Beasts of Beyond
certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - Printable Version

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certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - Stryker - 09-12-2020

On the east coast of the island, near the ravaging ravine, laid a small beach. It was almost untouched by the tsunami. It's white sand was littered with the finest of seashells and the trees nearby still grew the finest of the fruits. Amongst the fallen woods and the littered beaches, this was a hidden treasure within their destroyed home. Nonetheless, Stryker tried to keep the area a secret. Nonetheless, it was not long before others started looking for a safe spot and overtook the area for their events. Nowadays the area was rarely deserted. On this fine day though, not a soul dared to enter. Except one.

Within the clear waters of the ocean swam a blonde bimbo. Rising from the depths of the sea, their golden hair whipped around almost in slow motion. Green eyes revealed themselves. With a wicked glint in their eye and a smirk upon their maw, they offered a hypnotizing wink to the ongoing crowd who watched in awe. Upon looking closer, the gathering group let out a gasp. Who was this wet beauty? Their discovery came quick. Their Kingpin, the vivacious beast, laid upon their eyes. The lion waved gently, his smile growing wider.

As they continued to admire, he continued to enjoy his time within the water. Every now and then, he'd show off. Wanderers grew closer, aching to join him... and he could tell. They wanted him. A narrow gaze shifted upon the horde. "This pussy is wet, come take a dive," he cooed. After all, a cat needed company sometimes.

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - ARGUS - 09-12-2020

Crude words tumbled out of the kingpin; Argus felt the thrill of taking the challenge for herself. A sly smile along her maw- seen for once; the beast without the mask showed a scaled muzzle coated in five pairs of eyes. crooked serrated maw flashing yellowed fangs that once hid behind a mask- seldom was the wonderer ever unmasked these days- but sand getting under it was a horrid affair- and drying salt under it from the sea was never appreciated: this day argus planned to take and make an example of her own enjoyment on the beach. It has been a while since the dragon took to the sea.

The first thing was the entrance, enjoying the beach before Stryker opened up the challenge into the open air. Argus was the first to react. Leaping into the air- causing many of the rest of the clan to duck as strong wingbeats shook the air and kicked kicked up the once pristine beach. A roaring laugh from the dragon as she moved to take a swan dive into the water nearby the kingpin- aiming to take him down with the force she hit the water; or the splash that took soon after

The feeling of water on the great scarred burns along her back was soothing. The salt a mild irritant to the last specks of fur along her scorched back. Still, she dived deep into the water clawing at the sand under and pushing herself back up to the surface with a shuddering laugh as she rose. Revealing her own fangs towards the growing awed crowd that came to oogle at the kingpin would now see the threat lingering as well into the water.

"if you're looking for a deeper dive" Argus crooned, swimming towards the kingpin like a snake slithered in the sands. Wings bending and contorting along the edge of her spine. "we are on the wrong side of the island"
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - Bareilles - 09-17-2020

Barei was neither extravagant nor as eye-catching as the two in the water. He was a big cat with a few scars, and who hadn't seen one of those? He didn't have the out-there personality or the up-there looks (mainly due to his facial scarring, if he wore an eyepatch he could be considered fawn-worthy, and he'd definitely been a heartthrob in his younger years), which usually made him a bummer to be around- really, the only thing he had going for him was intimidation. He was old, not ridiculously old but definitely climbing that stairwell, and he was quiet and somber and, well- perhaps he was the stereotypical bad boy in every romance flick he'd ever watched, actually. Maybe he did have something going for him, but that didn't matter much these days: he had very little interest in promiscuity or romance, and he didn't find he had much of a need for any kind of camaraderie either, but in this rag-tag bunch perhaps he should try to at least make an impression, as if he hadn't the moment he called the yellow dude an edgy psycho the first time he met him.

Still, he found himself frozen in shock. Well, the first time he'd met Stryker he was cold and withdrawn but had an appreciation for humour at the very least; he hadn't expected him to be seductive, but then he supposed everyone had their secret talent- his was painting with his mouth, but that was less eye-catching than the little display currently going on.

And oh, he had yet to meet Argus, hadn't he? What a first impression, he thought idly, single green eye roaming over the two beasts dallying in the water as if their lives weren't draining away before their very eyes... Or maybe that was why they were acting like overgrown, hormonal teenagers. Everyone had time until they didn't anymore, why waist it?

That in mind, the feline moved silently to dip his toes in the water, freezing in shock at the chilly temperature and the reminders of that one time he drowned (and yet here he was, not dead. A shame, really), though eventually waded carefully into the water with a quiet hum.

Call him close-minded, but the words that reached his ears didn't sound child-friendly but he definitely didn't know the insinuation behind them, either. Even so he found himself floating placatingly over to the dragon and the lion, unaware that the sun glistened off his sleek, glossy coat in just the right way, or the way the beams of light lit up his pupilless, emerald eye to look as if they were made from the very stone itself.

Maybe he just didn't appreciate his own likeness very much.

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - ninazu - 09-17-2020

From atop a coconut tree, Ninazu looked down at the swimming animals. Her right eye twitched, though the serval couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze, but their chatter interfered with the quite solitude. She huffed and tried to clear her mind.

