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Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - Printable Version

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Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - SirDio - 09-10-2020


The hybrid had little issue navigating the forest, passing into more spacious land with ease. Her smooth body loved the sunlight that now hit her, seeming to energize her as she started to move faster. Flicking her tongue, she caught scent of rat, one of the few things her teeth actually let her eat. She dropped into a crouch/slithering position, body so low to the ground that her scutes were actually touching said ground. As she moved forward, the scent of other felines, as well as odder scents than her own, drifted toward her, but she ignored them as she focused on the rat ahead of her.

Closing the distance, she springloaded her haunches, and coiled her tail so that it would aid her in the lunge. Blinkless eyes focused on the sizeable rat, jaws opening in preparation. She stayed still for a second, then lunged at the rat, claws out to grasp it. It squealed in panic before she wrapped her tail around it, squeezing the life out of the Rat until it gave into her grasp.

Unhinging her jaw, she clamped down on the head of the rat, starting to eat that fool whole like the snake-thing she was. She's pretty quick about it, too, finishing in little time. Rat snake appetites, gotta love them.

Anyway, she finds a flat rock and lays down, coiling her tail around her. The scent of cats and other things still there - and she was choosing to ignore them.

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - trojan g. - 09-10-2020

From afar, Medusa seemed as though she was a normal cat. Sugarspice would take note of this as she saw the other lying down on a rock not too far in front of her. She hadn't seen the other eat, and at the moment only saw her from behind.

The closer Sugar got to her though, she could tell something was off. She'd seen a mutated creature before - he was currently in their camp hanging out with the other children - but she felt as though she would never be able to get over the odd appearances at first, always unsuspecting of it. "Hello?" She would call out towards the creature on the rock, ears pricked and eyes looking forward, scanning the other for a moment. "You're in PalmClan's territory, could I have your name?"speech"

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - SirDio - 09-10-2020


Paying no attention to her surroundings, the voice of someone saying hello made her freak out. She practically leapt to her paws before dropping down into a crouch, whipping her head to look at the stranger. A rather pretty dilute calico. A hiss rose from her throat and drifted into the air, her tail buzzing madly.

Her ears flicked, as did her tongue, before she began to relax. So, the land she was venturing in belonged to a group called PalmClan? A strange name. Her tail stopped buzzing and she simply sat down. "My name's uh.. Medusa! I, uh, had a feeling this place had someone running it, all the scents and such." Her tongue flicked to emphasize on the word 'scents'. "What's your name?"

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - lovekit. - 09-10-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
A hybrid. Hybrids weren't unusual back where Lovekit was from, especially considering the fact that he and his littermates were all hybrids. The boy had come to realize, however, that Palmclan wasn't actually used to hybrids, nor were they used to other more unusual creatures. The clan had adapted to a couple of non-felines thus far, but they were still growing, and Lo found himself more commonly surprised by what they hadn't seen. Even though Love wasn't particularly hurting to leave Palmclan anytime soon, he couldn't lie and say he hadn't missed seeing some creatures more like himself, so Medusa's presence was... a comfort, actually. Maybe some would see that as odd, but Lo felt a connection between them, even if it was just from one hybrid creature to another.

On some level, Lo knew that he wasn't actually supposed to be out of camp. The clan frowned upon children just exploring on their own, and he had been made quite clear of that. However, the child liked to think himself special, considering he was bigger and stronger than the other kits of the domestic feline variety. So, he showed little shame in following after Sugarspice, a grin coming to his muzzle as he spotted Medusa. The other hybrid was incredibly unique looking, and Lovekit nearly stumbled over his slightly overlarge paws as he raced his way over. He knew that Sugar was dealing with the important stuff of Medusa being around – such as perhaps welcoming her into the group, or figuring out her intentions – but he cared little for all of that. With his short tail wagging enthusiastically back and forth behind him, the hybrid said cheerfully, "I know you didn't ask my name exactly, but I'm Lovekit! You look really cool... do you come from someplace really cool? Cause Palmclan is a place like that, and where I'm from..." Even though he had only been in the clan briefly, Palmclan had unintentionally become a bit of a second home for the boy. It offered him an escape from the grief he had been feeling before – not to mention the fact that he didn't actually know how to get back to The Typhoon from here.

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - Grimm - 09-11-2020

Here you are and you’re all you wished to be
[size=9px]( silver tabby ; one month ; palmclan kitten )

You’re alive and you're not alone[/SIZE]
Do not leave the camp.

