brine and salt among rotting boards but beneath had it whittered into a mere hint, decay and rot, the tang of wood bloated beneath moisture, such the mark the boardwalk boasted. Among pale grains claws sunk, shallow the grooves he wore into the worn particles as his momentum drew him to swaying halt. Past brushed the few stragglers, slow progress marked by unforeseen issue, yet light their voices as they pondered over what lay before them.


Bitter the curl adorning dark countenance, drenched within it the short laughter seeping between the clench of his teeth. Vein the hope his welcome may be anything but disheartening, the lost son arriving upon shores he had abandoned for a year with tail tucked between his legs, little lamb bleating for a home he had scorned. No other choice was left for him, however, open now the bridge between shallow valley and the boardwalk, beyond nothing but the unknown he had shied from.

Trudging his faltering steps, apprehension in part due for such yet the heated agony spiralling forth from poorly tended paw further aggrivated the situation. Focus elsewhere the slow downward slope slid beneath the radar, empty air for a brief moment drawing him once more into the present moment. There was no chance his rather graceless fall may be halted before it begun, breath escaping in a strained hiss as grains worked into inflamed flesh, at the level ground of the valleys base left in a heap of sand streaked fur.

"Thanks Starclan, real nice." Muffled the words spoken into the sand, firm the press of his visage into the packed terrain, around briefly lifting the amuse filled laughter of some but others voiced displeasure. At the least none seemed hellbent on his removal, if avoided even to assist in standing once more on legs he dragged beneath his belly, made smaller with the curl of his tail about his body.
code by Reggan

Re: THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT ☆ o, RETURN TO CAMP - Grimm - 09-14-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
If one may ascribe certain attributes to their illustrious ruler [i]professional[/i] is present among the more suitable contenders, yet, within this, downfall is wrought.

Lacking sugar coating lacing conversation staged with one caught in early stage of life, aside thrown caution if at least thought upon the notion understanding was meagre enough to not fully grasp complexities of voices concepts. Outweighed it with the positive response such treatment garnered, equal all in eyes kind if worn, exhaustion notable beneath. Had he a tongue not clumsy, tripping over the simple syllables beyond those few practiced until shape had grown burnt into memory, imparted confusion that plagued. Middle ground had been sought and yet a tarnished, torn up no man's land they may not breach all they had come across.

Continued daily activities even as absence wore heavy against tender heart, downward spiralling souring disposition until anger ate along the lining of disquieted stomach. Among short strands claws raked, plucked from the boarding forest anything those that remained may safely claim, before dropped the limp mouse. Dark the glassy eyes that peered back into his own, all too fresh the memories from starting disruption by a mass of matted rodents.

Scrunched nose and from between teeth poked the pale tip of tongue, expression held if modified as confusion arose, the crease brow held softened, forgotten how tongue was exposed as about did head twist. About was movement beginning, forth drawn each in turn, voices a rising cacophony, mere sound to ears that flattened against skull in vain hope partially blocked the swell of sound. Too late realisation, progression swarmed and halting, assembled mass parting only once proximity to the meeting rock necessitated it.

"Rhi." Familiar the soft call, uncoordinated and clumsy the hasty rise and subsequent progression towards his perch. He is finishing, from place above them stepping down, words a dull echo, those mind may not process and thus does not. In turn slowed Foam as distance closes, brief the moment halt is staged before, with a resolve like to crumble if he waiting longer, child moves to lean into other, made tiny as in his shadow does he coil.
code by Reggan

Re: THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT ☆ o, RETURN TO CAMP - trojan g. - 09-14-2020

Sugarspice was glad that Rhinestone star and the others had made it back to their camp safely, though the thought of new faces within their group worried her for a moment. If it had been one or two joiners instead of a whole group she wouldn't hold the same worries she did now. How long had that group been living on their own out on the boardwalk? How many were there exactly? She welcomed new members of the group, don't get her wrong, but there was that worry about food in the back of Sugar's mind. They had enough food for now in the territory to get for everyone here, but it would take a while to actually get enough to feed everyone due to the mass number now. They still hadn't recovered from when the rats had torn through their camp a little over a week ago.

