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I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - Printable Version

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I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - RHINESTONE. - 09-13-2020

It was time for them to get the fuck off the boardwalk. In technicality, the exploration group had only been on the massive structure for about a week, but that was more than enough for most of them. They wanted to get back to their families back at camp, not to mention how awkward they felt about hunting on the boardwalk with another group present. However, their main exit in and out of the wooden structure – a rather nice slanted ramp that led to both the beach and the boardwalk – had collapsed when they had entered. Therefore, they had been stuck, unless they wanted to risk the far more risky move of jumping from the railings of the boardwalk to the sand, which Rhine really wasn't willing to do. Which meant that, at this point, there was only one thing to do. Meet with Vass, and the rest of his group. Surely they would know the ins and outs of the boardwalk like the backs of their paws, which meant that they would know another way safely in and out – preferably through underneath the boardwalk. That meant that it was time for some negotiation.

When Rhine had initially presented the idea of negotiation to the rest of the exploration group, they had been... less than thrilled to hear it. They firmly believed that Vass was a massive threat, not to be trusted. While Rhinestone couldn't one hundred percent disagree with that, he couldn't one hundred percent agree with it either. After all, if Vass wanted them dead, they would've been dead ages ago, considering the massive size difference between the boss and all of them. That had thankfully been enough to convince most of them, which left only a few stragglers grumbling along as Rhine led everyone towards the twoleg structures on the boardwalk. He glanced around as they passed through, looking at all of the different buildings and attractions that caught his eye with every step. He couldn't stop for any of them, but provided this interaction went alright... he'd be able to explore them more thoroughly later.

It was only a little while before the decently sized group arrived at Vass's warehouse, the towering structure before them, although dilapidated, still held an intimidating air to it. Knocking a paw against one of the massive doors, Rhine squinted against the intense brightness of the inner warehouse, resisting the urge to hiss in pain. Vass's domain was disorienting, and it practically gave the leader a migraine just from looking at it. However, he pushed through, raising his voice above the general rabble of those around and behind him, "Vass? I've come to speak with you. Actually, I've come with my entire exploration group to speak with you. I'd like to try and negotiate a bit, between your group and Palmclan. I believe that we can... help each other." Hopefully Vass would believe the same, since Rhine didn't have much of a backup plan if things went wrong.

Re: I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - TOADWHISKER. - 09-13-2020


Before had evidence piled, the notion within a tentative, careful hold did the one he had deemed brother with an interwoven mess of love and hate was one that had come to pass, all the same ignorant had he been. Simple rumour, wishful thinking, possibly even claim upon a title he did not hold simply to garner more attention and power.

It was all true, each wretched little piece of information he had desperately ignored.

Long ago had he thought jaded his consciousness, unfettered and spoiled by the experiences he had gone through where once the domineering force had stood tall above them all. Yet he had been naive in such believe, the last vestiges crumbling as the words had rung through his skull. Redpond was gone. Others, always more reduced to nothing more than sinew and bone, burial never allowed for swallowed in the frothing waves had they been. Resolute on denial, making mockery of the words the leader spoke with an air he was unfit to carry, dignified yet broken, a man succumbing to that which plagued Toad alike.

Slow the steps which drew him forth, not apart of the rabble though among them had he a place, felt the raking gaze that settled, disgust and hope, surprise and hatred, differing each response as realisation settled. Apart did he halt, irritation announced in irregular flick, plumed tail shifting over wood and debris, all else still. Not his place. He knew this now, ostracised from home and residence he was a mere spectre within, dark ghost tired in his growing age. Yet Toad lingered, watched with hopeful eyes the entrance, ears strained for any response.
code by Reggan

Re: I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - VASS . - 09-14-2020

Contrary to popular belief, the boardwalk was his group’s main territory, and the two leg was mostly on the outskirts of it. It was a part of land that they mostly ventured to to hunt; and it was where Vaas had found a place to settle. What once was a home to a singular mammal transformed almost into the camp of the group. Cargo containers, cages (some closed, some open: all in use one way or another) Storage boxes piled along the interior of the warehouse. The walls painted in neon colors; each surface littered with an assortment of personality. Some skulls, mostly pelts painted with the same brilliant hued brush. It was a place of paradise, of never-ending party.

