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LUCKY | open - Printable Version

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LUCKY | open - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The mutated jaguaress had decided to do one of her favorite things even if it did remind her of her past, she loved doing it since it had been a favorite pass time that she spent with her only child. It was a little harder with her golden talons but she was able to manage it as she held onto her sewing needles with a few yarn balls beside her, her fluffy tail curled around said balls of yarn so they wouldn't roll away. She had dark colors, mild, and pastel colors of yarns. Right now, she was working on a scarf even if it didn't necessarily get cold here it was a nice color and she found it to be quite relaxing. Victory hadn't taken the color into much consideration until she looked it over with a tilt of her cranium noting that it was a pastel orange and slowly recalled about the story that Fen had told her making a smile appear on her face. She had seen plenty of other things that could be made from yarn and she was tempted to try some of that stuff but, she doubted that she would get it on her first try. She closed her eyes taking a moment to think over some things with the scarf resting in her arm before she lifted it and curled it around her neck, she felt quite happy and would proceed to blow a kiss into the air. This caused giggles to burst from Victory's slightly parted lips and she continued to sew a bit more before finally finishing it off.

She would remove it from her neck folding it neatly next to her only to take a bit more yarn into her talons examining it and trying to figure out how to make those cute yarn dolls, she had someone in mind while she did small ball for the base. The color being a dark black-blue hue, she would then expand on her current base humming a soft melody with a smile still present on her maw.

Re: LUCKY | open - Nayru - 05-13-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
It appeared that she wasn't the only one with a scarf anymore.

The young nurse, as curious as ever, seemed to be the first to approach, a gleam dancing within her cerulean-shaded eyes. She envied Amunet's talent for a moment before reminding herself that the Goddesses had bestowed a talent upon her as well and that jealousy only tainted a pure heart. Rather than resenting the other girl for creating something so lovely and interesting, she should relish in her very ability to. That would be what Nayru, Farore, and Din would advise, anyways. [b][color=#6b7e99]"You made that?" She inquired, though she partly knew the answer to her own question. Those talons made the task seem impossible and, without even making an attempt at hiding her skepticism, allowed her gaze to fall upon them. [color=#6b7e99]"How?"

Re: LUCKY | open - beck. - 05-14-2018

    It was safe to say Beck didn't fully understand the joy of arts and crafts. The only hobbies he ever was allowed to indulge were purely survival-based; learning how to tie a snare and to set a trap, how to sew tatters in clothing, how to skin the poor critter he managed to catch, and how to pickpocket off unsuspecting passerby. Did any of those actually count as talents though? He supposed he didn't have a talent like ladies' knitting, a disappointing realization. Well, being able to play an instrument semi-decently without causing ears to bleed was a talent, but missing half of his cheek scratched that off his list.

If Nayru's belief of jealousy corrupting "pure hearts" was true, then Beck's pulseless heart was long shrivelled and warped by envy. It was easy to yearn for privileges and luxuries he never had the chance to have, after all. The most meaningless of things were enough to make his chest tighten and thoughts selfishly fixate on one small detail. A scarless body, a tightknit pack of friends, a good night's sleep, a steady pulse. And, unfortunately, today's scapegoat for all his flaws was the idly-knitting Amunet. Glowering eyes stared from afar as he fiddled with a branch for a reason he forgot, distracted by her talons and the bundles of wool weaved through them. Her airy laughter earned a sharp crack of wood as frigid paws snapped the twig in two with little effort. Beck glanced downwards at his own handiwork after a moment, disfigured snout twitching in surprise at the splintered halves in his claws. Tossing the broken branch aside and staggering up just as Nayru arrived at Amunet's side, the wiry feline did his best to mask a scowl as he sulked over. "With wool, duh," answered the familiar rasp as Beck hovered over Amunet's shoulder, or at least made an attempt to. Another envied trait was the ability to tower over runts like him and to not have to crane his neck to meet most of his peers' gazes. Swiping a grey-blue tongue over teeth, Beck settled into a pout, slouching back just in Amunet's peripheral vision and watching anything but her for signs of danger. His vigilent glare scanned over the finished scarf once or twice, earning a punctured huff from him in bewilderment. They must have been numb to the shifting temperatures, as even his freezing apparition was beginning to acknowledge the dreaded heat of summer creeping in. Why anyone would chose now to knit a wool scarf was beyond him.

Re: LUCKY | open - Morgan - 05-14-2018

Morgan stepped into view with a distinct look of curiosity on its unseeable face. It registered Amunet's object as being similar to Nayru's accessory as it approached. It grunted to greet its fellow Tanglers, letting the top half of its mask melt and shift into a pair of anklets. The samoyed's exposed blue eyes did not leave the scarf as it asked, "Why? Same as Nayru..."

The dog noted that for some reason, the scarf did not seem to affect the jaguar's presence in any way. It was merely a piece of cloth, though a pretty one at that. "Nice," Morgan chirped, nodding as it continued to stare. "Beck wants one too? I do..."

Re: LUCKY | open - Luciferr - 05-15-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"A woman of many talents I see" Fenris mused as he padded over to join his fellows as they gathered around Amunet - he fairly looming as he drew close, always vaguely aware of that he was rather the largest creature in tanglewood currently, both a blessing and a curse sometimes in truth.

