Beasts of Beyond
WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - Printable Version

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WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - gael - 09-09-2020

As Ardent, the laws of the Pitt dictated his word meant the final word; it made sense in context.  However, the vulpine felt no inclination to be a simple dictator -- he believed a leader should listen to their followers.  A leader should be direct too, with expectations and ideas, especially when they affected the everyone.

As the faerie considered the changes he had seen within the Pitt over the year, he knew at least a few 'traditions' he felt deserved the boot -- one in particular disbanded per the Typhoon's command and brought back by Silent. While Gael stood by forging their own path, their own decisions, he did not believe it to be within anyone's right to claim ownership over another sentient creature.  Besides, from a strategic view holding slaves only presented problems for them in the past -- the vulpine simply found no value in the practice.

Regardless, it did not appear to be particularly relevant among the current denizens of the Pitt.  Who among them owned a slave?  To his awareness, Gael knew none.  They had no use for such an obsolete practice.

Despite his own opinions, the Ardent felt inclined to hear the opinions of others; to listen and consider.  In this pursuit, the vulpine trotted to the marketplace as the sun rose over the temples, turning his black and orange fur molten.  His hazel eyes, glinting gold, narrowed briefly in thought -- he already knew his daughter's opinion at least.

Time would see how the Pitt of the present measured against the Pitt of the past.

"Pittians!  Gather in the marketplace." Time would see how the Pitt of the present measured against the Pitt of the past.  "You can expect a meeting later this week, but today I would like to present a topic for open discussion."

"In Silent's reign, the Pitt saw a reintroduction to some otherwise abandoned practices -- I respect my predecessor's push for change, for strength, but I personally believe there is a point in which the old becomes obsolete."

"I am proposing the disbandment of slavery within the Pitt -- as far as I am aware, no one here owns a slave, nor has it ever, in the time I have been here, brought us prosperity to hold onto such a practice."

"As this policy has changed before, I do not wish to reverse it once more without first hearing your voice.  The forum is open; everyone is welcome to speak their thoughts."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - trojan g. - 09-09-2020

As usual, when she heard the call for all to gather in the marketplace, Sweeney had been tempted to just not show up and go take a nap instead. There would likely be enough at the little discussion they were having to cover for herself not being there either way, but she decided against it at long last, and pad over there quietly, ears pricked as she listened to the words Gael spoke.

Getting rid of the slave system didn't matter to Sweeney. In the times she had captured one member of another group, she hadn't expected the other to join in on their group, and had simply captured her just for the hell of it. Slaves were something that didn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things anyway if they were allowed to join the Pitt eventually anyway. Just keep them as captures and feed them and make sure they like the Pitt and force them to join that way. No one would want to join a place after being a servant to another for so long, they'd want to get out of the place.

"I honestly don't care either way, I never really participated in the whole slave thing when it got brought back in the first place." Of course, she had been young when it was around the first time, too young for her to fully remember, but Kydobi had quickly gotten rid of it on the orders of the Typhoon leader and the others that had come to try and destroy the Pitt the first time. "Not having them will keep the other groups off our asses anyway, I'm tired of them coming to the border like they own the place." A scowl came across her maw as she thought of Goldie at the border, demanding Vigenere back from his capture, and her lost fight with the female at the time. She wanted a rematch one day, and she'd hopefully get it as soon as possible. 

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - j a c k . - 09-10-2020

Jack approached the discussion, the small kodkod's approach a silent movement if not for the brazing sight of his pure snow fallen coat. Ice blue eyes looking past Sweeny towards the other fox with a calm, placid expression on his features. He was interested in how Gael would lead the place, in absence to their latest two leaders- one which Jack only truly saw the end of; Gael was not the kind of creature- or fae as it were, that got blood on his paws, at least- he didn't seem the type.

Yet Jack were there when the quiet rage simmered inside the new Ardent's eyes at the meeting. Something that Jack wished to... poke at for curiosities sake, yet the marauder bowed to the hierarchy of the clan, and of the fae; elder's are to be respected. The higher the rank, the higher the power, and this was a discussion. It was not the place, nor the time to antagonize those others like him. They were so few and far in-between as it were.

No, instead he took it in stride, he remained calm; serious -stoic as it were. He approached with the appearance of a level head when behind clever eyes the opposite were more true. Tumultuous- not it a troubling way, not in a traitorous way; but a selfish way. What makes you tick, dear Gael? a part of him wanted to ask, but refrained. Latching onto the conversation- or discussion rather, as it was.

"Silent's reign were... ruthless as one could say." Jack's voice cut into the conversation, looking towards gale as he pondered over his next words. "There wasn't really a need for slavery here, it's just more mouths to feed" Jack decided his words with care, showing off a more blunt face than the gentle creature he favored to expose. "We should focus our efforts down to follow that push of strength. The older ways of slavery was useful at the time, but this is a different Pitt than the one Jervis ruled." Oh, yes- Jack did know of the older leader. If only vaguely. He craved power, he craved many things; but his downfall was that same power was bred of fear, and not respect.