Numerous the times such had settled among the ceaseless ordains he was expected to adhere to, utmost the importance now during time when their population had been almost halved. Yet, without seemingly failure, escape from chaperone had been a matter simply of extending limited patience, a moment attention drifted enough. Once more had kitten slipped away, the calls ringing forth behind quickly necessitating new exploration.

Brief his halt as transition between terrain began, though sparse grew the covering as trees parted, curious the wide eyes that watched toes part top soil. All too soon attention was driven elsewhere, caught the loose strings of conversation. Poor decision to approach another when he was where he should not be yet appealing the notion, all too small his reserves of energy for another mad dash. Closer did Foamkit tread with heavy steps, bright the squeaky call he voiced before attention found she who called forth such reception.

"Su!" Shortened state of the senior warrior's name fell from tongue grown clumsy as exhaustion arose, to her did he tumble though upon stranger came to settle his vision. "Fen." Recalling the light scolding he had received upon deeming Lovekit a foe he voiced his opinion with a lop-sided smile, well taken the stranger for her oddity was more an interest, unique as wonder arose with his observation of the hybrid.
code by Reggan

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - SirDio - 09-11-2020


The sound and scent of younger individuals brought Medusa's attention to Lovekit and Foamkit. Blinkless eyes stared at them, before she broke the eye contact to look elsewhere, tongue flicking to try and pick up more scents. Shrugging to herself, she looked back at the Trio. "Well, uh.. Lovekit - pretty name, by the way - I..." Her voice halted - was the facility she had only known for two or so months considered cool? The memory of it was all a blur, like a racing wind. "I don't really know if where I came from is considered... 'cool'." She let out a soft, quiet hiss as she felt her scales pinch for a moment. Turning to look at Foamkit, she tilted her head. "You're so small.." She said quietly, flicking her ears.

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - lovekit. - 09-13-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Pretty name, by the way. Medusa's words were enough to make Love's eyes light up, and he silently wished his mother had been around to hear them. After all, it had been her and Sam's decision to name him Lovekit, and he had always thought it was a good one. With Foamkit's approaching presence, Lo only found himself happy and emboldened, glad to see his friend around once again – especially since it seemed that Foam hadn't immediately pegged Medusa as an enemy. Turning his bright green gaze back to the newcomer in question, Lovekit let his tail wag freely behind him, the hybrid saying simply, "Your home wasn't all that cool...? Well, that's alright. If you want, I'm sure that you could make here your home! Sugarspice is really nice, and so is everybody else... and I'm sure Rhinestonestar would let you in. Although right now he's off at the boardwalk... making sure we don't have anymore rat problems." He thought that Rhine's ultimate goal at the boardwalk was rather valiant, even if he found himself worried. After all, hadn't Sugarspice and the others said they were supposed to be back by now...?

Shaking that from his mind, Lo instead focused on Foamkit, casually patting a paw between the other boy's shoulderblades. As he did so, he proclaimed proudly to Medusa, "Foamkit may be small, but he's already really strong. He even managed to take me down in a battle once." That wasn't actually all that impressive, even with Lovekit's larger than average size – not to mention the fact that Lo had let Foam win – but the Typhooner happened to fancy himself a rather great fighter. After all, he was descended from two of the best.

Re: Rat snake Appetites! ~~Joining, Open - Grimm - 09-23-2020

Brief the falter, edges falling as parted mouth in show of surprise, manner pale muscle slipped forth exposing a split tip an unexpected development. His own came to extend as far as was possible, the barbed surface was not within his line of vision, however, grown cross eyed in his attempt to gaze upon it. Of course he did not bear the same, nor even similar, properties and disappointment was voiced in a heavy exhale through flared nostrils. Withdrawn his tongue once more, necessary for other things as it were, yet cut off his chance to speak aloud his query.


Certain the ease with which one may gauge such, within such a tender time as that he occupied growth was steady though time was necessary all the same. The strands along his spine bristled at perceived slight, smoothed in part by sudden pressure against raised shoulders, confusion alighting in vision turning towards origin. Once more softened visage marred beneath growing anger — too strong such, more befitting possibly mere annoyance, more tentative the smile he turned to Medusa. Lost many of that which Lo spoke, his inflection enough to impart a basic premise, high pitched the lilting squeak Foam voiced with head held high.
code by Reggan