Rhinestonestar had brought them here though. Rhine knew what was best for the group, she knew that for sure. If he was worried about food then he'd share it with her. "Welcome to PalmClan, all of you!" Sugarspice would speak, a smile on her maw as she pad forward, "I look forward to meeting all of you in the days to come.

Re: THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT ☆ o, RETURN TO CAMP - lovekit. - 09-14-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
For the most part, the absence of Rhinestonestar and his adventuring party meant little to Lovekit, although the child silently wished he could've gone along. He had already made a big discovery in just figuring out that Palmclan existed in the first place, but the boy yearned for further adventure. However, kids had been banned from going along on the journey, and Lo's usual tricks hadn't been enough to let him tag along. It was frustrating, but he couldn't complain too much. He had been allowed to stay within camp, keeping mostly the company of Foamkit. He could tell that the young feline was far more affected by Rhine's absence than he was, so he made it his goal to provide distractions that would hopefully bring a smile to the other's face. In some ways, the hybrid was almost disappointed that would be coming to an end, but he supposed it didn't have to. Just because Foam spent a great deal of time around Rhinestone didn't mean that he and the other weren't friends. He had to remind himself of that as he watched the exploration party – along with their new friends – flood back into camp, a soft frown pulling at his muzzle.

Watching as Foamkit stumbled his way over to Rhine, Lo hesitated briefly before getting up to his paws, stretching out his growing legs. The hybrid opted to let his friend and his proto-father figure have their moment, instead moving over to stand beside Sugarspice. He let his bright green eyes wander over the crowd, wondering how Palmclan would end up adapting to the new additions. It was almost sort of surreal, seeing such a wide range of different animals – it was more like home, in a way. Offering those that had come a crooked smile, Lovekit said cheerfully, "Like Sugarspice said, welcome to Palmclan! I'm sure you'll really love this place... I do, and I'm not even officially a member." He watched the shifting crowd for another long moment before he loved his gaze to travel over to Sugar. Gently nudging the older feline, he pondered aloud, "There sure are a lot of them, right...? It's like a whole other clan." He was sure that Rhine would be able to figure out what to do, however. Rhine was the leader, and if the other was in a similar position to Lovekit's mother, then he had to be smart.


The scent of his brother following along after them distracted Rhine momentarily, the leader's gaze lifting and searching until he found Toadwhisker. He didn't have the same amount of anger held in his heart as before, but he still shifted a bit upon spotting the other. He hadn't been sure whether or not his littermate would actually accompany them once the merger happened, and he was pleased to see that Toad had decided to return. Even with all of their issues, Rhinestone couldn't imagine a world without his brother in it, and to have the other finally reunited with the place they both should've been calling home? It warmed his heart, and he couldn't help the faint smile that curled upon his muzzle, soft and pleased despite the drowsiness that lagged his every action. Of course, when Toadwhisker tried to move into the actual camp, only to immediately faceplant into the sand, the leader couldn't help the purring laughter that bubbled up in his chest. He raise his voice slightly, calling out in amusement, "Have you been gone so long that you forgot to watch your step, Toadwhisker?" It would take some time for old wounds to truly heal, but for now, Rhi felt comfortable slipping silently into old patterns.

Of course, not everything was the same as when he and Toad were children. That became very clear as Foamkit came stumbling forward, the young boy leaning into the leader's warm fluff. Rhine blinked down at Foam in surprise briefly, before a slow and similarly affectionate smile spread over his face. He had missed the young feline greatly, and although he hadn't officially adopted the other, he couldn't help the fatherly role that he had taken up in Foamkit's life. Reaching out a forelimb, Rhinestone wrapped it loosely around the small soul, pulling him close. He spoke softly, lowering his voice from the jovial tone he had taken while teasing his brother, "Hello there, Foamkit... I missed you very much while we were at the boardwalk. But I was also happy. You know why? Cause I knew that you were here, protecting camp and making sure everything was alright." He smiled comfortingly down at Foam, trying to express the fact that he had no intentions of leaving again. At least, not anytime soon.