War settled in with the gossip gang tilting his head to Beck, Morgan, Nayru and Amunet in greeting, the pendant around his neck catching the light slightly "we should hold a fashion show if scarves are a continuing theme" he teased idly - with a nod Nayru's way, she who could be called a starter of the trend in this case, he didn't mind it like some might - made a change of pace to see everyone indulging in something other than training for when or if Typhoon actually showed bite to their pathetic bark at the moment.


Re: LUCKY | open - COSMIIX - 05-22-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]super late reply but eh

Her gaze lifted up as Nayru would make her way over, the motherly entity would offer a gentle smile before she would answer with a light nod "My mother taught me. She taught me plenty of things that have become fun little hobbies. I haven't knitted in a while but, now that I have it's quite nice. . ." It had been a while since she had shown anyone how to knit, it had been a long time and now that she said Nayru's curiosity she would offer with a twinkle in her golden pools "You can make so much more than just scarves, of course. Do you want me to show you how to knit?" And here came Beck, she would listen to him before she would feel him hovering near her shoulder, she only let out a snort of amusement when she heard his huff and well, if anyone asked her why she was making a scarf well, she was just bored and she preferred to do a hobby rather than go gator fighting. It was a nice way of relaxing, she stared down at the yarn doll in her paws and would pick at some of the dark blues mixing it in, cutting a few strings there until there was spots on the doll itself. She would take a moment to examine it seeing that it had taken the form of a big cat and she smiled a bit still holding onto to it.

She glanced over in the direction of Morgan angling her rounded ears forward and hearing that the dog wanted a scarf made her smile "Of course, Morgan."[/color] She spoke setting the yarn doll down as gently as she could before taking some light yellow wool into her talons though another voice made her look up, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat within her chest hearing what he said at first "Ah, how kind of you to notice."[color=yellow] The next bit made her shake her head lightly at his idle teasing and she proceeded to unwrap the pastel orange scarf and in a surprisingly swift movement would wrap it around Fen before loosening her grip and winking in his direction "Well, if it's a fashion show here's your complimentary scarf." There was a brief pause before she would giggle adding "I suppose this means I don't have to imagine you in pastel anymore," She motioned to his new scarf with a wave of her talons before setting to work on Morgan's scarf.

Re: LUCKY | open - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-23-2018

Zimavich touched his neck thoughtfully. ”Vot idi, mal'chik!” He shook his head and the image of a smiling girl vanished. What was missing? Something wasn’t right.

”Pink.....” Why was that important? ””He whined, prodding the Jaguar with his nose. ”Me...” He made the knitting motion with his paws. ”I know.

Re: LUCKY | open - Nayru - 05-23-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"I..." Nayru's voice was soft, contemplative, [color=#6b7e99]"I would love that." Her own mother had died giving birth to the tiny Medic and thus took with her to the grave any possibility of Nayru acquiring skills that she didn't teach herself- knitting included. If Amunet was willing, then the cream tabby would be as good of a student as she could and learn. It was a nicety that the mutated jaguar hadn't needed to offer but did regardless and it stirred some sort of longing within her- longing for that maternal figure that she had never once been familiarized with. She had her father, but his care for her extended only to her clairvoyant powers. Not her. Never her. The closest thing to a mother that she had ever had was one of the elderly fae designated with caring for her... but she had passed long before Nayru abandoned the Akala forest.

Beck disturbed her thoughts and earned a humorous roll of her cerulean eyes. [color=#6b7e99]"I know it's wool," She responded with a light laugh, glancing at the others who joined them. The scarf that was coiled around her neck felt less foreign to her in that moment and, proud of her accessory suddenly, Nayru puffed her chest out. [color=#6b7e99]"We all look wonderful," She decided with an affirmative nod of her head, practically glowing now as she stared at the pastel scarf intended for Fenri and the one Amunet had begun for Morgan. She emitted another laugh before continuing, [color=#6b7e99]"Who knew I'd be a trendsetter."

Re: LUCKY | open - Luciferr - 05-25-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
It continually surprised him on how often she could take him offguard - especially now when the unfamiliar warmth of the clothing wrapped around his neck - a slight addition to his already warm frame, he blinked momentarily before noticing the colour and then her quip - to which he snorted "Indeed - I already regret mentioning it" he spoke idly with a light playful note of 'long suffering' in his voice.

his eyes skipped over to Nayru at her words and he lightly nudged the younger nurse with a smile "as trends go, this one's new but not unwelcome" now no one could truly bemoan accessories given they were all seemingly bundled in scarfs now, fenris idly ducking his head to burrow into his lightly.


Re: LUCKY | open - Morgan - 05-25-2018

Morgan's tail couldn't help but wag at the positivity of the scene. Even the quieter Nayru and Zimavich were enjoying themselves, it seemed. Only Beck was properly out of it, which confused the samoyed. In any case, it looked thoroughly impressed, the rest of its mask melting into water to expose its smiling face.

Morgan stared at Fenrisulfr; seeing its friend in such a cute scarf made it particularly happy. It trotted over to him and sniffed for a moment, admiring Amunet's work. "You look good, Fen-ri-sul-fr," it said to the larger beast, the samoyed's smile growing. It walked toward Amunet herself next, watching intently. "Very nice," it mumbled, wondering whose scarf the next one would turn out to be.