But a wicked idea popped into existence, and she grinned, instead. Drumming her jelly bean toes on a coconut, she gritted her teeth in concentration. Using telekinesis, she detached one green coconut from the bunch. Focusing her aim by raising a paw, she stared down Stryker and shot the coconut straight for his butt.

Then she grinded her teeth, hearing her jaw pop. She reloaded her telekinesis catapult and shot off two more in rapid fire, though with poor aim. Did it matter if it hit Argus or Barei? That would certainly be a bonus, but she accomplished her primary objective.

{ Orion gave permission to thwack Stryker! }

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar hadn't been apart of the group that was here to admire Stryker at first, but the demon was definitely drawn over when he heard murmurs of something going on at a 'new' area of the territory. Of course being the nosy little feline that he was, he came to investigate, only to come and see that all this awe and wonder was over...

A beach. A fucking beach. Sure, it was mostly untainted by nature, though with Wanderers (and Stryker in particular) gathered around, the beach was definitely getting its fair share of dirtiness. Caesar rolled his eyes at the display, huffing and muttering to himself about how much of a waste this time was, before plopping himself underneath a coconut tree. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't bothered to look and see that Ninazu was perching on said tree.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - ninazu - 09-20-2020

Ninazu telekinetically plucked another coconut, floating it towards her and grasping it between her paws. This one, ripe enough to develop fuzz on the outer shell, would do. Beneath her paw pads, fire sparked and ignited the surface. The flames criss-crossed on the shell and grew until the coconut became a giant fireball, unrecognizable for what it was.

The serval glanced down the tree, her short tail lashing. Caesar settled down calmly below in undeserved tranquility. She took a deep breath, steadied her paws. Sticking her tongue out, she held out the flaming coconut and aimed.

When she was certain the flaming coconut would bonk Caesar in the middle of his spine—hopefully paralyzing the fucker—she grinned. Smoothly releasing the coconut, she watched it drop through the air like a targeted missile, silent as an owl and ready to break some bones.

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-21-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Perhaps Caesar should have been a little bit more aware of his surroundings, but of course the dream demon was only aware of himself and what was in front of his face. He had no idea that Ninazu was preparing to hit him like she had done Stryker until he felt the flaming ball of coconut smacked his backside. The lower half of his body was very slightly thrown forward from the impact and while Caesar technically didn't feel any pain from it, that didn't mean he didn't feel the smack or his body going numb, likely from a fracture or something (honestly, he didn't know or care at this moment).

What he did care about, however, was who hit him. Obviously, it wasn't hard to notice Ninazu sitting above him with a shit-eating grin on her face - and the fact that Caesar was vaguely aware of her being the one chucking coconuts at Stryker. "What the FUCK was that for?" He screeched. If he were able to move the lower half of his body, he probably would have jumped up from where he was laying down, but all he could do was just glare up at Ninazu for right now. "I haven't even fucking done anything to you this time, bitch!"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - ninazu - 09-22-2020

Ninazu placed a paw over her mouth, giggling at Caesar’s reaction. The laughter bubbled and boiled into a full maniacal cackle, and she almost threw herself off the palm tree with her writhing howls of laughter. Whenever the laughter died down, she rolled her head over to look at Caesar’s broken form, and burst out laughing again.

“I’m sorry, it’s just too perfect,” she said. She wiped the back of a paw over her eyes, and the laughter faded into occasional giggles. “I didn’t think you’d actually—oh, wow, how the mighty Caesar looks now! Do you have even an ounce of self-preservation? Or awareness of other people’s suffering? I thought you’d notice, holy fuck, I can’t believe that worked!”

By the time she finished giggling at him, her laughter crescendoed up to full volume. “That worked!” she repeated, breathless, her belly aching from all the laughter.

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-23-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
She was laughing at him. She was laughing at him. Caesar glared up at Ninazu, watching the serval lose her cool and practically become a hyena - metaphorically speaking, of course. With her laughing, Caesar definitely could've mistaken her for one. Caesar said nothing in response to her, however and simply glared at her, his front claws digging into the sand underneath him.

Caesar flicked an ear, focusing his energy to send a bolt of lightning at the branch [member=2040]ninazu[/member] was perched on, in an attempt to knock her off the branch. If he accidentally misaimed and hit her however, that would be fine - but his true aim was to just spook her and break the branch off of the tree.

//permission given by Axi for Caesar to shoot lighting at Ninazu![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: certified freak, seven days a week ━ [WAP... SWIMMING] - ninazu - 09-24-2020

Blinded by her own laughter, Ninazu ironically failed to notice Caesar’s increasing rage and the tell-tale twitch of an elemental attack. When the lightning’s flash blinded her half-open eyes, Ninazu startled and snapped out of her laughing fit. However, she failed to react fast enough to do any good—he launched lightning at her, after all.

The branch cracked, but the thunderous boom covered the sound.

Suddenly dropping in the air, Ninazu instinctively rotated to land on her paws. The palm she’d chosen, however, wasn’t the tallest thing in the world. She landed on the sandy beach shoulder-first, the breath driven out of her lungs by the impact.

Glaring at Caesar—who else, out of those attending, would’ve dared launch lightning at her?—Ninazu stood up, right shoulder aching. “Touche, Lemonhead,” she hissed.