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LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - Printable Version

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LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 09-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
After the whole scene that happened the last time she was out, Vayne wanted to make sure she wouldn't get everyone so upset at Mother again; it was clear how upset their words made Aphra, and Vayne didn't entirely understand why everyone was being so harsh towards her mother. They acted like Aphra was mistreating her and her littermates, but Vayne saw this as normal. Aphra was just a tad strict than other parents (like Goldenluxury or Roxanne), but she was still a good mother.

Keeping her thoughts to herself, Vayne set her sights on the ocean once more, but instead of trying to make sure she was doing things right in the eyes of her mother, the little kitten was searching for seashells. Vayne carried a plastic bag in her mouth, occasionally accidentally slipping on the plastic once or twice until it had a couple of seashells in it to prevent it from getting under her paws too much.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - salem - 09-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | The news of Aphra becoming a mother brought conflicting feelings.  The melanistic kodkod hardly knew the fem, although she seemed very blunt and fond of drama -- Salem found himself wary whenever she was brought up, since good things rarely followed.  All the while, the beta found children a pleasure to be around -- their often boundless positive energy always made him smile.  He hoped Aphra felt the same, but the word around the crew left the youth hollow with disappointment.

The autumn soul believed in renewal -- in the silver lining and the best in others.  As far as he heard no one believed in the best of Aphra.  Aside of course, her children, though that flew as an unfortunately blaring red flag to him.

When he spotted one of those aforementioned children, sans mother, the wildcat felt a twinge of relief, although it came with guilt -- Salem didn't want to believe anyone was simply horrible, regardless of the popular opinion.  The vines that curled around his legs tightened, uneasy against the turmoil of negative thoughts.

Soft, his shadowy paws stepped over the sand, dark eyes equally gentle -- curious, albeit quiet.  "Vayne?"  The name felt right, although he hardly knew for sure; unacquainted with any of Aphra's children personally.  "Are you collecting seashells?  Want any help?"

Thoughts of not one, but two, bright sisters flashed in his mind -- happy voices clamoring over the sound of ocean waves.  A pang of longing pierced his heart, though he found respite in the thought of a pass time that would've made them smile; wherever they ran off to.

"I'm Salem, by the way," he murmured, smile more absent and wistful than before. "And two sets of paws and eyes are better than one, yeah?"

Re: LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - SUITEKIT. - 09-09-2020

I never learned to trust a love song
[size=9px]( cream tabby ; two months ; typhoon minnow )

It was not because the words were trite[/SIZE]
A temptress woven from seasalt and poor luck, all sharp tongue that had been shorn of silver coating beguiled by her own hollow vanity. In only stories may she derived her knowledge where concerned unfit mother, at behest of others kept from though reasoning had not been forthcoming. She knew not of Aphra nor the children she had a hand within creating, for such light her mood when paths intersected.

Along sand laced shores had she come to while away her time, largely new among the assembled crew and unaccustomed to their ways, not one to get in the way though the thought had grown tempting at times. Amusing may have been such escapades in the moment, brief interlude in the boredom that surrounded her daily activities, but it was readily dismissed. Kind had been Diya in taking her in, a child lost and clueless, a kindness she would not repay in turmoil no matter her want for something new.

Possibly it was such which halted her movements, forth flicking ears as head cocked to one side. Unfamiliar both, oddity the adornments wound about one though unlike that of those previously acquainted with, curiosity growing too strong to ignore. All the same trepidation was present in approach, marked the sheepish little curl to pale lips, dual toned eyes briefly settling on chosen receptacle.

"Hello." Soft her voice as she muttered simple greeting, to both in turn offering a glance and brief widening of her smile to indicate she spoke to both. "Can I join…?" Unease seeped into query, trailing into a silence her brain seemed to fill yet tight the clamp of her mouth. Good impressions and all that.
code by Reggan

Re: LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - Seakit Roux. - 09-10-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seapaw hadn't interacted much with the younger children of the Typhoon, time taken up between watching over his family and sleeping. Today had been a day of difference, one that found him wandering the beach. He spotted the small group of three, curiosity pushing his paws towards those gathered. Ears pricked, he listened in. Vayne? One of Aphra's then. Salem he recognized, though the one gathered with them didn't strike him as familiar.

He reached the trio and smiled, eyes falling on the creamsicle colored kitten. "Collecting seashells? If you'd like, I could go down and get you some from the deep!" he would offer, flicking his massive shark-shaped tail towards the waves as they laped at the beach. His body would slightly twitch at the idea, longing for a swim within the deep.

Re: LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - ROXANNE R. - 09-10-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
The Officer had decided to free herself of her responsibilities to spend some time with Suitekit, the kitten already having made their way into her heart and in the middle of the bed between her and Diya whenever they were all sound asleep. Her girlfriend having been busy so Roxanne had reassured the other that she could take care of the child, her ears twitching lightly as she followed slowly only to realize that Vayne was there. The memory of Aphra coming out of nowhere to snap at her and Michael embedded in her mind, she bit down on her tongue to stop the growl that wanted to leave her throat. It was best if she kept a distance yet another part of her didn't want to do such just to spite Aphra though, she didn't want to ruin the fun for Suitekit.

With tail lashing behind her, the Officer would nod slowly to Seapaw and Salem "Seapaw. Salem, hello to the both of you." She offered them both a smile only to turn her gaze over to Vayne and Suitekit adding in a gentle tone with a hint of exhaustion "And to you as well, Vayne... Hola Suitekit," Roxanne sat down only to curl her tail around her paws neatly, her eyes moving away from those gathered and her attention shifted in the direction of the ocean. The smell of salt water bringing her comfort though she turned back to the group of four with a smile still present on her maw.


Re: LITTLE FOLDING OF THE HANDS // seashell collecting - roan ; - 09-11-2020

Seashell collecting was not an activity that Roan had indulged in for many months, mainly because he no longer saw the appeal of it. Back when he was just a child, he had been enchanted by the sparkling surface of the shells that lined the shore, and the various colors they came in. Now that he was an adult, however, he no longer saw them as unique and beautiful, having grown used to the way that they dotted the beach he so frequently traveled across. Perhaps that was a little sad, but the soothsayer didn't see it that way. There were a lot of parts of growing up that he didn't care for, but growing more mature wasn't one of them. At least it left him better prepared for the tragedies that seemed to befall his family – even if he usually just ended up becoming more and more numb to everything that happened. Part of him wished that he could just wholly commit to the hermit lifestyle, although a larger part of him knew that would never really happen.

Making his way over to the surprisingly large group that was lingering near the beach, Roan winced slightly at the sight of Vayne at the center of it all. It wasn't that he dislike Vayne, but he did very much dislike Aphra, and he didn't want the other's bitch of a mother to cause more problems for Vayne or the rest of them. However, there was only a moment of hesitation before the draconic feline continued forward, letting out a soft purr in greeting to Vayne, along with the rest. He settled down beside his mama, pressing lightly into her side to say hello, as well as for the warmth she provided. He spoke softly to Fayne once he was settled, gesturing a dark paw towards his home, "If you'd like some seashells, I can give you some from back when I was a kit myself. A few of them are cracked or broken, but most of them are still in good shape, and really pretty." If he couldn't appreciate them himself, then he might as well give them to someone who would, right?