But Gael? He already had Jack's respect, this discussion would prove to only further that respect. He was open to listening to the clan before he made the changes that he wanted, it spoke more about his values than the past leaders. Kydobi who bowed his head to others and suppressed his own clan's wants. Silent who was Ruthless and surged on the freedom of his clan to further his own goals of blooding the clan. Gael?

It was only a matter of time.

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - VALE - 09-10-2020

With one claw, Vale picked at zir teeth while listening to the ardent. The black bunny hardly appreciated waking up to some boring ass announcement—he interrupted zir regularly scheduled sunbathing nap. Yet, Vale’s red eyes lingered on the discussing group, nose twitching.

“Slaves? This is the first I’ve heard of this, man, you guys must be shit-tier at slavery. Or is this whole thing one big prank on the newbies?” Vale pressed a paw over zir face, yawning loudly.

The bunny’s maw continued to open, jaw click click clicking. The herbivore teeth sharpened into fangs. Limbs lengthening, the creature stood up and walked closer. With each step, the melanistic bunny grew until it transformed into a gangly serval.

“Seriously. Is there even one slave around right now?” ze asked, starting to yawn again. Zir body shivered, but Vale huffed out an exhale. Vale’s red eyes glared at the three animals, irritated at their yammering waking zir up. “You guys don’t even seem to give a shit about violence for violence’s sake, anyway. Doubt you guys could capture anyone and beat their individually out of them, unless the animal was, like, I don’t know? Already a traumatized fuck of a child.”

Vale sat back on zir haunches, stifling another yawn as zir fangs expanded and shrank rhythmically.

pittian ★ bunny shapeshifting into a serval ★ literally chaos
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - aine. - 09-12-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Wings shuffling at her side, the petite deer-fox padded towards the gathering.  Discussion.  Her eyes half-lidded, still tired.  But curious.  Her father certainly had a different way of running things than the previous Ardents already.  She liked it, though.  Relieved.  He wanted to know what they wanted.

Well.  The Fleshweaver scuffed the dirt, ear twitching.  Slaves.  Disbanding it?  Good.  "'s wrong..." She muttered.  Aine had never understood it.  Had never liked it.  "We don' have any anyway... We shouldn' do it."

Sure.  It would keep the pirates, the others, off their backs but at the end of the day, the fae simply despised the practice.  No one deserved to be treated like property.  Simple as that.

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - T. ROUX - 09-13-2020


It was the reason why everyone targeted the Pitt and well, he had hated that it was reintroduced by the former Ardent yet it made him relieved to hear that Gael wanted to hear everyone's opinion about it. Trygve didn't want trouble for the Pitt and he was sure that others didn't want that either, a frown on his maw as he walked over with both tufted ears perked. He brushed up against Aine only to sit down slowly next to her before settling all his attention onto Gael, he would listen to what everyone else said and was glad that they seemed to disagree with the practice. Good, he didn't want his own opinion to seem biased or whatever. Ry would nod slowly in agreement to Aine's words only to speak two words "Fuck slavery," It was abrupt and to the point about his opinion.

It seemed immature in some eyes but to him, it was pretty direct about how he felt about slavery in general. "If we continue slavery, it'll only get the other groups on our asses... And seeing how we're currently doing now, I think it's just asking for trouble. Besides, nobody should ever be treated like a piece of property." There was a pause before he continued with a frown on his maw "Everyone should be free and that's what most of us want; freedom." Feeling satisfied with what he said, the draconic boy would fall silent nodding in the direction of the Ardent. Fuck slavery, all his homies hated slavery.

Re: WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE | discussion - gael - 09-14-2020

Gael is admittedly pleased -- content with the immediate and honest responses.  In the end, the vulpine had been willing to discuss at length, argue the points and mediate, but it appeared there would be no need; not with the current majority.  Following the back-and-forth changes to the policy, the Ardent decided it made sense he found little support for the practice.

Sweeny's words brought a sense of pride to the vulpine.  The sense in them spoke of good rationale and thought.

As Jack spoke in agreement Gael nodded -- the Marauder had a good head on his shoulders.  The Pitt could continue their push for strength, without the brute practice of enslaving others.

Towards, Vale, he inclined his head -- since none he knew held a slave, it came as little surprise the newer members had no knowledge of the practice.  "The policy was only recently reinstated during Silent's reign, though as far as I am aware, none have taken advantage of such.For good reason, as far as Gael felt concerned.

Even Aine felt open enough to speak up, voicing an opinion the Ardent fully expected.  He felt an immense surge of pride for her willingness to bring her opinion to the table.  To no surprise, Trygve followed next, his words far more blunt in tone -- Gael expected as such.

"Well said, Trygve --" he would dismiss the brute force of his first two words.  "If the Pitt is truly a band of outcasts, of rebels, as I've heard put once; why shouldn't we advocate for freedom?"
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby