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WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - Printable Version

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WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - lovekit. - 09-10-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Lovekit had started to make a habit of exploring Palmclan's territory, wanting to get the most of the place before he returned home – whenever that might happen. Occasionally he found himself getting scolded when he returned to camp after an adventure, usually by warriors that knew him to be a child. However, sometimes he was able to go back and forth in and out of camp with ease, mainly because his hybrid nature and larger size caused people to be unsure of whether or not he was an apprentice. It was a good advantage, particularly when he wanted to get out and discover something new, which was exactly what he wanted to do today. Thankfully, it was a day where one of the warriors who didn't know of him well was guarding the edge of camp, which meant that he could just approach with a relaxed smile. The warrior blinked at him before just offering him a nod, allowing him to pull himself up and out of the little sandy valley, and out onto the open beach. Immediately, his heart soared, feeling as though he were at home, even though he knew he was quite far from his true home.

This time, Lo's journey around led him to where the cliffs met the beach, the boy's green gaze wide as he watched the waves slam heavily against the base of the stone. He watched with interest, glancing upwards and wondering how far he could get if he dared to try and climb the cliffs. He knew he had seen Palmclan warriors going towards the place to hunt, which meant it wasn't impossible to get up. Thankfully for everyone, Love's attention wasn't solely focused on the cliffs for long. The hybrid took one step forward before his paw collided with something soft in the sand, causing him to startle and look downwards. It looked to be a piece of cloth, causing him to tilt his head in confusion. Leaning down to grab it, he pulled it free from the sand it was buried in, surprised to see that it was a pale blue bandana, with a design featuring a scene of the night sky with the ocean under it. He wasn't sure if it had been left behind by humans many years ago or what, but he was immediately enchanted with it.

After a bit of struggling with his own clumsy paws, Lovekit had managed to tie the bandana around the thick fluff of his neck, a grin coming to his muzzle. Once he knew that it was secure, he turned away from the cliffs, having lost interest in trying to scale them. Instead, his interest was solely on rushing his way back towards camp, calling out excitedly, "Guys! Guys! Look what I found! Doesn't it look nice on me?" Lo hadn't been taught to be too vain about his appearance, but he couldn't help how excited he was to show off to the others.

Re: WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - Grimm - 09-11-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Animosity was all too strong a descriptor to frame that which had taken root in tender heart, coiled about arteries with constricting vines.

Numerous the times he had been permitted further freedom than may well have been safe for one of such age, convinced in manner that came rather easy, promise to adhere to chaperone in part responsible. Yet the whims that plagued were prone to getting in the way, more tantalisingly exciting compared to the meagre activities often allowed. Better this set up in the long run, already experienced the result when barred. Things never stay the same, however, tightened the restrictions until left with limited choices was the kitten.

Traversal of the shallow dip was observed from where face had been pressed between sand streaked paws, the irregular movement staged behind, short tail carving a groove into the loose grains, making apparent his thoughts upon the ease with which Lovekit exited camp. By no means may one be thought lesser for such, indeed odd the sight made by creature produced by those larger, offspring inheriting such if still awkward with the period before growth evened out. He was not of them in ways beyond even skin, a stranger from shores that were similar but different,

Was that not what he was, a stranger accepted simply for he was a lost child.

The bright warmth of sunlight beating against his back ejected such trivial notions, or it may simply have been a query too grand for mind to hold, heavy grown lids freely allowed to slide shut. All too soon disturbance, arriv heralded by crowing over found treasure. Blurry vision settled upon other, relished luxury the stretch of limbs paired with a wide yawn, stumbled the first steps as he arose once more. Close did he tread, squinting towards the item nestled among thick ruff.

Jealousy. Perfect the fit about the cloying weight pressing into his chest forward leaning until he might press crown of head to Lovekit's leg, an act not alike the charge from their first meeting but more the exhaustion catching up as they voiced a quiet squeak.
code by Reggan

Re: WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - lovekit. - 09-12-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
The first to arrive to greet Lovekit's rampant excitement was none other than Foamkit, which wasn't exactly surprising to the hybrid. It seemed that, as time went on, he and Foam grew closer and closer, despite the fact that the other child had initially disliked him. The Typhooner couldn't help the faintest of awkwardness that lingered within him over being an outsider in Palmclan's camp, but Foamkit's gradual acceptance had been a boon. Maybe that acceptance had come more quickly because Lovekit was a pleasant playmate for the younger kit, or maybe for other reasons, but the hybrid didn't care much for the reasoning. All he cared about was that he had made a new friend, and while the other sometimes had an odd way of showing his affections, Lo was gradually becoming used to it. Really, it would be a shame when Lovekit eventually had to leave, and return back to the home that he had left behind – even if he preferred not to think about that, at least for now.