Decay laced opening, peeled back and plucked at edges tender, raw beneath the coarse promise time was an adequate healer able to tend all. False proven such, wishful notion such tarnished thought, ever degraded hand-me-down passed to next hapless fool willing to clutch at rusted edges. Deserved it, a dull, aching reminder that behind, upon shores bearing shimmering golden grains, had heart been left.

Unfounded the hope retrieved may be scattered pieces, reassembled into pleasant shape thus denying his poor judgement, the only one he wished returned taken. Wrong it all, against caged tongue acidic grown the restrained rage. Broken his thoughts with sound familiar, grating though once drawn may he had been, central figure made fool for pleasure until their laughter was a ringing chorus he may indulge in. Upwards trailed narrowed vision, jagged cut against dark lips that grin he bore for other.

"You know me, always got my head in the clouds, ground just too boring for the likes of me." Too often shared such sentiment, how it had rung with malice as it seeped between the tight clench of teeth, restrained Snapperspine by a mere thread. Almost nostalgic had it grown, bitterly sweet as the laughter that trailed after, eye skipping away from Rhine to briefly regard the rest. Stranger both that made themselves known and so no response was deemed necessary, let them call him as they wished the apparent direct the leader had called enough to make apparent the name he bore with shame.
code by Reggan


It showed a certain level of care, Rhinestone had his defenses up within the boardwalk, where rats skittered with the plague, and the strangers once thought to be shadows had shown themselves to be the walking nightmares- or at least the walking approbations no one wanted to really see- much less meet. The once boss walked in tandem with Rhinestone, and as the leader went into the throng of his clan- regrouping with him, there was a hesitance within the boardwalk group. Vaas felt a chuckle escape him, and with a wave of his tail most of the few that hesitated branched off. To introduce themselves, to rejoice with their new clan mates.

This was the great leader without his guard up, exhaustion pooled at a many of the new faces there that had taken the journey with them there, some of his own ready for rest, but the tiger only sat as the group settled, and it seemed like most of them were sniffing the new faces. A satisfied smile on the tiger's face that revealed yellowed teeth as he brought his own presence into the center of these there. "A generous offer, dear leader mine. Go on, rest, you look like you're about to fall." The tiger huffed out towards Rhine, a chuff of air that startled the closest npc's near him, causing a few of the dispersing boardwalk crew to chuckle.

Vaas was not unaware of the looks he would get, the strange or even- a hostile welcome if anything. Rhinestone lead this group but that didn't tell how the clan was to outsiders. Rhinestone's own first impression of the Boss was enough of a prelude that anything non-cat was seen as an oddity. No, this display in behavior was an attempts to be seen as mild. Seen not as a threat beyond his size and sheer strength. It was useless, but if he showed a mild personality, it would halt much of the hidden discussions, even it the few that knew him- knew better.

It was easy to tell Vaas was far from harmless.

The tiger was striking, stockier than what could be expected, thick fur and large scars running along his form. A predominant one crossing the eyebrow of his left eye. Brilliant gold earring along the cuff of his ear, a skull gem from an old home. The necklaces of leather cords that tied along his throat, the digger pinned to his side. Vaas cut an intimidating figure, but here amidst the heat of the day, he took a precaution and sat down, waved his tail and smiled without worry, closing his eyes in a slow blink.

"i think i'm going to explore the new expansion of the land before i return back to my... ah den." He had ideas of leading a group that had not been a part of the group that ventured into the boardwalk into a tour, he could set it up with another member of the boardwalk group, but it was something to do- latter
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT ☆ o, RETURN TO CAMP - Grimm - 09-23-2020

Paternal figure.

Cold and impersonal, poor if proper the fit about that which spanned the distance between them, all else tentative in the rise to caged tongue withheld from vocalisation of more. Such may not temper thought nor want, how it threaded along the expansive network veins wove in tautly strung muscle. Unpredictable time, and fate seemed to bear no care to those not deemed worthy of inclusion in the meagre gallery of the favoured, the moment meant for living.