The music that thrummed throughout the entire building was halted with the Boss’ command: and the chung of his crew that was within the building paused to look towards the approaching group. He sighed as he watched the group make their way through the maze towards Vaas’ spot in the back of the building. Atop a cargo container and a fresh cut of prey at his paws. Unlike him; his group saw the prize that stumbled into their lap when the group had become stranded there. Testing their will’s against the threats of the hoards of rats that flooded the boardwalk. Watching them be scarred away by the newcomers; most felt grateful for them, Vaas only felt agitation; annoyance.

It settled as he looked down towards Rhinestonestar, a quiet tension as the leader demanded his attention; Vaas remained in his spot, tail behind him thumping lightly at the hallowed perch of his- not hiding his own agitation of the intrusion. Vaas was not a selfish ruler, and instead of paying any heed towards the leader, he looked out towards his crew. The small group of the boardwalk group looked on- from the encroutchers it would look blank most of them- or eager; Vaas saw beyond that, the twitches and fidgits: hopeful the all of them. He let out another sigh, though they were all silent as soon as the group of Forastero’s entered his abode, he knew they would all pay attention to what would be said.

what kind of … deal” Vaas’ voice  spoke in a droll tone. His large form showing nonchalance if not the hint of agitation of a flicking tail.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - RHINESTONE. - 09-15-2020

Toadwhisker's presence might have been an unnerving issue for the leader, had it not been for the fact that the other faded into the rabble all around he and Vass. For the moment, Rhine had his attention laser focused only on the tiger before him, both for the purposes of his clan, and so that he wouldn't get more disoriented by the brightly colored walls all around. He could hear the faint shifting of the exploration group behind him, he clanmates no doubt trying to get their own handle on things, struggling against the previously loud and bright environment. It was much different than the usual peaceful sights that most Palmclan members were used to, although that didn't necessarily make it worse. Rhine knew that he needed to keep an open mind, especially if the deal that he had in mind worked. Even if the two groups were different because of their vastly contrasting environments, that didn't mean they had to butt heads. Rhinestone knew this, pushing past the nausea and faint spinning of the world around him that the warehouse unfortunately brought on.

On some level, the rust colored tom could tell that Vaas was slightly unnerved by their visit, or at the very least annoyed. It was easy to see in the twitch of the other's face, and the slow lash of his tail. However, the other leader seemed as though he was reasonable on some level, and even more importantly, he listened to his members. That gave Rhine an in, especially considering how many of the boardwalk creatures were staring at him with excitement, and interest. Sparing a brief glance around at all of them, Rhinestone raised his voice slightly so that he could be heard, "'I'm sure that you and your group have already noticed that my clan is somewhat stuck here, on the boardwalk. And while our exploration has been fruitful and interesting, we do wish that we could get back to our own home." Oh, how he missed the sunny surroundings of the camp, and the pleasant buzz of distinctly Palmclan energy in the air. He pushed past his reminiscing, continuing, "I believe that our groups could benefit each other. In exchange for you showing my people and I a safe way off of the boardwalk, I offer you a merger with Palmclan. Your group would be treated as complete equals within our ranks, and the boardwalk and the beach would unify together to become one unified territory. This would not only let your people have even more space to move around and hunt, but it would also mean that we could use our combined strength to drive the rats out of here once and for all. That's my deal, if you'd like to accept it." He had seen how the vermin scampered about, and he had also seen the way that Vaas sneered at them. Hopefully, Rhine's offer would be tantalizing enough.

Re: I DON'T COOK, I DON'T CLEAN ☆ o, negotiations - METEOR - 09-15-2020

Quasar’s neck fur stands on end when the music cuts out. Head resting on his paws, the pup turns to the PalmClan group. He recognizes Toadwhisker and Rhinestonestar; his blue gaze lingers on the brothers for a second. Strangers. They are strangers, but helpful strangers all the same.

He sighs, chin digging into his forelimbs.

His ears twitch at the mention of driving off the rats, and his teeth flash. Quasar hates the vermin, but the cats kill them well. Small nuisances require small hunters, perhaps? Despite Vaas’s individual strength, the tiger can’t kill tens of rats in one blow.

Quasar jerks his head up in sudden interest, which looks like a blob of color suddenly breaking away from the neon walls. One of the PalmClan warriors staring in his direction looked woozy for a second, but Quasar paid the stranger no mind. He has no idea the dizzying colors disorient their visitors; he has no idea he looks unusual, either. They are the unusual ones, with their stupid flat colors and solo tails.