Having been puffing out his chest with pride to show off his new prize, Lovekit found himself letting out a soft squeak of surprise as Foam collided with his leg, even if it was slowly. Lo stared down at the other for a moment, before a grin split across his muzzle. He touched his nose gently to the other child's head, his greeting of choice considering the other had basically collapsed against him. He then spoke, his short canine-esque tail waving back and forth as he purred, "Hey, Foamkit! You like my new bandana? I found it on the beach, and I think it looks great on me! Maybe we could find one for you too..." Lovekit then paused, his face screwing up a little in thought before he shook his head, "Oh, wait, it's not as easy for you to get out of camp... well, then, maybe I could find one for you. Then the two of us could match!" It would be a sign of Lo's journey and connection to Palmclan, even when he inevitably ended up returning back to The Typhoon. However, he didn't mention that to Foam, not wanting the younger kit to panic. Lo didn't know if Foamkit really knew he would eventually have to go, but it was best not to bring it up either way.

Re: WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - Grimm - 09-22-2020

Friend. Once, within a time lodged in days past within easily tallied rise and fall of sun settled comfortably now among fleeting wisps, rejected the notion. Though momentarily quelled the misplaced anger he had directed to other upon simple basis he had been a stranger, a dwindling growth it caged in overburdened chest. A mere factor of his own situation, even as lessons on etiquette and the proper manner in which to handle forgein entities upon the secluded shore continued it lingered in the backdrop. Or maybe a simple matter of growth that must be conducted, choking all that arose in overpowering bouts, intense the catalogue of emotion he was subject to during each day.

Chilled that which pressed to his head, back flicking ears as he voiced another little sound, a huff more than anything, air escaping between clenched teeth. Back did he pull to a slight degree until it was chin that may be propped up, slight the tilt to it. Still was it there, that burning jealousy clawing against ribs and the walls of throat alike, yet tempered had it grown now, it seemed infectious the joy Lovekit derived from his find. And it was indeed eye catching, against the hues of his coat the scene depicted stood out in bold strokes, unconscious the upward drift of a paw.

Never would it reach destination, however, displaced Foam as Lo finished his words with a shake of his head, settling once more upon his paws as he looked up to the hybrid with a quizzical gaze. Lost some of the words, slow hut present the improvement as he achieved a better grasp on the language most common, enough registering to bring forth a grin. Once more upward reached paws though they were light in tapping against his leg as high as he was capable of doing so, indicating for Lo to lower himself, the matter of having something only for them removing any worry his presence beyond the valley may be discouraged.
code by Reggan

Re: WHY YOU GOTTA BE MEAN ☆ o, new accessory - lovekit. - 09-23-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
If Lovekit had known that his excitement was so infectious, he probably would've been delighted, far more inclined to weaponize it against others in the future. The child as a whole disliked anger and conflict, whether it arise from jealousy or disputes over territory, although he supposed that was natural. He had yet to see anything major crop up with The Typhoon yet – born too late to have seen the war against the Pitt that had been a driving force for his mother – but he had learned his history. He knew that it probably wouldn't be too long before something else came along to try and threaten him, or try and threaten his family as a whole. He could only hope that nothing would threaten Palmclan, considering Lo had come to care for them as nearly a second home. It was inevitable that he would eventually return back to The Typhoon, and when he did, he didn't want to leave the clan behind to whatever dangers they could face. If it were up to the young hybrid, he'd probably just try to get the entire world to get along, without any worries of battles or yelling or anything of the sort. Thankfully, it seemed as though he had gotten through to Foamkit to the point where the other didn't wish to hiss at him anymore, or huff at his new prize.

When Foam's gaze fell on him, Lovekit was partially aware of the fact that the other probably hadn't understood all of his words. Relatively small was the age difference between them, but Lo's was still on a different level from his friend, able to understand more complex sentences. Aware of this fact, the boy was prepared to try and cut down on his word count, and hopefully get his message across in the simplest way he possibly could. It didn't seem as though he needed to, however, when he noticed Foamkit tapping against his leg in a silent request. It took a couple of seconds before Lo realized what the other was requesting, a soft laugh leaving him before he settled himself against the ground. With his long legs temporarily folded beneath him, Lovekit questioned curiously, "You wanna go along with the two of us...? Well... okay! All aboard!" Perhaps Lo's judgment wasn't the greatest, especially with the older boy knowing Foam wasn't supposed to go out, but... Lo was still a child. He wanted Foam to be able to explore as much as he did, regardless of the rules.