Light the contact, graze where fur met, minging in shades of silver and rust, closer drawn until near swallowed seemed the child in over-abundant strands. Closer did he squirm, slight the withdraw allowing the prop of chin, along features grown lax beneath exhaustion eyes new in their change moving. Upon tip of tongue words lingered, all too small those at his disposal, however, poor a frame for that which encircled head that ached, further aggravated as teeth pressed harder. Change a slow thing, dawning within the widened of eyes until ivory ringed soft green depths, loosened mouth, surprise reflect until the upward draw once more settled.

"Rhi." As best as one of such miniscule size may about midsection were similarly hooked his own limbs, an embrace that may not reach and thus off balance Foma, into Rhine leaning as he simply enjoyed the moment.

Too soon the harsh clamour breaking delicate illusion, deep in chest broad and defined by muscle rumble drawn, originating from beast he twisted about to catch a mere glimpse of. Upset his balance barely was he caught, about whirling with a pitiful show replacing prior joy, squeaky growl seeping between exposed teeth. Yet none moved in offense, unimpeded the monster that settled among them as though throne may he carve here, a sly devil bearing obscured intention. No other shared his sentiment and thus concluded it with a drawn out grumble, though his coat may not lay flat as of yet, defensive still the stance in which he stood before Rhine, lost that this was the one he had welcomed on the basis of unification.
code by Reggan


Rhine knew that it would most likely be some time before he and Toadwhisker could truly reconcile things. It had been some time since his brother had left, and although Rhinestone was unbearably forgiving, he knew there was a layer of bitterness still lingering on both sides. Despite this, he didn't try to stop the smile that pulled at his muzzle, a soft rumbling purr leaving him as he watched Toad brush himself off, "Oh trust me, I'm well aware of where your head is at. Do try to keep it in the sand a little bit more, though. We could use you." He then offered Toad a slightly more personal smile, although trying to communicate all of the emotions that laid dormant within his chest for the moment. He knew it was impossible to communicate just how much he had missed his brother while he was gone, but the little look did at least make a valiant effort.

The tom did have his attention ripped away, however, by the arrival of Vaas not too long after him, the two of them having been walking in tandem most of the way back to camp. Rhinestone could already see the uneasy looks thrown in the tiger's direction, as well as the way Vaas held himself confidently, trying to seem as mild as possible while still being respected. Clearing his throat, Rhine shot a look at those who were staring, his voice soft as he reminded, "Play nice, everyone. Vaas is the whole reason that we got out of the boardwalk." Much like his relationship with his brother, Rhine knew that it would take a while before the large feline was fully integrated into the group, or at least recognized. However, he could still make an effort to make the process slightly less painful for those involved. The leader then let his gaze dart back to Vaas himself when the other spoke, telling him to get some rest. Rhinestone let out another soft chuckle, knowing that the other was probably right about what he should do. He still felt as though he was swaying on his paws, and he said as such, "Don't worry, I plan on it... I need to recharge my batteries a bit." It would probably be a while until he could fully rest as much as he needed to, but he could deal with that.

When Foamkit turned from him, Rhine found himself glancing down curiously, wondering what had so thoroughly grabbed the child's attention. Soft laughter left the leader as he spotted Foam's battle stance, and the withering glare that the boy had directed at Vaas, clearly protective over Palmclan as a whole, as well as Rhinestone. Gently touching Foam's side with his paw, the flame colored tom said reassuringly, trying to ease the child's worries, "There's no need to get so aggressive, Foamkit. He's a new friend of the clan, I promise. Friend." As soon as he finished his examation, Rhinestone felt a yawn pulling at his jaw, causing his muzzle to open and a flash of teeth to be shown as he very nearly fell over from the force of it. Hastily scrubbing a paw against one of his eyes, Rhinestone then glanced down at Foamkit, questioning the child with a little smile, "You think you'll be alright introducing yourself to our new friends if I get some sleep? I think I really need some rest..." He didn't know how much Foam would be able to understand, but he was fairly confident the kit knew the meaning of the word rest.